Scientific Publications Repository
This is the EDMO repository of European academic research studying disinformation in digital media at scale. This repository is intended to provide an overview of academic research within the field of disinformation, and it will be continually updated throughout the project.
When using or referring to the repository in your work please cite: Bak, P. P., Sørensen, M. H., Walter, J. & Bechmann, A. (2021). Academic research on disinformation at scale in the EU, Aarhus: EDMO report IV.D.A and Walter, J.W., Bak P.P., Tveen, M.H. & Bechmann, A. (2022). Final repository of relevant scientific articles, Aarhus: EDMO report IV.D.C.
The reports describe the methodological accounts of selecting keywords, performing the literature search and filtering the results and of the consultation process that lead to the current repository. If you have comments or questions regarding the repository of scientific publications, you can get in touch via [email protected]. The full list of collections and databases used in the search for the construction of this EDMO repository can be found here.