EDMO establishes Task Force on 2024 European Parliament Elections
The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) has established a Task Force on the 2024 European Parliament Elections. The main purpose of this initiative is to monitor the EU information ecosystem ahead of the elections, as well as monitoring, collecting and facilitating communications in research, MIL and fact-checking initiatives. Also building on the experience of the EDMO Task Force on disinformation on the war in Ukraine, the Task Force plans to carry out a risk assessment exercise ahead of 2024, with the ambitious goal of establishing a framework for future elections, as well as a reporting activity on the mis- and disinformation trends that involve the European Union’s democratic process and institutions.
Drawing from different professional backgrounds in academia, the media ecosystem, fact-checking and MIL, its composition also aims at a comprehensive geographical coverage of the European Union. It reflects the high level of integration between the 14 national and regional Hubs that form part of the EDMO network, and it comprises one representative from each Hub plus three members from EDMO’s Advisory Council. The Chair is Giovanni Zagni, member of EDMO’s Executive Board and IDMO, with Louise Carnapete-Rinieri (European University Institute) acting as Secretary.
The Task Force will be officially presented at the 2023 EDMO Annual Conference that will take place in Brussels on May 25, 2023.
- Giovanni Zagni | Pagella Politica/Facta.news – EDMO Executive Board, IDMO (Chair)
- Louise Carnapete-Rinieri | European University Institute – EDMO (Secretary)
- Alina Bârgăoanu | SNSPA Bucharest – EDMO Advisory Council
- Radovan Geist | EURACTIV Slovakia – EDMO AC
- Giacomo Mazzone | Eurovisioni – EDMO AC
- Ivana Grkeš | University of Dubrovnik – ADMO
- Andra Siibak | University of Tartu – BECID
- Bert Pieters | Mediawijs – BELUX
- Guy de Pauw | Textgain – BENEDMO
- Ruslana Margova | GATE Institute Sofia University – BROD
- Michal Šenk | Charles University – CEDMO
- Ingrid Bertaux | Sciences Po Paris – DE FACTO
- Eileen Culloty | Dublin City University – EDMO Ireland Hub
- Kian Badrnejad | dpa – GADMO
- Péter Krekó | Political Capital – HDMO
- Pablo Hernández Escayola | Maldita.es – IBERIFIER
- Gianni Riotta | Luiss Data Lab – IDMO
- Stamos Archontis | Ellinika Hoaxes – MedDMO
- Mikko Salo | Faktabaari – NORDIS