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EDMO Blog Guidelines

EDMO Blog Guidelines

EDMO is eager to receive blogposts addressing issues in the disinformation field, covering all strands of EDMO activity, namely research, fact-checking, media literacy and policy. We are particularly interested in blogposts covering new issues and challenges, or new angles relating to understanding and tackling disinformation.

Different disciplinary and intra-disciplinary perspectives, and practical solutions are central to EDMO’s focus, including in relation to multi-stakeholder approaches as well as national and regional policies and regulatory frameworks to tackle disinformation, while upholding human rights standards. 

Submission Guide

Format and length

The contributions should be no longer than 1500 words and contain original analyses and commentaries of specific issues in the disinformation field. Blogposts are not academic papers, and should strive to be accessible and relevant to current events and developments in the field, including by proposing evidence-based solutions. Blogposts should be original, well-structured and clear. Blogposts should aim at a non-expert audience and avoid technical jargon and acronyms when possible.

Unless otherwise specified, EDMO blogposts will be published under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC 4.0) whereby others are free to use them for non-commercial purposes, with attribution.

The contribution should be sent in Microsoft Word format. When submitting your blogpost please include the title and a brief abstract summarizing your post (max. 50 words), the author’s affiliation (Name, surname, title, organization), and 3-5 keywords.


If you refer to others’ ideas or works this should be preferably referenced through links rather than citations. Hyperlinks in key words in the text may be a useful way to provide additional evidence, clarification or useful materials.

Links to objectionable or hateful language should be avoided, and care should be given to link to sources you trust and avoiding further disseminating disinformation content.

Review policy

Blogposts will be reviewed by the EDMO editorial team, who may suggest editing the post ahead of publication. Please send your blogpost to [email protected]


EDMO supports the principle of academic freedom. The views expressed in the EDMO Blogposts reflect the views and opinions of individual contributors. The views expressed by published authors do not necessarily represent those of EDMO or other contributors to the blog.