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The Fact-Checked Disinformation
Detected In The EU


The Fact-Checked Disinformation Detected In The EU

European fact-checkers focused a lot of their efforts in the past days and weeks in detecting and tackling disinformation concerning the situation in Ukraine.

At the beginning of the year, as the crisis was growing in intensity, the spread of false news about Ukraine detected in the EU was still very small. Fact-checkers detected a growth in the first half of February, even if the qualitative and quantitative levels of the disinformation was not alarmingly high.

After the military actions against the whole Ukraine started in the morning of 24 February, though, fact-checkers witnessed the situation changing substantially and the disinformation about the events growing both in quantity and dangerousness.

Periodic Insights And Early Warnings: Disinformation
Narratives About The War In Ukraine

EDMO publishes regular insights highlighting the main disinformation trends related to the war in Ukraine. They are based on the fact-checking articles provided by members of the EDMO fact-checking network which are collected in the searchable table below.

Fact-Checking Articles About The War In Ukraine

Below is a list – which is periodically updated – of fact-checking articles that the EDMO’s fact-checking network have published during the crisis.

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