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European Elections

European Elections

Targeting the very foundation on which our democratic societies rest and rely, disinformation campaigns that are intended to undermine electoral processes have become a pervasive phenomenon across the EU. At the same time, 68 % of EU citizens – almost 10 % more than 5 years earlier – say they are likely to vote in the upcoming European elections. Both trends seen together, in 2024 more citizens than ever could cast their ballot after having been exposed to disinformation.

As the EU’s largest interdisciplinary network to counter disinformation, EDMO is committed to help advance how policymakers, media, online platforms and citizens understand and tackle this threat. In addition to its regular activities on the four pillars of fact-checking, digital media literacy, research and policy, in May 2023 EDMO established a Task Force on the 2024 European Parliament Elections.

You can learn more about EDMO’s work in the run up to the elections below. Click here to subscribe to the daily EU Elections Disinfo Bulletin published by the EDMO Task Force.

Fact-Checked Information On The EU Elections

European Elections Fact-Checks produced by the EDMO network in all 27 EU member states.

Check out the Best of Fact-checking Map – Special Edition with a focus on the 2024 EU Elections here.

Check out the Best of Fact-checking Map – Special Edition with a focus on the 2024 EU Elections here.

EDMO Task Force On
2024 European Elections

Task Force

EDMO Task Force On
2024 European Elections

Task Force
Disinfo Bulletin

Daily Updates

A daily alert system on disinformation related to the 2024 European Elections and how to counter it.

Daily Updates

A daily alert system on disinformation related to the 2024 European Elections and how to counter it.

Disinfo Bulletin

Weekly Insights and
Early Warnings

A short publication analysing disinformation narratives and trends linked to the EU elections (at national, regional or European level). It includes early warnings as well.

Weekly insights

Weekly Insights and
Early Warnings

A short publication analysing disinformation narratives and trends linked to the EU elections (at national, regional or European level). It includes early warnings as well.

Weekly insights
Reports etc

Reports, Statements And
Tips By The Task Force

Reports, Statements And Tips By The Task Force

Reports etc

Be Election Smart Campaign

BeElectionSmart Campaign graphic for elections page

Be Election Smart Campaign

BeElectionSmart Campaign graphic for elections page

Training Series On Election Integrity

Training series election integrity
Training series election integrity

Training Series On Election Integrity

Disinfo Bulletin

Stay informed and ahead of disinformation threats with the daily newsletter from the EDMO Task Force on 2024 European Elections

Disinfo Bulletin

Stay informed and ahead of disinformation threats with the daily newsletter from the EDMO Task Force on 2024 European Elections

Disinfo Bulletin

Stay informed and ahead of disinformation threats with the daily newsletter from the EDMO Task Force on 2024 European Elections