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War In Ukraine

War In Ukraine

Following Russia invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, there has been a major uptick in disinformation. On 3 March EDMO and its partners set up the EDMO Task Force on Disinformation on the War in Ukraine providing actionable insights relevant for policy- and decision-makers, for public and private stakeholders and for the public at large.

EDMO Task Force On
Disinformation On The War In

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EDMO’s Ukraine-Related Work Encompasses Three Main Areas


Collecting Ukraine-related fact checks from EDMO network and producing periodic insights about main disinformation narratives and emerging trends to look out for. Discover the EDMO fact-checked disinformation on the Ukraine war.

Research and access
to relevant data

Supporting research on Ukraine-related disinformation by collecting existing resources, identifying data gaps, negotiating access to datasets with platforms and connecting researchers working on the topic.

Media and information

Mapping European media literacy initiatives with a Ukraine focus and showcasing best practices.

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