This interactive online seminar is part of a series of online events organised by the Media & Learning Association together with EDMO to highlight specific aspects of the media literacy work of the EDMO hubs and to identify good practice that can be shared by others engaged in media literacy.
The focus of the session:
The Nordic Observatory for Digital Media and Information Disorder – NORDIS
Introduction to the “Digital Information Literacy Guide”
We are all confronted with a bewildering flood of information that they may not be able to filter out with the skills they have acquired in the school community and at home: claims about products by influencers, search results tailored by commercial algorithms, cleverly scripted propaganda and authorisations to track online behavior. It is therefore important to strengthen the digital information literacy of all the web users, especially young people, in order to identify how we are being influenced online. (Presentation)
Central European Digital Media Observatory – CEDMO
Introduction to the Hub (Presentation)
Educational Activities in Poland
What has been achieved by CEDMO Poland? What are the next steps? What are the opportunities and challenges? (Presentation)
How to Survive in the Digital World
Presentation by CEDMO Czech Republic on disinformation, cyberbullying and social networks. (Presentation)
Meet your Trainers
Lucie Šťastná Ph.D. is researcher at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at Charles University in Prague. Her main focus is media literacy and parental mediation. From 2011 to 2014, she worked on various media education projects for schools. In years 2012-2014, she led a research project titled Parents, Children, and Media, which explored parents’ difficulties with parental mediation, and in years 2015-2016, she co-led a national research study mapping media literacy among the Czech population, and she was a national expert on European Audiovisual Observatory’s Mapping of Media Literacy project. From 2017 to 2018, she was a collaborator of Czech School Inspectorate in the research examining conditions, process, and results of media education at primary and secondary schools in the Czech Republic. From 2018 to 2020, she led preschool education part of the project “Supporting digital literacy development” at Faculty of Education, Charles University. Since 2021, she has been leading the group of experts focusing on supporting media literacy in the CEDMO project.
Karina Stasiuk-Krajewska is a Professor of Media Studies, University of Social Sciences and Humanities (SWPS), a media expert, researcher dealing with disinformation and journalism ethics as well as theory and qualitative / quantitative analysis of discourse. She has authored almost 70 publications, mostly in Polish, including three books. Her research interests focus on theory of communication and mass media as well as axiology. She is also interested in professionalization of different branches of public communication, in particular journalism and public relations, as well as theory and methodology of discourse analysis in approaches developed by Foucault, Laclau and Mouffe.
Currently a PhD student at the Faculty of Education of Palacký University in Olomouc, Poland and a lecturer of the E-safety project. His academic focus is on new media in education.
Kari Kivinen, PhD, is an education outreach expert at EUIPO. He has over 30 years of experience in international education. Since 2017 he has led the pedagogical development work at Faktabaari EDU digital information literacy service building on fact-checking methodology and co-authored and piloted the learning materials with fellow teachers around Finland and abroad. He is a member of the Commission expert group on tackling disinformation and promoting digital education.