This interactive online seminar is part of a series of online events organised by the Media & Learning Association together with EDMO to highlight specific aspects of the media literacy work of the EDMO hubs and to identify good practice that can be shared by others engaged in media literacy.
The focus of the session:
Observatoire de l’Information et des Médias – DE FACTO
Actions of the CLEMI (Centre pour l’Éducation aux médias et à l’Information) on Information Literacy
A national consultation on how to be better informed (European project DE FACTO) along with the main themes of the consultation. With a focus on the production of podcasts on how young people are getting informed. (Presentation)
Iberian Digital Media Research and Fact-Checking Hub – Iberifier
Media Literacy in Practice in Spain and Portugal
This presentation compares the current situation of Media Literacy in Portugal and Spain, focusing on curricula, continuing professional development and practices in formal, non-formal and informal contexts. It also explains the Media Literacy plan that is being implemented by Iberifier – Iberian Media Research and Fact-checking Hub. (Presentation)
Belgium-Netherlands Digital Media and Disinformation Observatory – BENEDMO
BENEDMO: how we increase resilience against disinformation
The media literacy efforts of BENEDMO are aimed at increasing the resilience against disinformation for citizens and (media)professionals in Flanders and the Netherlands. An analysis exploring the overlap and potential gaps between essential competences and available resources is the starting point to build towards a media literacy repository. Mimi and Julia will share some examples of resources and training modules which are targeted at several target groups. (Presentation)
Meet your Trainers
After 15 years as a digital project manager & journalist in media companies and international institutions, Laure Delmoly chose to run international projects on Information Literacy for the CLEMI, a public operator under the French Ministry of Education
Vitor Tomé is an international expert (Digital Citizenship Education – Council of Europe; Tackling Disinformation and Promoting Digital Literacy Through Education and Learning – European Commission) and a researcher at Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology of ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon (main projects: IBERIFIER – Observatory for Iberian digital media research and fact-checking; Teacher’s Professional Development Centre of Georgia – Tbilisi). In Portugal he is a scientific coordinator (Digital Citizenship Academy, funded by Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; Media Literacy and Journalism – Portuguese Journalists Union), a lecturer (Autonoma University of Lisbon), a journalist, a teacher trainer (Ministry of Education) and a journalist’s trainer (CENJOR). He concluded a degree in Education, post-graduations in ICT and in Journalism, a PhD in Education (Media Literacy), and a 6-year post-doctorate in Communication Sciences. Lectured in Brazil and Japan, and is the author of several books, book chapters and articles in scientific journals.
Julia has worked in journalism for more than a decade, both for analogue (radio and newspapers) as well as digital news outlets. She has experience in the development of interdisciplinary academic education and her current position is programme manager of the Flemish and Dutch hub BENEDMO.
Mimi van Dun has over 7 years of experience in managing media literacy campaigns, projects and research at the Dutch Media Literacy Network. Think of the national campaign the Week of Media Literacy and the educational game MediaMasters. Her substantive specialization focuses mainly on ‘disinformation’ and ‘online behaviour’ and ‘freedom of press’ and she has managed a number of important projects in this area, like setting up the website about disinformation: and the educational project ‘Good conversation about misinformation’.