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About The EDMO Blog

Launched in December 2023, the EDMO Blog aims to encourage  discussion about key topics relating to understanding and building  societal resilience against disinformation. With a rapidly changing  information environment, disinformation tactics and technology in  constant evolution, an informed and insightful discussion on new  developments, findings and solutions emerging in Europe and from  within the EDMO community hopes to inform broader discussions  with a wider audience.

The blog series focuses on EDMO’s core areas of activity, namely:

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We are particularly interested in blogposts covering new issues,  challenges or angles relating to understanding and tackling  disinformation.

Different disciplinary and intra-disciplinary  perspectives, and practical solutions are central to EDMO’s focus,  including in relation to multi-stakeholder approaches as well as  national and regional policies and regulatory frameworks to tackle  disinformation, while upholding human rights standards.

The aim is to bring EDMO’s expertise in different fields to the  broader public, inform public debates, foster the exchange of  knowledge and best-practices and influence policy-making through  evidence-informed findings.

The EDMO blog series is edited by
. Contributions from all stakeholders working in the EDMO network,  Hubs and communities are welcome. We also welcome selected  contributions from outside the EDMO network.

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