Misinformation and disinformation spread happens across national borders and across various digital media platforms. It requires a complex set of scientific skills and methods across disciplines to investigate in depth and at scale.
Cooperation between researchers across the European Union is therefore crucial to increase the level of research on the spread of misinformation and disinformation and the construction and evaluation of responses.
The European Digital Media Observatory promotes collaborative investigations among researchers. For that purpose, it provides access to the TrulyMedia platform, a powerful technological tool for carrying out collaborative investigations developed by ATC and Deutsche Welle.
Access to the platform is free of charge in the context of EDMO. Researchers must satisfy the following criteria to be admitted, as assessed by a committee set up by the Advisory and Executive boards of EDMO.
Admission Criteria
Workflow for assessing applications
Applications will be assessed by the external Assessment Committee of EDMO, composed by experts chosen by the Executive Board and the Advisory Council. After assessing the applications, the Assessment Committee sends its recommendations to the Advisory Council of EDMO that finally decides on the application. In case the application is unsuccessful, the applicant will receive notice indicating the criteria on which it failed and comments. The onboarding process of successful applicants will be administered by Athens Technology Center (ATC).