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Access To Platform Data For

Access To Platform Data For Researchers

EDMO is committed to working on increasing researchers’ access to data. One of the ways through which this is being done is by drafting a Code of Conduct on how platforms can share data with independent researchers while protecting users’ rights.

In 2021, a Working Group comprised of twelve representatives from academia, civil society, and several technology companies, chaired by Dr Rebekah Tromble, was launched. Since then, this Working Group on Access to Platform Data has released a report on researcher access to platform data, which included a draft Code of Conduct.

This report outlined how platforms may provide access to data to independent researchers in a GDPR-compliant manner and will be refined through further consultation. This Working Group will also oversee and support the creation of an independent intermediary body, which will govern the use of the Code of Conduct. The launching of a publication which outlines the principles of the independent intermediary body is another priority for the Working Group going forward.

EDMO's Work Around Access To Data