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From single false news to narratives’ analysis and prebunking

18 October 2023 15:00 - 16:30 CET
EDMO Online Training: “From single false news to narratives’ analysis and prebunking”

EDMO is pleased to offer this online training module on “From single false news to narratives’ analysis and prebunking”.

During this training we will see the definition of “disinformation narratives” used by the EDMO fact-checking network and, in concrete, how to analyze ongoing disinformation in order to identify the main narratives. Then, we will discuss the issue of the possible overlap between disinformation narratives and legitimate opinions, and how to address this eventuality in our work. Finally, we will talk about prebunking, intended not as a generic activity of media literacy but as the possibility to predict – with a good degree of approximation – the likely evolutions of disinformation in the near future, analyzing existing disinformation narratives and techniques, and monitoring the information sphere.

Target Audience

The training is open to stakeholders working to tackle disinformation including fact-checkers, journalists, and researchers.

Meet your Trainer

foto Tommaso Canetta 2018 1
Tommaso Canetta
Pagella Politica

Tommaso Canetta (Milan, 1986) is the deputy director of Pagella Politica and Facta news, the two main Italian fact-checking outlets, the coordinator of the fact-checking activities of EDMO, and a member of the EFCSN governance body. He contributes to the activities of IDMO, the Italian national hub of EDMO, works on several European projects and writes about political fact-checking, especially about legal issues. Before joining Pagella Politica he wrote mainly about foreign policy and Italian politics as a freelancer.

Applications are now closed

This training is part of a series of residential and online training modules organized by EDMO. For more information, visit

Watch the Recording