List of Institutions connected to EDMO
This page aims to provide a comprehensive overview of all organisations who are in dialogue with EDMO and are contribute, among others, to populate the EDMO repositories. These institutions are connected to EDMO through being part of:
EDMO National or Multinational Hubs
EDMO Fact-checking Community
wdt_ID | Name of Institution | Type of institution | Country | Hub name / Fact-checker | Link |
1 | Aarhus University DATALAB | University | Denmark | NORdic observatory for digital media and information DISorders (NORDIS) | |
2 | Agence France-Presse (AFP) | International news agency | France | Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO) | |
3 | Agence France-Presse (AFP) | International news agency | France | Belgium-Luxembourg Research Hub on Digital Media and Disinformation (EDMO BELUX) | |
4 | Agence France-Presse (AFP) | International news agency | France | DE FACTO Observatory of Information | |
5 | Agence France-Presse (AFP) | Fact-checking organisation | France | Fact-checker in the EDMO community | |
6 | Agência Lusa | Media agency | Portugal | Iberian Digital Media Research and Fact-Checking Hub (IBERIFIER) | |
7 | Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau BV (ANP) | Media | Netherlands | BENEDMO | |
8 | APEM (Alliance pour l’Education aux Médias) | Media literacy organisation | France | DE FACTO Observatory of Information | |
9 | Associação Literacia para os Media e Jornalismo (ALPMJ) | Research center | Portugal | Iberian Digital Media Research and Fact-Checking Hub (IBERIFIER) | |
10 | Athens Technology Center (ATC) | Tech company | Greece | Central European Digital Media Observatory (CEDMO) | |