The Fact-Checked Disinformation Detected In The EU
European fact-checkers focused a lot of their efforts in the past days and weeks in detecting and tackling disinformation concerning the situation in Ukraine.
At the beginning of the year, as the crisis was growing in intensity, the spread of false news about Ukraine detected in the EU was still very small. Fact-checkers detected a growth in the first half of February, even if the qualitative and quantitative levels of the disinformation was not alarmingly high.
After the military actions against the whole Ukraine started in the morning of 24 February, though, fact-checkers witnessed the situation changing substantially and the disinformation about the events growing both in quantity and dangerousness.
Periodic Insights And Early Warnings: Disinformation
Narratives About The War In Ukraine
EDMO publishes regular insights highlighting the main disinformation trends related to the war in Ukraine. They are based on the fact-checking articles provided by members of the EDMO fact-checking network which are collected in the searchable table below.
Fact-Checking Articles About The War In Ukraine
Below is a list – which is periodically updated – of fact-checking articles that the EDMO’s fact-checking network have published during the crisis.
Date | Country | Title | Link |
01/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Explanation: What do we know about the refugee situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border? | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/co-wiemy-o-sytuacji-uchodzcow-na-granicy-polsko-ukrainskiej/ |
01/03/2022 | Croatia, Provera činjenica | Fake Twitter accounts have been presented as CNN to share inaccurate information. | https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324879N |
01/03/2022 | Croatia, Provera činjenica | This video does not show a general panic in Ukraine but shows the shooting of a film in 2013. | https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32473VZ |
01/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Video does not show Ukrainians attacking Russian APC with Molotov cocktails during ongoing war | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32492MP |
01/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Putin never said that he doesn't accept any lessons from Italy because of the Eu Covid certificate | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/01/putin-non-ha-mai-detto-di-non-accettare-lezioni-di-democrazia-dallitalia-a-causa-del-green-pass/ |
01/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This woman didn't survive during an exposion in 2018 | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/01/questa-foto-non-mostra-una-donna-sopravvissuta-a-unesplosione-di-gas-nel-2018/ |
01/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Fake CNN tweet falsely reports first US casualty in Ukraine | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/01/la-cnn-non-ha-twittato-il-decesso-del-giornalista-bernie-gores/ |
01/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This image doesn't show an Ukrainian children in front of a Russian solder | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/01/questa-non-e-una-bambina-ucraina-contro-un-soldato-russo/ |
01/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No US biological laboratories in Ukraine | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/01/no-in-ucraina-non-ci-sono-laboratori-biomilitari-gestiti-dagli-stati-uniti/ |
01/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | This Time magazine cover isn’t real | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/time-magazin-putin-hitler-cover/ |
01/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, Ukrainian armed forces are not using wood-guns | https://www.mimikama.at/aktuelles/ukraine-holzgewehre/ |
01/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Witalij Klitschko is fighting at the front? No the picture is old | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/klitschko-in-kampfmontur/ |
01/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does Ukraine have more than a dozen US-funded biological weapons laboratories financed by the US? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/ucrania-tem-mais-de-uma-dezena-de-laboratorios-de-armas-biologicas-financiados-pelos-eua |
01/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | A video from the 2014 Euromaidan protests falsely claims to show Kyiv citizens attacking Russian tanks in 2022 | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32476EV |
01/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video claiming to show a plane in the middle of shootings in Ukraine comes from a video game | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32474DU |
01/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | No, France has not sent 500 soldiers to Ukraine so far | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32488M4 |
01/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Running actors in Ukraine? No! | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/rennende-schauspieler-ukraine/ |
01/03/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | Fake Twitter accounts spread fake news in the name of CNN | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32487W3 |
01/03/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Fake accounts on Twitter impersonate CNN to spread false news | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32487A6 |
01/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this tweet about Putin is not from the president of the Principality of Asturias, Adrián Barbón: it is a fake tweet | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220301/tuit-putin-adrian-barbon/ |
01/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Snake Island and the alleged sacrifice of the Ukrainian military: a history of disinformation | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220301/isla-serpientes-ucrania/ |
01/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the video of the explosion next to an administrative building in the Ukrainian city of Kharkov? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220301/bomba-jarkov-ucrania-video-edificio/ |
01/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does Ukraine have more than a dozen US-funded bioweapons labs? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/ucrania-tem-mais-de-uma-dezena-de-laboratorios-de-armas-biologicas-financiados-pelos-eua |
01/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | CNN informed twice time about the death of a journalist? Fake Tweet! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/cnn-poinformowalo-dwa-razy-o-smierci-dziennikarza-falszywy-tweet/ |
01/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this image of a woman in military uniform is not the wife of Ukraine's President Volodymir Zelensky, nor is it current: it is from August 2021 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220301/mujer-uniforme-militar-mujer-presidente-ucrania/ |
02/03/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Video of film crew and fleeing crowd does not show the media staging war scenes from Ukraine - Danish and English version | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/video-film-crew-and-fleeing-crowd-does-not-show-media-staging-war-scenes-ukraine |
02/03/2022 | Croatia, Provera činjenica | This video does not show fake killings of Ukrainians, but an environmental protest in Vienna. | https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324A9TY |
02/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Allied armies granted 'police' permissions? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojska-sojusznikow-otrzymaly-policyjne-uprawnienia-fake-news/ |
02/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Ukraine's borders are recognized internationally, they did not need to be "declared" to the UN in 1991 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B2WL |
02/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Ukraine's application to join the EU has not been accepted by the European Parliament | https://verifica.efe.com/parlamento-europeo-ucrania-entrada-union-europea-falso/ |
02/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, Ukraine won't receive 70 combat aircraft from Poland, Bulgaria and Slovakia | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/ukraine-keine-kampfjets/ |
02/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, this video of an explosion is not related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and is not current: it is Syria 2019 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/video-rusia-ucrania-beirut-libano-explosion/ |
02/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Video showing man with fake blood on face has nothing to do with ongoing war in Ukraine | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32486KH |
02/03/2022 | Ireland, The Journal - FactCheck | Is this footage of the famed Ghost of Kyiv? No, it's from 2018 | https://www.dogrulukpayi.com/dogruluk-kontrolu/ukrayna-askerlerini-selamlayan-cocuklari-gosteren-fotograf-guncel-mi |
02/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | No, this 'Time' magazine cover with Putin turnediInto Hitler isn't real | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/putin-z-wasem-hitlera-to-nie-jest-oficjalna-okladka-time/ |
02/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Questa foto di una strada con bandiere naziste non arriva dall’Ucraina, ma dalla Bulgaria | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/03/questa-foto-di-una-strada-con-bandiere-naziste-non-arriva-dallucraina-ma-dalla-bulgaria/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, Verificat | Time cover comparing Putin to Hitler is not the magazine's original | https://www.verificat.cat/es/fact-check/la-portada-de-time-que-compara-putin-con-hitler-no-es-el-original-de-la-revista |
02/03/2022 | Spain, Verificat | The image of Ukrainian soldiers with Nazi and NATO flags is from 2014 | https://www.verificat.cat/es/fact-check/la-imagen-de-soldados-ucranianos-con-las-banderas-nazi-y-de-la-otan-es-del-2014 |
02/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This picture showing an hugg between an Ukrainian soldier and its girlfriend is from 2014 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/02/questa-foto-di-un-abbraccio-tra-un-soldato-ucraino-e-la-sua-ragazza-e-del-2014/ |
02/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | "Boycott Russia". Do the first three digits of the barcode indicate the product's country of origin? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/boicote-a-russia-os-tres-primeiros-algarismos-do-codigo-de-barras-indicam-pais-de-origem-do-produto |
02/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Zelensky starred in the killing of corrupt politicians in election campaign video? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/zelensky-protagonizou-matanca-de-politicos-corruptos-em-video-de-campanha-eleitoral |
02/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Watch out for this alleged Time magazine cover that depicts Vladimir Putin as Adolf Hitler | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324889M |
02/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | China ready to support Russia in case of NATO intervention? An untraceable statement denied by the Chinese authorities | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B9HW |
02/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This photo of two children saluting Ukrainian soldiers is from 2016 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32488BY |
02/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware of these fake Twitter accounts pretending to be the American media CNN | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32486MV |
02/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Watch out for these publications about Ukrainian soldiers who died as "heroes" on Snake Island | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B4BB |
02/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | This video does not show Russian tanks attacked in Ukraine in 2022, it is from the protests in Kiev in 2014 | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324C28P |
02/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This photo shown by "Bild" is currently from Ukraine | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324C2ZD |
02/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This photo of children with tanks is old | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324C29B |
02/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | TV series video presented as proof of fake scenes of injured people in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/02/video-with-actors-make-up-invasion-in-ukraine-misinformation/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of a girl confronting a soldier is not current or related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine: it happened in 2012 and it is a Palestinian girl | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/nina-enfrentandose-soldado-rusia-ucrania/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this tweet by Santiago Abascal quoting Vladimir Putin is not a "fake": it is real, but he has deleted it | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/tuit-santiago-abascal-putin-ucrania/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about Puigdemont's vote in mid-February on the European Commission's proposal to provide financial support to Ukraine? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/puigdemont-ayuda-financiera-ucrania/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | The disinformation without evidence claiming that President Zelenski has fled Ukraine (as of 1 March 2022) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/presidente-zelenski-ucrania-huida/ |
02/03/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | Ukraine's borders are internationally recognized and do not need to be "registered" with the UN | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32497CV |
02/03/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | Fake CNN accounts spread incorrect information about Ukraine | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324A9G7 |
02/03/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | This video does not show the media making victims of war in Ukraine | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324766Y |
02/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Latest cover of TIME magazine does not show Putin portrayed as Hitler | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B7BT |
02/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Movie segments presented as an attack in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/02/staged-video-from-ukraine-showing-citizens-fleeing-from-russian-bombs-fake/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about whether the Polish and Ukrainian police and armies are preventing black people from crossing the border? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/policia-polonia-ucrania-frontera-negros/ |
02/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This meeting between Russian and Ukrinian soldiers is from 2014 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/02/questo-incontro-tra-soldati-russi-e-ucraini-e-del-2014/ |
02/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | This picture doesn't show ukrainian soldiers receiving flowers | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/foto-ukrainische-soldaten-blumen/ |
02/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Video of a young girl screaming at soldiers: not recorded in Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/maedchen-beschimpft-soldaten/ |
02/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk.no | No, Russia is not attacking US biolabs in Ukraine | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0gp8p/nei-russland-angriper-ikke-amerikanske-laboratorier-i-ukraina |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video showing a "corpse" being moved has no relation with Ukraine: it was a protest in Austria against climate policies | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/video-cadaver-bolsa-ucrania/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the man dressed as a samurai in this photo is not the Japanese ambassador in Kiev (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/embajador-japon-kiev-samurai/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of "Ukrainian soldiers saying goodbye to their wives to go and defend Ukraine" is not current: it is a scene from a 2017 documentary about the Donbas war | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/soldados-ucranianos-despidiendose-esposas-ucrania/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | The disinformation without evidence claiming that China's Ministry of Defence says it is "ready to support Russia" in case the US and NATO "want to intervene militarily" | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220302/china-apoyar-rusia/ |
02/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Filming of people on the run is being misused to 'prove' the media-created war scene from Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/optagelse-af-folk-paa-flugt-misbruges-til-bevise-medieskabt-krigsscene-fra-ukraine |
03/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Articles saying that the war is happening only because there are secret USA bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine territory | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/meluoja-kad-rusija-turejo-uzpulti-ukraina-nes-ten-jav-karines-laboratorijos.d?id=89612877 |
03/03/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Manipulated screenshot makes it look like RTL Nieuws has used a photo from film in reporting on Ukraine | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324E64F |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian soldiers dance during the war? The video was recorded before the invasion! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainscy-zolnierze-tancza-w-trakcie-wojny-filmik-nagrano-przed-inwazja/ |
03/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does Pope Francis offer himself as an “intermediary” for a “peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine”? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/papa-francisco-oferece-se-como-intermediario-para-acordo-de-paz-entre-russia-e-ucrania |
03/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | No, RTL News did not use a movie scene to illustrate the war in Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-rtl-nieuws-plaatste-geen-oud-filmbeeld-bij-bericht-over-de-oorlog-in-oekraine/article-longread-1841967.html |
03/03/2022 | Croatia, Provera činjenica | Misleading posts tie Crvena Zvezda fans’ performance to Ukraine | https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D836 |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russia is defending itself against Ukraine? This is Russian propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-broni-sie-przed-ukraina-to-rosyjska-propaganda/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russia is defending itself against Ukraine? This is Russian propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-broni-sie-przed-ukraina-to-rosyjska-propaganda/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russia saved Europe from nuclear contamination? Propaganda fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-uratowala-europe-przed-skazeniem-propagandowy-fake-news/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukraine gives friendly welcome to Russian army? The citizens are resisting! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-przyjaznie-wita-rosyjskie-wojska-mieszkancy-stawiaja-opor/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | In Ukraine there is a war going on. This is not "denazification"! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-ukrainie-trwa-wojna-to-nie-denazyfikacja/ |
03/03/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This video does not show media faking civilian casualties in Ukraine | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D9L3 |
03/03/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | Report of Ukrainians tearing down a Hungarian flag is four years old/td> | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D76T |
03/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | This video does not show the fake corpses of Ukrainians, but an environmental protest in Vienna | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D9XT |
03/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo does not show the Dynamo Kyiv Football Team in camouflage | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/03/questa-foto-non-mostra-la-squadra-dei-calciatori-dinamo-kiev-in-mimetica/ |
03/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, this video does not show media staged mass panic in Ukraine | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324882M |
03/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | No, the German outlet Bild did not publish fake pictures of bombings in Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D6ZM |
03/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Watch out for these maps pretending to show Russian bombings on ukranian biolabs financed by the US | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D7H7 |
03/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The tik tok video about how to use a Russian tank it's old and not from Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/video-bedienung-russischer-panzer/ |
03/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | This picture doesn't show the first lady of Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/foto-first-lady-ukraine/ |
03/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware, most of the pictures used in this photomontage of Kiev date back from 2015 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B8R8 |
03/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The picture of Zelensky making the nazi salute it's from a comic performance | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/wolodymyr-selenskyj-hitlergruss/ |
03/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video of Ukrainians throwing molotov coctails against russian tanks is from 2014 | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/03/video-kiev-citizens-throw-molotov-at-russian-tanks-misinformation/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the video of a tank driving over a car in Ukraine? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220303/tanque-rusia-atropella-coche-ucrania/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of "Ukrainian civilians" throwing Molotov cocktails at armoured transports is not current: it was taken in 2014 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220303/ucranianos-cocteles-molotov-tanques-rusos/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | CNN did not announce the death of the same journalist in the Afghanistan and Ukraine war | https://verifica.efe.com/periodista-cnn-no-asesinado-afganistan-ucrania/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The Russian fighter was not shot down by Ukrainians, but by an accident in 1993 | https://verifica.efe.com/avion-ruso-no-derribado-ucrania-accidente-aereo/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Not a victim of a gas explosion in 2018, but of a russian attack in 2022 | https://verifica.efe.com/victima-gas-ataque-ruso/ |
03/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Old video is not depicting a missile barrage in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/03/video-circulating-online-since-2018-not-recent-footage-ukraine-russia |
03/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Comprovem | Fake social media accounts warned about the "death" of the same man in Afghanistan and Ukraine | https://comprovem.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324C28G |
03/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Is a photograph depicting the destruction of Independence Square in Kiev current? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fotografia-que-retrata-destruicao-da-praca-da-independencia-em-kiev-e-atual |
03/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Portuguese government "breaks blockade on Russia" to let in ship with natural gas? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/governo-portugues-fura-bloqueio-a-russia-para-deixar-entrar-navio-com-gas-natural |
03/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | "Leave my country alone!" Does this video show Ukrainian girl facing Russian soldier? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/deixa-o-meu-pais-em-paz-este-video-mostra-rapariga-ucraniana-a-enfrentar-soldado-russo |
03/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about this video of alleged Russian soldiers deserting? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220303/video-soldados-rusos-desertando/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The war in Ukraine is a performance? It is really happening! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-to-spektakl-to-sie-dzieje-naprawde/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | This is not a recording of anti-war protests! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/to-nie-jest-nagranie-z-protestow-antywojennych/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Is that a train standing at the station in Lviv? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-to-pociag-stojacy-na-stacji-we-lwowie-fake-news/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russian invasion a conspiracy by global elites? This is a false conspiracy theory! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosyjska-inwazja-spiskiem-swiatowych-elit-to-falszywa-teoria-spiskowa/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of soldiers shooting in a trench with the Nazi flag is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2017 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220303/soldados-disparando-trinchera-bandera-nazi-ucrania/ |
03/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Picture does not show actual light show in Kiev night sky protesting Russian invasion | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D9D8 |
03/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Image shows climate protest in Vienna not staged bodies of Ukrainians killed in war | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D9XT |
03/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Ukrainian border guards who defied Russian warships are not killed | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/ukrainske-graensevagter-der-trodsede-russisk-krigsskib-er-alligevel-ikke-draebtt |
04/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Video shows Georgians sent to help Ukraine? This is an old video | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/film-przedstawia-gruzinow-wyslanych-na-pomoc-ukrainie-to-stare-wideo/ |
04/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Polish children are being thrown out of oncology hospitals? There is no evidence! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polskie-dzieci-sa-wyrzucane-ze-szpitali-onkologicznych-nie-ma-dowodow/ |
04/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Przemyśl - what is the situation of refugees at the border? | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/przemysl-jak-wyglada-sytuacja-uchodzcow-przy-granicy/ |
04/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The "Ghost of Kyiv": fictitious identities to create the myth of a Ukrainian hero | https://verifica.efe.com/fantasma-kiev-ucrania-nombres-ficticios-fotos-antiguas/ |
04/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Ukrainians are selling "a Russian tank captured during the invasion" on the eBay platform? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/ucranianos-estao-a-vender-um-tanque-russo-capturado-durante-a-invasao-na-plataforma-ebay |
04/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | New Time Magazine Cover Compares Putin to Hitler? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/nova-capa-da-revista-time-compara-putin-a-hitler |
04/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this military convoy seen in Reus and Alcover (Tarragona) and in Binéfar (Huesca) is not going to Ukraine: they are going to Zaragoza and Spain does not include tanks among the material sent to Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/convoy-militar-reus-tarragona-huesca-ucrania/ |
04/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this message asking for families interested in taking in children from Ukraine is not from the Association of Children from Ukraine-Castellon (Aniukcas) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/whatsapp-acogida-ucrania-castellon/ |
04/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this military convoy is not going to Ukraine from Santander: they are going to Norway and Spain does not include tanks among the material sent to Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/videos-convoyes-tanques-militares-ucrania-noruega/ |
04/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | This accident is not related to the Ukrainian defense against Russia | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G6DE |
04/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this message calling for the reception of "Ukrainian children" is not from the Government of Aragon | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/gobierno-aragon-llamamiento-ninos-ucranianos/ |
04/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk.no | No, CNN didn't report the same man dead twice | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0vp9y/nei-cnn-meldte-ikke-at-samme-mann-var-dod-to-ganger |
04/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This CNN tweet about a dead man in Ukraine is fake | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G2ZP |
04/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, Putin is not laughing at the Austrian chancellor here | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G6AP |
04/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Ukraine's borders are internationally recognized - including by Russia | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G927 |
04/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | The fake death of 13 ukrainians, an example of was misinformation | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G7MX |
04/03/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | These footage of an environmental protest in Vienna has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G66D |
04/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | The video does not show actors claiming to be victims of the war in Ukraine, it is from the filming of a TV series | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G4HE |
04/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Image of two children saluting Ukrainian soldiers was captured during the present war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/imagem-de-duas-criancas-a-saudar-soldados-ucranianos-foi-captada-durante-a-presente-guerra |
04/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Watch out for this picture of a woman with the Russian flag and a man wearing the Ukranian one, it dates back from 2019 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324F8K3 |
04/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | The photo of a girl wrapped in a blanket was not taken in Ukraine in 2022, but in Pakistan in 2014 | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324F9KB |
04/03/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | The video does not media faking Ukrainian casualties, it's from the set of a TV series | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324E6RC |
04/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Dog fights in Ukraine, come from a Digital Combat Simulator | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/03/vifeo-airfights-russia-ukraine-misinformat |
04/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Pictures from ukrainian building bombing are real, and not from a gas explosion in 2018 | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/03/ukraine-bombing-apartments-misinformation/ |
04/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation without evidence that Ukraine is developing "US-funded biological weapons" and that this is one of the reasons why Putin has started the war against Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/ucrania-armas-biologicas-estados-unidos/ |
04/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of an explosion is not related to Russia's invasion of Ukraine and is not current: it is Beirut (Lebanon) in 2020 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220304/video-rusia-ucrania-beirut-libano-explosion/ |
04/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | no, Ukrainians don't sell Russian tanks on eBay | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-oekrainers-verkopen-geen-russische-tanks-op-ebay/article-longread-1842369.html |
04/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Did The Simpsons predict the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Not really... | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/simpsons-russland-ukraine/ |
04/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Putin's "military moves in America's backyard" is from 2018! | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/putins-militaerische-schritte-in-amerikas-hinterhof-von-2018 |
04/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | This video doesn't show "Crisis Actors" wearing make-up in Ukraine! | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/keine-crisis-actors-geschminkt/ |
04/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Ukrainian soldiers on 'Snake Island' are alive | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324D7HR |
04/03/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Photo of injured woman was taken during Ukraine war, not 2018 gas explosion in Russia | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G3RP |
05/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Robert Bąkiewicz has supported Vladimir Putin? This is an manipulated photography | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/bakiewicz-poparl-wladimira-putina-to-przerobiona-fotografia/ |
05/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Photo of Ukrainian child crying next to deadly war victim is authentic? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fotografia-de-crianca-ucraniana-a-chorar-junto-a-vitima-mortal-da-guerra-e-autentica |
05/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this image show football players from Dynamo Kiev in military uniforms and armed? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/esta-imagem-mostra-jogadores-de-futebol-do-dinamo-de-kiev-com-fardas-militares-e-armados |
05/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Greece did not send two helicopers to Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/05/i-ellada-den-esteile-dyo-elikoptera-gia-voitheia-stin-oukrania/ |
05/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Video of Russian and Ukrainian soldiers dates back to 2014 in Crimea | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/video-soldaten-angesicht/ |
05/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Is the Queen showing solidarity with Ukraine? | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/queen-solidaritaet-ukraine/ |
06/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this night bombing video depict the present war in Ukraine? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-de-bombardeamento-noturno-retrata-a-presente-guerra-na-ucrania |
06/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this money has not been found in a bunker of Ukrainian nationalists | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220306/dinero-bunker-nacionalistas-ucranianos/ |
07/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video shows a storm in Russia in 2021 and not bombings in Ukraine in 2022 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324M6BR |
07/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Watch out for this fake tweet claiming that Zelensky called French people to vote for Emmanuel Macron | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324M997 |
07/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Watch out for this video of Vladimir Putin giving his opinion on the French presidential elections: the subtitles are fake | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324M6Y6 |
07/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Zelensky not wearing a t-shirt with a nazi symbol | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/07/zelensky-wearing-nazi-cross-hoax/ |
07/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Explanation: PESEL is not citizenship. We clarify the legal situation of refugees | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/pesel-to-nie-obywatelstwo-wyjasniamy-sytuacje-prawna-uchodzcow-2/ |
07/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This video of captured soldiers is from 2015 | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324N2EX |
07/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of a car with a white flag and the "Santísimo" is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2015 and is about a funeral | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220307/coche-santisimo-carreteras-ucrania/ |
07/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Zelensky non ha indossato una maglietta con «la croce di ferro nazista» | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/07/zelensky-non-ha-indossato-una-maglietta-con-la-croce-di-ferro-nazista/ |
07/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This woman has not been presented by mainstream media both as a regretful Covid-19 anti-vaxxers and as a victim of the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/07/questa-donna-non-e-stata-presentata-dai-media-sia-come-novax-pentita-sia-come-vittima-di-guerra%ef%bf%bc/ |
07/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Video of Vladimir Putin's hand allegedly going through a microphone: higher quality footage shows the microphone does not disappear | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220307/putin-video-croma/ |
07/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video does not show "the moment a Russian missile hits Ukraine's largest nuclear power plant": it is a flare | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220307/misil-ruso-central-nuclear-ucrania-bengala/ |
07/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This tweet from Karl Lauterbach about demos for Ukraine is fake | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324M7U3 |
07/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Photo of Ukraine's president holding Nazi swastika shirt real? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fotografia-do-presidente-da-ucrania-a-segurar-camisola-com-suastica-nazi-e-real |
07/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | yes, Bild showed images from China when reporting on Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck-ja-bild-toonde-beelden-uit-china-bij-berichtgeving-over-oekraine/article-longread-1843465.html |
07/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the woman injured in Ukraine who is accused of working for the Ministry of Defence? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220307/mujer-herida-ucrania-ministerio-defensa/ |
07/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation without evidence on this photo of civilians trying to flee Irpin (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220307/desinformaciones-civiles-huida-irpin-ucrania/ |
07/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The picture of the destroyed Maidan Square in Kyiv was taken in 2014! | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/foto-majdan-platz-2014/ |
07/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Very funny, Mr. Trump. No. Ex-US president jokes about a war between Russia and China | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/trump-krieg-russland-china/ |
07/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Fake: Zelensky shows a football shirt with a swastika | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/selenskyj-fussballtrikot/ |
07/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Zelensky didn't show a Nazi swastika on a T-shirt, it's a hoax | https://verifica.efe.com/zelenski-ucrania-camiseta-futbol-no-esvastica-nazi/ |
07/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Chernobyl: Increased radiation measured after Russian troops took the site - but experts say there is no danger | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/07/tschernobyl-nach-einnahme-durch-russische-truppen-wurde-erhoehte-strahlung-gemessen-laut-experten-besteht-aber-keine-gefahr/ |
07/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, the Klinikum Munich treats Russian patients | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/07/doch-das-klinikum-muenchen-behandelt-russische-patienten/ |
07/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Does this boy pee on a tank? FAKE | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/junge-pinkelt-auf-panzer/ |
07/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Ukraine's borders are internationally recognised and there is no doubt it is an independent state | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324B7JC |
07/03/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Ukraine's borders are internationally recognised and there is no doubt it is an independent state | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324M4NP |
07/03/2022 | Germany, dpa-factchecking.com | "Putin pub" in Jerusalem allegedly changed its name into "Zelensky pub" | https://dpa-factchecking.com/germany/220307-99-420668/ |
08/03/2022 | Belgium, AFP Factuel | This photo does not show the "first Ukrainian fighter pilot". | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G8BG |
08/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Misinformation about the use of iodine pills | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/08/iodine-pills-can-protect-people-from-radiation-mix/ |
08/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Altered picture of nursery allegedly bombed by Ukrainians | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/08/ukraine-bombed-nursery-school-staged-altered-image/ |
08/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | Collage with fake CNN screenshot shows 2022 explosions as if they were from 2015 | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324P73U |
08/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | L’uomo in questa foto non è il fotoreporter Andrea Rocchelli | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/08/luomo-in-questa-foto-non-e-il-fotoreporter-andrea-rocchelli/ |
08/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Questo video non mostra degli attori inscenare vittime di guerra ucraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/08/no-questo-video-non-mostra-delle-vittime-in-ucraina%ef%bf%bc/ |
08/03/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | Photo of injured woman is from Ukraine in 2022, not Russia in 2018 | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324P4D3 |
08/03/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | No, this video does not show an attack on Ukraine in 2022, but a storm in 2021 | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324N3B6 |
08/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | Fake Twitter accounts pretend to be CNN to spread disinformation | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324N2UP |
08/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the message that is circulating claiming that they are looking for a foster family for three Ukrainian siblings aged 17, 14 and 8 who "have been orphaned"? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220308/familia-acogida-tres-hermanos-ucranianos/ |
08/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Ukrainian woman victim of explosions and misinformation in Russian invasion | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220308/mujer-herida-ucrania-explosion/ |
08/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation that Ukrainian President Zelenski has fled to Poland (as of 7 March) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220308/zelenski-huido-polonia-desinformacion/ |
08/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Ghost of Kiev': TikTok video shows Ukrainian pilot shooting down seven Russian fighter jets single-handedly? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fantasma-de-kiev-video-do-tiktok-mostra-piloto-ucraniano-a-abater-sete-cacas-russos-sozinho |
08/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Attention, cette "lettre aux citoyens du monde" analysant les raisons de l'invasion russe en Ukraine n'a pas été écrite par Vladimir Poutine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324P4MN |
08/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, su Ebay non vendono carri armati russi «catturati in Ucraina» | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/08/no-su-ebay-non-vendono-carri-armati-russi-catturati-in-ucraina/ |
08/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This shot is from a movie set, it does not show Ukrainian fake victims | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324Q473 |
08/03/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | These publications on the number of deaths in Donbass since 2014 are misleading | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324N32G |
08/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Photo of 2015 of a bombing in Yemen is presented as recent | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/08/bombing-yemen-recent-photo-missing-context/ |
08/03/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This photo is of a wounded woman in Ukraine in 2022, not a gas explosion victim from 2018 | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G6KL |
08/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Volodymyr Zelenski on the battlefield? These photos are from one year ago | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wolodymyr-zelenski-na-polu-bitwy-to-zdjecia-sprzed-roku/ |
08/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Distressed Ukrainian man says goodbye to daughter? This is a false context! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zrozpaczony-ukrainiec-zegna-corke-to-falszywy-kontekst/ |
08/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Photo of drone attack in Ukraine? It's a train accident in Poland | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zdjecie-ataku-drona-w-ukrainie-to-wypadek-kolejowy-w-polsce/ |
08/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Violinist in an air raid shelter mesmerizes the internet | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/geigerin-im-luftschutzbunker/ |
08/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Not a fake: Ukrainian youth going to war | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/ukrainische-jugendliche-krieg/ |
08/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, Volodymyr Zelensky is not giving a diatribe here! | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/nein-wolodymyr-selenskyj-hetzrede/ |
08/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Is Jack Nicholson showing solidarity with Ukraine in a video? | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/jack-nicholson-ukraine/ |
08/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Fact check: Dancing soldiers from Russia and Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/aktuelles/faktencheck-tanzende-soldaten/ |
08/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | This video came from Beirut (2020) and not from Ukraine (2022). | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/video-faktencheck-ukraine-beirut/ |
08/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Ukraine's borders are internationally recognised and there is no doubt it is an independent state | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324P3PG |
08/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Thousands call picture of wounded Ukrainian woman fake news | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/tusindvis-kalder-billede-af-saaret-ukrainsk-kvinde-fake-news |
08/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | CNN has not declared the same man killed in both Afghanistan and Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/cnn-har-ikke-erklaeret-den-samme-mand-draebt-i-baade-afghanistan-og-ukraine |
08/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Europe's largest newspaper used Chinese explosion in coverage of Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/europas-stoerste-avis-brugte-kinesisk-eksplosion-i-daekning-af-ukraine |
08/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Zelensky's non-escape: 26 days of misinformation on the Ukrainian president's departure from the country | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220315/desinformaciones-zelenski-huido-ucrania/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, 'CNN' did not publish a tweet claiming that "intelligence agencies around the world have spotted American actor Steven Seagal among Russian special forces" | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220309/cnn-tuit-steven-seagal-rusia/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Zelensky's non-escape: 13 days of misinformation on the Ukrainian president's departure from the country | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220309/desinformaciones-zelenski-huido-ucrania/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Pablo Echenique did not tweet that Putin's "mission" in Ukraine is to "impose order" and that the "Ukrainian civilian victims are minor collateral damage": it's fake | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220309/echenique-ucrania-putin-imponer-orden/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the rocket launchers in this video in the hands of the Azov Battalion? They are not the ones sent by the Spanish government to Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220309/azov-armas-espana-ucrania/ |
09/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Ukraine's "radical feminist" group demanded that Zelensky revoke mandatory military service for women? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/grupo-radical-feminista-da-ucrania-exigiu-que-zelensky-revogasse-servico-militar-obrigatorio-para-as-mulheres |
09/03/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | This video shows footage from the filming of a TV series, not fake news reports | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324Q2UU |
09/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Teresa Garland spreads conspiracy theories about war in Ukraine | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/teresa-garland-glosi-teorie-spiskowe-o-wojnie-w-ukrainie/ |
09/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Photo of damaged building taken 15 years ago? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zdjecie-zniszczonego-bloku-zrobione-15-lat-temu-fake-news/ |
09/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Did the boy cross the border himself? His family was with him! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/chlopiec-sam-przekroczyl-granice-byla-z-nim-jego-rodzina/ |
09/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video was manipulated to misinform about the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/03/09/questo-video-e-stato-manipolato-per-disinformare-sulla-guerra-in-ucraina/ |
09/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware, this video does not show an aerial combat in Ukraine in 2022 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324R8EH |
09/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The flag of Ukraine has not been hoisted on the royal Statue of Liberty | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/09/sulle-reale-statua-della-liberta-non-e-stata-issata-la-bandiera-dellucraina/ |
09/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a Ukrainian woman explaining on TikTok "how to drive an abandoned Russian tank" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/09/questa-non-e-una-donna-ucraina-che-spiega-su-tiktok-come-guidare-un-carro-armato-russo-abbandonato/ |
09/03/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | Climate protest in Austria used in misleading posts about the war in Ukraine | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324G8UR |
09/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What we know about the Russian list that includes Taiwan among "states and territories" that have taken "hostile" measures against Russia | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220309/lista-rusia-taiwan-territorios-paises-hostiles/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photo of two men with fake weapons is not after the Russian invasion of Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220309/hombres-armas-falsas-invasion-ucrania/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Putin does not threaten Mexico in this video for condemning the attack on Ukraine: the subtitles are false | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220309/putin-amenaza-mexico-invasion-ucrania/ |
09/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | 5G code is not being given out to vaccine recipients in Italy | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324R7M2 |
09/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Video of fireworks in the Donbass dates from 21 February | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/feuerwerk-donbass/ |
09/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The recordings of young Russian soldiers in the Ukraine conflict | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/aufnahmen-russischer-soldaten/ |
09/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | "Putin Pub" in Jerusalem will not be renamed "Zelensky Pub". | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/putin-pub-zelenskiy-pub/ |
09/03/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Video footage shows footage from filming of a series not falsified reports | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324Q2UU |
09/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Pablo Echenique has not tweeted that Ukrainian casualties don't matter | https://verifica.efe.com/echenique-tuit-victimas-ucrania/ |
09/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, there is no evidence of organ trafficking with the EU and mobile crematoria in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/09/nein-es-gibt-keine-belege-fuer-organhandel-mit-der-eu-und-mobile-krematorien-in-der-ukraine/ |
10/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video shows corpse moving during report on war in Ukraine? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-mostra-cadaver-a-mexer-se-durante-reportagem-sobre-a-guerra-na-ucrania |
10/03/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Climate protest in Austria used in misleading posts about the war in Ukraine | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324U83X |
10/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | CNN reported falsesly presented as having died twice | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/10/cnn-reporter-gores-falsely-presented-as-dead-twice-by-cnn-hoax/ |
10/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Bismarck did not say that "Russia's strength can only be undermined through the separation of Ukraine" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/10/bismarck-non-ha-detto-che-la-forza-della-russia-puo-essere-insidiata-soltanto-attraverso-la-separazione-dellucraina/ |
10/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This train does not transport military vehicles to Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/10/questo-treno-non-trasporta-mezzi-militari-in-ucraina/ |
10/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Putin did not say that if Russia does not play, then the World Cup "will not take place | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/10/putin-non-ha-detto-che-se-la-russia-non-gioca-allora-la-coppa-del-mondo-non-ci-sara/ |
10/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not the "first female Ukrainian aviation pilot" and she did not die in combat | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/10/questa-non-e-la-prima-donna-pilota-dellaviazione-ucraina-e-non-e-morta-in-combattimento/ |
10/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | CNN did not claim that Ukrainian invasion causes myocarditis | https://verifica.efe.com/cnn-invasion-ucrania-miocarditis/ |
10/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | The Ministry of Education did not modify the school curriculum concerning Greek-Russian relations | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/10/minedu-press-release-russian-greek-relations-misinformation/ |
10/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | No, this man is not an American journalist who was killed in Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-man-is-geen-amerikaanse-journalist-die-in-oekraine-werd-gedood/article-longread-1844671.html |
10/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Ukrainian army takes down Russian plane, but uses old photo for illustration | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-oekraiens-leger-haalt-russisch-vliegtuig-neer-maar-gebruikt-oude-foto-ter-illustratie/article-longread-1844195.html |
10/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | A NATO laptop with classified information was found? Not likely! | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/nato-laptop-ukraine/ |
10/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, CNN did not show an old photo of an explosion in Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/cnn-altes-foto-explosion-ukraine/ |
10/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, that's not the Zelenskys singing "Endless Love" here. | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/selenskyjs-endless-love/ |
10/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | This photo does not show Ukrainian soldiers praying. | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/foto-betende-ukrainische-soldaten/ |
10/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Maternity clinic in Mariupol: Ukrainian battalion Azov on the roof? | https://www.mimikama.at/aktuelles/entbindungsklinik-in-mariupol/ |
10/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video of Ukrainian soldiers saying goodbye to their wives is real? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-de-soldados-ucranianos-a-despedirem-se-das-suas-mulheres-e-real?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1646944813 |
10/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Did the "big media" display these 2018 images as if they were Ukrainian victims in 2022? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/a-grande-media-exibiu-estas-imagens-de-2018-como-se-fossem-de-vitimas-ucranianas-em-2022 |
10/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made Nazi salute as part of 2014 comedy sketch before taking office | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324T3VV |
10/03/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi did not exclude unvaccinated from society, | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324U9XX |
10/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Not a Russian thermobaric bomb against Kiev but a chemical accident in China | https://verifica.efe.com/bomba-termobarica-rusa-ucrania-china-2015/ |
10/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, UN staff are allowed to speak of "war" and "invasion" in the context of Ukraine. | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/10/doch-uno-mitarbeiter-duerfen-im-zusammenhang-mit-der-ukraine-von-krieg-und-invasion-sprechen/ |
10/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, "The Simpsons" does not predict nuclear bomb use in Russia-Ukraine war | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/10/nein-die-simpsons-sagen-keinen-atombombeneinsatz-im-russland-ukraine-krieg-voraus/ |
10/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation about images of pregnant women in videos of the Mariupol hospital attack (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220310/embarazadas-mujeres-mariupol-hospital-ucrania/ |
10/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation without evidence that the pregnant woman in the shelling of a children's hospital in Mariupol (Ukraine) is a Ukrainian serviceman | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220310/embarazada-hospital-mariupol-militar-ucrania/ |
10/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation about photo of pregnant woman in Mariupol children's hospital explosion (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220310/mujer-embarazada-mariupol-hospital-ucrania/ |
10/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Are there US biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-ukrainie-sa-amerykanskie-laboratoria-broni-biologicznej-fake-news/?cn-reloaded=1 |
10/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Young musicians singing 'Endless Love' are not Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and First Lady Olena | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326636N |
11/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | The US did not fund Ukraine in reserching and making of bioweapons | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/11/usa-funded-biological-weapons-development-in-ukraine-misinformation/ |
11/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Not a fake: the mass graves in Mariupol | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/kein-fake-massengrab-mariupol/ |
11/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The Pregnant Woman in Mariupol: Not a Crisis Actress! | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/schwangere-mariupol/ |
11/03/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No bat coronavirus experiments in Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/fledermaus-coronavirus-experimente-ukraine/ |
11/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video expose actors pretending to be Ukrainian soldiers wounded in the war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-expoe-atores-a-fingirem-que-sao-soldados-ucranianos-feridos-na-guerra |
11/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | "Kharkiv Panther". Is Ukraine's Army Using Cats to Locate Russian Snipers? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/pantera-de-kharkiv-exercito-da-ucrania-esta-a-utilizar-gatos-para-localizar-snipers-russos |
11/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Putin has not claimed that the hospital in Mariupol (Ukraine) that was attacked had biological weapons in a call with Donald Trump | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220311/putin-hospital-mariupol-armas-biologicas/ |
11/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photo of military armored vehicles next to a building is not of the children's hospital in Mariupol (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220311/hospital-mariupol-tanques-ucrania/ |
11/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the two pregnant women photographed in the shelling of a children's hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220311/hospital-mariupol-embarazada-ucrania/ |
11/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The swastika on the stairs of a Ukrainian shopping center is the result of a hacker attack | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/11/la-svastica-sulle-scale-di-un-centro-commerciale-ucraino-e-frutto-di-un-attacco-hacker/ |
11/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video does not show "paid actors" impersonating Ukranian victims of Russian bombings : it's from the set of a series shot in 2020 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324X2ZF |
11/03/2022 | Germany/Austia, AFP Faktencheck | No Russian troops have entered Vienna | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324X4ED |
11/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, this video is not proof of false corpses in Ukraine reporting | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324X7X2 |
11/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This live reporter disappears from the screen due to technical problems | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324X24Q |
11/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Yes, Russian citizens are still treated in this Munich clinic | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324X8WY |
11/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Eyewitnesses report discrimination against black people at the Ukrainian border | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/11/ukraine-augenzeugen-berichten-ueber-diskriminierung-von-schwarzen-an-der-grenze/ |
11/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Letter from Munich clinic: Russian and Belarusian patients will be treated again | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/11/schreiben-von-muenchner-klinik-russische-und-belarussische-patienten-werden-wieder-behandelt-2/ |
11/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | No, these images of 'fake' body bags were not made in Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-beelden-van-valse-lijkzakken-werden-niet-in-oekraine-gemaakt/article-longread-1845055.html |
11/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | The facts about the pregnant woman and the shelling of the Mariupol hospital | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/11/psevdeis-ischyrismoi-gia-tin-epithesi-sto-nosokomeio-tis-marioupolis/ |
11/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the two pregnant women photographed in the shelling of a children's hospital in Mariupol, Ukraine? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220314/hospital-mariupol-embarazada-ucrania/ |
11/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation on the Russian attack on the Mariupol maternity and children's hospital (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220311/desinformaciones-ataque-rusia-hospital-mariupol/ |
11/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The shooting at the hospital in Mariupol was a setup? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ostrzal-szpitala-w-mariupolu-byl-ustawka-fake-news/ |
11/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video show Russian bombing of gas depot in Ukraine? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-mostra-bombardeamento-da-russia-sobre-deposito-de-gasolina-na-ucrania |
11/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Mariupol hospital bombing is not a hoax | https://verifica.efe.com/bombardeo-hospital-maternidad-mariupol-no-montaje/ |
11/03/2022 | Belgium, DPA | False: Italian TV showed pictures from movie Deep Impact as from Ukrainian refugees | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220311-99-481202/ |
11/03/2022 | Luxembourg, dpa-factchecking.com | Italian tv channel allegedly showed pictures from movie "Deep Impact" as being from Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/220311-99-479085/ |
11/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | False: Pregnant women and children from bombarded hospital in Mariupol are crisis actors | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220311-99-481441/ |
11/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Altered photo shows Ukraine's First Lady Olena Zelenskyy on French riviera | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324V7UV?fbclid=IwAR1HS4RDO-eah1PLZ-xx1r4Q_XWadhXOrCF9gdT7GnvRgALRVElVm81fzz8 |
12/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fake claim that a Russian prisoner is a Ukrainian soldier | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/12/image-russian-lt-col-astakhov-mikhailovich-disinforfmation/ |
12/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Has Putin announced that he will "launch missiles at Nairobi" and "destroy Kenya"? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/putin-anunciou-que-vai-lancar-misseis-contra-nairobi-e-destruir-o-quenia |
12/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Ukraine's first female fighter pilot died in combat in the war against Russia? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/a-primeira-mulher-piloto-de-cacas-da-ucrania-morreu-em-combate-na-guerra-contra-a-russia |
12/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Image of pregnant woman injured in the bombing of a hospital in Mariupol was a model and "influencer" staging? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/imagem-de-gravida-ferida-no-bombardeamento-de-hospital-em-mariupol-foi-encenacao-de-modelo-e-influencer |
14/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Misleading letters: Deutsche Bank and Postbank do not sanction all Russian customers | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/14/missverstaendliche-briefe-deutsche-bank-und-postbank-sanktionieren-nicht-alle-russischen-kunden/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | This photo does not show the first lady of Ukraine during the conflict with Russia in 2022 | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.3266642 |
14/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo does not show Zelensky together with a ukrainian doctor died days before | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/14/questa-foto-non-mostra-zelensky-insieme-a-una-dottoressa-ucraina-morta-giorni-prima/ |
14/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The Simpsons did not foresee the use of the atomic bomb in the Russian-Ukrainian war | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/03/14/i-simpson-non-hanno-previsto-luso-della-bomba-atomica-nella-guerra-russo-ucraina/ |
14/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not "officially confirm" that NATO has "produced biological weapons" in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/14/questo-video-non-conferma-ufficialmente-che-la-nato-ha-prodotto-armi-biologiche-in-ucraina/ |
14/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Greek Consul General, not held prisoner by the Azov batallion | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/14/greek-consul-in-ukraine-held-prisoner-by-azof-batalion-misinformation/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of Zelenski visiting a hospital does not show a doctor who died before the visit: the woman is Tatiana Ostashchenko, commander of the Ukrainian Medical Forces | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220314/zelenski-visita-hospital-doctora-fallecida/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, CNN has not reported that the invasion of Ukraine is causing myocarditis | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220314/miocarditis-invasion-ucrania-cnn/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photo is not of Ukraine's first female fighter pilot and there is no evidence that she died during the Russian invasion | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220314/primera-mujer-piloto-caza-ucrania-muere/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, 'CNN' did not broadcast "the same explosion 7 years apart" in the Russian invasion of Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220314/cnn-explosion-ucrania-siete-anos/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of a corpse smoking has no relation with Russia's invasion of Ukraine: it's from a videoclip recording | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220314/cadaver-fumando-ucrania-videoclip/ |
14/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, this photo shows people at the Kharkiv train station | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/14/ukraine-dieses-foto-zeigt-menschen-am-bahnhof-von-charkiw/ |
14/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | The video shows an ecological protest in Vienna, not fake deaths from war in Ukraine | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326628V |
14/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this photograph depict the First Lady of Ukraine in combat in the war against Russia? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/esta-fotografia-retrata-a-primeira-dama-da-ucrania-em-combate-na-guerra-contra-a-russia |
14/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Ukrainian mall apologized for swastika in 2019 after alleged computer hack | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-oekraiens-winkelcentrum-excuseerde-zich-in-2019-voor-hakenkruis-na-vermeende-computerhack/article-longread-1846009.html |
14/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Not Ukrainian fake victims but climate change protesters | https://verifica.efe.com/ucrania-no-falsas-victimas-sino-manifestantes-clima/ |
14/03/2022 | Netherlands, DPA | False: Ukrainian president Zelensky seen in video with doctor who already died - so video is old | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220314-99-514730/ |
14/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | War covers up the plans of ignoble globalists? It is a conspiracy theory! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-przykrywa-plany-niecnych-globalistow-to-teoria-spiskowa/ |
14/03/2022 | Luxembourg, dpa-factchecking.com | Russia has allegedly no debts and no inner conflicts, the EU has only two LNG terminals | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/220314-99-517356/ |
14/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Video does not show Grad rocket from Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324X7BT |
14/03/2022 | Czech, AFP Na pravou miru | Video does not show fake corpses in Ukraine, it's a climate protest in Vienna | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32663MN |
15/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the people singing in this video are not Ukraine's President, Volodymir Zelenski, and his wife, Olena Zelenska | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220315/presidente-ucrania-zelesnki-mujer-olena-zelenska-cancion/ |
15/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video does not show the shooting down of a Ukrainian Bayraktar TB2 by Russian forces: the video is not current | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220315/derribo-bayraktar-tb2-ucraniano-rusia/ |
15/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the symbol on Zelenski's shirt in this picture is not from the Azov Battalion: it's the logo of the Ukrainian football federation | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220315/simbolo-zelenski-batallon-azov-federacion-ucraniana-futbol/ |
15/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video show the Russian Army Choir being arrested for "singing about peace"? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-mostra-o-coro-do-exercito-russo-a-ser-preso-por-cantar-sobre-a-paz |
15/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Victims of Russia's invasion of Ukraine and misinformation | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220315/victimas-invasion-rusa-ucrania-desinformacion/ |
15/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | The hoax claiming that Zelenski released this 'altered' video on 11 March because 'he has fled Kiev' | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220315/zelenski-video-croma-kiev-ucrania/ |
15/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Russia has not announced any arrest warrant for George Soros as of 15 March 2022 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220315/rusia-anuncia-orden-detencion-george-soros/ |
15/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the @MarinaOvsy account does not belong to the editor of the Russian Channel One channel who came out with a 'no to war' sign | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220315/cuenta-marinaovsy-channel-one-rusia/ |
15/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video Putin moving his hand through a microphone is not made with special effects | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/15/video-with-putin-hand-through-microphone-misinformation/ |
15/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Slobodan Milosevic was not exonerated by the ICTY, after his death | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/15/slobodan-milosevic-found-not-guilty-by-international-court-and-drive-to-death-misinformation/ |
15/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukranian corpses allegedly "moving" on TV: it's a performance against climate change policies in Viena in 2022 | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nagranie-przedstawia-ofiary-wojny-to-uczestnicy-protestu-klimatycznego/ |
15/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Refugees get free accommodation? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/uchodzcy-dostaja-darmowe-mieszkania-fake-news/ |
15/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Four F-16 fighters from Portugal were deployed to the Poland-Ukraine border? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/quatro-cacas-f-16-de-portugal-foram-mobilizados-para-a-fronteira-polonia-ucrania |
15/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Yes, the photo of the Azov battalion with the Nazi flag may have been modified (but by its own author) | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/03/15/si-la-foto-del-battaglione-azov-con-la-bandiera-nazista-potrebbe-essere-stata-modificata-ma-dal-suo-stesso-autore/ |
15/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Giovanna Botteri did not say that Mariupol hospital had been evacuated for month | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/15/giovanna-botteri-non-ha-detto-che-lospedale-di-mariupol-era-stato-evacuato-da-mesi/ |
15/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Manipulated image shows the Ukrainian president holding a national team jersey with swastikas | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/manipuleret-billede-viser-den-ukrainske-praesident-holde-en-landsholdstroeje-med-hagekors |
16/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Russia did not return to the gold standard rule | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/16/russia_gold_standard/ |
16/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Do these photographs show Macron after a telephone conversation with Putin during the war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/estas-fotografias-mostram-macron-apos-conversa-telefonica-com-putin-durante-a-guerra |
16/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Secret document proves that the Ukrainian government was preparing a military attack on Donbass? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/documento-secreto-comprova-que-governo-ucraniano-preparava-ataque-militar-em-donbass |
16/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo of a tractor pulling a military jet has nothing to do with Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/16/questa-foto-di-un-trattore-che-traina-un-jet-militare-non-centra-con-lucraina/ |
16/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The photo of the pregnant woman from Mariupol hospital is not a staging | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/16/la-foto-della-donna-incinta-dellospedale-di-mariupol-non-e-una-messinscena/ |
16/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, the bar "Putin Pub" was not renamed "Zelenskiy Pub | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326A36J |
16/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Russia allegedly invaded Ukraine because Kiev is an epicentre of big pharma | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220310-99-462547/ |
16/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Only vaccinated victims of the war in Ukraine allegedly get financial help from the state | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220316-99-544806/ |
16/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | No, news programme Nieuwsuur did not show fake video of Zelensky | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-duidingsprogramma-nieuwsuur-toonde-geen-nepvideo-van-zelensky/article-longread-1847255.html |
16/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Nothing proves there are biological weapons labs in Ukraine, as Russia claims | https://verifica.efe.com/ucrania-rusia-armas-biologicas-sin-pruebas/ |
16/03/2022 | Belgium, AFP Factuel | This photo of an explosion in Ukraine is from 2022 and is doctored | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.3268929 |
16/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | False: Beautyblogger from Mariupol was not pregnant | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220315-99-530964/ |
16/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | NATO and Ukraine responsible for Russia's intervention? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nato-i-ukraina-odpowiedzialne-za-interwencje-rosji-fake-news/ |
16/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | NATO bases around Russia? Manipulation to justify the invasion of Ukraine | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/bazy-nato-wokol-rosji-manipulacja-ma-uzasadnic-inwazje-na-ukraine/ |
16/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Lego has produced blocks in the shape of Molotov cocktails? This is fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/lego-wyprodukowalo-klocki-w-ksztalcie-koktajli-molotowa-to-fake-news/ |
16/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Heavenly Jerusalem' in Ukraine? It is a conspiracy theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/niebianska-jerozolima-w-ukrainie-to-teoria-spiskowa/ |
16/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not current, nor does it show the arrest of the Russian military choir for singing "against the war": it has been circulating since at least 2015 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220316/ejercito-ruso-detencion-coro-cantar-guerra-ucrania/ |
16/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the death of the Russian model who called Putin a "psychopath"? Her ex-boyfriend has confessed to investigators that he murdered her | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220316/muerte-modelo-rusa-psicopata-putin/ |
16/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video does not show the destruction of the city of Kharkiv/Kharkov: it was taken in August 2020 in Beirut, Lebanon | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220316/destruccion-ciudad-kharkiv-jarkov-beirut/ |
16/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian refugees vandalizing a shop? The video is from before the war! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainscy-uchodzcy-demoluja-sklep-nagranie-pochodzi-sprzed-wojny/ |
17/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, six truckloads of aid for Ukraine were not disposed of in the Upper Palatinate | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/17/nein-in-der-oberpfalz-wurden-nicht-sechs-lkw-ladungen-mit-hilfsguetern-fuer-die-ukraine-entsorgt/ |
17/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | CNN reported that the invasion of Ukraine is causing cases of myocarditis? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/cnn-noticiou-que-a-invasao-da-ucrania-esta-a-provocar-casos-de-miocardite |
17/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | We do not know if the children in this photo are "child soldiers | https://facta.news/senza-prove/2022/03/17/non-sappiamo-se-i-bambini-di-questa-foto-sono-bambini-soldato/ |
17/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | CNN has not reported that the Ukraine invasion causes myocarditis | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220314/miocarditis-invasion-ucrania-cnn/ |
17/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Hoaxes claiming that Zelenskyy is a drug addict, drunkard, Satanist and has left Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220317/zelenski-borracho-huido-satanista-bulos/ |
17/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy has not been killed | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220317/muere-presidente-ucrania-volodimir-zelenski-bulo/ |
17/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, Natalia Klitschko does not live in a state-funded villa near Berlin | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326A8JG |
17/03/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | The Ukrainian army does not use cats against snipers | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326C8X4 |
17/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The messages attributed to the journalist arrested in Russia are not hers | https://verifica.efe.com/periodista-television-rusia-cuentas-falsas-twitter/ |
17/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The ad of Russian tanks for sale in Ebay is a hoax | https://verifica.efe.com/tanques-rusos-ebay/ |
17/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Pro-Kremlin channels spread false claims that Zelenský's visit to the hospital was "fake" | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326C2XG |
17/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | Slovakia did not say "No to NATO" or turn to Russia | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326A73Y |
17/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | This video is not from the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, it is several years old | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326C7JT |
17/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Slovakia does not oppose NATO, is a member and supports Russia sanctions | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326A3ZE |
17/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Pro-Kremlin media spread false information that Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky staged hospital visit | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326D3GX |
17/03/2022 | Czech, AFP Na pravou miru | Only unuseful donations for Ukraine go in the trash, tonnes of humanitarian aid makes it to those in need | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326C7GN |
17/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not the "Hungarian people" who thank the government for setting a ceiling on the price of gasoline and diesel | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/17/questo-non-e-il-popolo-ungherese-che-ringrazia-il-governo-per-aver-fissato-un-tetto-al-prezzo-di-benzina-e-gasolio/ |
17/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Yes, some senators have really confused Pyongyang (North Korea) and PyeongChang (South Korea) | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/03/17/si-alcuni-senatori-hanno-davvero-confuso-pyongyang-corea-del-nord-e-pyeongchang-corea-del-sud/ |
17/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show the arrest of the St. Petersburg band for singing a song of peace, it is from 201 | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/03/17/si-alcuni-senatori-hanno-davvero-confuso-pyongyang-corea-del-nord-e-pyeongchang-corea-del-sud/ |
17/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show a "refugee from Ukraine" who "explains to the Italians who is the head of the house", is from 2018 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/17/questo-video-non-mostra-un-rifugiato-dallucraina-che-spiega-agli-italiani-chi-e-il-capo-della-casa-e-del-2018/ |
17/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The video shows Ukrainian soldiers? No, they are Kadyrovists! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nagranie-przedstawia-ukrainskich-zolnierzy-nie-to-kadyrowcy/ |
17/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Zelenski's T-shirt in this picture does not carry a symbol of "Nazi Germany": it is the emblem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220317/zelenski-simbolo-nazi-camiseta/ |
18/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fake claim that Greece accepts refugees from Ukraine only if they are vaccinated | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/16/greece-only-accepts-vaccinated-people-from-ukraine-misinformation/ |
18/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Mariupol: No, these photos of injured women do not prove a staged attack | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/18/ukraine-mariupol-nein-diese-fotos-verletzter-frauen-belegen-keinen-inszenierten-angriff/ |
18/03/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Wrong map showing so-to-say NATO bases all around Russia | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220316-99-546778/ |
18/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Is the video where Zelensky asks Ukrainians to surrender authentic? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-em-que-zelensky-pede-aos-ucranianos-que-se-rendam-e-autentico |
18/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This hospital visit of Volodymyr Selenskyj is real | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326F2D3 |
18/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, this photo does not prove mass disposal of Ukraine donations | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326F22J |
18/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Video of Ukraine's president 's "surrender" has been manipulated | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/video-af-ukraines-praesidents-overgivelse-er-manipuleret |
18/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | Posts falsely claim Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky pre-recorded a hospital visit | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326C9DL |
18/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Urgently needed goods for Ukraine are allegedly dumped close to the border | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220317-99-561492/ |
18/03/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | No, this video does not show president Zelensky with a doctor who has already died | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220318-99-578756/ |
18/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | "Putin" pub in Jerusalem did change its name, but not to "Zelensky" | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326F6ZT |
18/03/2022 | Czech, AFP Na pravou miru | Pro-Kremlin media spread false information that Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelensky staged hospital visit | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326F3LC |
18/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, CNN did not say that the invasion of Ukraine is causing myocarditi | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/18/no-la-cnn-non-ha-detto-che-linvasione-in-ucraina-sta-causando-miocarditi/ |
18/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | There is no evidence that a Slovenian newspaper used a photo of the "Bergamo coffins" to report the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/senza-prove/2022/03/18/non-ci-sono-prove-che-un-giornale-sloveno-abbia-usato-una-foto-delle-bare-di-bergamo-per-raccontare-la-guerra-in-ucraina/ |
18/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This Italian TV station did not use a movie scene in its Ukraine coverage | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326F8BB |
18/03/2022 | Belgium, AFP Factuel | Doctored Italian TV screenshot shared to discredit Ukraine war coverage | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326E4Q2 |
18/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Doctored Italian TV screenshot shared to discredit Ukraine war coverage | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326F8BB |
18/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian refugees are not displaced persons | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainscy-uchodzcy-nie-sa-przesiedlencami/ |
18/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Did Ukrainian soldiers die on Serpents Isle after refusing to surrender to Russian troops? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/soldados-ucranianos-morreram-na-ilha-das-serpentes-apos-recusarem-render-se-as-tropas-russas |
18/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of an assault on an Italian train is neither recent nor related to Russia's ongoing invasion of Ukraine: it was taken in 2018 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220318/agresion-tren-italia-ucraniano-actual/ |
18/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this call to take in children in Alicante is not current: it is from 2021 and has nothing to do with the displaced Ukrainians | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220318/acoger-ninos-ucranianos-alicante-llamamiento/ |
19/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | CNN did not publish the fake news of Steven Seagal "among the Russian special forces" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/18/la-cnn-non-ha-pubblicato-la-falsa-notizia-di-steven-seagal-tra-le-forze-speciali-russe/ |
19/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fake claim that video shows Red Cross boxes containing money sent to the Azov battalion | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/19/video-red-cross-boxes-with-money-found-in-ukrainian-nationalist-warehouse-fake-news/ |
19/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | "Ukraine doesn't exist as a country" because it hasn't registered its borders with the UN since 1991? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/a-ucrania-nao-existe-como-pais-porque-nao-registou-as-fronteiras-na-onu-desde-1991 |
20/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Doctored picture of crowd forming a swastiga in Christmas 2017, in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/19/kiev-christmas-swastika-photoshopped/ |
20/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video reveal the participation of US soldiers in the Ukrainian war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-revela-participacao-de-soldados-norte-americanos-na-guerra-da-ucrania |
20/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Are these images of Ukrainian missiles destroying Russian tanks real, in the ongoing war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/sao-reais-estas-imagens-de-misseis-ucranianos-a-destruirem-tanques-russos-na-guerra-em-curso |
20/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | This video shows Russian troops maneuvering grenade launchers from "Soviet times" that fail to fire? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-mostra-tropas-russas-a-manobrar-lanca-granadas-dos-tempos-sovieticos-que-falha-disparo |
20/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Ukraine does not require "compulsory vaccination" for citizens applying for "war compensation" | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220320/ucrania-vacunacion-obligatoria-compensacion-guerra/ |
21/03/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Facktencheck | Doctored Italian TV screenshot shared to discredit Ukraine war coverage | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326F3QZ |
21/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video portray fighting and bombing in the current Ukraine war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-retrata-combates-e-bombardeamentos-na-atual-guerra-da-ucrania |
21/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Zelenski's meeting with European prime ministers was not in Poland: it was held in Kyiv / Kiev | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220321/reunion-zelenski-primeros-ministros-polonia-ucrania/ |
21/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the photo of this girl is not from Ukraine: she is an Afghan refugee photographed in Pakistan in 2014 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220321/foto-ni%C3%B1a-ucrania-afgana/ |
21/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of alleged Russian military personnel is neither current nor related to the Russian invasion of Ukraine: it dates back to at least 2015 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220321/ucrania-militares-rusos-video-2015/ |
21/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Putin does not announce Russia's surrender in this video: it is manipulated | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220321/putin-rendicion-rusia-video/ |
21/03/2022 | Italy, Facta.news | This video has nothing to do with Ukraine, it is a music video clip | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/21/questo-video-non-centra-con-lucraina-e-un-videoclip-musicale/ |
21/03/2022 | Italy, Facta.news | The Ukrainian government has not issued "war compensation" conditional on the completion of the vaccination cycle | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/21/il-governo-ucraino-non-ha-varato-un-risarcimento-di-guerra-subordinato-al-completamento-del-ciclo-vaccinale/ |
21/03/2022 | Italy, Facta.news | It is not true that according to the BBC "Russia is not a true democracy | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/21/non-e-vero-che-secondo-la-bbc-la-russia-non-e-una-vera-democrazia/ |
21/03/2022 | Hungary AFP Ténykérdés | Manipulated image: this Italian TV channel did not play a film clip as a Ukrainian report | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326L9U7 |
21/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Zelenski nominated for the Nobel Prize? The list of candidates is closed! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-zgloszony-do-nagrody-nobla-lista-kandydatow-jest-zamknieta/ |
22/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this map correctly locate NATO bases installed around Russia? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-mapa-localiza-corretamente-as-bases-da-nato-instaladas-em-torno-da-russia |
22/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, Ukrainian refugees did not beat Russian-speaking teenager to death | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326N3WT |
22/03/2022 | Italy, Facta.news | This explosion has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine, it happened in Lebanon in 2020 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/22/questa-esplosione-non-centra-con-la-guerra-in-ucraina-e-avvenuta-in-libano-nel-2020/ |
22/03/2022 | Italy, Facta.news | These are not "Russian mobile cremation ovens" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/22/questi-non-sono-forni-crematori-mobili-russi/ |
22/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | An old photomontage on which Kiska holds the "Azov Regiment flag" resurfaces | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326N7K7 |
22/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This man is not the deputy director of Kiev police | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/20/antyom-bonov-deputy-chief-kiev-police-misinformation/ |
22/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Misrepresented video allegedly depicting fake dead people in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/20/video-depicts-staged-deaths-of-ukrainians-from-russian-invasion-misinformation/ |
22/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This Wikileaks cable doesn't prove a US plan to invade Russia, throught the Baltic states, Poland and Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/21/wikileaks-document-reveals-plans-for-us-attack-on-russia-misinformation/ |
24/02/2022 | Ireland, The Journal - FactCheck | Disinformation, Ukraine and the war of words on social media | https://www.thejournal.ie/false-news-about-ukraine-conflict-5692894-Feb2022/ |
24/02/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | This video is old, not from the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U6WP |
24/02/2022 | Norway, Faktisk.no | How to assess information about the war in Ukraine | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z826l/slik-vurderer-du-informasjon-om-krigen-i-ukraina |
24/02/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Caution with this video claiming to show Russian planes in the Ukrainian sky | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U2KR |
24/02/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video shows missiles targeting Israel in 2021, not Russian strikes on Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U3J8 |
24/02/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This video is old and has nothing to do with Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U4HA |
24/02/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | false images and videos about Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/videos-aus-ukraine-hybrid-fakes/ |
24/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | False claim that the pictures of the bombing of a community building in Chuhuiv are from a gas explosion in 2018 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/krieg-in-der-ukraine-doch-dieses-bild-ist-aktuell-und-zeigt-die-folgen-eines-mutmasslich-russischen-raketenangriffs/ |
24/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | False claim that the attack on the airport in Ivano-Frankivsk were a false flag | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/videos-von-luftangriffen-auf-den-militaerflughafen-iwano-frankiwsk-sind-authentisch/ |
24/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | True claim that the German tabloid BILD used false video footage in a report about the war, indeed the videos were several years old - the medium publicly apologized and corrected the error | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/bild-tv-nutzte-in-bericht-ueber-russland-ukraine-krieg-falsche-videos-hat-den-fehler-aber-korrigiert/ |
24/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, a nuclear waste storage facility in Chernobyl wasn't destroyed | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/02/24/no-le-forze-armate-russe-non-hanno-distrutto-un-impianto-di-stoccaggio-di-scorie-nucleari-a-chernobyl/ |
24/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Lithuanias Minister of Foreign Affairs didn't ask to start invasion in Russia | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/bando-sudominti-klaidinga-antraste-gabrielius-landsbergis-to-nesake.d?id=89541709 |
24/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Footage from videogame used as depiction of Russia - Ukraine conflict | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/vaizdo-zaidimo-kadrus-melagingai-susiejo-su-ivykiais-ukrainoje.d?id=89548199 |
24/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, this video does not show a Russian fighter shot down by Ukraine: it is Libya in 2011 | https://www.newtral.es/avion-ruso-derribado-conflicto-ucrania/20220224/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of Russian paratroopers attributed to the attack on Ukraine that is not recent | https://www.newtral.es/paracaidistas-rusos-conflicto-rusia-ucrania/20220224/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of 2021 in Gaza that is shared as if it were a Russian bombing of Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/video-bombardeo-ucrania/20220224/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The subtitles of the video that do not correspond to the words of Joe Biden on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/subtitulos-video-biden/20220224/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of an explosion is not from the Ukraine bombing: it has been circulating since 2015 in connection with an explosion in China | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/explosion-bombardeo-ucrania/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photo is not from Russia's current bombing of Ukraine: it has been circulating since at least 2021 in connection with Gaza (Palestine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/foto-bombardeo-rusia-ucrania-gaza/ |
24/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | No evidence that Putin's war declaragtion speech pre-recorded | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/24/den-yparchoun-apodeixeis-oti-o-vlantimir-poutin-eiche-magnitoskopisei-noritera-tin-omilia-kiryxis-polemou/ |
24/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | A fake photo circulating online, claims that Russia "liberated" Kharkiv | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/24/phto-russian-flag-kharkiv-2014/ |
24/02/2022 | Poland, Demagog | "Imaginary" war in Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wyimaginowana-wojna-na-ukrainie-fake-news/ |
24/02/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Photo of Russian fighter shot by Ukraine? Photo is old! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zdjecie-zestrzelonego-rosyjskiego-samolotu-fotografia-jest-stara/ |
24/02/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russian fighters in Kharkiv? Old footage! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/samoloty-szturmowe-w-charkowie-to-stare-nagranie/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of an explosion is not from a Russian attack on Ukraine on February 24: it has been circulating, at least, since the end of January | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/explosion-ataque-rusia-ucrania-24-febrero/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photograph of people praying in Ukraine is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2019 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/personas-rezando-ucrania-rusia-2019/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not of "Russian warplanes" shooting civilians in Ukraine: it was recorded in Turkey in 2016 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/aviones-guerra-rusia-ucrania/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | There is no evidence that the video of Putin announcing a bombing attack on Ukraine was recorded on Monday, February 21 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-putin-bombardeo-ucrania-lunes/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not of a Russian attack on Ukraine: it is of explosions in an industrial zone in Tianjin (China) in 2015 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-ataque-rusia-ucrania-china/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not from "Russia at war with Ukraine": it is a simulation of a video game | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-rusia-guerra-ucrania-simulacion/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of a missile launch is not recorded in Ukraine and is not related to the current situation: it was recorded in May 2021 and is from the conflict between Palestine and Israel | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-misiles-ucrania-2021/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not from the campaign of Volodímir Zelenski, president of Ukraine: it is a scene from a series in which he was the protagonist | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/video-campana-zelenski-ucrania/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photograph of a young woman carrying a gun on a bus is not current or related to the military crisis between Russia and Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/joven-arma-autobus-ucrania-rusia/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Fact Check: Video Does NOT Show Russian Paratroopers Landing in Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/ucrania-despues-inicio-ataque-rusas/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photo of a Russian flag being placed on a public building in Ukraine is not current: it is from 2014 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/bandera-rusa-edificio-ucrania/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not current or from Ukraine: it is from a rehearsal of a military parade recorded in Russia in May 2020 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/ucrania-despues-inicio-ataque-rusas/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video does not show Russian paratroopers landing in Ukraine during the current conflict: it has been circulating at least since 2016 linked to the Russian city of Rostov | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/paracaidistas-rusos-aterrizando-ucrania-conflicto/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not of a gas explosion in the Russian city of Magnitogorsk in 2018: it was recorded in Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/ucrania-rusia-magnitogorsk-explosion-2018/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation claiming that "North Korea just sent troops to Ukraine in support of Russia" | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/corea-norte-tropas-ucrania-apoyo-rusia/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photograph of a burning plane in the air is neither current nor related to the situation in Ukraine: it has been circulating for years in connection with an accident in 1993. | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/avion-llamas-ucrania/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photograph of people putting up a flag on a public building un Ukraine is not current: it was taken in 2014 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/bandera-rusa-edificio-ucrania/ |
24/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Two Greeks were not killed by Ukranian soldiers because they had pro-Russian sentiments | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/15/incident-with-two-dead-in-ukraine-misinformation/ |
24/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | A video that shows Russian paratroopers landing in Kharkov it's from previous exercitation | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/24/video-of-russian-paratroopers-from-operations-in-ukraine-2022-misinformation/ |
24/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, this video is not about Ukraine's crisis, it's from a parade in 2020 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/24/questo-video-non-centra-con-la-crisi-russia-ucraina-e-una-parata-militare-del-2020/ |
24/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Video of saboteurs who wanted to blast a chlorine tank in Donezk - probably manipulated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/23/ukraine-video-angeblicher-saboteure-die-einen-anschlag-in-der-region-donezk-planten-ist-laut-metadaten-manipuliert/ |
24/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | No, this video does not show an F-22 Raptor engaging an anti-aircraft defense system in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/24/video-on-facebook-shows-f22-fighting-ukraine-anti-aircraft-weapon-system-fake/ |
24/02/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware of this video claiming to show Russian planes in the Ukrainian sky | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U2KR |
24/02/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video shows missiles targeting Israel in 2021, not Russian fire against Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U3J8 |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Biden does not claim in this video that the US would attack Russia for invading Ukraine: the subtitles are false | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/biden-eeuu-ataque-rusia-ucrania/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not of the destruction of Russian military equipment by the Ukrainian Army: it was filmed in 2020 in Syria | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220224/no-este-video-no-es-de-la-destruccion-de-equipamiento-militar-ruso-por-parte-del-ejercito-ucraniano-se-grabo-el-2020-en-siria/ |
24/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Russia-Ukraine, Tg2 broadcasted a videogame and an old parade as videos of the current situation | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/24/no-questo-video-non-mostra-i-primi-attacchi-russi-in-ucraina/ |
24/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Video shows lightning not Russia invasion of Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/24/russia-ucraina-nel-suo-servizio-il-tg2-ha-trasmesso-un-videogioco-e-una-parata-del-2020/ |
24/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Russian ministry of defense said they are not attacking Ukrainian cities, no danger for civilians - several reports e.g. from the cities Uman and Chuhuiv are evidence of the opposite | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/24/doch-die-russischen-angriffe-bedrohen-auch-ukrainische-zivilisten-und-staedte/ |
24/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This picture with a Russian flag it's not about the ongoing attack, it's from 2014 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/24/questa-foto-non-centra-con-lattacco-russo-allucraina-e-del-2014/ |
24/02/2022 | Luxembourg, dpa-factchecking.com | False: Ukraine's borders have never been recognized by the United Nations | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/220224-99-268156/ |
25/02/2022 | Croatia, Provera činjenica | This video does not show the Russian bombing of Ukraine, it is a digital design published months ago. | https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323W88U |
25/02/2022 | Croatia, Provera činjenica | This paratroopers video was released in 2014 and has nothing to do with the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022. | https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323W9YA |
25/02/2022 | Norway, Faktisk.no | Russia spreads disinformation through large networks | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z41xo/russland-sprer-desinformasjon-ved-hjelp-av-store-nettverk |
25/02/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware of the use of metadata from Vladimir Putin's speech announcing the invasion of Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323U8YG |
25/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukraine: Disinformation around the bombing of a kindergarten in Luhansk | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/ukraine-desinformation-rund-um-bombardierung-eines-kindergartens-in-luhansk/ |
25/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Videos of air strikes on Ivano-Frankivsk military airport are authentic | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/videos-von-luftangriffen-auf-den-militaerflughafen-iwano-frankiwsk-sind-authentisch/ |
25/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | War in Ukraine: Yes, this picture is up-to-date and shows the consequences of a suspected Russian missile attack | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/krieg-in-der-ukraine-doch-dieses-bild-ist-aktuell-und-zeigt-die-folgen-eines-mutmasslich-russischen-raketenangriffs/ |
25/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Bild-TV used wrong videos in report on Russia-Ukraine war, but corrected its mistake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/25/bild-tv-nutzte-in-bericht-ueber-russland-ukraine-krieg-falsche-videos-hat-den-fehler-aber-korrigiert/ |
25/02/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This video of paratroopers is from several years ago and does not show the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022 | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X2DV |
25/02/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This footage was made in a military simulation video game and does not show the Russian invasion of Ukraine | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X37K |
25/02/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | This video of an airstrike was published years ago and has nothing to do with Russia attacking Ukraine in 2022 | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323W8YP |
25/02/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | These old videos do not show a Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022 | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X3XL |
25/02/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | These scenes are from a promotional video for a video game, not the Russian attack on Ukraine | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X38Q |
25/02/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | This video of parachuting of troops was published years ago and is not about the 2022 Russian attack on Ukraine | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.323X2N4 |
25/02/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | false images and videos used by mainstream media | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/ukraine-krise-falsche-videos/ |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Putin did not ban Rothschilds from Russia | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/02/25/no-putin-non-ha-vietato-ai-rothschild-di-entrare-nel-territorio-russo/ |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This picture isn't from 2015 | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/02/25/la-foto-dellesplosione-allaeroporto-di-kiev-non-risale-al-2015/ |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not Russian paratroopers landing near the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questi-non-sono-centinaia-di-paracadutisti-russi-che-invadono-lucraina/ |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These isn't a real video, it's a videogame | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questo-video-non-mostra-un-attacco-antiaereo-ucraino-e-un-videogioco/ |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This airplain wasn't shot down in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questa-foto-non-mostra-un-aereo-russo-abbattuto-in-ucraina/ |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | RaiNews24 broadcasted a Chinese video instead an Ukrainian one | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/rai-news-24-ha-trasmesso-unesplosione-avvenuta-a-tianjin-cina-per-illustrare-la-crisi-tra-russia-e-ucraina/ |
25/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Footage first showed in arabic Facebook page on 2020 of a soldier hugging his partner with a baby described as happening now, during Russia-Ukraine conflict | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/jausminga-kareivio-atsisveikinancio-su-seima-akimirka-nera-susijusi-su-siuo-metu-ukrainoje-vykstanciu-karu.d?id=89557087 |
25/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | FB post saying that Ukraine is not a legit country, nation because it was not able to fix some documentation on UN | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/skleidzia-mela-esa-ukraina-nera-tauta-nes-nesusitvarke-dokumentu-jto.d?id=89559265 |
25/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Photo from demolished building in Kharkiv region, Ukraine on feb. 24 captioned as gas explosion in Magnitogorsk, Russia on 2018 | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/rusijos-ukrainos-kara-neigiantys-melagienu-skleidejai-tikina-kad-sprogimo-paliestas-pastatas-buvo-nufotografuotas-2018-m.d?id=89560655 |
25/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Misleading photo of a Ukrainian father who joined the army and burst into tears as he bids farewell to his family | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/25/ochi-o-andras-den-apochaireta-tin-kori-tou-gia-na-polemisei-enantion-tis-rosias/ |
25/02/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukraine didn't register its borders in the UN? Propagandistic claim! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-nie-zarejestrowala-swoich-granic-w-onz-propagandowy-przekaz/ |
25/02/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Video depicts Russian attack on Mariupol? No, the video is older! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/film-przedstawia-rosyjski-atak-na-mariupol-nie-to-wideo-jest-starsze/ |
25/02/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Did CNN report that Bolsonaro avoided "World War 3" by convincing Putin to back down? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/cnn-noticiou-que-bolsonaro-evitou-a-3-a-guerra-mundial-ao-convencer-putin-a-recuar |
25/02/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video posted on Twitter shows "Russian warplanes" firing on Ukrainian civilians? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-difundido-no-twitter-mostra-avioes-de-guerra-da-russia-a-dispararem-contra-civis-ucranianos |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show a Russian plane shot down by Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questo-video-non-mostra-un-caccia-russo-abbattuto-dalla-contraerea-ucraina/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not of a paratrooper "invading Ukraine" during the current Russian attack: it has been circulating since at least 2015 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/paracaidista-invadiendo-ucrania-rusia/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of an explosion is not of a Russian attack on Ukraine: it was recorded in Beirut (Lebanon) in 2020 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/explosion-ataque-rusia-ucrania-beirut/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video allegedly showing "Ukrainian soldiers fallen in battle on the outskirts of Kiev" is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2015 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/video-soldados-ucranianos-kiev/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of riot police refusing to "go against their people" in Ukraine is not current: it is from 2014 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/policias-odessa-ucrania-escudos/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photo of two children waving to Ukrainian soldiers is not current: it has been circulating for years | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/no-esta-foto-de-dos-ninos-saludando-a-unos-soldados-ucranianos-no-es-actual-circula-desde/ |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo doesn't show a russian airplain | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/questa-foto-non-mostra-un-aereo-russo-abbattuto-in-ucraina/ |
25/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | RaiNews24 broadcasted a Chinese video instead an Ukrainian one | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/25/rai-news-24-ha-trasmesso-unesplosione-avvenuta-a-tianjin-cina-per-illustrare-la-crisi-tra-russia-e-ucraina/ |
25/02/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Witalij Klitschko is fighting at the front? This photo is from a year ago! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/witalij-kliczko-walczy-na-froncie-to-zdjecie-pochodzi-sprzed-roku/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photo of an injured girl is not from the conflict in Ukraine: it is from Palestine in 2021 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/nina-herida-ucrania-rusia-foto/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, these images of bombings are not related to the conflict between Russia and Ukraine: they are photos taken in Gaza (Palestine) in 2018 and 2021 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220225/fotos-bombardeos-rusia-ucrania-gaza/ |
26/02/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | it's false that the photo of the wounded ukrainian woman it's a fake. | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/luftangriff-keine-gasexplosion/ |
26/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the content and rumors claiming that President Zelenski has fled Ukraine? They provide no evidence and the Ukrainian government denies it. | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220226/presidente-zelenski-ucrania-huida/ |
26/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this father is not saying goodbye to his daughter to "fight against Russia": it was filmed in Donetsk, that population was evacuated to Russia and the video predates the Russian aggression against Ukraine. | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220226/padre-llora-hija-evacuacion-ucrania-rusia/ |
26/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this woman was not the victim of a gas explosion that occurred in a building in 2018: she was injured at the beginning of the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220226/mujer-herida-2018-rusia-ucrania/ |
26/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Not true that Ukraine has not officially registered its borders with the UN, so it remains a province of the USSR and consequently of Russia | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/26/ukraine-has-not-officially-registered-its-borderds-and-thus-is-part-of-russia-fake-news/ |
26/02/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this image portray the president of Ukraine in military uniform in the ongoing war against Russia? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/esta-imagem-retrata-o-presidente-da-ucrania-com-farda-militar-na-guerra-em-curso-frente-a-russia |
26/02/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | President of the Republic issued a warning about the danger of cyberattacks from Russia and China? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/presidente-da-republica-emitiu-alerta-sobre-perigo-de-ciberataques-da-russia-e-china |
26/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This footage do not show shelters in Kiev but an accident in the subway of Rome in 2018 | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/26/news-channel-footage-showing-ukrainian-citizens-searching-for-cover-in-metro-station-fake-news/ |
26/02/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Why does Putin say he wants to "de-Nazify" Ukraine? | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/hvorfor-siger-putin-han-vil-afnazificere-ukraine |
27/02/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Children salute the tankers? The photo is from 2016 | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zdjecie-dzieci-ktore-salutuja-czolgistom-fotografia-jest-z-2016-roku/ |
27/02/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | old photo (2016) of children saluting ukrainian tanks | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/kinder-ukrainische-panzer/ |
27/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Older photographs of Volodymyr Zelensky in military uniform presented as recent | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/27/volodymyr-zelenskyy-photos-with-military-uniform-from-2022-rusia-invasion-to-ukraine-misinforma |
27/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This picture does't show Russian paratroopers in Kiev | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/27/photo-shows-russian-paratrooters-fake/ |
27/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Russian planes over Ukraine misinformation | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/27/russian-planes-over-ukraine-video-misinformation/ |
27/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | This video is not a montage filmed in Ukraine during Russia invasion: it was filmed in Birmingham in 2013 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220227/montaje-bombardeo-rusia-birmingham/ |
27/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | These pictures of a Russian tank with a Soviet flag are not false | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220227/tanque-rusia-bandera-union-sovietica/ |
27/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | This video of an alleged Russian attack on Ukraine's defence is not recent: it's been circulating since at least 2018 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220227/video-ataque-ruso-defensa-ucrania/ |
27/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, This 'Time' Magazine Cover With Putin Turned Into Hitler isn't Real | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220227/revista-time-putin-hitler/ |
27/02/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Is this image showing Ukrainians praying in the snow related to the current Russian invasion? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/imagem-que-mostra-ucranianos-a-rezar-na-neve-esta-relacionada-com-a-invasao-russa-atual |
27/02/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Was the state of Ukraine the top donor to Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/estado-da-ucrania-foi-o-principal-doador-da-campanha-presidencial-de-hillary-clinton-em-2016 |
28/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | False message about supposedly the first american casualty in a war journalist Bernie Gores claiming that the same person was reported to be killed in Afghanistan | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/plinta-melaginga-zinute-apie-neva-pirma-jav-auka-rusijos-ukrainos-kare.d?id=89575751 |
28/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Picture of people praying in various Polish religious feasts miscaptioned as related to the war | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/besimeldzianciu-zmoniu-nuotraukos-nera-susijusios-su-rusijos-paskelbtu-karu-ukrainoje.d?id=89580883 |
28/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Picture of Telegram group feed used as a proof that the war is not happening and there are only actors playing on Ukrainian side | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/ukrainos-kovos-su-dezinformacija-centras-perspejo-apie-chaosui-sukelti-kuriamas-grupes-nepasimaukite-ant-sukciu-kabliuko.d?id=89583007 |
28/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Video footage of a huge blast miscaptioned as happened in Cherkasy region | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/cerkasu-srities-administratorius-paneige-teiginius-apie-vakar-paviesintus-sprogimo-vaizdus.d?id=89583951 |
28/02/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Video footage from filming of horror TV-series used as proof that the war is not happening, there are only paid actors acting | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/kino-kurejos-darba-panaudojo-dezinformacijai-skleisti.d?id=89584193 |
28/02/2022 | Croatia, Provera činjenica | This video does not show fake Ukrainian civilian victims of the war, it was made during the filming of the TV series. | https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324699Q |
28/02/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Video does not show Ukrainian drone blowing up Russian vehicles during ongoing war | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32476HD |
28/02/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Video does not show Ukrainian children waving goodbye to soldier going off to fight in ongoing war | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32472LD |
28/02/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Photo does not show Ukrainians praying for peace duing ongoing Russian invasion | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32467AG |
28/02/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Video does not show ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32467AG |
28/02/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | This video shows an American city destroyed by a tornado, not the war in Ukraine | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32476B7 |
28/02/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | This photo does not show the Japanese ambassador in Kiev ready to fight for Ukraine | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.3246964 |
28/02/2022 | Norway, Faktisk.no | This is Putin's propaganda war | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0qk8x/slik-er-putins-propagandakrig |
28/02/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Potassium iodide hysteria: be careful! | https://www.mimikama.at/aktuelles/kaliumiodid-hysterie-vorsicht/ |
28/02/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Fake CNN account spreads fake news about the death of a US activist | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krise/cnn-fake-tod-aktivist/ |
28/02/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, Steven Seagal is not fighting for Putin against Ukraine! | https://www.mimikama.at/faktencheck/steven-seagal-ukraine/ |
28/02/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this picture does not show a Russian jet shot down by Ukraine - it is from 1993 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/02/28/nein-dieses-bild-zeigt-keinen-von-der-ukraine-abgeschossenen-russischen-jet-es-stammt-von-1993/ |
28/02/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | The video doesn't show Russia's airstrike on Ukraine, it depicts a fly-past from 2020 | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32474FW |
28/02/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Viral video shows "big explosion" in Ukraine after another Russian airstrike? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-viral-mostra-grande-explosao-na-ucrania-apos-mais-um-ataque-aereo-da-russia |
28/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | NNo, this is not actors simulating the war that Russia has started against Ukraine: it is a video of a military-historical festival held in Russia | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/video-actores-crisis-ucrania/ |
28/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of a demonstration where Ukrainian flags wave while the country's anthem plays is not recorded in 2014: it is from February 23, 2022 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/concentracion-banderas-ucrania-himno/ |
28/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the statements of the mayor of Kiev stating that they cannot evacuate civilians because "all exits are blocked"? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/alcalde-kiev-ciudad-bloqueada/ |
28/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This Time magazine cover isn't real | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/02/28/no-il-time-non-ha-pubblicato-questa-copertina-con-putin-e-hitler/ |
28/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | A (fake) typo from la Repubblica | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/02/28/la-repubblica-non-ha-pubblicato-questo-refuso-sui-lanciarazzi-inviati-dalla-germania/ |
28/02/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This isn't a video from Ukraine, it's a film shooting | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/02/28/questo-video-non-e-stato-girato-dallucraina-per-manipolare-lopinione-pubblica-sono-le-riprese-di-un-film/ |
28/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Older photographs of Volodymyr Zelensky in military uniform presented as recent | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/02/27/volodymyr-zelenskyy-photos-with-military-uniform-from-2022-rusia-invasion-to-ukraine-misinforma |
28/02/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video from TikTok shows Russian fighter jets bombing Ukrainian city? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-com-origem-no-tiktok-mostra-cacas-russos-a-bombardearem-cidade-ucraniana |
28/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this CNN tweet reporting that an American activist has been killed in Russia's attacks on Ukraine is not real | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/tuit-cnn-bernie-gores-muerte-ucrania-rusia/ |
28/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | The hoax that CNN has announced the death of the same journalist in Afghanistan and now in Russia's attack on Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/cnn-periodista-bernie-gores-afganistan-ucrania/ |
28/02/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of Putin threatening Spain is not real: the subtitles are false and its author has described it as humorouse | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220228/video-putin-amenazando-espana/ |
23/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the Space Foundation has not withdrawn the honors from cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/23/no-la-space-foundation-non-ha-ritirato-le-onorificenze-del-cosmonauta-yuri-gagarin/ |
23/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | In 2014, the United States did not "spend $ 5 billion" on a coup in Ukraine | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/23/nel-2014-gli-stati-uniti-non-hanno-speso-5-miliardi-di-dollari-per-un-colpo-di-stato-in-ucraina/ |
23/03/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Czech government to introduce military conscription | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326N7LE |
22/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukraine is governed by the 'Zelensky regime'? This is propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-ukrainie-rzadzi-rezim-zelenskiego-to-propaganda/ |
22/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Rothschild calls for bringing Russia to its knees? A fabricated document | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rothschild-wzywa-do-rzucenia-rosji-na-kolana-sfabrykowany-dokument/ |
23/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, Russia's UN ambassador was not talking about toppling Donald Trump | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326Q8MJ |
23/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, "Canadian sniper Wali" was not killed by the Russian army | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/23/no-il-cecchino-canadese-wali-non-e-stato-ucciso-dallesercito-russo/ |
22/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this photo is not of "Ukrainian firefighters" and is not current: it has been circulating since at least February 2019 and is linked to the fires in Tasmania (Australia) earlier that year | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220322/bomberos-ucranianos-incendios-tasmania/ |
22/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of Lukashenko explaining "his massacres" to two women is not real: it is a montage | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220322/lukashenko-mujeres-bielorusia-video/ |
22/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of cars supposedly moving "the crucifix from Kiev Cathedral" is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2015 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220322/crucifijo-catedral-kiev-kyiv-ucrania-santisimo/ |
23/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, 'The Simpsons' did not predict Russia's invasion of Ukraine "in 1998": it's fake | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220323/simpsons-predijeron-rusia-ucrania/ |
23/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the Canadian sniper nicknamed Wali is not dead "only 20 minutes after going into action in Mariupol" (Ukraine): in a video published on 22 March he claims that he is "alive" | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220323/francotirador-wali-muerto-mariupol/ |
23/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | This is not Volodymyr Zelenskyj and his wife singing about endless love | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/det-her-er-ikke-volodymyr-zelenskyj-og-hustru-der-synger-om-uendelig-kaerlighed |
24/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This video is from a music video shoot in Russia in 2020 | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326T7T2 |
24/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | No evidence that the meeting with Zelenski was stage-managed | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/brak-dowodow-na-to-ze-spotkanie-z-zelenskim-zostalo-zainscenizowane/ |
24/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Disinformation without evidence claiming that 'CNN' has published a tweet about an alleged bombing in a Serbian resort pretending as a Ukrainian hotel | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220324/cnn-bombardeo-balneario-serbio-hotel-ucraniano/ |
24/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | The video of ukrainians destroying russian helicopters in Kherson is from a video game | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220324/pancarta-generalitat-ucrania-andaluces-extremenos/ |
24/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Zelenski and the disinformation and fabrications to accuse him of being a nazi | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220324/zelenski-desinformaciones-montajes-nazi/ |
24/03/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | CNN allegedly used a photo from Serbia to report on the war in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220324-99-657405/ |
24/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Canadian sniper allegedly died after 20 minutes of action in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220323-99-642801/ |
24/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Woman allegedly disrupts Ukrainian TV broadcast with protest against Zelensky | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220324-99-655827/ |
24/03/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | This video was created during the shooting of a Russian video clip from 2020, it is not related to the war in Ukraine | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326U2GW |
24/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | A Canadian "sniper" died "20 minutes" after arriving in Ukraine to fight? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/um-sniper-canadiano-morreu-20-minutos-depois-de-chegar-a-ucrania-para-combater |
24/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Photograph that shows an elderly man holding a cat was taken during the invasion of Ukraine? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fotografia-que-mostra-idoso-a-segurar-um-gato-foi-captada-durante-a-invasao-da-ucrania |
24/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Government of Ukraine only grants financial aid to those vaccinated against Covid-19? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/governo-da-ucrania-so-concede-ajuda-financeira-aos-vacinados-contra-a-covid-19 |
23/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Three Russian astronauts wore blue and yellow suits to support Ukraine? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/tres-astronautas-russos-vestiram-fatos-azuis-e-amarelos-para-apoiar-a-ucrania |
22/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Is this video showing a Ukrainian tank climbing a barricade in Mariupol recent? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-que-mostra-um-tanque-ucraniano-a-galgar-barricada-em-mariupol-e-recente |
11/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | No, 4-year-old boy did not cross de Polish border alone | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220311-99-477608/ |
10/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukrainian soldier allegedly warned refugees to shoot at them | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220310-99-464103/ |
09/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Wounded woman allegedly worked for the Ukrainian army | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220309-99-446447/ |
08/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Yes, the US supported laboratories in Ukraine, but no, they didn't own them | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220228-99-326681/ |
07/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Photo of Zelensky with swastika T-shirt is a fake | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220307-99-419585/ |
07/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video with body bags allegedly shows how media lie about Ukraine war | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220307-99-417118/ |
07/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Victims of the Russian attack on Ukraine are allegedly actors | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220304-99-381389/ |
03/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukraine's First Lady has allegedly joined the Armed Forces | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220303-99-369979/ |
03/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | No, this soldier with tears in his eyes is not from Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220303-99-369475/ |
02/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Father saying good-bye to his little daughter is not going to fight on the Ukrainian side | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220228-99-326688/ |
02/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Did CNN report that a journalist died in 2021 in Afghanistan and in 2022 in Ukraine? | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220301-99-339705/ |
01/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Screenshot is fake: RTL Nieuws did not show picture from movie as a photo from Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220228-99-326736/ |
25/03/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktankartiskus | This picture is from Turkey in 2018, not from Ukraine | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326V9CD |
25/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Watch out for publications on prison penalties for removing a refugee from Ukraine from an apartment | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326P9JT |
23/03/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Claim: Ukrainians demolishing German supermarket. Actually 3 years old video from Russia | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/3869 |
23/03/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Claim: Ukrainian refugees fighting in German supermarket. Actual video ir at least 9 months old | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/3872 |
16/03/2022 | Slovenia, Ostro | Janša, Morawiecki and Fiala did not visit Kiev in quality of representatives of the European Council | https://www.ostro.si/si/razkrinkavanje/objave/jansa-morawiecki-in-fiala-kijeva-niso-obiskali-kot-predstavniki-evropskega-sveta |
25/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, this boy did not flee Ukraine alone | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326W6PZ |
25/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | No, Putin did not issue arrest warrants for George Soros, expelled the Rotschild family from Russia, broke with the WEF as early as 2012, etc. | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220325-99-670496/ |
25/03/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Sniper from Canada allegedly died 20 minutes after going into combat at Mariupol | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220325-99-672525/ |
25/03/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | This 2018 video from the Rome metro has nothing to do with Ukrainians fleeing the current war | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326W777 |
25/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The photograph of firefighters covered in soot is not from the current conflict in Ukraine | https://verifica.efe.com/bomberos-hollin-ucrania/ |
25/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | NATO and Ukraine provoked Russia to attack? This is propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nato-i-ukraina-sprowokowaly-rosje-do-ataku-to-propaganda/ |
25/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Is this how the world helps refugees? UNHCR denounces it! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/tak-wyglada-pomoc-uchodzcom-na-swiecie-unhcr-dementuje/ |
24/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | 28 million dollars in suitcases of Kharkiv mayor's wife? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/28-milionow-dolarow-w-walizkach-zony-mera-charkowa-fake-news/ |
26/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Classified Ukrainian military documents, don't prove a plan for an attack against Donbas | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/03/26/ukrainian-military-documents-proof-for-donbas-invasion-misinformation/ |
21/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Police call claims about teenager allegedly killed by Ukrainians in Euskirchen 'fake' | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/21/polizei-bezeichnet-behauptungen-ueber-angeblich-in-euskirchen-von-ukrainern-getoeteten-jugendlichen-als-fake/ |
22/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video doesn't show body bags in Ukraine - it shows a climate protest | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/22/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-keine-leichensaecke-in-der-ukraine-es-zeigt-einen-klimaprotest/ |
23/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Deutschlandfunk did not write about "Afrokrainians" in an article | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/23/nein-der-deutschlandfunk-schrieb-in-einem-artikel-nicht-von-afrokrainern/ |
23/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this train in Germany was not polluted by refugees from Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/23/nein-dieser-zug-wurde-nicht-von-gefluechteten-aus-der-ukraine-verunreinigt/ |
24/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | This recording does not show a Ukrainian neo-Nazi, but a Russian policeman | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/24/diese-aufnahme-zeigt-keinen-ukrainischen-neonazi-sondern-einen-russischen-polizisten/ |
24/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | This video does not show a rioting man in Regensburg - it comes from Russia | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/24/dieses-video-zeigt-keinen-randalierenden-mann-in-regensburg-es-stammt-aus-russland/ |
25/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Footage and satellite images prove attack on a maternity ward in Mariupol | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/25/aufnahmen-und-satellitenbilder-belegen-angriff-auf-eine-entbindungsstation-in-mariupol/ |
28/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the attack on civilians collecting supplies in Kharkov / Kharkiv? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220328/bombardeo-ayuda-humanitaria-jarkov-ucrania/ |
24/03/2022 | Belgium, AFP Factuel | Video of Zelensky's hospital visit does not show woman who died in February 2022 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326Q7U2 |
25/03/2022 | Romania/Moldova, AFP Verificat | This Ukrainian child that has crossed the border into Poland was with his family, not alone | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326V8JX |
27/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Russian soldiers filmed this video during a parachute jump in the Ukraine war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/soldados-russos-filmaram-este-video-durante-salto-de-paraquedas-na-guerra-da-ucrania |
26/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Banksy created this image about Vladimir Putin and Ukraine? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/banksy-criou-esta-imagem-sobre-vladimir-putin-e-a-ucrania |
25/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video shows 'Ukrainian refugee' beating man on train in Italy? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-mostra-refugiado-da-ucrania-a-agredir-homem-num-comboio-em-italia |
25/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Did Russian Helicopters Airlift Ukrainian Tanks? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/helicopteros-russos-transportaram-pelo-ar-tanques-ucranianos |
24/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Ukrainian boxer Klitschko put his gold medal up for auction in 2012, not 2022 | https://facta.news/notizia-vecchia/2022/03/24/il-pugile-ucraino-klitschko-ha-messo-allasta-la-sua-medaglia-doro-nel-2012-non-nel-2022/ |
24/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The NATO bombings in Libya in 2011 did not result in the death of "500,000 civilians" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/24/i-bombardamenti-nato-in-libia-del-2011-non-hanno-provocato-la-morte-di-500-mila-civili/ |
24/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the Russian government has not announced an arrest warrant for George Soros | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/24/no-il-governo-russo-non-ha-annunciato-un-mandato-di-arresto-per-george-soros/ |
25/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, CNN has not confused a resort in Serbia with a bombed hotel in Ukraine | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/25/no-la-cnn-non-ha-confuso-un-resort-in-serbia-con-un-hotel-bombardato-in-ucraina/ |
25/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Ukrainian President Zelensky has nothing to do with the "Odessa massacre" of 2014 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/25/il-presidente-ucraino-zelensky-non-centra-con-la-strage-di-odessa-del-2014/ |
25/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo does not show a child from Donbass "who survived the bombing of his kindergarten" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/25/questa-foto-non-mostra-un-bambino-del-donbass-sopravvissuto-al-bombardamento-del-suo-asilo/ |
25/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the "Putin Pub" in Jerusalem has not been renamed "Zelensky Pub" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/03/25/no-il-putin-pub-a-gerusalemme-non-e-stato-rinominato-zelensky-pub/ |
28/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | CNN did not register "an external one in Edmonton (Canada)" passing it off as a "bombing of Lviv" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/28/la-cnn-non-ha-registrato-una-esterna-a-edmonton-canada-facendola-passare-per-un-bombardamento-di-lviv/ |
28/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The WHO did not say that "biological weapons" are produced in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/28/loms-non-ha-detto-che-in-ucraina-si-producono-armi-batteriologiche/ |
28/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Was a Ukrainian flag placed over the Statue of Liberty in New York? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/foi-colocada-uma-bandeira-da-ucrania-sobre-a-estatua-da-liberdade-em-nova-iorque |
02/03/2022 | Ireland, The Journal - FactCheck | FactCheck: Is this footage of the famed Ghost of Kyiv? | https://www.thejournal.ie/is-this-footage-of-the-ghost-of-kyiv-real-5697669-Mar2022/ |
04/03/2022 | Ireland, The Journal - FactCheck | No, these are not photos of the President and First Lady of Ukraine fighting on the front line | https://www.thejournal.ie/president-of-ukraine-fighting-with-soldiers-5700478-Mar2022/ |
09/03/2022 | Ireland, The Journal - FactCheck | No, this is not an 8-year-old Ukrainian girl confronting a Russian soldier | https://www.thejournal.ie/photos-of-ukranian-girl-and-russian-debunked-5704471-Mar2022/ |
20/03/2022 | Ireland, The Journal - FactCheck | Russia is using fake fact-checks to spread disinformation about Ukraine | https://www.thejournal.ie/fake-5721095-Mar2022/ |
28/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians shooting into their own people? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-strzelaja-do-wlasnego-narodu-fake-news/ |
29/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | A Bandera man has come to Poland and wants to do order with us? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/banderowiec-przybyl-do-polski-i-chce-zrobic-z-nami-porzadek-fake-news/ |
30/03/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | There was no attack on an Eastern European supermarket in Regensburg | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327A77D |
30/03/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Zelensky does not admit that he is taking drugs in this interview | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327A9AW |
30/03/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukraine gives subsidies to victims of the war - but allegedly only if they are vaccinated. | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220329-99-718239/ |
30/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | Kamala Harris did not laugh at the plight of Ukrainian refugees at a conference with the Polish president | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327A9HJ |
30/03/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | This CNN report covered a Russian strike in Ukraine, not a fire in Canada | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32783YD |
30/03/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | This CNN report covered a Russian strike in Ukraine, not a fire in Canada | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327A4FL |
30/03/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Reports claim Zelensky video was pre-recorded based on flawed evidence | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32768TW |
30/03/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | False reports a Canadian volunteer was killed 20 minutes after deploying to Ukraine | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326W3RY |
30/03/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Artem Bonov is not the deputy chief of the Kiev police | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32784EE |
30/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | This is an old video from 2015 about the funeral of a Ukrainian soldier | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32789XB |
30/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Fact check: No, this video wasn't filmed in Canada, but in Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-werd-niet-opgenomen-in-canada-maar-in-oekraine/article-longread-1852377.html |
31/03/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | There is no lack of food products in the Baltic states | https://rebaltica.lv/2022/03/latvijas-maizes-tirgus-nav-atkartigs-no-krievijas-un-veikalu-plaukti-nav-tuksi/ |
30/03/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | No, this man with Nazi tattoos called Artem Bonov is not the current deputy chief of Kiev police | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327A4CJ |
31/03/2022 | Spain, AFP Factual | This video doesn't show the transfer of a Christ in 2022, but a Ukrainian military funeral in 2015 | https://factual.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327D2GQ |
17/03/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | 177 civilian deaths recorded in Russian rebel states in last 5 years, not "thousands" | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/177-burger-doden-geregistreerd-opstandige-russische-rebellenstaten-geen-duizenden-oekra%C3%AFne |
31/03/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | So-called 'leaked government document' contains false information about the war in Ukraine | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/zogenaamd-regeringsdocument-bevat-verkeerde-info-over-oorlog-in-oekrane?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_content=fotoanna&utm_campaign=Factchecker |
24/03/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Family in Irpin was really killed by a mortar strike | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/het-gezin-in-irpin-werd-echt-gedood-door-mortierinslag |
20/03/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | 97.5% of refugees who come from Ukraine to France have Ukrainian nationality | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/vluchtelingen-oekraine-frankrijk-oekraiense-nationaliteit-geen-1-op-3 |
22/03/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | NATO sometimes has military trainings in Ukraine | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/navo-traint-soms-oekraine-yavoriv-militaire-basis |
31/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not Novaya Gazeta's "last front page" before the suspension | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/31/questa-non-e-lultima-prima-pagina-di-novaya-gazeta-prima-della-sospensione/ |
31/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show the graves for Russian soldiers "who died in Ukraine", it is from 2021 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/31/questo-video-non-mostra-le-fosse-per-i-soldati-russi-morti-in-ucraina-e-del-2021/ |
30/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show "a young Zelensky" joking about Putin while the Russian president is in the audience | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/03/30/questo-video-non-mostra-un-giovane-zelensky-che-scherza-su-putin-mentre-il-presidente-russo-e-nel-pubblico/ |
30/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show a "Ukrainian" who "devastates a Russian shop" in Germany | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/30/questo-video-non-mostra-un-ucraino-che-devasta-un-negozio-russo-in-germania/ |
30/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show "Ukrainian refugees in Germany" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/30/questo-video-non-mostra-dei-profughi-ucraini-in-germania/ |
29/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video of a funeral procession has nothing to do with the current war | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/29/questo-video-di-un-corteo-funebre-non-centra-con-lattuale-guerra/ |
29/03/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the name "Zelensky" does not mean "evil" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/03/29/no-il-nome-zelensky-non-significa-il-male/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of 2021 in Gaza that is shared as if it were a russian bombing of Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/video-bombardeo-ucrania/20220224/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The subtitles of the video that do not correspond to the words of Joe Biden on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/subtitulos-video-biden/20220224/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | This video does not show a russian fighter shot down by Ukraine: it is Libya in 2011 | https://www.newtral.es/avion-ruso-derribado-conflicto-ucrania/20220224/ |
24/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of some russian paratroopers attributed to the attack on Ukraine that is not current | https://www.newtral.es/paracaidistas-rusos-conflicto-rusia-ucrania/20220224/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of a lightning strike broadcast as if it were an attack by Russia in Mariupol (Ukraine) | https://www.newtral.es/video-ataque-rusia-mariupol-ucrania/20220225/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The images of the bombings in Gaza in 2018 and 2021 that are shared as if they were in Ukraine in 2022 | https://www.newtral.es/imagenes-bombardeos-gaza-ucrania/20220225/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of planes allegedly bombing Kyiv is a rehearsal for a 2020 russian military parade | https://www.newtral.es/video-aviones-combate-kiev/20220225/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Video showing helicopter gunshots at civilians on the street is not from Ukraine, but from Turkey in 2016 | https://www.newtral.es/disparos-civiles-ucrania-turquia/20220225/ |
25/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The videogames that are shared as if they were real images of the russian attack on Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/bulos-videojuegos-ucrania-rusia/20220225/ |
28/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The false cover of 'Time' with Putin turned into Hitler: it is not official, but a montage of a designer | https://www.newtral.es/falsa-portada-time-putin/20220228/ |
28/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | This image does not show the shooting down of a russian jet fighter, it is from a 1993 accident | https://www.newtral.es/derribo-caza-ruso/20220228/ |
28/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of two children saying goodbye to Ukrainian soldiers is not from 2022, but from 2016 | https://www.newtral.es/dos-ninos-despidiendo-soldados-ucranianos/20220228/ |
28/02/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The meeting between russian and ukrainian soldiers that is not current but from 2014 | https://www.newtral.es/encuentro-soldados-rusos-ucranianos/20220228/ |
01/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of a girl covered in blood in Syria in 2018 that is shared as if it were in Ukraine in 2022 | https://www.newtral.es/nina-sangre-ucrania/20220301/ |
01/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The old photos of Zelensky in military combat gear and a helmet in his hand that circulate as if they were current | https://www.newtral.es/fotos-zelenski-militar/20220301/ |
01/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Videos of parents saying goodbye to their children in Ukraine were recorded before the Russian invasion | https://www.newtral.es/videos-padres-despidiendo-hijos-ucrania/20220301/ |
01/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of soldiers killed in combat on the outskirts of Kyiv is not from the current Russian invasion of Ukraine, it was recorded in 2014 | https://www.newtral.es/video-soldados-caidos-kiev-ucrania/20220301/ |
01/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of a girl covered in blood in Syria in 2018 that is shared as if it were in Ukraine in 2022 | https://www.newtral.es/nina-sangre-ucrania/20220301/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | This video does not show a ukrainian girl confronting a russian soldier, is from Palestine in 2012 | https://www.newtral.es/nina-soldado-ruso/20220302/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Ukraine does not yet have the status of a candidate country to join the EU: the resolution of the European Parliament is not binding | https://www.newtral.es/solicitud-candidato-ucrania-ue/20220302/ |
02/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Mexico City does not illuminate public buildings with the Russian flag, it is the one of the Dominican Republic | https://www.newtral.es/edificios-mexico-bandera-rusa/20220302/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | A hoax turns an Argentine lawyer into the ghost of Kyiv, an alleged Ukrainian military pilot | https://www.newtral.es/fantasma-kiev-vladimir-makarov-piloto-ucrania-bulo/20220303/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | You ask us about a military convoy in Vitoria: it is not going to Ukraine, but to some NATO maneuvers in Norway | https://www.newtral.es/tanques-vitoria-ucrania-convoy-militar/20220303/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The images of a fire-fighting plane in Turkey that are shared as if it were a device shot down by russian forces in Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/avion-derribado-fuerzas-rusas-bulo/20220303/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Miss Ukraine 2015 Anastasiia Lenna clarifies that she is not a military man but a fan of airsoft simulation | https://www.newtral.es/anastasia-lenna-miss-ucrania/20220303/ |
03/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Vladimir Putin did not threaten the president of Mexico for condemning the russian invasion of Ukraine: it is a video with false subtitles | https://www.newtral.es/putin-amenaza-presidente-mexico-ucrania/20220303/ |
04/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of a crying girl that is not from the war in Ukraine, but from a 2010 movie | https://www.newtral.es/nina-llorando-ucrania-pelicula-fortaleza-brest-bulo/20220304/ |
04/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of some soldiers in the trenches where a Nazi flag waves is not current, it has been circulating since 2017 | https://www.newtral.es/soldados-bandera-nazi/20220304/ |
05/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | What do we know about the accusations of racism on the border between Ukraine and Poland | https://www.newtral.es/racismo-frontera-polonia-ucrania-nos-preguntais/20220305/ |
07/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | La Vanguardia' has not tweeted that the Government is going to train young Spaniards between 18 and 25 years old in case of war | https://www.newtral.es/gobierno-formar-jovenes-guerra-bulo/20220307/ |
07/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of Ukrainian civilians throwing Molotov cocktails that is not current: it is from the pro-european protests in Ukraine in 2014 | https://www.newtral.es/ucrania-cocteles-molotov/20220307/ |
07/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The tanks that circulated in Tarragona, Reus and Binéfar do not go to Ukraine, they were going to a military training in Zaragoza | https://www.newtral.es/tanques-tarragona-reus-binefar-ucrania/20220307/ |
08/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | CNN has not reported on the death of the same journalist in Ukraine and Afghanistan | https://www.newtral.es/cnn-periodista-muerto-ucrania-afganistan/20220308/ |
08/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, this video does not show russian and ukrainian soldiers dancing together in the middle of the fight | https://www.newtral.es/video-soldados-bailando-rusia-ucrania/20220308/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | This photo of a woman with a bandage is from the Russian attack on Ukraine in 2022: it does not correspond to a gas explosion in 2018 | https://www.newtral.es/mujer-explosion-gas-2018-ataque-rusia-2022/20220309/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, these photos are not of Ukraine's "first female fighter pilot" nor is her name Natasha Perakov | https://www.newtral.es/natasha-perakov-primera-mujer-piloto-ucrania-bulo/20220309/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of an alleged body moving is from a climate protest in Austria, not from the war in Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/cadaver-moviendose-ucrania-video-bulo/20220309/ |
09/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of Metallica's lead singer, James Hetfield, with the Ukrainian flag is a montage, but the group has given support to refugees | https://www.newtral.es/james-hetfield-ucrania-metallica-fake/20220309/ |
10/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of the destroyed Kyiv Independence Square that is not current, but from 2014 | https://www.newtral.es/plaza-independencia-destruida-kiev-bulo/20220310/ |
10/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of women saying goodbye to soldiers in Ukraine: it is from a documentary before the 2022 russian attack | https://www.newtral.es/mujeres-despiden-soldados-ucrania-video/20220310/ |
10/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | You ask us about the video of supposed Ukrainians burning a crucified prisoner: it is from 2015 and its veracity is doubtful | https://www.newtral.es/ucranianos-queman-prisionero-crucificado-video/20220310/ |
11/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of a fire in Chile in 2012 that is shared as if it were that of the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, in Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/falso-incendio-planta-nuclear-ucrania/20220311/ |
11/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of ukrainian paratroopers "defecting" and with the russian flag in Donbas is from 2014 and there are different versions of what happened | https://www.newtral.es/paracaidistas-ucranianos-bandera-rusa-donbass/20220311/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of Zelensky with a t-shirt with Nazi symbols is not real, it is manipulated | https://www.newtral.es/zelenski-camiseta-nazi/20220314/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Ukrainians are not selling tanks “abandoned” by the russian Army on eBay | https://www.newtral.es/ucranianos-tanques-rusos-ebay-guerra/20220314/ |
14/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Russia's "false victims" claims without evidence to justify attack on Mariupol children's hospital | https://www.newtral.es/ataque-hospital-ucrania-mariupol-rusia/20220314/ |
15/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of Zelensky playing the guitar and singing 'Endless Love' with his wife Olena Zelenska is fake | https://www.newtral.es/zelenski-cantando-esposa-ucrania/20220315/ |
15/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of Zelensky shooting in parliament is not from his presidential campaign: it is from one of his films | https://www.newtral.es/zelenski-video-disparando/20220315/ |
15/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | There is no evidence that a Romanian fighter and helicopter were shot down by a missile near Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/avion-rumano-frontera-ucrania/20220315/ |
17/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The photos of a mass protest against the Russian invasion in Ukraine that are not from Moscow but from Tbilisi, Georgia | https://www.newtral.es/protesta-moscu-invasion-ucrania/20220317/ |
18/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, CNN did not report that Russia's invasion of Ukraine causes myocarditis, it is a montage of a satirical site | https://www.newtral.es/ucrania-miocarditis-cnn/20220318/ |
18/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | You ask us if Disney Plus has removed the movie 'Anastasia' from its platform in the United States as a sanction to Russia | https://www.newtral.es/disney-elimina-anastasia/20220318/ |
18/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, the military woman who accompanies Zelensky in a Kyiv hospital is not the deceased doctor Inna Derusova | https://www.newtral.es/zelenski-hospital-inna-derusova-bulo/20220318/ |
21/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of a "smoking corpse" does not show a "fake victim" in Ukraine, it is from the recording of a video clip of a russian rapper | https://www.newtral.es/cadaver-fumando-ucrania/20220321/ |
21/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The old photo of three firefighters with soot on their faces is neither in Ukraine nor related to the russian attack | https://www.newtral.es/bomberos-ucrania-foto/20220321/ |
21/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | This video does not show the transfer of a crucifix from the kyiv Cathedral to a bunker: it is a funeral procession from 2015 near Lviv | https://www.newtral.es/crucifijo-kiev-bunker-personas-arrodilladas-ucrania/20220321/ |
23/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | CNN has not broadcast the image of a 2015 explosion as if it were from Ukraine in 2022, it is a montage | https://www.newtral.es/cnn-explosion-ucrania/20220323/ |
25/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The fake video of Putin talking about an international "dark agenda": the subtitles are manipulated | https://www.newtral.es/putin-agenda-oscura/20220325/ |
25/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | There is no evidence that Russia has ordered the arrest of George Soros for "being the main promoter of the conflict in Ukraine" | https://www.newtral.es/rusia-george-soros-detencion/20220325/ |
28/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The mexican newspaper 'Excelsior' has not published Zelensky's death | https://www.newtral.es/muere-presidente-ucrania-bulo-excelsior/20220325/ |
28/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The banner of the Palau de la Generalitat in solidarity with the ukrainians does not say "andalusians and extremadurans out": is a montage | https://www.newtral.es/pancarta-generalitat-ucranianos-andaluces-extremenos-bulo/20220328/ |
30/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of this label of a bottle of sunflower oil does not indicate that 95% of the product "has its origin in Sevilla" | https://www.newtral.es/botella-aceite-girasol-origen-sevilla/20220330/ |
30/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, Zelensky did not mock Putin in a photo at the Elysee: it is a montage from 2019 | https://www.newtral.es/zelenski-orejas-de-burro-putin-montaje/20220330/ |
01/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, this Russian helicopter did not currently carry the inscription "To Berlin" | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327D3CE |
01/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | French philospher Bernard-Henri Lévy did allegedly not travel to Ukraine but photos were taken in a studio | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220331-99-749173/ |
01/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | A British Land Rover, allegedly donated by the Brits, was for sale in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220330-99-731267/ |
01/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | There is allegedly no shortage of sunflower oil in Spain, as it does not come mainly from Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220330-99-733197/ |
01/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | The West allegedly planned the war as it is talking about sanctions for months already | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220329-99-714768/ |
31/03/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | CNN allegedly uses footage from a fire in Edmonton (Canada) as filmed in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220330-99-731791/ |
31/03/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | Video shows fight over cooking oil in supermarket in France due to Russia sanctions | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327D2YB |
31/03/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Donations are delivered to Ukrainians, and chauffeurs are not involved in human trafficking | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/3938 |
30/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | No, this video was not shot in Canada, but in Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-werd-niet-opgenomen-in-canada-maar-in-oekraine/article-longread-1852377.html |
31/03/2022 | Belgium, Knack | No, this is not a Russian girl used as a 'living shield' in Marioepol | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-nee-dit-is-geen-russisch-meisje-dat-als-levend-schild-gebruikt-wordt-in-marioepol/article-longread-1852819.html |
01/04/2022 | Germany, dpa-factchecking.com | Can a firefighter jacket from Canada prove that CNN is not reporting from Ukraine? | https://dpa-factchecking.com/germany/220401-99-760480/ |
29/03/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | It's not Zelensky and his wife singing, but a professional artistic duo | https://verifica.efe.com/no-zelenski-esposa-cantando-balada/ |
03/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video show the 11-year-old boy who crossed the Ukraine-Slovak border alone? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-mostra-o-rapaz-de-11-anos-que-atravessou-sozinho-a-fronteira-ucrania-eslovaquia |
29/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | CNN reported bombing of hotel in Ukraine that turns out to be located in Serbia? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/cnn-noticiou-bombardeamento-de-hotel-na-ucrania-que-afinal-esta-localizado-na-servia |
29/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Has Russia Just Revealed New Nuclear Weapon "Satan 2" Capable Of "Destroying Everything That Breathes In The World"? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/russia-acaba-de-revelar-nova-arma-nuclear-sata-2-capaz-de-destruir-tudo-o-que-respira-no-mundo |
31/03/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video shows Ukrainian president singing John Lennon's "Imagine"? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-mostra-presidente-da-ucrania-a-cantar-imagine-de-john-lennon |
01/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this image prove that Bernard-Henri Lévy's trip to Ukraine was a hoax? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/esta-imagem-prova-que-viagem-de-bernard-henri-levy-a-ucrania-foi-uma-farsa |
25/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video is not 'Russians destroying Ukraine's Ministry of Justice': it is Gaza (Palestine) in 2021 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220325/rusos-justicia-ucrania-palestina/ |
25/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this image of "an angel" in the sky above Kyiv/Kiev (Ukraine) is not current: it has been circulating since at least 2016 and there is no evidence that it is Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220325/angel-cielo-kyiv-kiev-ucrania/ |
25/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, these are not "four Russian helicopters destroyed in Ukraine": they are images from the Arma 3 video game | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220325/cuatro-helicopteros-rusos-ucrania-videojuego/ |
01/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | The use of video games to misinform about Russia's invasion of Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220401/videojuegos-rusia-ucrania-arma3/ |
04/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video does not show a corpse waving a hand in Bucha (Ukraine): it is a drop on a car window | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220404/cadaver-moviendo-mano-bucha-ucrania/ |
28/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Joe Biden does not say in this video that the cost to Europe of cutting off Russian gas is "the price" he is "willing to pay" | https://maldita.es/clima/20220328/biden-europa-gas-ruso/ |
29/03/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the video in which alleged Russian prisoners of war are allegedly shot by Ukrainian soldiers? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220329/prisioneros-guerra-rusos-tortura-ucrania/ |
31/03/2022 | France, AFP Factcheck | Fake CNN tweet shared in posts accusing broadcaster of fabricating ‘Ukraine bomb’ story | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326R9AU |
29/03/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Misleading video fuels Kremlin’s distortions about ‘Nazism’ in Ukraine | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326T6U6 |
22/03/2022 | France, AFP Factcheck | This is an old NASA photo doctored to add a tractor | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326B9TH |
22/03/2022 | France, AFP Factcheck | Old military training drill video falsely passed off as footage of US soldiers fighting in Ukraine | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.326L9E6 |
17/03/2022 | France, AFP Factcheck | Doctored Italian TV screenshot shared to discredit Ukraine war coverage | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32692J2 |
10/03/2022 | France, AFP Factcheck | Video does not show Ukrainian presidential couple singing | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.324V7TN |
04/04/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Ukrainian refugees have not damaged cars in Hamburg; the cars do not have Russian plates | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/3950 |
04/04/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | Artem Bonov is not the deputy chief of the Kiev police | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327A84A |
04/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This screenshot of a CNN tweet is fake | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327N4LK |
04/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Annalena Baerbock did not say that Germany would take in up to ten million refugees from Ukraine | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327N6XJ |
01/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Russian TV shows 'shooting incident in Kiev' with manipulated audio | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-russische-tv-toont-schietincident-in-kiev-met-gemanipuleerde-audio/article-longread-1853207.html |
28/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | CNN tweet about a destroyed hotel in Ukraine is fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/28/cnn-tweet-ueber-ein-zerstoertes-hotel-in-der-ukraine-ist-gefaelscht/ |
29/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Ukrainian President Selenskyj did not show peace sign behind Vladimir Putin | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/29/nein-der-ukrainische-praesident-selenskyj-zeigte-hinter-wladimir-putin-kein-peacezeichen/ |
30/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | This smoking "dead man" does not prove "Ukraine propaganda" - he was an extra in a Russian music video | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/30/dieser-rauchende-tote-belegt-keine-ukraine-propaganda-er-war-statist-in-einem-russischen-musikvideo/ |
31/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Video accuses Olaf Scholz of making false statements about an alleged NATO mission in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/31/video-unterstellt-olaf-scholz-falsche-aussagen-zu-einem-angeblichen-nato-einsatz-in-der-ukraine/ |
31/03/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukraine: Canadian sniper was not killed - he lives | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/03/31/ukraine-kanadischer-scharfschuetze-wurde-nicht-getoetet-er-lebt/ |
04/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, this CNN report was made in Lviv, Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/04/doch-dieser-cnn-beitrag-entstand-in-lwiw-in-der-ukraine/ |
30/03/2022 | Poland, Demagog | US and NATO want to keep the war in Ukraine going? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/usa-i-nato-chca-podtrzymac-wojne-w-ukrainie-fake-news/ |
04/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | A refugee has become a 'displaced person'? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/uchodzca-stal-sie-przesiedlencem-fake-news/ |
05/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Man with neo-nazi tattoos allegedly vice chief of the police in Kyiv | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220404-99-794496/ |
04/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Russian tank allegedly was marked with a "Q" | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220404-99-792732/ |
05/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of a mass grave is not from “Irpin on March 12”: it is Bucha (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220405/fosa-comun-bucha-irpin-ucrania/ |
08/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | No, these praying people doesn't represent Ukrainians | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/ne-sie-vaizdai-nera-susije-su-ukraina-tai-kas-menesi-lenkijoje-vykstantis-religinis-renginys.d?id=89653257 |
14/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Students from Nigeria stuck in Sumy city supposedly claiming Ukrainians are using them as live shields | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/ukrainoje-istrigusiu-nigerijos-studentu-protesto-kadrus-panaudojo-dezinformacijai-skleisti.d?id=89698663 |
15/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Claim made by a family with no proof on Sputnik TV that Ukrainian forces are attacking civilians | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/platina-propagandinio-sputnik-vaizdo-irasa-apie-neva-ukrainos-naciu-puolamus-civilius.d?id=89706991 |
18/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Altered picture: restaurant in Canada asks for its custumers a proof of support for Ukraine to enter | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/plinta-suklastota-nuotrauka-ne-restoranas-is-klientu-nereikalavo-ukrainos-palaikymo-irodymo.d?id=89743685 |
24/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Disinformation: Claims made by Scott Ritter that Ukrainians had a clear advantage in soldier numbers when the war started and Russians are only attacking military objects, not civilians | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/buves-jungtiniu-tautu-ginklu-inspektorius-klaidina-apie-kara-ukrainoje.d?id=89794859 |
25/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Putin's photographs are not on display at Zagreb's IKEA | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/ikea-atstovai-paneige-kad-kontraversiskos-nuotraukos-su-putino-atvaizdais-buvo-darytos-salono-ekspozicijoje-zagrebe.d?id=89807699 |
28/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | No, train in Germany was covered in garbage not by Ukrainian refugees | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/apkaltino-pabegelius-is-ukrainos-prisiukslinus-traukini-taciau-kalti-ne-ukrainieciai.d?id=89822823 |
29/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Claim with no proof made by fake account about Ukrainian refugees robbing Lithuanian family's appartment they were staying at | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/prisidengusi-svetima-nuotrauka-juodina-ukrainiecius-istorijai-truksta-faktu-o-ju-pasiteirave-zmones-blokuojami.d?id=89834291 |
29/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | No, this picture doesn't represent war in Ukraine, it is from 2001 September 1st in New York | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/plinta-suklastota-nuotrauka-2001-m-rugsejo-11-d-kadra-susiejo-su-karu-ukrainoje.d?id=89835081 |
29/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Conspiracy theory: conflict in Ukraine is just a part of The Great Reset | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/kai-kurie-sugebejo-kara-ukrainoje-susieti-su-koronavirusu-ir-ekonominemis-permainomis-stai-ka-svarbu-zinoti.d?id=89835545 |
30/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Disinformation: Cyprus officially supports Russia, small pro-russian rally held in the island supports that | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/nedidele-rusijos-palaikymo-akcija-kipre-nereiskia-kad-visa-salis-palaiko-agresore.d?id=89840269 |
30/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Claim that Putin and Zelensky acts very similar and Lithuania is planning to punish Ukraine | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/atsirado-lyginanciu-zelenski-su-putinu-esa-jie-abu-pelnosi-is-karo.d?id=89840423 |
30/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | No, picture of a sleeping soldier with his dog does not represent Ukrainian soldier, it was made in Afghanistan | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/ne-su-sunimi-miegantis-vyras-nera-ukrainos-karys-su-karu-ukrainoje-fotografija-neturi-nieko-bendro.d?id=89845405 |
31/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Disinformation: Romani people were tied to a ligh pole in Ukraine just because of their ethnicity, it proves that Ukraine is full of nazis | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/is-dalies-melas/ukrainoje-romai-buvo-priristi-prie-gedos-stulpo-taciau-ne-del-savo-tautybes.d?id=89846789 |
30/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | A claim that Russia has already turn off gas pipes for whole Europe | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/uzbego-ivykiams-uz-akiu-skelbia-esa-rusija-nutrauke-duju-tiekima-es.d?id=89846619 |
31/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Bilboard of McDonals being demolished does not represent events in Russia, it was filmed in USA | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/griaunamos-mcdonalds-iskabos-siuzetas-buvo-nufilmuotas-ne-rusijoje.d?id=89857565 |
31/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Satyre used as real information: Zelensky begs Congress to bring back Trump | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/ne-zelenskis-nemelde-kongreso-sugrazinti-i-posta-trumpa-si-naujiena-tebuvo-pokstas.d?id=89857923 |
31/03/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | A claim that Russian lieutenant colonel Astachov Dmitrij Michailovich in fact is Ukraine war veteran Yaroslav Panasyuk Fedorovich | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/meluoja-esa-i-nelaisve-paimtas-rusu-leitenantas-is-tiesu-priklauso-ukrainos-pajegoms.d?id=89858383 |
05/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, the discovery of bodies in Bucha is not "staged" with "actors" | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327Q4CR |
05/04/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | No, the discovery of bodies in Bucha is not "staged" with "actors" | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327P8L2 |
05/04/2022 | France, AFP | No, CNN did not broadcast a report claiming that the invasion of Ukraine caused myocarditis, it comes from a satirical website | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327Q4JD |
06/04/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | No, the discovery of bodies in Bucha is not "staged" with "actors" | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327Q4AH |
06/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Man with Nazi tattoos is not Vice-Chief of Kiev's police | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220401-99-759674/ |
06/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video of the mayor of Bucha is no proof that the massacre never happened | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220406-99-815901/ |
03/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the graphic work with Putin and a balloon with Ukrainian colors has not been created by Banksky | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/04/05/no-lopera-grafica-con-putin-e-un-palloncino-con-i-colori-ucraini-non-e-di-banksy/ |
05/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo of a Ukrainian jet with a jammed traffic sign is from 2020 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/06/questa-foto-di-un-jet-ucraino-con-un-segnale-stradale-incastrato-e-del-2020/ |
06/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | There is no evidence to say that Zelensky fled Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/04/06/non-ci-sono-prove-per-dire-che-zelensky-sia-fuggito-dallucraina/ |
06/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | No, this video does not show president Zelensky and hif wife singing "Endless Love" | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220406-99-820461/ |
06/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly gives evidence that dead bodies in the street at Bucha are crisis actors | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220406-99-820985/ |
06/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The news about Giletti that is not in Odessa but at the "Barra station" is satire | https://facta.news/notizia-satirica/2022/04/06/la-notizia-di-giletti-che-non-si-trova-a-odessa-ma-alla-stazione-di-barra-e-satira/ |
06/04/2022 | Luxembourg, dpa-factchecking.com | No, there have not 2500 Russian tanks been destroyed in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/220406-99-821573/ |
06/04/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | Artem Bonov is not the deputy chief of the Kiev police | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327F2J7 |
05/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Donated Canadian equipment leads to false claims over a CNN report from Ukraine | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327P7TW |
01/04/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | Russia has not pegged its currency to gold | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327E3E4 |
06/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Russia has not reintroduced the gold standard | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327R926 |
06/04/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This CNN report did take place in Ukraine, not Canada | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327E9N9 |
05/04/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | This CNN report did take place in Ukraine, not Canada | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327E7VW |
07/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Filmset with nazi flags in Sofia (Bulgaria) falsely presented as a street in Kyiv | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220406-99-822191/ |
07/04/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | Artem Bonov is not the deputy chief of the Kiev police | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327R8U7 |
06/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Yes, this photo indeed shows refugees in Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck/factcheck-ja-deze-foto-toont-wel-degelijk-vluchtelingen-in-oekraine/article-longread-1854943.html |
06/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video filmed in a car in Bucha shows a corpse "moving its arm" and sitting down? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-filmado-num-carro-em-bucha-mostra-um-cadaver-a-mexer-o-braco-e-a-sentar-se |
06/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video show Russian attack on Ukrainian Defense Ministry building? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-mostra-ataque-da-russia-contra-edificio-do-ministerio-da-defesa-da-ucrania |
06/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Photo of a couple hugging with the flags of Russia and Ukraine is current? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fotografia-de-casal-abracado-com-as-bandeiras-da-russia-e-da-ucrania-e-atual |
06/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | CNN twice reported the death of the same journalist? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/cnn-noticiou-duas-vezes-a-morte-do-mesmo-jornalista |
07/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show a mannequin used to stage the Bucha massacre | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/07/questo-video-non-mostra-un-manichino-utilizzato-per-inscenare-il-massacro-di-bucha/ |
07/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video showing an "oil battle" in a market has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine, it is from 2015 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/07/questo-video-che-mostra-una-battaglia-dellolio-in-un-market-non-centra-con-la-guerra-in-ucraina-e-del-2015/ |
07/04/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | This CNN report did take place in Ukraine, not Canada | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327V29B |
07/04/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | This video does not show a prayer for Donbas in Belgrade, but an event in Warsaw, Poland | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327V372 |
07/04/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | Video shows Ukrainian soldiers captured in Donetsk in 2015, not in Mariupol in 2022 | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327V6EU |
08/04/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Joe Biden's speech in 1997 does not prove that he wanted to provoke Russia by admitting the Baltic states to NATO | https://rebaltica.lv/2022/04/vai-baidens-teica-ka-krievija-naidpilni-reages-uz-nato-izplesanos-baltija/ |
05/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Hoaxes and misinformation denying the victims of Bucha (Ukraine) and verifications to disprove this discourse | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220405/bulos-desinformaciones-niegan-victimas-bucha-ucrania/ |
05/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Hoaxes, disinformation and war deniers who claim there were no victims in Russia's invasion of Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220405/bulos-niegan-victimas-ucrania/ |
05/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of a mass grave is not from "Irpin on 12 March": it is from Bucha (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220405/fosa-comun-bucha-irpin-ucrania/ |
06/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the images of people tied to poles in Ukraine? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220406/imagenes-personas-atadas-postes-ucrania/ |
08/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the missile that has killed Ukrainian civilians near the Kramatorsk train station (Ukraine)? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220408/kramatorsk-estacion-tren-misil-ucrania/ |
08/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this mannequin is not a "fake dead" used in the Russian invasion of Ukraine: it is a film shot on the outskirts of St. Petersburg (Russia) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220408/maniqui-ucrania-rusia-cadaver-muerto/ |
04/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, this CNN report was made in Lviv, Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/04/doch-dieser-cnn-beitrag-entstand-in-lwiw-in-der-ukraine/ |
06/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, there are no movements of corpses on this video from Butscha | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/06/nein-auf-diesem-video-aus-butscha-sind-keine-bewegungen-von-leichen-zu-sehen/ |
08/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Video from Kiev: Why it is impossible to tell whether a Russian military vehicle runs over a car here | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/08/video-aus-kiew-warum-sich-nicht-sagen-laesst-ob-hier-ein-russisches-militaerfahrzeug-ein-auto-ueberfaehrt/ |
08/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Russian children are not thrown out of German schools | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/08/nein-russische-kinder-werden-nicht-aus-deutschen-schulen-geworfen/ |
08/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Butscha: Recordings do not substantiate claims of missing death marks and rigor mortis | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/08/butscha-aufnahmen-belegen-behauptungen-zu-fehlenden-totenflecken-und-leichenstarre-nicht/ |
08/04/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | No, the discovery of bodies in Bucha is not "staged" with "actors" | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327V49K |
11/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the Russian army has not captured US serviceman Roger Cloutier in Mariupol (Ukraine) | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220411/ejercito-ruso-capturado-estadounidense-mariupol/ |
07/04/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | This is not UNHCR graphic advising govts not to help Ukrainian refugees | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327Q74V |
04/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | What did Zelenski say when he spoke of the anniversary of the Dutch rebellion "against tyranny"? | https://verifica.efe.com/zelenski-paises-bajos-aniversario-contra-tirania-efe/ |
07/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Bucha slaughter was not a Ukrainian staged massacre, as Russia claims | https://verifica.efe.com/bucha-no-montaje-ucrania-rusia/ |
08/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Zelensky and Soros are not cousins | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220408-99-849840/ |
07/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | There is no proof that the sons of several American politicians have been working for Ukrainian energy companies | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220406-99-817520/ |
08/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Zelenski's videos with fake backgrounds from Kyiv do not prove he fled | https://verifica.efe.com/videos-zelenski-no-prueban-huida-kiev/ |
11/04/2022 | Austria, dpa-factchecking.com | The US imported 43 per cent more oil from Russia - but only comparing two specific weeks | https://dpa-factchecking.com/austria/220411-99-880522/ |
11/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the porn website PornHub does not have a new category with videos of "Ukrainian girls and war rapes" | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220411/pornhub-categoria-videos-ninas-ucranianas-violaciones-guerra/ |
11/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | The hoax that Maxar, the company that provided satellite images of Bucha to the NYT, did not take images on 19 March | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220411/maxar-nyt-satelite-bucha/ |
11/04/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Artem Bonov is not the deputy chief of the Kiev police | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327X3RR |
11/04/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | Zelensky does not admit that he is taking drugs in this interview | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327X9WW |
06/04/2022 | France, AFP Factcheck | No, the discovery of bodies in Ukraine’s Bucha was not ‘staged’ with ‘actors’ | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.327R8KF |
05/04/2022 | France, AFP Factcheck | Photo of couple draped in Russian and Ukrainian flags has circulated online since 2019 | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32723NR |
12/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, there is no evidence that this man with Nazi tattoos is the "deputy police chief of the Kiev region" in Ukraine | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220412/tatuajes-nazi-subjefe-policia-kiev/ |
11/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Moscow did not order Soros arrested for plotting against Russia in Ukraine | https://verifica.efe.com/moscu-no-ordeno-detener-soros-por-conflicto-ucrania-rusia/ |
14/03/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Fact Check: The real reson why WHO asked Ukraine to get rid of pathogens in their biolabs | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96154907/faktikontroll-miks-kaskis-who-ukraina-laborites-olevad-patogeenid-havitada |
22/03/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Fact Check: A clip showing the Russian invasion of the Baltic states was only hypothetical and filmed last year | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96218985/faktikontroll-klipp-balti-riikide-voimalikust-invasioonist-on-vaid-oletuslik-ja-oli-eetris-mullu |
21/03/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Fact check: Playing with numbers is causing panic about the amount of incoming refugees | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96211825/faktikontroll-numbritega-mangimine-tekitab-sojapogenike-osas-paanikat |
29/03/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Fact check: Conservative publication is spreading a lie about refugees | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96273527/faktikontroll-ekre-valjaanne-tekitab-libauudist-levitades-viha-pogenike-vastu |
30/03/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Fact check: There is no need for panic - people can still exchange USD and EUR to RUB | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96288603/faktikontroll-paanikaks-ei-ole-pohjust-eestis-saab-jatkuvalt-vahetada-vene-rubla |
07/04/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Fact check: Ukrainian refugees are not causing fights on the streets | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96355941/faktikontroll-vaide-et-ukrainlased-kaklevad-tanavatel-on-alusetu-ja-viha-ohutav |
08/04/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Fact check: There is no proof of Hunter Biden funding biolabs in Ukraine | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96360003/faktikontroll-hunteri-bideni-seostamine-olematute-biorelvadega-on-osa-vene-propagandast |
12/04/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Fact check: Ukrainian refugees will not get 900 euros a month of benefits | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96388371/faktikontroll-sojapogenikele-ei-hakata-igakuiselt-900-eurot-toetust-maksma-see-on-teadlik-vaenu-tekitamine |
12/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | No proof that members of the Azov-batallion put fire on a Dutch flag in 2016 | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220412-99-891836/ |
12/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This video of Ukrainian police in Butsha does not prove bloodbath by Ukrainian soldiers | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32878AY |
12/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This image of Selenskyj showing Putin rabbit ears is doctored | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32879TF |
13/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This protest on Ukrainian television is fake | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32893MN |
09/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Did CNN "Lie" When Reporting Fire in Canada as If It Were in Ukraine? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/cnn-mentiu-ao-reportar-incendio-no-canada-como-se-fosse-na-ucrania |
09/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video show Ukrainian citizens destroying Russian tanks with "Molotov cocktails"? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-mostra-cidadaos-ucranianos-a-destruirem-tanques-russos-com-cocktails-molotov |
10/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this video show a Russian helicopter overcoming Ukrainian village air defense? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-exibe-um-helicoptero-russo-a-superar-defesa-anti-aerea-de-povoacao-ucraniana |
11/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Is the man with Nazi tattoos pictured in these photographs the Kiev police commander? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/homem-com-tatuagens-nazis-retratado-nestas-fotografias-e-o-comandante-da-policia-de-kiev |
11/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Ukrainian invaded TV news in protest against President Zelensky? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/ucraniana-invadiu-telejornal-em-protesto-contra-o-presidente-zelensky |
11/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this image prove that Ukraine is mobilizing armed children to the front lines of the war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/esta-imagem-prova-que-a-ucrania-mobiliza-criancas-armadas-para-as-linhas-da-frente-da-guerra |
12/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Did BBC broadcast footage of military training as if from the war in Ukraine? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/bbc-transmitiu-imagens-de-treino-militar-como-se-fossem-da-guerra-na-ucrania |
13/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Russian soldiers found Ukrainian medals of decoration for the "capture of Crimea"? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/soldados-russos-encontraram-medalhas-ucranianas-de-condecoracao-pela-captura-da-crimeia |
12/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Kramatorsk station: neither the type of missile nor its inscription prove whether it is Russian or Ukrainian | https://verifica.efe.com/misil-tochka-u-kramatorsk-ataque-que-sabemos/ |
13/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | No proof that Ukraine is responsible for attac on Dontesk | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220331-99-749718/ |
12/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | No, Ukrainian army did not put dead bodies in place for better media coverage in Bucha | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220412-99-894842/ |
12/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | President Zelensky allegedly opened fire on Ukrainians at Cherson | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220412-99-893536/ |
13/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video claiming that Ukraine is the author of the attack at the train station in Kramatorsk (Ukraine) was not published by the BBC: it's fake | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220413/bbc-ucrania-ataque-estacion-tren-kramatorsk/ |
05/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Refugees from Ukraine will bring polio to Poland? We explain! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/uchodzcy-z-ukrainy-sprowadza-do-polski-polio-wyjasniamy/ |
05/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Iga Swiatek did not donate her Miami win to Ukraine | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/iga-swiatek-nie-przekazala-wygranej-z-miami-na-rzecz-ukrainy/ |
05/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Video allegedly shows Zelenskyy singing a cover of John Lennon's one of the best songs, "Imagine": it is not true. The singer in the video is Alejandro Manzano. | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/prezydent-ukrainy-spiewal-imagine-to-wokalista-zespolu-z-usa/ |
05/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Bucza crimes as a fake? Russian disinformation! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zbrodnie-w-buczy-inscenizacja-rosyjska-dezinformacja/ |
06/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Unqualified Ukrainians in schools and universities? Disinformation! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-bez-kwalifikacji-w-szkolach-i-na-uczelniach-dezinformacja/ |
06/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Israel seized land in Ukraine to establish a state? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/izrael-zajal-ziemie-w-ukrainie-aby-zalozyc-panstwo-fake-news/ |
07/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The law stands against the Poles, and there is no war in Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/prawo-stoi-przeciw-polakom-a-w-ukrainie-nie-ma-wojny-fake-news/ |
07/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | PESEL is not citizenship and refugees are not displaced persons | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/pesel-to-nie-obywatelstwo-a-uchodzcy-nie-sa-przesiedlencami/ |
07/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Poles deported to Kazakhstan deprived of assistance? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polacy-wywiezieni-do-kazachstanu-pozbawieni-pomocy-fake-news/ |
07/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Display of Ukrainian flag proof of occupation of Poland? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wywieszanie-ukrainskiej-flagi-dowodem-na-okupacje-polski-fake-news/ |
08/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Polish planetarium has screenings only in Ukrainian? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polskie-planetarium-ma-seanse-tylko-w-jezyku-ukrainskim-fake-news/ |
08/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Our president is Aaron Feigenbaum and he comes from Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nasz-prezydent-to-aaron-feigenbaum-i-pochodzi-z-ukrainy-fake-news/ |
11/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Mariupol liberated from Nazis? Pro-Russian disinformation! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/mariupol-oswobodzony-od-nazistow-prorosyjska-dezinformacja/ |
12/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Are Ukrainians getting rich at the expense of Poles? This is an element of disinformation | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-bogaca-sie-kosztem-polakow-to-element-dezinformacji/ |
12/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Poland to be taken over by Ukrainians? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-ma-byc-przejeta-przez-ukraincow-fake-news/ |
12/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Support for Ukrainians is a deliberate denationalization of Poland? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wsparcie-dla-ukraincow-to-celowe-wynaradawianie-polski-fake-news/ |
12/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Putin has 'cured' the world of coronavirus? No, the pandemic persist | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/putin-wyleczyl-swiat-z-koronawirusa-nie-pandemia-trwa/ |
13/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukraine rejects the Russians and supports the Nazis? Manipulation of the message! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-odrzuca-rosjan-a-wspiera-nazistow-manipulowanie-przekazem/ |
13/04/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | Zelensky did not use insulting term to refer to people of Hungary in speech | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32877K6 |
13/04/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Mayor of Bucha did not blame Ukraine troops for civilian deaths | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328827Y |
11/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a "children's cartoon" broadcast in Ukraine, but a satirical video | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/11/questo-non-e-un-cartone-animato-per-bambini-andato-in-onda-in-ucraina-ma-un-video-satirico/ |
11/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the Pentagon has not "confirmed" that Zelensky is George Soros' cousin | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/11/no-il-pentagono-non-ha-confermato-che-zelensky-e-il-cugino-di-george-soros/ |
12/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, "US Army Lieutenant General Roger L. Cloutier" was not captured by the Russians | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/12/no-il-tenente-generale-dellesercito-americano-roger-l-cloutier-non-e-stato-catturato-dai-russi/ |
13/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Nathaniel Rothschild did not write that Putin is "the most dangerous man since Hitler's defeat" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/13/nathaniel-rothschild-non-ha-scritto-che-putin-e-luomo-piu-pericoloso-dalla-sconfitta-di-hitler/ |
13/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | This is not a Ukrainian hoax to simulate casualties but the filming of a Russian TV series | https://verifica.efe.com/maniqui-no-montaje-ucrania-sino-rodaje-serie-television/ |
13/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Attack in Kramatorsk: Russia also used Tochka-U rockets in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220412-99-891802/ |
14/04/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This video about attack on Kramatorsk train station was not produced by BBC | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328B9VG |
14/04/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | This photo of Ukrainian president holding football jersey with swastika is manipulated | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328B6WZ |
13/04/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Old photos from 2015 were misused to smear refugees from Ukraine | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32893YB |
14/04/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Beware of publications in social media about alleged actions of separatist Hungarians from Transcarpatia | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32899U7 |
14/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This video shows a movie shooting in Russia, not a staging of Ukrainian war victims | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328C232 |
14/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows arrestation of NATO general Cloutier in Mariupol | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220414-99-920537/ |
14/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | No, this video on the Kramatorsk attack is not from the BBC | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220414-99-920282/ |
11/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Damaged cars in Hamburg are not related to Russia-Ukraine war, police say | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/11/beschaedigte-autos-in-hamburg-stehen-laut-polizei-nicht-im-zusammenhang-mit-russland-ukraine-krieg/ |
11/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, ZDF is not looking for extras to reenact the Russian attack on Mariupol | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/11/nein-das-zdf-sucht-keine-komparsen-um-den-russischen-angriff-auf-mariupol-nachzustellen/ |
12/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, these documents do not prove a secret bioweapons program in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/12/nein-diese-dokumente-belegen-kein-geheimes-biowaffen-programm-in-der-ukraine/ |
12/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, the U.S. has not admitted the existence of biological weapons laboratories in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/12/nein-die-usa-haben-die-existenz-von-biowaffen-laboren-in-der-ukraine-nicht-zugegeben/ |
14/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, these tanks were not transferred to Ukraine via Recklinghausen | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/14/nein-diese-panzer-wurden-nicht-ueber-recklinghausen-in-die-ukraine-verlegt/ |
14/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | U.S. oil imports from Russia rose briefly, but have been heading toward zero since April | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/14/us-oelimporte-aus-russland-stiegen-kurzfristig-gehen-aber-seit-april-gegen-null/ |
14/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, a child sang in front of the Reichstag about the war in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/14/ja-ein-kind-sang-vor-dem-reichstag-ueber-den-krieg-in-der-ukraine/ |
15/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | No, Ukrainian army did not scatter dead bodies for better media coverage in Bucha | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220414-99-919351/ |
15/04/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | A high-ranking NATO commander has not been captured by the Russians | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328C2LU |
15/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | The serial number of the Tochka-U missile in Kramatorsk does not prove Ukraine is to blame for the attack | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220415-99-930952/ |
15/04/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | This video does not show a "staged" massacre in Ukraine but a protest in Prague | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328D4C7 |
15/04/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | No, this American commander was not detained by the Russians in Ukraine | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328B8NQ |
14/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show Ukrainian soldiers staging the Bucha massacre | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/14/questo-video-non-mostra-dei-soldati-ucraini-che-inscenano-il-massacro-di-bucha/ |
18/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the sinking of the Russian missile cruiser Moskva? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220418/moskva-crucero-misiles-rusia-ucrania-hundimiento/ |
18/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about the images of an ambulance with alleged Ukrainian soldiers in it that are being shared by the Russian government? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220418/ambulancia-cruz-roja-soldados-ucrania/ |
19/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video does not show the explosion of the Russian missile cruiser Moskva: it is from Norwegian military exercises in 2013 | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220419/explosion-crucero-misiles-uso-moskva/ |
14/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The BBC did not "openly state that the massacre" in Kramatorsk "was committed by Ukraine" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/14/la-bbc-non-ha-affermato-apertamente-che-il-massacro-a-kramatorsk-e-stato-commesso-dallucraina/ |
14/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | There is no evidence that the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol hides a "bio laboratory" and a NATO base | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/04/14/non-ci-sono-prove-che-lacciaieria-azovstal-di-mariupol-nasconda-un-bio-laboratorio-e-una-base-nato/ |
15/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not the capture of the «Azov battalion commander in Mariupol», it is a video from 2015 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/15/questa-non-e-la-cattura-del-comandante-del-battaglione-azov-a-mariupol-e-un-video-del-2015/ |
15/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, CNN has not published a tweet to celebrate "child soldiers" in Ukraine | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/15/no-la-cnn-non-ha-pubblicato-un-tweet-per-celebrare-i-bambini-soldato-in-ucraina/ |
15/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This explosion is not related the Russian military ship Moskva, it is from 2013 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/15/questa-lesplosione-non-riguarda-la-nave-militare-russa-moskva-e-del-2013/ |
17/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Ukrainian soldiers used a dummy to simulate a corpse? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/soldados-ucranianos-utilizaram-um-manequim-para-simular-um-cadaver |
16/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video shows crucifix from Kiev Cathedral being transported to a "bunker" because of the war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-mostra-crucifixo-da-catedral-de-kiev-a-ser-transportado-para-um-bunker-por-causa-da-guerra |
15/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Does this image show Russian pilot ejecting from exploding fighter in Ukraine war? | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/esta-imagem-mostra-piloto-russo-a-ejetar-se-de-caca-em-explosao-na-guerra-da-ucrania |
19/04/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | Artem Bonov is not the deputy chief of the Kiev police | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328J97B |
19/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, Putin did not write this appeal "to citizens and peoples of the whole Earth" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/19/no-putin-non-ha-scritto-questo-appello-ai-cittadini-e-ai-popoli-di-tutta-la-terra/ |
20/04/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | NATO commander was not arrested by Russians in Ukraine | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328K3T6 |
20/04/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | NATO commander was not arrested by Russians in Ukraine | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328K3T6 |
20/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, this video does not show Ukrainian soldiers "laying out corpses in Butsha". | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328L8HU |
20/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | BBC has not attributed the attack on Kramatorsk station to Ukraine | https://verifica.efe.com/bbc-no-atribuye-ucrania-misil-estacion-kramatorsk/ |
21/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Photo allegedly showing Zelensky in front of the Azov batallion in 2018 is older and manipulated | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220420-99-975033/ |
21/04/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Video shows alleged body bags from Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220421-99-988242/ |
20/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Photo from damaged cars in Bucha is presented as Ukrainian propaganda | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/20/bucha-photo-damaged-cars-ukrainian-propaganda-misinformation/ |
20/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This video does not show a recent explosion in Azovstal, Mariupol | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/20/video-shows-azovstal-explosion-mariupol-misinformation/ |
20/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This video does not show a staged scene with fake dead Ukrainians | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/20/video-proof-of-ukranian-propaganda-with-fake-dead-civilians-misinformation/ |
21/04/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | No, the government does not give an Easter bonus of BGN 150 to every Ukrainian refugee in Bulgaria | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328N4KK |
18/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fact-check about the Azov battalion picture with nazi flags | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/18/photo-with-azov-battalion-member-holding-nazi-flag-is-fake-altered-image/ |
17/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fake video allegedly showing the sinking of the cruiser Moskva | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/17/video-showing-moskva-cruiser-sinking-misinformation/ |
10/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This video from the Slovakian Parliament, doesn't show support for Russia | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/10/slovakia-far-right-mp-pour-water-ukraine-flag-disinformation/ |
09/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This picture does not show a genuine order from a Russian general | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/09/russian-order-bulgakov-image-not-authentic/ |
21/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | 80 percent of Ukraine - an area 13 times the Netherlands - is allegedly save for refugees | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220419-99-964081/ |
21/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, Ukraine's President Volodymir Zelenski has not admitted to using cocaine in this video: it is a hoax | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220421/zelenski-ucrania-droga-cocaina/ |
22/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, 'Time' magazine has not published a cover with Ukraine's President Volodymir Zelensky with "horns": it's fake | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220422/portada-revista-time-volodimir-zelenski-cuernos/ |
22/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this image of an intact Christ after the a church's bombing in Ukraine is not real: it's fake | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220422/cristo-intacto-bombardeo-ucrania/ |
22/04/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This image is a concept art from a cancelled board game project | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328N9MP |
21/04/2022 | Belgium, AFP Factuel | This video does not show the commander of the Azov battalion arrested in Mariupol | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328L7M4 |
21/04/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | NATO chief was not arrested by Ukrainian soldiers in Ukraine | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328L9FX |
21/04/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Refugee family of four from Ukraine cannot receive support of over CZK 90,000 per month | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328N6RC |
22/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, the sniper "Wali" was not killed after 20 minutes of his first mission in Ukraine | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328Q8MP |
22/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, the UN has not said that it has proven that Russia killed at least 50 civilians in Bucha (Ukraine) on April 22, 2022. | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220422/bucha-onu-rusia-probado-asesinato-civiles-ucrania/ |
22/04/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | No, this video does not show Ukrainian soldiers "laying out corpses in Bucha." | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328N3UB |
22/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Photo of grieving boy is not two years old as claimed | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220422-99-00355/ |
22/04/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Zelensky's words have been taken out of context to strengthen anti-Semitic conspiracy theory | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328Q6AM |
25/04/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | False subtitles mislead social media users with pro-Kremlin propaganda | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328R27P |
21/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Not a Ukrainian missile against the "Moskva" but former military manoeuvres in Norway | https://verifica.efe.com/no-moskva-misil-ucrania-maniobras-militares-noruega/ |
25/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukrainian persident Zelensky allegedly has a fortune of 1.4 billion dollars | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220425-99-33070/ |
25/04/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328X63N | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328X63N |
26/04/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This video was taken druing the filming of a video clip by a Russian rapper in 2020 | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328Y63J |
24/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | No, this video doesn't show Russian ship Moskva being hit by Ukrainian missile | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-mostra-navio-russo-moskva-a-ser-atingido-por-missil-ucraniano |
23/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | This symbol on Zelensky's shirt during his speech in Parliament is not a Nazi cross | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/simbolo-que-figurava-na-camisola-de-zelensky-durante-intervencao-no-parlamento-e-uma-cruz-nazi |
23/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Photograph of intact Christ statue after bombing of a Ukrainian church is not authentic | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fotografia-de-estatua-de-cristo-intacta-apos-bombardeamento-a-uma-igreja-ucraniana-e-autentica |
21/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Video does not reveal F-22 Raptor fighter jets in combat in the skies over Ukraine | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-revela-cacas-f-22-raptor-em-combate-nos-ceus-da-ucrania |
20/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | This video does not portray soldiers in combat in the present Russian-Ukrainian War | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/este-video-retrata-soldados-em-combate-na-presente-guerra-russo-ucraniana |
19/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | No, Ukraine does not produce 25% of the wheat consumed worldwide | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/a-ucrania-produz-25-do-trigo-consumido-ao-nivel-mundial |
19/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | Aerial image that shows 30,000 corpses from the Azov battalion in Mariupol is fake | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/imagem-aerea-mostra-30-mil-cadavares-do-batalhao-azov-em-mariupol |
21/04/2022 | Portugal, Polígrafo | No, UN report doesn't confirm crimes against humanity committed by the Ukrainian army | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/relatorio-da-onu-confirma-crimes-contra-a-humanidade-cometidos-pelo-exercito-ucraniano |
26/04/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | This is not an explosion from a Russian warship - this is a Norwegian military exercise | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328Y8E7 |
26/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Dutch pupils were allegedly slot up in their school without eating and drinking in action day for Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220426-99-46954/ |
26/04/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Boris Johnson did not say that UK reserves the right to use nuclear weapons without consulting with other NATO countries | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/4074 |
27/04/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Manipoulated video tries to present president Zelensky as a drug addict | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220426-99-52418/ |
26/04/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Photo of grieving boy was indeed taken in Ukraine in 2022 | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328Y8DT |
27/04/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | This video has been altered to make it appear that there is cocaine next to Zelensky | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329287L |
26/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show Zelensky admitting to using cocaine | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/04/20/questo-video-non-mostra-zelensky-che-ammette-di-fare-uso-di-cocaina/ |
26/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This "former Soviet Union" flag was not raised for the conquest of Mariupol | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/21/questa-bandiera-dellex-unione-sovietica-non-e-stata-issata-per-la-conquista-di-mariupol/ |
21/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The White House hasn't createted two coins featuring Zelensky for sale | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/21/la-casa-bianca-non-ha-messo-in-vendita-due-monete-con-su-zelensky/ |
26/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not the underground bunkers of the Azovstal steel mill, but the illustration of a board game | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/22/questo-non-e-il-bunker-sotterraneo-dellacciaieria-azovstal-ma-lillustrazione-di-un-gioco-da-tavolo/ |
26/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Zelensky's video with cocaine on his desk is a fake | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/04/26/il-video-di-zelensky-con-la-cocaina-sulla-scrivania-e-un-falso/ |
26/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not Ukrainian children celebrating "Hitler's birthday" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/26/questi-non-sono-bambini-ucraini-che-festeggiano-il-compleanno-di-hitler/ |
26/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | It is not true that Putin was absent from the celebration of Orthodox Easter in Moscow | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/26/non-e-vero-che-putin-era-assente-alla-celebrazione-della-pasqua-ortodossa-a-mosca/ |
26/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not Zelensky's wife giving the Roman salute | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/26/questa-non-e-la-moglie-di-zelensky-che-fa-il-saluto-romano/ |
27/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | American general L. Cloutier was not arrested | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/04/27/il-generale-americano-l-cloutier-non-e-stato-arrestato/ |
27/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This (manipulated) photo has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/04/27/questa-foto-manipolata-non-centra-con-la-guerra-in-ucraina/ |
27/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, German arms deliveries do not violate the Two Plus Four Treaty | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32937GX |
25/04/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Google Maps does not show Russian bases it hid before the war | https://verifica.efe.com/google-maps-no-censuraba-bases-militares-rusia/ |
28/04/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Video that shows a white powder on Zelensky's desk was manipulated | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32948UK |
28/04/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This woman is not Zelenskyy's daughter and she cried over a cellphone back in 2017 | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32962ZP |
14/04/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Senior US military officer was not captured by Russian forces in Ukraine | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32872JX |
25/04/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Video claiming ‘Ukraine responsible for train station attack’ was not produced by BBC | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328K3Y3 |
25/04/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video does not show the Moskva warship exploding – it’s a 2013 Norwegian military exercise | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328K4WC |
13/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | "Glory to Nazism" shouted at a Ukrainian rally? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/slawa-nazizm-wykrzyczane-na-ukrainskim-wiecu-fake-news/?cn-reloaded=1 |
14/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Pandemic and war in Ukraine are conspiracies behind which Jews are behind? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/pandemia-i-wojna-w-ukrainie-to-spiski-za-ktorymi-stoja-zydzi-fake-news/ |
14/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The Taliban have declared the Kremlin a terrorist organisation? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/talibowie-uznali-kreml-za-organizacje-terrorystyczna-fake-news/ |
15/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The war in Ukraine has been exaggerated? Disinformative content in the film | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-zostala-wyolbrzymiona-dezinformacyjne-tresci-w-filmie/ |
15/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Police officers go around houses and look for refugee places? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/policjanci-chodza-po-domach-i-szukaja-miejsc-dla-uchodzcow-fake-news/ |
19/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | You do not need a passport to cross the Ukrainian-Polish border | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nie-potrzeba-paszportu-aby-przekroczyc-granice-ukrainsko-polska/ |
19/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | War in Ukraine to distract from WHO plans? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-ma-odwrocic-uwage-od-planow-who-fake-news/ |
19/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians attacked the train station in Kramatorsk? No, it was the Russians! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-zaatakowali-dworzec-w-kramatorsku-nie-to-byli-rosjanie/ |
19/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Google Maps has removed censorship of Russian military bases? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/google-maps-zdjelo-cenzure-z-rosyjskich-baz-wojskowych-fake-news/ |
20/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | An undeveloped "staging" in Bucza? No, it's a conspiracy theory! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/niedopracowana-inscenizacja-w-buczy-nie-to-teoria-spiskowa/ |
20/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Video shows 'Moscow' hit? No, it's a Norwegian naval exercise! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/film-przedstawia-trafienie-moskwy-nie-to-cwiczenia-norweskiej-floty/ |
20/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Video of sinking the cruiser "Moscow": it is false. The video is from US Navy's RIMPAC 2000 exercise. | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-to-tonaca-moskwa-nie-to-cwiczenia-rimpac-2000/ |
21/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Jews are moving Israel to Ukraine? It's a conspiracy theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zydzi-przenosza-izrael-do-ukrainy-to-teoria-spiskowa/ |
21/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | War and pandemic are artificially created problems? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-i-pandemia-to-sztucznie-stworzone-problemy-fake-news/ |
22/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Poland gave Ukraine one billion euros in 2015? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-przekazala-ukrainie-miliard-euro-w-2015-roku-fake-news/ |
22/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | WHO caused a pandemic and NATO caused a war in Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/who-wywolalo-pandemie-a-nato-wojne-w-ukrainie-fake-news/ |
25/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The United States aimed for a war in Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/stany-zjednoczone-dazyly-do-wojny-w-ukrainie-fake-news/ |
25/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Zelenski and von der Leyen planned war in Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-i-von-der-leyen-zaplanowali-wojne-w-ukrainie-fake-news/ |
25/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russia is waging war against the Nazis? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-prowadzi-wojne-przeciwko-nazistom-fake-news/ |
26/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians are destroying Mariupol? Pro-Russian propaganda by Patrick Lancaster | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-niszcza-mariupol-prorosyjska-propaganda-patricka-lancastera/ |
26/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Underground station inscription in the USA appreciates the courage of Ukrainians? This is a photomontage! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/napis-na-stacji-metra-w-usa-docenia-odwage-ukraincow-to-fotomontaz/ |
26/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Andrzej Duda was not in Kiev after the war broke out? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/andrzej-duda-nie-byl-w-kijowie-po-wybuchu-wojny-fake-news/?fbclid=IwAR2AN8avZPuTI53LtjbPQoo3UwZT3I3fBEnU3d1Bfzpy2abNdTb0VhwIYDo |
25/03/2022 | Sweden, Källkritikbyrån | Taped to poles and humiliated – this is the story behind the pictures | https://kallkritikbyran.se/tejpas-till-stolpar-och-fornedras-har-ar-bakgrunden-till-bilderna/ |
27/02/2022 | Sweden, Källkritikbyrån | Expert on bioweapon-labs: “Classic, russian disinformation” | https://kallkritikbyran.se/expert-om-biovapen-labb-klassisk-rysk-desinformation/ |
27/04/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | President Selensky's daughter does not call her father a Nazi and a murderer | https://www.mimikama.at/selenskyjs-tochter-fake-tweet/ |
27/04/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, Russians did not find a monster worm in Chernobyl! | https://www.mimikama.at/russen-monster-wurm-tschernobyl/ |
28/04/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Video of derailed train with Russian military equipment: Not up to date! | https://www.mimikama.at/entgleister-zug-russland/ |
28/04/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Russian military vehicles show the whole alphabet except Z? Fake! | https://www.mimikama.at/alphabet-statt-z-auf-militarfahrzeugen/ |
29/04/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Dolphins protect Russian Black Sea fleet from sabotage | https://www.mimikama.at/delfine-schutz-schwarzmeerflotte-russland/ |
02/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Americans recognize Fake News about Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/amerikaner-fake-news-ukraine/ |
07/04/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Word on sheet of paper to tied Ukrainians means "looter", not "collaborator" | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/opschrift-vastgebonden-oekrainers-betekent-plunderaar-niet-collaborateur |
02/04/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | No proof that a Ukrainian 'baby Mia' was born in metro station in Kiev | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/geen-bewijs-oekraiense-baby-mia-geboren-in-metro-kiev |
03/05/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | Video that shows a white powder on Zelensky's desk was manipulated | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329E2KX |
22/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, video does not prove that Ukrainians damaged vehicles that took part in "pro-Russian" motorcade | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/22/nein-video-belegt-nicht-dass-ukrainer-fahrzeuge-beschaedigt-haetten-die-an-prorussischem-autokorso-teilnahmen/ |
25/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Invented murder case: No man of Russian origin stabbed to death by Ukrainians in Nuremberg | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/25/erfundener-mordfall-in-nuernberg-wurde-kein-russischstaemmiger-mann-von-ukrainern-erstochen/ |
25/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No evidence that these cars were set on fire because of a pro-Russian corso | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/25/keine-belege-dass-diese-autos-wegen-eines-pro-russischen-korsos-angezuendet-wurden/ |
26/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, the Russian military does not write all the letters of the alphabet on its vehicles | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/26/nein-das-russische-militaer-schreibt-nicht-alle-buchstaben-des-alphabets-auf-seine-fahrzeuge/ |
26/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | During video conference with Elon Musk: No, there was no cocaine on Selenskyj's desk | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/26/bei-videokonferenz-mit-elon-musk-nein-auf-selenskyjs-schreibtisch-lag-kein-kokain/ |
27/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Russia has not withdrawn from the two-plus-four treaty | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/27/nein-russland-hat-sich-nicht-aus-dem-zwei-plus-vier-vertrag-zurueckgezogen/ |
28/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Ukrainian military does not lay out bodies in Bucha in this video | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/28/nein-das-ukrainische-militaer-legt-in-diesem-video-keine-leichen-in-butscha-aus/ |
28/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Bucha: Mayor spoke of dead even before Russian troop withdrawal | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/28/butscha-buergermeister-sprach-schon-vor-russischem-truppenabzug-von-toten/ |
28/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Manipulated video: No, in this interview Volodymyr Selenskyj did not say that he takes cocaine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/28/manipuliertes-video-nein-in-diesem-interview-sagte-wolodymyr-selenskyj-nicht-dass-er-kokain-nehme/ |
29/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Flixbus trips to Kiev do not mean that the war in Ukraine is not "that bad" | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/29/flixbus-fahrten-nach-kiew-bedeuten-nicht-dass-der-krieg-in-der-ukraine-nicht-so-schlimm-ist/ |
29/04/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Manipulated photo: Azov symbols on Easter cookies were added afterwards | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/04/29/manipuliertes-foto-asow-symbole-auf-ostergebaeck-wurden-nachtraeglich-hinzugefuegt/ |
28/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This burned cars are not related to "Ukrainian refugees" or to the war | https://facta.news/senza-prove/2022/04/28/lincendio-di-queste-auto-non-e-collegabile-ai-rifugiati-ucraini-o-alla-guerra/ |
28/04/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo of Nancy Pelosi on her knees "for Ukraine" is false | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/04/28/questa-foto-di-nancy-pelosi-in-ginocchio-per-lucraina-e-falsa// |
02/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo of Bucha does not show the result of a Russian missile attack | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/02/questa-foto-di-bucha-non-mostra-il-risultato-di-un-attacco-missilistico-russo/ |
02/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | It is not true that Hitler "has jewish roots" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/05/02/non-e-vero-che-hitler-aveva-origini-ebraiche/ |
02/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This derailed Russian military train has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/02/questo-treno-militare-russo-deragliato-non-centra-con-la-guerra-in-ucraina/ |
03/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This crying girl is not Ukrainian President Zelensky daughter | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/03/questo-ragazza-in-lacrime-non-e-la-figlia-del-presidente-ucraino-zelensky/ |
03/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This train was not vandalized by "Ukrainian refugees" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/03/questo-treno-non-e-stato-vandalizzato-dai-rifugiati-ucraini/ |
04/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This woman with a tattooed swastika is not a Ukrainian refugee | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/04/questa-donna-con-una-svastica-tatuata-non-e-rifugiata-ucraina/ |
04/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, these are not Ukrainian soldiers stealing a washing machine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/04/no-questi-non-sono-militari-ucraini-che-rubano-una-lavatrice/ |
27/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | Hoaxes and misinformation claiming Zelenski is a cocaine consumer | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220427/zelenski-cocaina-bulos-desinformaciones/ |
26/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of Zelenski with cocaine on the table is not real: it's fake | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220426/video-zelenski-cocaina-mesa/ |
28/04/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, this video of Zelenski does not show drugs on his desk and has not been deleted: it is a hoax | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220428/zelenski-video-drogas-mesa/ |
03/05/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | No, it is not a hybrid between a pig and a human created in a laboratory in Ukraine: it is a sculpture | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220503/hibrido-cerdo-humano-ucrania/ |
29/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | USA and NATO occupy Poland? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/usa-i-nato-okupuja-polske-fake-news/ |
29/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | One million Ukrainian refugees returned for Holidays? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/milion-ukrainskich-uchodzcow-wrocilo-na-swieta-fake-news/ |
29/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Does the return of Ukrainians mean that the war is exaggerated? Manipulation! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/powroty-ukraincow-oznaczaja-ze-wojna-jest-wyolbrzymiona-manipulacja/ |
29/04/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Orchestrated crisis? Conspiracy theory about the events after 2001 | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wyrezyserowane-kryzysy-teoria-spiskowa-o-wydarzeniach-po-2001-roku/ |
05/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Croatian MPs kicked out for supporting Putin? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/chorwaccy-poslowie-wyrzuceni-z-obrad-za-popieranie-putina-fake-news/ |
05/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Poland will send troops to Ukraine? Fake news from Russian services! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-wysle-wojska-do-ukrainy-fake-news-rosyjskich-sluzb/ |
04/05/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | No video proves Zelenski's cocaine use | https://verifica.efe.com/ningun-video-prueba-zelenski-consuma-cocaina/ |
04/05/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Video does not show traces of drugs on Zelensky's desk | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32986CY |
05/05/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | No, a photo of flipped cars does not prove violence in Bucha was staged | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32947WN |
04/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Fake headlines mislead social network users with pro-Kremlin propaganda | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329C4BN |
29/04/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheck Greek | The soldiers in this photo did not dishonor the President of the Republic | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32966CG |
05/05/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | FACT CHECK: Ukraine does not get it's gas from Russia, it transits it to Western Europe | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96578125/faktikontroll-ukraina-ei-osta-venemaalt-gaasi-see-laheb-transiidina-laane-euroopasse |
08/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Fake: Ukraine forces was killing civilians for 8 years in Donbass. More than 10,000 civilians were killed. | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/melagingai-kaltina-ukraina-kad-donbase-8-metus-zude-civilius.d?id=89929323 |
11/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Fake: Majority of Ukrainian refugees doesn't plan to come back to Ukraine after the war. | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/netiesa-kad-dauguma-ukrainieciu-pasibaigus-karui-neketina-grizti-i-ukraina.d?id=89943039 |
11/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Photo of Russian soldier with nazi swastica tattoo on his back from 2015 wrongfully labeled as depicting Ukrainian soldier | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/panaudoje-sena-rusu-kario-nuotrauka-bando-irodyti-kad-ukrainoje-klesti-nacizmas.d?id=89944903 |
14/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Manipulation: Ukraine is to be blamed for food shortages all over the world | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/facebook-irase-is-konteksto-isimta-informacija-apie-pasaulini-bada-ir-kara-ukrainoje.d?id=89975389 |
18/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Fake: Killings in Bucha were made by Ukraine forces and then Russia was wrongfully blamed for it | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/kokios-melagienos-buvo-skleidziamos-apie-zudynes-bucoje.d?id=89997255 |
19/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Fake: Ukrainian soldiers were photographed stealing washing machine | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/bando-diskredituoti-ukrainos-karius-ne-nuotraukoje-jie-neuzfiksuoti-vagiantys.d?id=90003835 |
21/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Photos from videogame Arma 3 wrongfully labeled as currect war maneuvers in Ukraine | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/tai-kadrai-is-kompiuterinio-zaidimo-o-ne-is-karo-zonos-ukrainoje.d?id=90023219 |
21/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Fake spread by Scott Ritter: Ukraine is administered by nazis | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/buves-jungtiniu-tautu-ginklu-inspektorius-ir-vel-apsimelavo-sikart-teige-kad-ukraina-valdo-naciai.d?id=90023901 |
21/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Manipulation: Arestonich called Zelensky and his electors stupid | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/siekia-sukirsinti-prikeltas-senas-arestoviciaus-vaizdo-irasas-kuriame-sis-arsiai-kritikuoja-zelenski.d?id=90029533 |
22/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Photo of separatists attact in Donbass in 2015 wrongfully labeled as current Russian forces attact to the bus filled with 18 children | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/senos-tragedijos-nuotraukomis-dalinasi-lyg-tai-butu-ivyke-siandien-kviecia-spausti-neaiskia-nuoroda.d?id=90035803 |
22/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Videos of beaten and tortured women wrongfully labeled as made by Ukrainian forces when in fact it was made by Russian criminal groups 'sportiki' in Russia | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/ne-ukrainos-kariu-darbas-merginas-ziauriai-sumuse-ir-isrenge-nusikalteliai-is-rusijos.d?id=90042801 |
22/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Swastika sign in city squared formed by people wrongfully labeled as a proof there are nazis in Ukraine when in fact it was made in Russia and depicted number 55, not swastika | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/ieskojo-nacizmo-irodymu-ukrainoje-bet-rado-svastika-rusijoje.d?id=90043077 |
23/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Video of sinking american ship USS Buchanan wrongfully labeled as sinking of Russian warship Moskva | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/socialiniuose-tinkluose-skestancio-laivo-nuotrauka-klaidingai-susieta-su-rusijos-karinio-laivo-moskva-nuskendimu.d?id=90044799 |
23/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Video of anti-climate change protest in Austria wrongfully used as a proof that civilian killings in Ukraine were staged | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/pasisavine-protesto-pries-klimato-kaita-vaizdo-irasa-tikina-esa-karo-ukrainoje-aukos-tik-apsimeteliai.d?id=90045697 |
25/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Video of missile testing by Norway armed forces wrongfully labeled as a blast in Russian warship Moskva | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/sie-vaizdai-ne-rusijos-kreiserio-moskva-sprogimas.d?id=90054559 |
25/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Picture of clouds looking like an angel figure wrongfully labeled as current event in Kyiv, Ukraine | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/angelo-danguje-nuotrauka-nera-susijusi-su-karu-ukrainoje.d?id=90056257 |
25/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Another set of videos of beaten and tortured women wrongfully labeled as made by Ukrainian forces when in fact it was made by Russian criminal groups 'sportiki' in Russia; photos of anti-war protests in Lithuania wrongfully labeled as a sign of support for supposedly violent Ukraine forces behaviour | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/skleidzia-mela-apie-ukrainieciu-elgesi-ir-lietuvoje-vykusias-protesto-akcijas.d?id=90058505 |
26/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Footage made in Nagorno-Karabakh and Syria wrongfully labeled as current war events in Ukraine | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/manipuliacija/vaizdo-irasu-kratinyje-ne-visi-kadrai-susije-su-ukraina.d?id=90058635 |
26/04/2022 | Lithuania, Delfi | Fake: Zelensky is a junkie | https://www.delfi.lt/news/melo-detektorius/melas/platina-melaginga-informacija-esa-zelenskis-yra-narkomanas.d?id=90063203 |
05/05/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukrainian spokesman Alexey Arestovich allegedly spoke about panic amongst Ukrainian soldiers causing 25.668 deaths | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220505-99-172128/ |
06/05/2022 | Luxemburg, dpa-factchecking.com | History allegedly shows hat Russia was the good guy in the past and NATO the bad guy | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/220506-99-179844/ |
06/05/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows Finnish tanks being transported to the Russian border | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220505-99-173230/ |
03/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Britain exposes propaganda-spreading Russian troll factory | https://www.mimikama.at/russische-trollfabrik/ |
04/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Joy in pain: the wedding dance with the bride without legs | https://www.mimikama.at/hochzeitstanz-braut-ohne-beine/ |
05/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Parking for free with Ukraine license plate? A fake eBay classified ad! | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-kennzeichen-kostenlos-parken/ |
06/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Ukraine war: One in five Germans believes in conspiracy | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-krieg-verschwoerung/ |
06/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The singing girl in front of the Reichstag: discussion about the song lyrics | https://www.mimikama.at/maedchen-reichstag-singt/ |
08/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | U2 frontman Bono and U2 guitarist The Edge perform in Kiev metro | https://www.mimikama.at/u2-bono-und-the-edge-treten-in-der-u-bahn-von-kiew/ |
06/05/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | No, it wasn''t only 'Ukrainian armies' that invaded Hungary in WW2 | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329J23Z |
09/05/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Ukraine asked not only for weapons, but also repeatedly for humanitarian supplies | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329Q8XJ |
09/05/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | Image is not of bunkers in Mariupol and has nothing to do with Ukraine | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329H8HP |
05/05/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Undamaged windows are not evidence of staged Ukraine violence | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329J3JW |
29/04/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Video of mannequin shows TV drama, not Ukraine ‘faking dead bodies’ in Bucha | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.328Q37E |
04/05/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | «Ghost of Kyiv» not confirmed dead (nor alive) | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/j1do7/the-ghost-of-kyiv-er-ikke-bekreftet-dod-eller-levende |
02/05/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Fake VG-articles accuse Zelenkyj for killing children | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z96d4/falske-vg-artikler-anklager-zelenskyj-for-barnedrap |
28/04/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | False proof that Zelenskyj is a drug addict | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/jn2wr/falske-beviser-for-at-zelenskyj-er-narkoman |
16/04/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | No, Zelenskyj doesn't have a nazi symbol on his t-shirt | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0gp7p/nei-zelenskyj-har-ikke-nazisymbol-pa-t-skjorten |
11/04/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Is there a genocide going on i Ukraine? | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0qkdx/foregar-det-folkemord-i-ukraina |
29/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Real headlines used as propaganda | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/jyy66/ekte-overskrifter-blir-brukt-som-propaganda |
06/04/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Untrue claims from Russia about bodies in Butcha | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/zpd6q/usanne-pastander-fra-russland-om-likene-i-butsja |
31/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | From fake news about vaccines to Russian propaganda | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/jdp9q/fra-falske-nyheter-om-vaksiner-til-russisk-propaganda |
30/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Ten of the most fact-checked claims from the war i Ukraine | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0o6wp/ti-av-de-mest-faktasjekkede-pastandene-fra-krigen-i-ukraina |
25/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | The spreading of Russian propaganda in Norwegian alternative media | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/06epg/slik-spres-russisk-propaganda-i-norske-alternative-medier |
23/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Watch up for false videoes from the war in Ukraine! | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/zkx27/se-opp-for-falske-videoer-fra-ukraina-krigen |
28/02/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | This is Putins propaganda war | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0qk8x/slik-er-putins-propagandakrig |
25/02/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Russia is spreading disinformation using large networks | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z41xo/russland-sprer-desinformasjon-ved-hjelp-av-store-nettverk |
24/02/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | How to assess information from the war in Ukraine | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z826l/slik-vurderer-du-informasjon-om-krigen-i-ukraina |
14/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Fake fact-checks used in Russian propaganda | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/jx841/falske-faktasjekker-brukes-i-russisk-propaganda |
11/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Are there many neo-nazis in Ukraine? | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0rgp1/er-det-mange-nynazister-i-ukraina |
18/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Russia is spreading propaganda about Ukrainan bioweapons | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/zlekl/russland-sprer-propaganda-om-ukrainske-biovapen |
15/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | «The Ghost of Kyiv»: Myth or war hero? | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z25op/the-ghost-of-kyiv-myte-eller-krigshelt |
19/04/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | Photo of burning war ship is fake | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z3r1v/bilde-av-brennende-krigsskip-er-falskt |
04/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | How to fact-check photos yourself | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/z5x9g/slik-faktasjekker-du-bilder-selv |
01/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | This photo is old and taken out of context | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/zmlog/dette-bildet-er-gammelt-og-tatt-ut-av-sammenheng |
04/03/2022 | Norway, Faktisk | No, CNN didn't report the same man dead twice | https://www.faktisk.no/artikler/0vp9y/nei-cnn-meldte-ikke-at-samme-mann-var-dod-to-ganger |
09/05/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Yes, there is a Ukrainian 'enemies list' with Viktor Orbán on it | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/er-bestaat-oekraiense-vijandenlijst-met-viktor-orban |
06/05/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Metal arrows from shells found in Bucha before Russian troop withdrawal | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/flchettes-granaten-boetsja-teruggevonden-voor-terugtrekking-russische-troepen |
05/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This "Orthodox priest" was not kidnapped by "soldiers of the Ukrainian territorial militia" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/05/questo-sacerdote-ortodosso-non-e-stato-rapito-da-soldati-della-milizia-territoriale-ucraina/ |
05/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Actor Ian McKellen was not photographed in Lviv (Ukraine) | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/05/lattore-ian-mckellen-non-e-stato-fotografato-a-lviv-ucraina/ |
09/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This freight train does not carry tanks to the Russian border | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/09/questo-treno-merci-non-trasporta-carri-armati-al-confine-con-la-russia/ |
09/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These documents that Poland is preparing to invade Ukraine are false | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/05/09/questi-documenti-secondo-cui-la-polonia-si-preparerebbe-a-invadere-lucraina-sono-falsi/ |
14/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, these are not Ukrainians cheering on Russian troops | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-dit-zijn-geen-oekrainers-die-russische-troepen-toejuichen/ |
15/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: Ukrainian soldiers in van with Red Cross logo is not necessarily a war crime | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-oekraiense-soldaten-in-busje-met-logo-rode-kruis-is-niet-noodzakelijk-een-oorlogsmisdaad/ |
23/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: this video does not prove that Ukrainians were forced to shoot at civilians | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-deze-video-bewijst-niet-dat-oekrainers-werden-gedwongen-om-op-burgers-te-schieten/ |
25/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this Ukrainian with Nazi tattoos is not a police chief in Kiev | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-oekraiener-met-nazitatoeages-is-geen-politiechef-in-kiev/ |
26/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this photo does not show a Ukrainian tank in Iraq | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-foto-toont-geen-oekraiense-tank-in-irak/ |
27/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: video showing cocaine on Zelensky's desk is fake | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-video-met-cocaine-op-bureau-van-zelensky-is-fake/ |
28/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this video does not indicate that Ukrainian soldiers allegedly staged the Russian massacre in Bucha | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-geeft-niet-aan-dat-oekraiense-soldaten-de-russische-slachtpartij-in-boetsja-in-scene-zouden-hebben-gezet/ |
29/04/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: yes, Zelensky banned eleven political parties | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-ja-zelensky-verbood-elf-politieke-partijen/ |
04/05/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: yes, this is a recent photo of a scorched corpse near Kharkiv | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-ja-dit-is-een-recente-foto-van-een-verschroeid-lijk-nabij-charkiv/ |
10/05/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This photo does not show Zelensky's daughter crying and calling him a fascist | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329T8FA |
05/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Poland will send troops to Ukraine? Fake news from Russian services! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/%d0%bf%d0%be%d0%bb%d1%8c%d1%88%d0%b0-%d0%be%d1%82%d0%bf%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%b2%d0%b8%d1%82-%d0%b2%d0%be%d0%b9%d1%81%d0%ba%d0%b0-%d0%b2-%d1%83%d0%ba%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%b8%d0%bd%d1%83-%d1%84%d0%b5%d0%b9%d0%ba/ |
05/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Modified insects infect us with a desire to wage war? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zmodyfikowane-owady-zarazaja-nas-checia-wywolania-wojny-fake-news/ |
06/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The video shows the network of tunnels under Azovstal in Mariupol? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wideo-przedstawia-siec-tuneli-pod-zakladem-azowstal-fake-news/ |
06/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Detention only for removing the flag of Ukraine? Falsehood! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zatrzymanie-jedynie-za-zdjecie-flagi-ukrainy-manipulacja-kontekstem/ |
06/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russian poet's granddaughter beaten by refugees? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wnuczka-rosyjskiego-poety-pobita-przez-uchodzcow-fake-news/ |
06/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Is Poland preparing to invade Ukraine? Disinformation! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/gotovitsya-li-polsha-k-vtorzheniyu-v-ukrainu-dezinformatsiya/ |
11/05/2022 | Belgium, AFP Factuel | No, a photo of flipped cars does not prove violence in Bucha was staged | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329R2LG |
11/05/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | The Ukrainian army in Mariupol has reportedly surrendered. | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220511-99-243128/ |
11/05/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | These tanks are heading for a military exercise in western Finland, not the Russian border | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329W2CV |
05/05/2022 | Spain, MALDITA.ES | What do we know about Pope Francis' statements on the invasion of Ukraine and NATO? | https://maldita.es/malditobulo/20220505/papa-francisco-invasion-otan/ |
11/05/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | No, a photo of flipped cars does not prove violence in Bucha was staged | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329R82P |
11/05/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | "Stern" magazine didn't call Zelenskyj "King of Lies", but "Hero of Freedom" - the cover was altered | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329W6V6 |
12/05/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, Ebay does not sell Ukrainian license plates | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329W73C |
06/05/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | LIDL and Jumbo don't ask customers to ignore increased prices and support Ukraine | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/lidl-en-jumbo-vragen-klanten-niet-om-gestegen-prijzen-te-negeren-en-oekraine-te-steunen/ |
06/05/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | Ukraine trip by Canadian ex-general Trevor Kadier generates fake news | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/oekraine-reis-van-canadese-ex-generaal-trevor-kadier-genereert-nepnieuws/ |
06/05/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | No, Ukrainians do not need to be vaccinated to be eligible for emergency payments | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/nee-oekrainers-hoeven-niet-gevaccineerd-te-zijn-om-in-aanmerking-te-komen-voor-noodbetalingen/ |
01/04/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | This is a photo of a film set in Sofia (Bulgaria), not a Ukrainian street scene | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/dit-is-een-foto-van-een-filmset-in-sofia-bulgarije-niet-een-oekraiens-straatbeeld/ |
28/03/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | CNN did not present footage of fire in Canada's Edmonton as war reporting from Ukraine | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/cnn-presenteerde-geen-beelden-van-brand-in-het-canadese-edmonton-als-oorlogsverslaggeving-uit-oekraine/ |
25/03/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | Videofragment wrongly gives impression that Prime Minister Johnson was ignored by government leaders at NATO summit | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/videofragement-wekt-ten-onrechte-de-indruk-dat-premier-johnson-op-een-navo-top-werd-genegeerd-door-regeringsleiders/ |
25/03/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | No 13 to 14 thousand civilians killed by Ukraine in the Donbas, as Putin claims | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/geen-13-tot-14-duizend-burgers-door-oekraine-gedood-in-de-donbas-zoals-putin-beweert/ |
21/03/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | No, this is not a dead Russian soldier lighting up a cigarette between body bags | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/nee-dit-is-geen-gedode-russische-soldaat-die-nog-even-een-sigaretje-opsteekt-tussen-de-lijkzakken/ |
10/03/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | There are 187,000 empty homes according to CBS, but they do not provide a solution for hosting Ukrainian refugees | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/er-staan-volgens-het-cbs-187-000-woningen-leeg-maar-die-bieden-geen-oplossing-voor-vluchtelingenopvang/ |
02/03/2022 | Netherlands, Nieuwscheckers | That Dutch municipalities indirectly contribute to Putin's war on Ukraine is true | https://nieuwscheckers.nl/dat-nederlandse-gemeentes-indirect-meebetalen-aan-poetins-oorlog-tegen-oekraine-klopt/ |
30/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Canadian sniper "Wali" wasn't killed 20 minutes after entering Mariupol | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/30/canadian-snipper-wali-dead-misinformation/ |
27/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Misquoted picture allededly showing Zelensky's daughter crying | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/27/zelensky-daughter-outburst-video-fake-news/ |
28/04/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Misinformation about an alleged mocked massacre in Butcha | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/04/28/bucha-massacre-caused-by-ukranians-scott-ritter-misinformation/ |
05/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | No proof that Hitler had Jewish ancestry | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/05/hitler-jewish-descent-blood-missing-context/ |
11/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Pictures are not showing a Russian fighter raising the Soviet flag in Marioupol | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/11/photos-show-fighter-raising-communist-flag-in-mariupol-2022-misinformation/ |
11/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | No proof that retired Canadian general Trevor Kadier was arrested in Azovstal | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/11/canadian-general-mariupol-azovstal-escape-misinformation/ |
12/05/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | No, a photo of flipped cars does not prove violence in Bucha was staged | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329W3PR |
31/03/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The Ukrainian girl carrying a rifle in a viral image is not a 'girl soldier' | https://www.newtral.es/nina-ucraniana-fusil-piruleta/20220331/ |
04/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | You ask us if Kamala Harris laughs after a question about Ukrainian refugees: the images are taken out of context | https://www.newtral.es/kamala-harris-refugiados-ucranianos/20220404/ |
05/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Bucha did report the killing of civilians after the Russian withdrawal, contrary to what the Kremlin says | https://www.newtral.es/matanza-bucha-civiles-rusia/20220405/ |
07/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | CNN did not broadcast images of a Canadian fire as if they were of an explosion in Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/cnn-incendio-ucrania-canada/20220407/ |
07/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The United Kingdom has not blocked a meeting on what happened in Bucha at the UN: the Security Council discussed it on April 5 | https://www.newtral.es/reino-unido-onu-bucha/20220407/ |
07/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of the "Ukrainian journalist" who interrupts a TV show with a message against Zelensky is not real, it is a montage of a 'tiktoker' | https://www.newtral.es/periodista-ucraniana-mensaje-zelenski-tiktoker/20220407/ |
08/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The hoax spread by Russia about the corpses that "move" in Bucha | https://www.newtral.es/cadaveres-bucha-se-mueven-rusia-bulo/20220408/ |
08/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, US General Roger Cloutier has not been captured by Russian troops in Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/roger-cloutier-prisionero-rusia-mariupol/20220408/ |
11/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | CNN did not post on Twitter the photo of an abandoned Serbian hotel as if it were from Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/cnn-hotel-bombardeado-ucrania/20220411/ |
11/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The images of a mannequin on a filming used to accuse Ukraine of simulating corpses | https://www.newtral.es/maniqui-ucrania-video-rusia-bulo/20220411/ |
13/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Biden did not say that the harm of cutting off Russian gas to Europe is the price he is "willing to pay" | https://www.newtral.es/joe-biden-gas-europa/20220413/ |
13/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The BBC has not broadcast a video in which it blames Ukraine for the attack on the train station in Kramatorsk, it is a montage | https://www.newtral.es/bbc-ucrania-estacion-kramatorsk/20220413/ |
18/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The fake photo that shows "the first image" of the Moskva ship fire before its sinking: the original video is from 2019 | https://www.newtral.es/hundimiento-moskva-buque-ruso/20220418/ |
19/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video of the explosion of a ship that is not related to the sinking of the Moskva ship, is from a military maneuver in 2013 | https://www.newtral.es/explosion-buque-ruso-moskva/20220419/ |
20/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The photo of a burning ship in the Gulf of Oman in 2019 that circulates as if it were the Russian ship Moskva | https://www.newtral.es/foto-buque-ruso-moskva/20220420/ |
21/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | This video does not show members of the Azov Battalion captured by the Russian army after "the capture of Mariupol" | https://www.newtral.es/soldados-ucranianos-batallon-azov-capturados/20220421/ |
21/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of a ruined church with the figure of a Risen Christ in Ukraine is a montage, the real photo was taken in Italy after an earthquake in 2009 | https://www.newtral.es/iglesia-ruinas-ucrania-cristo-resucitado/20220421/ |
22/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Putin's false speech addressing "all citizens of the Earth" to help Russia | https://www.newtral.es/putin-discurso-tierra/20220422/ |
26/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Zelenski did not admit that he uses cocaine, it is a manipulated video | https://www.newtral.es/zelenski-cocaina/20220426/ |
29/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The video in which a "strange white powder" is observed on President Zelensky's desk is a montage | https://www.newtral.es/polvo-blanco-escritorio-zelenski/20220429/ |
29/04/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, CNN has not reported Ukrainian children "fighting the Russians" and the image is from a camp in 2017 | https://www.newtral.es/ninos-soldado-ucrania-cnn-bulo/20220429/ |
04/05/2022 | Spain, Newtral | No, Zelensky's daughter does not appear in a video accusing her father of "Nazi" and "murderer" | https://www.newtral.es/hija-de-zelenski-video-nazi-bulo/20220504/ |
05/05/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Zelensky does not show cocaine streaks on his table in this video, they are decorative details of the desk | https://www.newtral.es/zelenski-drogado-mesa-cocaina/20220505/ |
06/05/2022 | Spain, Newtral | There are no records that this man with Nazi tattoos, Artem Bonov, is the "second chief" of the kyiv Police | https://www.newtral.es/artem-bonov-jefe-policia-kiev/20220506/ |
10/05/2022 | Spain, Newtral | It is false that Time magazine published a cover of Zelensky with horns | https://www.newtral.es/time-portada-zelenski-cuernos/20220510/ |
11/05/2022 | Spain, Newtral | Pope Francis did not refer to the Russian invasion as an operation to "demilitarize" Ukraine | https://www.newtral.es/papa-francisco-perros-otan/20220511/ |
12/05/2022 | Spain, Newtral | The image of overturned cars in Ukraine is not related to a bomb and does not prove a staging | https://www.newtral.es/coches-volcados-ucrania-ventanas-intactas/20220512/ |
06/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Bucha: No, a video of the Ukrainian police does not prove that there was "no massacre of the Russian army" | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/06/butscha-nein-ein-video-der-ukrainischen-polizei-beweist-nicht-dass-es-kein-massaker-der-russischen-armee-gab/ |
12/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | These quotes about Zelensky all come from a single article | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/12/diese-zitate-ueber-selenskyj-stammen-alle-aus-einem-einzigen-artikel/ |
13/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, refugees from Ukraine do not get pension ten years earlier than Germans in Germany | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/13/nein-fluechtlinge-aus-der-ukraine-bekommen-in-deutschland-nicht-zehn-jahre-frueher-rente-als-deutsche/ |
13/05/2022 | Austria, dpa-factchecking.com | Finland allegedly brings tanks to the Russian border | https://dpa-factchecking.com/austria/220513-99-276750/ |
15/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This picture doesn't depict a Greek Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft gun in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/15/afti-i-fotografia-de-deichnei-antiaeroporika-pyrovola-vofors-vammena-me-ellinika-chromata-parallagis-stin-oukrania/ |
10/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo of sweets with Azov battalion symbols is fake | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/05/10/questa-foto-di-dolci-con-i-simboli-del-battaglione-azov-e-falsa/ |
11/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, this woman did not pretend to be "an injured civilian" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/05/11/no-questa-donna-non-si-e-finta-un-civile-ferito/ |
11/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, these members of the German government are not "grandchildren of the SS" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/05/11/no-questi-esponenti-del-governo-tedesco-non-sono-nipoti-delle-ss/ |
13/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The girl in this photo is not the wife of a soldier from the Azov battalion | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/05/13/la-ragazza-di-questa-foto-non-e-la-moglie-di-un-soldato-del-battaglione-azov/ |
16/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo does not show the arrest of a former Canadian general in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/16/questa-foto-non-mostra-larresto-di-un-ex-generale-canadese-in-ucraina/ |
17/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The philosopher Donatella Di Cesare did not call Ukraine's victory at Eurovision "a further escalation" | https://facta.news/notizia-satirica/2022/05/16/la-filosofa-donatella-di-cesare-non-ha-definito-la-vittoria-dellucraina-alleurovision-una-escalation-ulteriore/ |
16/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The Polish postal service did not issue stamps with Zelensky's face | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/16/il-servizio-postale-polacco-non-ha-emesso-francobolli-con-il-volto-di-zelensky/ |
14/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Ukrainian children form swastika in honour of the anniversary of Hitler's birth | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AA42T |
11/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russia destroyed dollar and connected rouble with gold? | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-zniszczyla-dolara-i-powiazala-rubla-ze-zlotem-fake-news/ |
11/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | "Prayer for Putin" - disinformation about the war and the pandemic | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/modlitwa-za-putina-czyli-dezinformacja-o-wojnie-i-pandemii/ |
12/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Polish workers dismissed to hire Ukrainians? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polscy-pracownicy-zwolnieni-by-zatrudnic-ukraincow-fake-news/ |
12/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians charge 500+? No, there is a Polish family in the photo! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-pobierajacy-500-nie-na-zdjeciu-jest-polska-rodzina/ |
13/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Mychajło Duda is grandfather of Andrzej Duda? Falsehood! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/mychajlo-duda-dziadkiem-andrzeja-dudy-falsz/ |
17/05/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Pope Francis allegedly received Ukrainian neo-nazi woman | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220517-99-319718/ |
17/05/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | These alleged quotes from an interview with Olaf Scholz are falsified | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AA93D |
17/05/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Ukrainian refugees do not get any special treatment when it comes to pensions in Germany | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AB2BD |
09/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Finnish tanks go to exercise, not to Russian border | https://www.mimikama.at/finnische-panzer-russische-grenze/ |
11/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Viktor Orban on Ukrainian "list of enemies | https://www.mimikama.at/feindesliste-orban/ |
12/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Germany has broken armistice and is at war with Russia? Nonsense! | https://www.mimikama.at/deutschland-krieg-mit-russland-unsinn/ |
13/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Increased threat level for Germany (BSI) | https://www.mimikama.at/erhoehte-bedrohungslage-fuer-deutschland-bsi/ |
13/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Sloppy fake: No, "Stern" did not call Selenskyj "King of Lies" | https://www.mimikama.at/stern-selenskyj-koenig-der-luegen/ |
13/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Fugitives from Ukraine get pension 10 years earlier? False claim! | https://www.mimikama.at/fluechtende-ukraine-rente/ |
17/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo does not show American Admiral Eric Olson "captured in the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/17/questa-foto-non-mostra-lammiraglio-americano-eric-olson-catturato-nellacciaieria-azovstal-di-mariupol/ |
17/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Ukrainian band Kalush Orchestra did not pay the Nazi salute to Eurovision | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/05/17/la-band-ucraina-kalush-orchestra-non-ha-fatto-il-saluto-nazista-alleurovision/ |
17/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, a Polish presenter did not give the Nazi salute during Eurovision | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/05/17/no-una-presentatrice-polacca-non-ha-fatto-il-saluto-nazista-durante-leurovision/ |
18/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This video doesn't show finnish Leopard 2 MBT's heading towards the Russian border | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/18/video-shows-finnish-tanks-transported-towards-the-russian-borders-misinformation/ |
10/05/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Nothing proves that Russia discovered a NATO serviceman in charge of a Ukrainian laboratory | https://verifica.efe.com/nada-prueba-militar-otan-laboratorio-biologico-azovstal-ucrania/ |
17/05/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Finland did not send tanks to the Russian border, it was moving them west for maneuvers | https://verifica.efe.com/finlandia-no-envio-tanques-a-frontera-con-rusia-sino-oeste-para-maniobras/ |
12/05/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This visual effects video does not show ‘Russia’s vacuum bomb attack in Ukraine | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329H86T |
18/05/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Ukrainian Eurovision 2022 winners did not do a Nazi salute. | https://verifica.efe.com/ucrania-eurovision-ganadores-no-saludo-nazi/ |
18/05/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukrainian ESC 2022 winners did not do Nazi salute | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220517-99-325702/ |
18/05/2022 | Switzerland, dpa-factchecking.com | Zelensky allegedly owns 850 million dollars | https://dpa-factchecking.com/switzerland/220517-99-326350/ |
19/05/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, the Bundeswehr did not "lose" a tank on an Austrian highway | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AG28L |
19/05/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | With accession to NATO, Finland allegedly breaks its peace treaty with Russia | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220518-99-340836/ |
19/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Read on Twitter: "Zelensky's daughter denounces her father and calls him a Nazi and a murderer" | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/lido-no-twitter-filha-de-zelensky-renega-o-pai-e-chama-o-de-nazi-e-assassino |
19/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | No, Ukraine did not stage a bombing with overturned vehicles and intact windows. | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/nao-a-ucrania-nao-encenou-um-bombardeamento-com-veiculos-capotados-e-janelas-intactas |
17/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | No, the Pentagon has not confirmed that Zelensky and millionaire George Soros are cousins | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/nao-o-pentagono-nao-confirmou-que-zelensky-e-o-milionario-george-soros-sao-primos |
10/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Did you come across video that reveals white powder on Zelensky's desk? These are doctored images, don't believe the hoax | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/deparou-com-video-que-revela-po-branco-na-secretaria-de-zelensky-sao-imagens-adulteradas-nao-acredite-na-patranha |
09/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | NATO Patriot Missile Hit Russian Troops En route to Ukraine? It's fake and video doesn't prove anything | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/missil-patriot-da-nato-atingiu-tropas-russas-a-caminho-da-ucrania-e-falso-e-video-nao-comprova-nada |
07/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | YouTube video: "Ukrainian troops attacked Russian military vehicles with UK-sent tanks" - False | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-no-youtube-tropas-ucranianas-atacaram-veiculos-militares-russos-com-tanques-enviados-pelo-reino-unido |
04/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | No, video doesn't show a convoy of Russian military vehicles derailing near Ukraine | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-mostra-um-comboio-com-veiculos-militares-russos-a-descarrilar-perto-da-ucrania |
02/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | No, the US Defense Department didn't sign a contract for “Covid-19 investigation” in Ukraine in November 2019 | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/departamento-de-defesa-dos-eua-firmou-contrato-para-investigacao-da-covid-19-na-ucrania-em-novembro-de-2019 |
02/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Video in which Vladimir Putin decrees the end of the War in Ukraine is not real | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/video-em-que-vladimir-putin-decreta-o-fim-da-guerra-na-ucrania-e-real |
01/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | No, Ukraine's flag in Mariupol wasn't exchanged for the USSR one | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/bandeira-da-ucrania-em-mariupol-foi-trocada-por-uma-da-urss-durante-a-presente-guerra |
28/04/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Video in which Zelensky assumes using cocaine is not authentic | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/e-o-melhor-energizante-video-em-que-zelensky-assume-consumir-cocaina-e-autentico |
26/04/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Ukrainian children did not celebrate Hitler's birthday with swastika-shaped formation | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/criancas-ucranianas-celebram-aniversario-de-hitler-com-mancha-humana-em-forma-de-suastica |
25/04/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Putin didn't end the Rothschild family's control over Russia by nationalizing the Central Bank | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/putin-acabou-com-controlo-da-familia-rothschild-sobre-a-russia-ao-nacionalizar-o-banco-central |
19/05/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Refugees from Ukraine allegedly killed a Polish man in Warzaw | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220519-99-350399/ |
16/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Ukraine war: Startups fear increased attacks in cyberspace | https://www.mimikama.at/angriffe-im-cyberraum/ |
16/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Report: Still a lot of false reports about the Ukraine war! | https://www.mimikama.at/report-edmo-april/ |
16/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Fraud: donations for victims of the war against Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-betrug-spenden-mail/ |
16/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, there is no official Selenskyj stamp in Poland | https://www.mimikama.at/polen-selenskyj-briefmarke/ |
16/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No more "fries with that?" - McDonald's is pulling out of Russia! | https://www.mimikama.at/mcdonalds-russland/ |
16/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Protection for the "IKEA country": Sweden applies for NATO membership | https://www.mimikama.at/schweden-nato-mitgliedschaft/ |
17/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Tyumen: Fact check on a fire in Russia | https://www.mimikama.at/tjumen-brand/ |
17/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Martial Law in Russia Likely According to U.S. Intelligence | https://www.mimikama.at/us-geheimdienst-putin-kriegsrecht/ |
17/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Z propaganda sign smeared in Russia? (fact check) | https://www.mimikama.at/z-propagandazeichen/ |
17/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, the Hitler salute was not shown at the Eurovision Song Contest | https://www.mimikama.at/hitlergruss-eurovision-song-contest/ |
20/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The Internet still works in Ukraine. Why actually? | https://www.mimikama.at/internet-ukraine/ |
20/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Google faces insolvency in Russia | https://www.mimikama.at/google-steht-in-russland-vor-insolvenz/ |
20/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Fake News about Ukraine war: Poisoned candies in Ingolstadt | https://www.mimikama.at/vergiftete-bonbons-in-ingolstadt/ |
20/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, no German tank fell off the truck in Austria! | https://www.mimikama.at/kein-panzer-fiel-vom-lkw/ |
20/05/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows crisis actors (who, in fact are demonstrators against war cries in Ukraine) | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220519-99-353155/ |
18/05/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, prominent Ukrainian media figures do not say that '1,5 million people should be killed' | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-prominente-oekraiense-mediafiguren-zeggen-niet-dat-15-miljoen-mensen-moeten-afgemaakt-worden/ |
17/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Misleading camera angle: Ukrainian ESC winner Oleh Psiuk did not show a Hitler salute | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/17/irrefuehrender-kamerawinkel-ukrainischer-esc-gewinner-oleh-psiuk-zeigte-keinen-hitlergruss/ |
18/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Poland's president did not announce annexation of western Ukraine in a speech | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/18/nein-polens-praesident-hat-in-einer-rede-keine-annexion-der-west-ukraine-angekuendigt/ |
19/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | University without graduation? What's behind the decision of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs for refugees from the Ukraine? | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/19/ohne-abi-zur-uni-was-hinter-dem-beschluss-der-kultusministerkonferenz-fuer-gefluechtete-aus-der-ukraine-steckt/ |
19/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Fake Bild-article about Ukrainian refugees who allegedly set fire to a house | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/19/gefaelschter-bild-artikel-ueber-ukrainische-fluechtlinge-die-angeblich-ein-haus-in-brand-gesetzt-haben/ |
20/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Joe Biden did not say in 1997 that NATO expansion would trigger a Russian military response | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/20/nein-joe-biden-sagte-1997-nicht-dass-eine-expansion-der-nato-eine-militaerische-reaktion-russlands-ausloesen-wuerde/ |
20/05/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | These "Bild" reports about Ukrainian refugees causing fires are fake | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AL4E4 |
20/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, Volodymyr Selenskyj was involved in business with offshore companies | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/20/ja-wolodymyr-selenskyj-war-in-geschaefte-mit-offshore-firmen-verwickelt/ |
21/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Singer Kalush Orchestra did not give a nazi salute | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/21/nazi-salute-eurovision-kalush-hoax/ |
18/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Tg5 broadcast a paintball match, but not "as a report on the war" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/18/il-tg5-ha-trasmesso-una-partita-di-paintball-ma-non-come-servizio-sulla-guerra/ |
20/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the Polish president did not say that Poland wants to annex western Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/05/20/no-il-presidente-polacco-non-ha-detto-che-la-polonia-vuole-annettere-lucraina-occidentale/ |
20/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This Zelensky Russian passport is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/05/20/questo-passaporto-russo-di-zelensky-e-falso/ |
20/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Bild did not publish an article on Ukrainian refugees setting fire to their host house | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/05/20/la-bild-non-ha-pubblicato-un-articolo-sui-rifugiati-ucraini-che-incendiano-la-casa-che-li-ospita/ |
23/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not "Russian Orthodox priests" blessing "the Satan nuclear missile" during the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/23/questi-non-sono-preti-ortodossi-russi-che-benedicono-il-missile-nucleare-satan-durante-la-guerra-in-ucraina/ |
22/05/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Propaganda targets Ukrainian-Polish relations | https://t.me/OpenUkraine/15825 |
19/05/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Future NATO member Finland transported tanks not to the border with Russia, but to exercises | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/i-nato-stojanti-suomija-veze-tankus-bet-ne-sienos-su-rusija-link-o-i-pratybas-57-1681782 |
15/05/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Internet users "sent" Oleksiy Arestovych on vacation, but he has another message | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/internautai-issiunte-oleksiju-arestovyciu-atostogu-bet-jis-perduoda-kita-zinia-57-1679828 |
23/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Zelensky's real net worth | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/23/volodymyr-zelenskyy-fortune-120-up-to-1-point-2-billion-dollars-misinformation/ |
20/05/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Ukraine is not being led by soldiers instead of Volodymyr Zelensky: he is performing his duties | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/ukrainai-vietoj-volodymyro-zelenskio-nevadovauja-kariai-jis-eina-savo-pareigas-57-1682170 |
20/05/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The winner of Eurovision did not salute like a Nazi: fake news was created from a single frame | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/eurovizijos-nugaletojas-nesaliutavo-lyg-nacis-melagiena-gime-is-vieno-kadro-57-1682456 |
26/05/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Russian disinformation: Poland has brought two army battalions in Ukraine and wants to take a piece of Ukrainian territory | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/4245 |
23/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Misquote - No, Olaf Scholz does not consider a war of Germany against Russia! | https://www.mimikama.at/scholz-krieg-deutschland-russland/ |
23/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Ukraine repelled Russian incursion into Sumy - A symbolic image causes confusion | https://www.mimikama.at/ukraine-einmarsch-sumy-symbolbild/ |
24/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Cars lying on the roof, but window panes intact? No staging! | https://www.mimikama.at/auf-dem-dach-liegende-autos/ |
24/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Video shows no Russian attacks on Ukrainian railroad | https://www.mimikama.at/angriffe-ukrainische-bahn/ |
24/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | BILD did not report about Ukrainians who burned down the house of their hosts! | https://www.mimikama.at/ukrainer-haus-gastgeber-niederbrannten/ |
25/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | "Why not peace with Hitler?" - No real anti-war demonstration in 1941 | https://www.mimikama.at/peace-with-hitler-antikriegsdemo/ |
25/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Disinformation in Russian language spreads in the EU | https://www.mimikama.at/desinformation-in-russischer-sprache/ |
25/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, Russian priests did not bless a missile called "Satan". | https://www.mimikama.at/priester-rakete-satan/ |
05/05/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Ukraine does not buy gas from Russia - it operates as a transit country | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/96578125/faktikontroll-ukraina-ei-osta-venemaalt-gaasi-see-laheb-transiidina-laane-euroopasse |
12/05/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Food stored do not secretly charge you to "support Ukraine" | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/120005579/faktikontroll-segadus-toidupoes-ei-muujad-ei-pane-salaja-arvele-raha-juurde-et-ukrainat-toetada |
20/05/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Refugees living on the cruise ship do not use taxpayers money to drink and party every day | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/120008651/faktikontroll-laeval-elavad-ukraina-pogenikud-ei-pane-paevast-paeva-pidu |
26/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Napravoumiru | This photo does not show a US admiral captured in Mariupol | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32B36WE |
13/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russian aggression as a punishment for Volhynia? A disinforming video | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosyjska-agresja-kara-za-wolyn-dezinformujace-nagranie/ |
16/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians stays behind the destruction of Mariupol? It's a russian propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/za-zniszczeniem-mariupola-stoja-ukraincy-to-rosyjska-propaganda/ |
16/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Eurovision - Poland got 0 points by Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/eurowizja-polska-dostala-0-punktow-z-ukrainy-manipulacja/ |
17/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Zelensky a murderer? Video using in russian propaganda | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-morderca-nagrania-wykorzystywane-w-rosyjskiej-propagandzie/ |
17/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Mihailo Duda - a grandfather Andrzej Duda's? Falsehood! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/mikhaylo-duda-ded-andzheya-dudy-feyk/ |
13/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | War in Ukraine isn't dangerous for civilians? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-nie-jest-zagrozeniem-dla-cywilow-fake-news/ |
18/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | "Actors" in photos from Azovstal? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/aktorzy-na-zdjeciach-z-azowstalu-fake-news/ |
18/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Washing machine in russian helicopter? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/pralka-w-rosyjskim-helikopterze-fake-news/ |
19/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Globalists, US and NATO are responsible for war in Ukraine? | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/globalisci-usa-i-nato-odpowiedzialni-za-wojne-w-ukrainie-fake-news/ |
19/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | In Ukraine is producing bioweapon by money from USA? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-ukrainie-produkuje-sie-bron-biologiczna-za-pieniadze-usa-fake-news/ |
20/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Putin defend world from ukrainian crime? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/putin-chroni-swiat-przed-zbrodniami-ukrainy-fake-news/ |
24/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Israel and Ukraine are nazist state? It's a disinformation! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/izrael-i-ukraina-to-panstwa-nazistowskie-to-dezinformacja/ |
25/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Putin defend us from elites and third world war? It's a propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/putin-broni-nas-przed-elitami-i-trzecia-wojna-swiatowa-to-propaganda/ |
26/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russians bless rockets during a invasion on Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosjanie-swieca-rakiety-w-czasie-inwazji-na-ukraine-fake-news/ |
25/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Military analysis went wrong: Clips of burning helicopters in Ukraine were from computer games. DR apologizes | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/klip-af-braendende-helikoptere-i-ukraine-var-fra-computerspil-dr-beklager |
31/03/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Jacket with Canadian city name triggers accusations against CNN for manipulating the truth about the war in Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/jakke-med-canadisk-bynavn-udloeser-anklager-mod-cnn-manipulere-med-sandheden-om-krigen-i |
11/04/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Video of “living corpse” is not from Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/video-af-levende-lig-er-ikke-fra-ukraine |
13/04/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Media are accused of using image of bombed building in Belgrade in coverage of Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/medier-beskyldes-bruge-billede-af-bombet-bygning-i-beograd-i-daekning-af-ukraine |
21/04/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | It's manipulated! In the original image, there was not a swastika on this Ukrainian tank | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/paa-det-oprindelige-billede-var-der-ikke-et-hagekors-paa-denne-ukrainske-kampvogn |
12/05/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Viral image is not evidence of staged war: It was not bombs that overturned the cars in Ukrainian city | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/det-var-ikke-bomber-der-vaeltede-bilerne-i-ukrainsk |
23/05/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Russian report revises fact-checking media and compares West with Nazi Germany | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/russisk-rapport-revser-faktatjekmedier-og-sammenligner-vesten-med-nazityskland |
24/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Poland: There is no evidence that Ukrainian refugees stabbed a man to death | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/24/polen-es-gibt-keine-hinweise-dass-ukrainische-fluechtlinge-einen-mann-erstochen-haben/ |
24/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | It is not true that this photo shows US Admiral Eric Olson in Mariupol - what is seen is a Ukrainian soldier in Luhansk | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/24/es-stimmt-nicht-dass-dieses-foto-us-admiral-eric-olson-in-mariupol-zeigt-zu-sehen-ist-ein-ukrainischer-soldat-in-luhansk/ |
27/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, TV stations did not show an outdated missile photo from Ukraine in the wrong context | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/27/nein-tv-sender-haben-ein-veraltetes-raketenfoto-aus-der-ukraine-nicht-im-falschen-kontext-gezeigt/ |
27/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Stern did not call Volodymyr Selenskyj the "King of Lies". | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/27/nein-der-stern-bezeichnete-wolodymyr-selenskyj-nicht-als-koenig-der-luegen/ |
25/05/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this video does not show the staging of a shooting in Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-toont-geen-enscenering-van-een-schietpartij-in-oekraine/ |
28/05/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The Putin quote about a depopulation plan of the USA and Europe: without any evidence | https://www.mimikama.at/putin-zitat-entvoelkerungsplan/ |
29/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This image doesn't show the burning of Ukrainian history books in Melitopol | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/29/recent-photo-burning-books-melitopol-ukraine-missing-context/ |
28/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Ukrainians didn't burn Dutch flag thinking it was Russian | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/28/ukrainians-burn-dutch-flag-falsely-believing-it-russian-misinformation/ |
13/05/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329Z88B |
28/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Ukrainian refugees did not set their house on fire while trying to burn a Russia flag | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/28/ukrainian-refuges-set-house-on-fire-while-trying-to-burn-russian-flag-misinformation/ |
12/05/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329W3NF |
17/05/2022 | Serbia | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://cinjenice.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32A84NY |
16/05/2022 | Belgium, AFP Factuel | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329Y3NP |
27/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This video doesn't show the arrest of the commander of the Azov Battalion in Mariupol | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/27/old-video-azof-commander-arrest-misinformation/ |
26/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This picture doesn't show the wife of the Azov Battalion commander, giving a Nazi salute | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/26/photo-showing-katerina-prokopenko-doing-a-nazi-salute-misinformation/ |
24/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Napravoumiru | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AU947 |
30/05/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | This video does not show a Russian T-72B3 MBT surviving an attack from an FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/05/30/video-shows-t-72b3-surviving-hit-by-missile-misinformation/ |
16/05/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329Z7VV |
20/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AK94B |
17/05/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheckgreek | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AA39P |
16/05/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32A2726 |
20/05/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This video shows Finland moving tanks to the Russian border | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AG48U |
27/05/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | False subtitles added to video suggest Polish president ‘mobilises troops to enter Ukraine’ | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AF9YN |
26/05/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Picture does not show decorated officer among Russian prisoners | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32B76JC |
30/05/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | British Bishop Richard Williamson claims that Ukraine provoked Russia and Russia just protects itself | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/4275 |
30/05/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Fake: There are signs at the shop entrances in Prague forbidding Ukrainians to enter | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/4283 |
30/05/2022 | Latvia, Re:Baltica | Claim that Ukraine gives away it's sovereignty to Poland | https://ru.rebaltica.lv/archives/4278 |
31/05/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Estonia does not terminate free school lunches just for Ukrainian refugees | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/120013562/faktikontroll-tallinn-ei-hakka-eesti-lastelt-ukrainlaste-parast-tasuta-koolitoitu-ara-votma |
23/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are Ukrainian soldiers in training, not "paintball fan" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/23/questi-sono-soldati-ucraini-durante-un-addestramento-non-amanti-del-paintball/ |
24/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Polish President Duda is not the grandson of a "fervent Ukrainian nationalist" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/05/24/il-presidente-polacco-duda-non-e-il-nipote-di-un-fervente-nazionalista-ucraino/ |
25/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not Ukrainian refugees who "beat a boy from Warsaw to death" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/05/25/questi-non-sono-dei-rifugiati-ucraini-che-pestano-a-morte-un-ragazzo-di-varsavia/ |
30/05/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These stores in Prague did not display a cartel against Ukrainian refugees | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/05/30/questi-negozi-a-praga-non-hanno-esposto-un-cartello-contro-i-rifugiati-ucraini/ |
17/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | No, the Pentagon has not confirmed that Zelensky and millionaire George Soros are cousins | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/nao-o-pentagono-nao-confirmou-que-zelensky-e-o-milionario-george-soros-sao-primos |
17/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | No, Ukraine did not stage a bombing with overturned vehicles and intact windows. | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/nao-a-ucrania-nao-encenou-um-bombardeamento-com-veiculos-capotados-e-janelas-intactas |
19/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | European Union "supports 30 times more the Russian war effort than the Ukrainian one"? Not really | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/uniao-europeia-apoia-30-vezes-mais-o-esforco-de-guerra-russo-do-que-o-ucraniano-nao-e-bem-assim |
19/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Read on Twitter: "Zelensky's daughter denies her father and calls him a Nazi and a murderer" [FALSE] | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/lido-no-twitter-filha-de-zelensky-renega-o-pai-e-chama-o-de-nazi-e-assassino |
19/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Read on Facebook and Telegram: "Under Azovstal there is a secret NATO biological laboratory" [FALSE] | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/circula-no-facebook-e-telegram-sob-azovstal-existe-um-laboratorio-biologico-secreto-da-nato |
24/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | No, this video does not show the Azov battalion attacking a humanitarian convoy | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/nao-este-video-nao-mostra-o-batalhao-de-azov-a-atacar-uma-caravana-humanitaria |
24/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Seen on Facebook: "Zelensky and Putin met to negotiate peace and Ukraine accepted defeat" [FALSE] | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/visto-no-facebook-zelensky-e-putin-encontraram-se-para-negociar-a-paz-e-ucrania-aceitou-a-derrota |
26/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | There is no evidence that Zelensky candles portrayed as a saint are being sold in Fátima | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/nao-ha-provas-de-que-estao-a-ser-vendidas-velas-de-zelensky-retratado-enquanto-um-santo-em-fatima |
29/05/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Photo of soldiers with paintball guns prove war is a hoax? No, it was a military exercise | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/foto-de-soldados-com-armas-de-paintball-prova-que-guerra-e-uma-farsa-nao-era-um-exercicio-militar |
01/06/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This picture does not show former US Admiral Eric Olson in captivity in Ukraine | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BM6HH |
31/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Polish government sent 1500 soldiers to Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polski-rzad-wyslal-1500-zolnierzy-do-ukrainy-fake-news/ |
31/05/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Klaus Schwab father's was leading a concentration camp? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/otec-klausa-shvaba-upravljal-koncentra/ |
01/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Azovstal Heroes street's in Gdańsk? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ulica-bohaterow-azovstalu-w-gdansku-to-fotomontaz/ |
02/06/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Shops in Prague allegedly show posters banning Ukrainians | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220602-99-524975/ |
31/05/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Shops in Prague allegedly show posters banning Ukrainians | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220531-99-490742/ |
02/06/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Three large US multinationals have allegedly bought 17 million hectares of farmland in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220602-99-524574/ |
03/06/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: video of Zelenskyy with false subtitles goes viral | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-video-van-zelensky-met-vervalste-ondertitels-gaat-viraal/ |
03/06/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Russians allegedly found dossiers of kids in good health at Red Cross's office in Mariupol | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220602-99-525484/ |
31/05/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Ukrainian refugees did not set fire to house in Germany by burning Russian flag | https://verifica.efe.com/refugiados-ucranianos-no-incendio-alemania-quemar-bandera-rusa/ |
01/06/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Von der Leyen does not call for buying Russian oil to "save Europe from Putin". | https://verifica.efe.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=18156&action=edit&calypsoify=1 |
02/06/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Azov battalion commander's wife does not appear in photos with Nazi symbols | https://verifica.efe.com/batallon-azov-esposa-militar-no-nazi-fotos/ |
03/06/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The LGTBI flag did not incorporate the Ukrainian colours as a sign of support for Ukraine against Russia | https://verifica.efe.com/bandera-lgtbi-no-colores-ucrania/ |
25/05/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | EU members have been hit hard by sanctions over Russia: could that be true? | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/lietuva/neigia-propaganda-kad-es-nares-sulauke-dideles-infliacijos-del-sankciju-rusijai-56-1684470 |
31/05/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this video does not show the transportation of Finnish tanks to the Russian border | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-toont-geen-transport-van-finse-tanks-naar-de-russische-grens/ |
30/05/2021 | Austria, Mimikama | Brawl of cab drivers and Ukrainians in Vienna: what happened before the video | https://www.mimikama.at/taxi-schlaegerei-ukrainer-wien/ |
01/06/2021 | Austria, Mimikama | Manual does not prove that Ukraine wanted to attack Russia | https://www.mimikama.at/handbuch-ukraine-russland-angreifen/ |
09/06/2021 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fake claims about the BMP-1 IFVs that Greece will give to Ukraine in relation with the Marder 1A3/5s it will receive from Germany | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/06/09/greece-receives-older-military-equipment-than-the-one-it-will-send-to-ukraine-misinformation/ |
09/06/2021 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, these stores in Prague have not banned Ukrainian refugees from entering | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32C74GE |
08/06/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | They ridiculed the diplomat, but created a new lie: when were the books actually burned in Ukraine? | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/pasiepe-diplomate-bet-sukure-nauja-melagiena-kada-is-tiesu-ukrainoje-dege-knygos-57-1690532 |
06/06/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The anatomy of propaganda: which 70% of Ukrainians are dreaming about Russian passports? | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/propagandos-anatomija-kurie-70-proc-ukrainieciu-svajoja-apie-rusijos-pasus-57-1689940 |
04/06/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Another lie about Bayraktar: Ukrainian soldier have allegedly keep them away from the aggressors | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/vel-melas-apie-bayraktar-ukrainos-kariai-esa-turi-patraukti-juos-nuo-uzpuoliku-57-1689190 |
02/06/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | These images of an attack on foreign journalists in Lisichansk are real | https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20220602/video-real-ataque-periodistas-guerra-ucrania-lisichansk/2357897.shtml |
03/06/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Ukraine: 100 days of drone and satellite imagery that shapes an incomplete puzzle | https://www.rtve.es/noticias/20220603/ucrania-100-dias-guerra-aire-dron/2363282.shtml |
06/06/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Social Web Changes View of Ukraine War | https://www.mimikama.at/social-web-veraendert-blick-auf-ukraine-krieg/ |
10/06/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ice cream manufacturer allegedly takes rocket ice cream off the market because of the war in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220610-99-615907/ |
01/06/2022 | Denmark, TjekDet | Swastika in mall, SS symbol on soldier and Zelenskyj with iron cross on shirt. Here is the explanation | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/hagekors-i-storcenter-ss-symbol-paa-soldat-og-zelenskyj-med-jernkors-paa-troejen-her-er |
31/05/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Fake video is not from Bild and has nothing to do with Ukrainian refugees | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/05/31/gefaelschtes-video-stammt-nicht-von-der-bild-und-hat-nichts-mit-ukrainischen-gefluechteten-zu-tun/ |
08/06/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Germany has not paid Ukraine 22 billion euros since the war began | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/06/08/nein-deutschland-hat-der-ukraine-seit-kriegsbeginn-keine-22-milliarden-euro-gezahlt/ |
08/06/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, ECDC has no evidence of a link between monkeypox and a bioweapons laboratory in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/06/08/nein-dem-ecdc-liegen-keine-hinweise-auf-eine-verbindung-zwischen-affenpocken-und-einem-biowaffenlabor-in-der-ukraine-vor/ |
10/06/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Prague shops do not ban Ukrainian refugees for fear of theft | https://verifica.efe.com/tiendas-praga-carteles-refugiados-ucranianos/ |
13/06/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | Ukrainian ombudsperson did not "admit" to making up stories about rape | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/120020686/faktikontroll-ukraina-endine-inimoiguste-volinik-pole-oelnud-et-motles-sojakuriteod-valja?fbclid=IwAR2_ZTPZnKT_Yy1TLtFcrCY4Fb69qXHid6IEQO6i8qfKs0_kNRnWhjpC1BE |
07/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These soldiers did not accidentally burn the Dutch flag instead of the Russian one | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/06/07/questi-soldati-non-hanno-per-sbaglio-bruciato-la-bandiera-olandese-invece-di-quella-russa/ |
07/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the colors of Ukraine have not been added to the "new flag" LGBT + | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/06/07/no-i-colori-dellucraina-non-sono-stati-aggiunti-alla-nuova-bandiera-lgbt/ |
08/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | It is not true that unvaccinated Ukrainian health workers will be able to practice in Italy | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/06/08/non-e-vero-che-i-sanitari-ucraini-non-vaccinati-potranno-esercitare-in-italia/ |
15/06/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Shelling by Russian or Ukrainian troops? "Tagesschau" corrects report on attack on market in Donetsk | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/06/15/beschuss-durch-russische-oder-ukrainische-truppen-tagesschau-korrigiert-bericht-ueber-angriff-auf-einen-markt-in-donezk/ |
08/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The West lie about "special operation"? Russian propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zachod-klamie-o-specjalnej-operacji-rosyjska-propaganda/ |
09/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Viktor Orban called Zelensky an idiot? This is a fake quote! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/viktor-orban-nazval-zelenskogo-idiotom-eto-falshivaya-tsitata/ |
09/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Viktor Orban called Zelensky an idiot? This is a fake quote! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/viktor-orban-nazwal-zelenskiego-idiota-to-falszywy-cytat/ |
09/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | "Poland is gone"? Disinformation about refugees and Ukraine | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polski-juz-nie-ma-dezinformacja-na-temat-uchodzcow-i-ukrainy/ |
13/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | There is no evidence of an attack by Ukrainians on the Orthodox Church in Sviatohirsk | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/brak-dowodow-na-atak-ukraincow-na-kosciol-prawoslawny-w-swiatohirsku/ |
13/06/2022 | Russia, Demagog | Crimea - is Ukraine. Disinformation from RIA Novosti | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/krym-eto-ukraina-dezinformatsiya-ot-ria-novosti/ |
17/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | USA are owner of agricultural area in Ukraine? It's fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/usa-posiada-grunty-rolne-w-ukrainie-to-fake-news/ |
17/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The Ukrainian spokeswoman did not admit that she lied about the Russian crimes | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainska-rzeczniczka-nie-przyznala-ze-klamala-o-rosyjskich-zbrodniach/ |
10/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | "Red Kalina" as the anthem of Bandera followers? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czerwona-kalina-hymnem-banderowcow-fake-news/ |
20/06/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this viral beach video does not show a Ukrainian attack on Russian occupied territory | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-virale-strandvideo-toont-geen-oekraiense-aanval-op-gebied-bezet-door-russen/ |
17/06/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | Pictures of sunbathers in Kyiv used to claim the impact of the war has been exaggerated | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CN69P |
17/06/2022 | Finland, AFP Faktantarkistus | France has demanded a life sentence for Zelensky | https://faktantarkistus.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CN4UK |
17/06/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Poland donated ambulances in this video to Ukraine | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CN9YJ |
22/06/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | This video doesn't show a Russian Kinzhal missile, it's a computer-generated video | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CX3WM |
22/06/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Germany did not support Ukraine with 22 billion euros | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CY989 |
22/06/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Zelensky has never been filmed out in the street but only in front of a green screen | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220622-99-754930/ |
04/06/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Said on Facebook: "German magazine referred to Zelensky as the 'king of lies'" | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/garante-se-no-facebook-revista-alema-referiu-se-a-zelensky-como-o-rei-das-mentiras |
10/06/2022 | Portugal, Poligrafo | Photo on Twitter: "Wife of battalion commander Azov raises Nazi flag" | https://poligrafo.sapo.pt/fact-check/fotografia-no-twitter-mulher-do-comandante-do-batalhao-azov-ergue-bandeira-nazi |
17/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Viktor Orbán did not say that he did not want to lose his country "because of an idiot who carried out a massacre in the center of Europe" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/06/17/viktor-orban-non-ha-detto-di-non-voler-perdere-il-suo-paese-a-causa-di-un-idiota-che-ha-fatto-una-strage-nel-centro-delleuropa/ |
17/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The Pentagon has not "silently admitted" that it has funded 46 laboratories in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/06/17/il-pentagono-non-ha-ammesso-silenziosamente-di-aver-finanziato-46-laboratori-in-ucraina/ |
20/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No proof of the authenticity of this document ordering the cover-up of American biolabs in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/06/20/nessuna-prova-dellautenticita-di-questo-documento-che-ordina-linsabbiamento-dei-biolaboratori-americani-in-ucraina/ |
22/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a Russian hypersonic missile, but a digital creation | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/06/22/questo-non-e-un-missile-ipersonico-russo-ma-una-creazione-digitale/ |
23/06/2022 | Greece, AFP Factcheckgreek | This is a computer-generated video, not footage of a hypersonic Russian missile in action | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D27EK |
23/06/2022 | Netherlands, AFP | This is a computer-generated video, not footage of a hypersonic Russian missile in action | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D29TU |
23/06/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | This is a computer-generated video, not footage of a hypersonic Russian missile in action | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CZ2WY |
23/06/2022 | Bulgaria, AFP Proveri | This is a computer-generated video, not footage of a hypersonic Russian missile in action | https://proveri.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D36TE |
13/06/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | An old report from 2014 is taken out of context to give the impression that Ukrainians hate their army and support Russia | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CA37X |
10/06/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | The German newspaper Bild did not report that Ukrainian refugees set fire to a house in Germany | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32C27AL |
27/06/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This video of a Kinzhal rocket is not real, but created digitally | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DB8UN |
24/06/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This statement by Habeck on sanctions costing human lives is taken out of context | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D726U |
13/06/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Gdańsk councilors did not change the name of the street "Bohaterów Westerplatte" to "Bohaterów Azowstalu" | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CA3Q8 |
29/06/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | The Ukrainian military has currently not issued conscription for women | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DF8ZL |
13/06/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Gdańsk councilors did not change the name of the street "Bohaterów Westerplatte" to "Bohaterów Azowstalu" | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CA3Q8 |
30/06/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The video of Zelensky taking cocaine is a satirical deepfake, not real footage | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DG36Q |
23/06/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This video is computer generated; it's not a shot of a hypersonic russian missile | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D29TU |
30/06/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | An "illegal blockade" from Lithuania to the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad? Warning, this is misleading | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D34R9 |
01/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Footage of blaze on oil drilling platform filmed years before Ukraine attack | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D27QB |
01/06/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | This photo is from Russia and captures the celebration of the 55th anniversary of Gagarin's space flight | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BN77B |
31/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Germany and Austria are not forcing Ukrainian refugees to declare their assets and sell cars | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BL9QB |
27/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | The woman in this photo is not a war refugee from Ukraine | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BA3HE |
06/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | The incident with a Ukrainian diplomat took place a year ago, it has nothing to do with the ongoing war | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329J2YY |
02/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | This is not the daughter of a Ukrainian president calling her father a murderer and a Nazi | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329C4MN |
31/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | This photo does not show US Admiral Eric Olson, who was allegedly captured in Mariupol | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BL6XH |
20/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | These tanks are headed for military exercises in western Finland, not to the Finnish border with Russia | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AK94B |
19/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | No, there is no clutter left in the train by the Ukrainians | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AF9YD |
06/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | A two-year-old video disseminated in support of Kremlin narratives about Ukraine as a "Nazi state" | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329E4P8 |
05/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Czech television mistakenly used a photograph of the damage after the tornado in Moravia when reporting on the war in Ukraine | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329J3VR |
13/06/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Report on Ukrainian refugees causing fires has been fabricated | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32C98EC |
30/05/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | No, this photo does not show former Admiral Eric Olson being imprisoned in Mariupol | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BK77V |
24/06/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | This video is a computer animation, it does not capture the impact of a Russian supersonic rocket | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D623F |
19/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | No, there is no mess left in this photo that the Ukrainians left behind on the train | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AF9YD |
01/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | 70 billion euros donated to the State for fuel taxes? A very overestimated number | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DH4GP |
13/06/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | An old report from 2014 is taken out of context to give the impression that Ukrainians hate their military and support Russia | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CA37X |
31/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Germany and Austria do not force Ukrainian refugees to declare their assets and sell cars | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BL9QB |
06/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | The incident with the Ukrainian diplomat happened a year ago and has nothing to do with the ongoing war | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329J2YY |
02/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | This is not the daughter of the Ukrainian president calling her father a murderer and a Nazi | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329C4MN |
10/06/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | German newspaper Bild did not report that Ukrainian refugees set fire to a house in Germany | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32C27AL |
31/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Not in this photo is US Admiral Eric Olson, who was allegedly captured in Mariupol | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BL6XH |
20/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | These tanks are headed for a military exercise in western Finland, not the Finnish border with Russia | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AK94B |
19/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | No, this photo does not show the mess left behind by the Ukrainians on the train | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AF9YD |
06/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Two-year-old video circulated to support Kremlin narratives about Ukraine as a "Nazi state" | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329E4P8 |
05/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Czech TV mistakenly used a photo of the damage after the tornado in Moravia in a report on the war in Ukraine | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329J3VR |
01/06/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | This photo is from Russia and shows the celebration of the 55th anniversary of Gagarin's space flight | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BN77B |
23/06/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This video is computer generated; it's not a shot of a hypersonic russian missile | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D29TU |
24/06/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | This video is a computer animation, it does not capture the impact of a Russian supersonic missile | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D623F |
07/06/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, Russia did not arrest US Admiral Eric Olson in Ukraine! | https://www.mimikama.at/admiral-eric-olson-nicht-festgenommen/ |
15/06/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Russia's inflammatory press sows hatred in the West | https://www.mimikama.at/russlands-hetzer-presse-hass/ |
20/06/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Fake photos: Two stores in Prague did not deny entry to Ukrainians! | https://www.mimikama.at/fotos-laeden-prag-ukrainer-verbot/ |
22/06/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Cyberwar in Ukraine Changes the Threat Landscape | https://www.mimikama.at/cyberwar-in-der-ukraine/ |
22/06/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No, a video does not show an impact of a hypersonic missile in Ukraine | https://www.mimikama.at/keine-hyperschallrakete-ukraine/ |
25/06/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Deepfake: Politicians talk to alleged Klitschko | https://www.mimikama.at/deepfake-klitschko-giffey-ludwig/ |
21/06/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Saarbrücken: Yes, a woman is being investigated because she endorsed Russia's war against Ukraine on posters | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/06/21/saarbruecken-ja-gegen-eine-frau-wird-ermittelt-weil-sie-auf-plakaten-russlands-krieg-gegen-die-ukraine-billigte/ |
22/06/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Alleged Ukraine report: Italian TV station did not use image from "Deep Impact" film | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/06/22/angeblicher-ukraine-bericht-italienischer-fernsehsender-verwendete-kein-bild-vom-film-deep-impact/ |
23/06/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | 42-hour week: Habeck did not say citizens should finance arms deliveries to Ukraine through more work | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/06/23/42-stunden-woche-robert-habeck-sagte-nicht-buerger-sollten-waffenlieferungen-an-die-ukraine-durch-mehr-arbeit-finanzieren/ |
21/06/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this ammunition is not from the Netherlands | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-munitie-komt-niet-uit-nederland/ |
14/06/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | No Ukrainian refugees were responsible for a deadly attack in Warsaw | https://verifica.efe.com/falso-refugiados-ucranianos-autores-agresion-mortal-varsovia/ |
28/06/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | False news didn't take much time: the attack in Kremenchuk was allegedly played out | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/melagienos-ilgai-laukti-nereikejo-ataka-kremencuke-tariamai-buvo-suvaidinta-57-1742442 |
28/06/2022 | Hungary, AFP Tenykerdes | It is misleading to say 'the French' want to imprison Zelensky for life | https://tenykerdes.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DD4QD |
29/06/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | The Ukrainian military has not currently issued a conscription order for women | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DF8ZL |
20/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians beat a disabled person? Information from an unreliable source! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-pobili-niepelnosprawnego-informacja-z-niewiarygodnego-zrodla/ |
21/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Is there no legislative power in Kherson? This is propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/v-khersone-net-zakonodatelnoy-vlasti-eto-propaganda/ |
22/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Poland is deporting Ukrainians of recruiting age? This is a false document | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-deportuje-ukraincow-w-wieku-poborowym-to-falszywy-dokument/ |
22/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | The war in Ukraine is not a "cover" for a "global cheat" | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-to-nie-przykrywka-dla-globalnego-przekretu/ |
23/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Poland is deporting Ukrainians of military age? This is a false document | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polsha-deportiruyet-ukraintsev-prizyvnogo-vozrasta-eto-falshivyy-dokument/ |
28/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Zelenskiy withdrawal the country and appears on the green screen? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-uciekl-z-kraju-i-wystepuje-na-green-screenie-fake-news/ |
28/06/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Forced check-in of Ukrainian refugees? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/przymusowe-dokwaterowanie-ukrainskich-uchodzcow-fake-news/ |
30/06/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Brussels: This video does not show 80,000 demonstrators against Nato, but against the Belgian wage law | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/06/30/bruessel-dieses-video-zeigt-keine-80-000-demonstrierenden-gegen-die-nato-sondern-gegen-das-belgische-lohngesetz/ |
01/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Prisoner with swastika tattoos: photo is not from Ukraine, but from Belarus in 2005 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/01/gefangener-mit-hakenkreuz-tattoos-foto-stammt-nicht-aus-der-ukraine-sondern-von-2005-aus-belarus/ |
01/07/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Russians pretend russophobic stickers were used in Auschwitz recently | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220701-99-875683/ |
01/07/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Magazin Money's showed John Oliver on a horse of dollars, not Zelensky | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220630-99-860923/ |
01/07/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Shopping mall in Kremenchuk was allegedly not hif by Russion missile | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220630-99-864724/ |
01/07/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | US Defence Department allegedly admitted the existance of 46 "biolabs" in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220629-99-848321/ |
29/06/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The explosion in Severodoneck happened recently, its "video" was filmed in 2014 | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/sprogimas-sjevjerodonecke-ivyko-dabar-jo-vaizdas-buvo-nufilmuotas-2014-aisiais-57-1743156 |
30/06/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The Russians didn't "get it" correct again: Boris Johnson didn't say he was tired of Ukraine | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/rusai-ir-vel-ne-taip-suprato-borisas-johnsonas-nesake-pavarges-nuo-ukrainos-57-1743822 |
28/06/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: yes, video shows violence with dildo against 'ethnic Indians' in Kiev from 2021 | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-ja-video-toont-geweld-met-dildo-tegen-etnische-indiers-in-kiev-uit-2021/ |
28/06/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, Ukrainian refugees were not 'thrown out of Bulgarian hotels for misconduct' | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-oekraiense-vluchtelingen-werden-niet-uit-bulgaarse-hotels-gegooid-wegens-wangedrag/ |
29/06/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this is not a washing machine in a Russian helicopter | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/facebook-nee-dit-is-geen-wasmachine-in-een-russische-helikopter/ |
30/06/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this photo collage does not prove that Russian President Vladimir Putin hired an extra during a hospital visit | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-fotocollage-bewijst-niet-dat-de-russische-president-vladimir-poetin-een-figurant-inhuurde-tijdens-een-ziekenhuisbezoek/ |
01/07/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, collage does not show the same sports hall before and after rocket impact | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-collage-toont-niet-dezelfde-sporthal-voor-en-na-raketinslag/ |
23/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show a Ukrainian attack on a platform in the Black Sea | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/06/23/questo-video-non-mostra-un-attacco-ucraino-a-una-piattaforma-nel-mar-nero/ |
27/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the man carrying Putin's "nuclear briefcase" is not dead | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/06/27/no-luomo-che-trasportava-la-valigetta-nucleare-di-putin-non-e-morto/ |
27/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a Ukrainian man who runs away from the military "who want to take him into the army" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/06/27/questo-non-e-un-uomo-ucraino-che-scappa-dai-militari-che-vogliono-portarlo-nellesercito/ |
29/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The Kremenchuk shopping center did not catch fire due to a Russian bombing of an arms depot | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/06/29/il-centro-commerciale-di-kremenchuk-non-si-e-incendiato-a-causa-di-un-bombardamento-russo-a-un-deposito-di-armi/ |
29/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the Kremenchuk shopping center hadn't been "closed for a year" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/06/29/no-il-centro-commerciale-di-kremenchuk-non-era-chiuso-da-un-anno/ |
30/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a Ukrainian soldier detained in Donetsk, the photo is from 2005 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/06/30/questo-non-e-un-soldato-ucraino-detenuto-a-donetsk-la-foto-e-del-2005/ |
30/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a group of Ukrainians who "massacre" an Italian | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/06/30/questo-non-e-un-gruppo-di-ucraini-che-massacra-un-italiano/ |
01/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Money magazine did not publish a cover with Zelensky on a dollar horse | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/07/01/la-rivista-money-non-ha-pubblicato-una-copertina-con-zelensky-sopra-un-cavallo-di-dollari/ |
01/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, the "Ukrainian activists" did not stick anti-Russian stickers in Auschwitz | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/07/01/no-gli-attivisti-ucraini-non-hanno-incollato-degli-adesivi-anti-russi-ad-auschwitz/ |
04/07/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | The Ukrainian military has not currently introduced conscription for women | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DR9PV |
04/07/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This photo is from a Belarusian prison in 2005 | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DT2L4 |
04/07/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This Ukrainian mall was not closed during a missile attack as Russia claims | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DM6EV |
03/07/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The photo doesn't show a washing machine in a Russian helicopter, it is the helicopter's refrigeration system. | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/dar-viena-misle-is-fronto-ar-tikrai-rusu-mi-28-suduzo-su-vogta-skalbykle-57-1688540?fbclid=IwAR1P-MFcnTk_tIGrmY6EKuBuBpo2u9AZtK3AoJitCB6yF0ARPppUanMbiTo |
05/07/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Ukraine has not introduced conscription for women | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DR9PV |
23/06/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This video is computer generated; it is not a shot of a hypersonic russian missile | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D29TU |
06/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This visual effects video does not show 'Russia's vacuum bomb attack in Ukraine' | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329H86T |
06/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Footage shows Polish flag at German band's rock concert, not Indonesian flag | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DT9BE |
07/07/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Lithuania only restricts the transit of sanctioned goods to Kaliningrad, there is no complete blockade | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DY8FA |
07/07/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Forged letter spreads misinformation that Poland wants to detain and deport Ukrainian men aged 18-60 | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DY9FL |
07/07/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Contrary to Russian claims, Ukrainian shopping center was open during rocket attack in Kremenchuk | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DY6CK |
08/07/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Contrary to Russia's claims, the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchuk was open during the shelling | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DW49G |
08/07/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The photo of the mother and child shows the actors of the series and is not a photo of the pogrom during the Second World War | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DZ4RJ |
11/07/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | No, Ukraine has not announced universal mobilization of women | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32E29CW |
04/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | In the ZDF television garden no Hitler salute was shown as solidarity to Ukraine! | https://www.mimikama.at/zdf-fernsehgarten-kein-hitlergruss/ |
06/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Photo shows no transport of coffins to Russia | https://www.mimikama.at/kein-transport-saerge-russland/ |
07/07/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video shows fighting from 2014, not 2022 as claimed | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220707-99-940972/ |
05/07/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Did 65.000 Ukrainian refugees return to visit their country with Dutch permission stickers? No | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220630-99-862496/ |
07/07/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Russian missile allegedly did not touch a shopping mall in Kremenchouk | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220706-99-930436/ |
08/07/2022 | Romania, AFP Verificat | Ukraine has not introduced conscription for women | https://verificat.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DZ2NN |
11/07/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Money did not release a copy of Zelenskiy riding a cash horse | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32E86Z8 |
09/07/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this photo does not show a Russian major general | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-foto-toont-geen-russische-generaal-majoor/ |
11/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Altered magazine cover featuring Ukrainian president spreads online | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32E92MB |
12/07/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Contrary to Russian positions, the shopping center in Kremenchuk was open at the time of the rocket attack | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DW4QX |
06/05/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | K incidentu s ukrajinským diplomatem došlo před rokem, s probíhající válkou nemá nic společného | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329J2YY |
24/06/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Toto video je počítačová animácia, nezachytáva zásah ruskej nadzvukovej rakety | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D623F |
10/06/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Nemecké noviny Bild neinformovali o tom, že ukrajinskí utečenci podpálili dom v Nemecku | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32C27AL |
31/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Na tejto fotografii nie je americký admirál Eric Olson, ktorý mal byť údajne zajatý v Mariupole | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BL6XH |
20/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Tieto tanky smerujú na vojenské cvičenie na západe Fínska, nie k fínskej hranici s Ruskom | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AK94B |
17/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Táto fotografia je z Ruska a zachytáva oslavu 55. výročia Gagarinovho letu do vesmíru | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AA42T |
06/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Dva roky staré video šírené na podporu kremeľských naratívov o Ukrajine ako „nacistickom štáte“ | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329E4P8 |
05/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Česká televízia omylom použila fotografiu škôd po tornáde na Morave pri reportáži o vojne na Ukrajine | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.329J3VR |
01/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | 70 milliards d'euros reversés à l'Etat au titre des taxes sur les carburants ? Un chiffre très surestimé | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DH4GP |
01/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Un "blocus illégal" de la Lituanie vers l'enclave russe de Kaliningrad? Attention, c'est trompeur | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D34R9 |
30/06/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Das ukrainische Militär hat aktuell keine Wehrpflicht für Frauen erlassen | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32DF8ZL |
23/06/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Deze video is door de computer gegenereerd; het is geen opname van een hypersonische Russische raket | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32D29TU |
30/05/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Nee, deze foto toont niet oud-admiraal Eric Olson die wordt gevangengenomen in Marioepol | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32BK77V |
12/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Warning, this Money magazine cover on Volodymyr Zelensky is a montage | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32EA2MA |
13/07/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Fake letters spread disinformation that Poland is to deport Ukrainian men aged 18-60 | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32EA86A |
13/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | A Ukrainian mall “long closed” at the time of a Russian strike? Several elements show the opposite | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32EC8YH |
11/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Volodymyr Selenskyj: No evidence of private assets of 1.2 billion euros - estimates are much lower | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/11/wolodymyr-selenskyj-keine-belege-fuer-privatvermoegen-von-12-milliarden-euro-schaetzungen-liegen-wesentlich-niedriger/ |
11/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Bamberg: Ukrainian refugees did not vandalise a hostel | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/11/bamberg-ukrainische-gefluechtete-haben-kein-wohnheim-verwuestet/ |
12/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Sachsenhausen Memorial has not offered Ukrainian refugees to live in the former concentration camp | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/12/gedenkstaette-sachsenhausen-hat-ukrainischen-gefluechteten-nicht-angeboten-im-ehemaligen-kz-zu-leben/ |
12/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | US funding of 46 bio labs in Ukraine is known and has nothing to do with bioweapons | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/12/us-finanzierung-von-46-biolaboren-in-der-ukraine-ist-bekannt-und-hat-nichts-mit-biowaffen-zu-tun/ |
05/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The Russian missile that made a "U-turn" did not fall back into the launch site | https://facta.news/notizia-imprecisa/2022/07/05/il-missile-russo-che-ha-fatto-inversione-a-u-non-e-ricaduto-nel-luogo-del-lancio/ |
05/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This little girl was not injured "during a bombing" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/07/05/questa-bambina-non-e-stata-ferita-durante-un-bombardamento/ |
11/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, Ukraine is not forcing all women to join the army | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/07/11/no-lucraina-non-sta-obbligando-tutte-le-donne-ad-arruolarsi-nellesercito/ |
15/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Video dates back to 2017 post about Estonian railway repairs, unrelated to EU sanctioning Russia | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32E27NB |
14/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Video of alleged Russian hypersonic missile attack was digitally created | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/14/video-eines-angeblichen-russischen-hyperschall-raketenangriffs-wurde-digital-erstellt/ |
18/07/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This cover of "Money" magazine with Volodymry Zelenskyy was faked | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32ET82D |
15/07/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Western politicians allegedly visited filmset (instead of places of Russian aggression in Ukraine) | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220714-99-23061/ |
14/07/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Journalists made Elena Rybakina allegedly cry with their questions about Russia | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220714-99-24975/ |
19/07/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Photo allegedly shows Ukrainian neonaziz on a beach in Croatia | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220718-99-63277/ |
19/07/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The photo of the monument to the murdered Lviv professors desecrated in Ukraine dates back to 2009 | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32ET7VM |
20/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Video from 2018 used in misleading post claiming Russian president recently arrived in South Africa | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32EZ3BH |
20/07/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | After the start of the Ukraine war, the federal government continued to visit the Ahr Valley | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32EZ2GC |
14/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | No accommodation for Ukrainian refugees at the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial! | https://www.mimikama.at/kz-gedenkstaette-ukrainer-baracken/ |
04/07/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The attack on the Kremenchuk shopping center was not a Ukrainian set-up | https://verifica.efe.com/ataque-ruso-centro-comercial-kremenchuk-no-fue-montaje-ucraniano/ |
11/07/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | They are not Nazi tattoos of a Ukrainian soldier but of a Belarusian prisoner in 2005 | https://verifica.efe.com/tatuajes-nazis-es-bielorruso-no-soldado-ucraniano/ |
19/07/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Russian cynicism knows no bounds: only 14 victims were "found" in the ruins of the Mariupol theater | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/lietuva/rusijos-cinizmas-neturi-ribu-mariupolio-teatro-griuvesiuose-rado-tik-14-auku-56-1904856 |
21/07/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Content in social media falsely accuses a Ukrainian citizen of shooting a woman in Rzeszów | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32F392M |
13/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | A Ukrainian shopping center “long closed” at the time of a Russian strike? Several elements show the opposite | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32EC8YH |
25/07/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | No, these men covered in Nazi tattoos in Croatia are not Ukrainians | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FA6G4 |
21/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Russian missile attack in Ukraine: Yes, the shopping centre in Kremenchuk was open | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/21/russischer-raketenangriff-in-der-ukraine-doch-das-einkaufszentrum-in-krementschuk-war-geoeffnet/ |
27/07/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | In this video, it is not Ukrainian protesters blocking traffic in Italy, but environmental activists | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FJ9ET |
28/07/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | The men with Nazi tattoos on the beach in Croatia are from Hungary, not Ukraine | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FH4AV |
28/07/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Men tattooed with Nazi symbols on a beach in Croatia are from Hungary, not Ukraine | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FL72B |
19/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The letter in which Ukraine asks Poland "to deport Ukrainian men of military age" is false | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/07/19/la-lettera-con-cui-lucraina-chiede-alla-polonia-di-deportare-gli-uomini-ucraini-in-eta-militare-e-falsa/ |
19/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video does not show the harvest in Ukraine "during the Russian invasion" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/07/19/questo-video-di-un-campo-in-fiamme-non-mostra-la-mietitura-in-ucraina-durante-linvasione-russa/ |
20/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not the arrest of a Ukrainian refugee in Germany | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/07/20/questo-non-e-larresto-di-una-rifugiata-ucraina-in-germania/ |
20/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Liliana Segre did not say that "Ukrainian Nazism is good", it is not "like the German one" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/07/20/liliana-segre-non-ha-detto-che-il-nazismo-ucraino-e-buono-non-e-come-quello-tedesco/ |
25/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a "Ukrainian refugee" who was beaten after giving the Nazi salute | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/07/25/profugo-ucraino-saluto-nazista/ |
27/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not "Ukrainian refugees" with Nazi tattoos | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/07/27/tatuaggi-nazisti-rifugiati-ucraini-croazia/ |
29/07/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | This "One" of Dziennik Wschodni, claiming that Zeleński wants to give Ukraine back to Poland, is a photomontage | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FN2BC |
25/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, a poll does not show that eleven million Germans would fight for Putin in the event of war | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/25/nein-eine-umfrage-zeigt-nicht-dass-elf-millionen-deutsche-im-kriegsfall-fuer-putin-kaempfen-wuerden/ |
28/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No evidence that Vladimir Putin spoke about a "depopulation plan" of the USA and Europe | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/28/keine-belege-dass-wladimir-putin-ueber-einen-entvoelkerungsplan-der-usa-und-europas-sprach/ |
28/07/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, the Dutch government does not force citizens to take in refugees | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/07/29/nein-die-niederlaendische-regierung-zwingt-buerger-nicht-zur-aufnahme-von-gefluechteten/ |
13/06/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Stará reportáž z roku 2014 je vytržena z kontextu, aby vzbudila dojem, že Ukrajinci nenávidí svou armádu a podporují Rusko | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32CA37X |
19/05/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Nie, na tejto fotografii nie je neporiadok, ktorý po sebe vo vlaku nechali Ukrajinci | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AF9YD |
01/08/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This clip shows a climate protest in Italy, not Ukrainian protesters in Spain | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FL4BK |
02/08/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Ukraine: This man with Nazi tattoos is not a prisoner of war, but a detainee photographed in Belarus in 2005 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FU9DD |
05/08/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Transparency International did not declare Ukrainian President Zelensky "the most corrupt European politician" in 2021 | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32G29CF |
01/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian "displaced people" do not want to work? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainskim-przesiedlencom-nie-chce-sie-pracowac-to-dezinformacja/ |
06/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Kyiv is "having fun", so there is no war? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/kijow-sie-bawi-wiec-nie-ma-wojny-fake-news/ |
13/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Pandemic and war in Ukraine is effect of globalists conspiracy? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/pandemia-i-wojna-w-ukrainie-to-efekt-spisku-globalistow-falsz/ |
14/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Did the Ukrainians sell Caesar's howitzers to Russians? No evidence! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraintsy-pereprodali-gaubitsy-pushki-caesar-rossiyanam-net-dokazatel%ca%b9stv/ |
15/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | 9 mld euro for Ukraine from polish budget? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/9-mld-euro-dla-ukraincow-z-polskiego-budzetu-fake-news/ |
19/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | A Ukrainian shot a Polish woman in Rzeszów? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainiec-postrzelil-polke-w-rzeszowie-fake-news/ |
22/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Mickey Rourke praised Putin after the invasion of Ukraine? It's fake! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/mikki-rurk-pokhvalil-putina-posle-vtorzheniya-v-ukrainu-eto-feyk/ |
28/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Did LEGO release figures of the heroes of Azovstal? This is a fan project! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/lego-vypustil-figurki-geroyev-azovstali-eto-fan-proyekt/ |
28/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Prison for getting a Ukrainian out of the house? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wiezienie-za-pozbycie-sie-ukrainca-z-domu-fake-news/ |
29/07/2022 | Poland, Demagog | PESEL application with a question about the Bandera? Fake document! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wniosek-o-pesel-z-pytaniem-o-bandere-falszywy-dokument/ |
26/07/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Putin didn't use an NBC interview to condemn "gender ideology" | https://verifica.efe.com/putin-no-ideologia-de-genero-entrevista-nbc-megyn-kelly/ |
24/07/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Not a demonstration against NATO in Italy but for the covid passport in 2021 | https://verifica.efe.com/video-no-muestra-manifestacion-otan-italia/ |
02/08/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Algeria allegedly prepares to send 2000 troups to Russia to help Moscow in its Ukraine war | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220802-99-246598/ |
31/07/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Propaganda has problems with mathematics: they have counted only 25 dollars that were donated for Ukraine | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/lietuva/ir-propagandai-prastai-su-matematika-suskaiciavo-ukrainai-paaukotus-vos-25-dolerius-56-1909406 |
03/08/2022 | Germany, dpa-factchecking.com | Propagandist Alina Lipp allegedly faces prison in Germany because she has an other opinion on Ukraine than the government | https://dpa-factchecking.com/germany/220715-99-38098/ |
03/08/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | The Netherlands give refugees a sticker allowing them to stay and allegedly make them Dutch | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220803-99-256636/ |
05/08/2022 | Austria, dpa-factchecking.com | Supermarket allegedly makes clients pay a 5 Euro donation for Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/austria/220804-99-276339/ |
04/08/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Misleading claims about Nord Stream 1 and Russia in circulation | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/08/04/irrefuehrende-behauptungen-zu-nord-stream-1-und-russland-in-umlauf/ |
02/08/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Russian propaganga warned about the attack in Olenivka two months ago, but when it "happened" they got lost among lies | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/rusijos-propaganda-del-atakos-olenivkoje-ispejo-pries-du-menesius-o-jai-ivykus-paklydo-meluose-57-1910594 |
08/08/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | No evidence of 'stem cell murders' of babies in Ukraine. Clues of illegal adoption | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/illegale-adoptie-in-oekraine-geen-babymoorden-stamcelhandel |
21/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Natural gas network not fit for supply without Russian gas | https://www.mimikama.at/erdgasnetz-versorgung-ohne-russisches-gas/ |
22/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | The Castro quote about the next war in Europe seems to exist only since 2022! | https://www.mimikama.at/castro-zitat-krieg-europa/ |
23/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Russia deceives with alleged pro-Ukrainian app | https://www.mimikama.at/russland-pro-ukrainische-app/ |
25/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | German gas storage facilities are 100 percent full, and we're supplying gas to Poland? | https://www.mimikama.at/deutsche-gasspeicher-polen/ |
25/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | "Cold War" of a different kind: At Edeka, Moscow becomes Kiev | https://www.mimikama.at/bei-edeka-wird-moskau-zu-kiew/ |
26/07/2022 | Austria, Mimikama | Germans distrust Kremlin fake news on the web | https://www.mimikama.at/deutsche-misstrauen-kreml-fake-news/ |
09/08/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The two men with Nazi tattoos are from Hungary, not Ukraine | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32G96XL |
09/08/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | This video shows a field on fire in Michigan, USA | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220809-99-324553/ |
12/08/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The claims that anti-Ukrainian posters are hanging on a refugee shelter in Spain are false | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32GD3DM |
13/06/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Reportage over Oekraïense vluchtelingen die brand veroorzaken is gefabriceerd | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32C98EC |
16/08/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | No, France did not "violate the Minsk protocol" by delivering arms to Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32GA3CT |
11/08/2022 | Estonia, Eesti Päevaleht | FACT CHECK | The Ukrainian president hasn't sold country's farmland to the Americans | https://epl.delfi.ee/artikkel/120049716/faktikontroll-ukraina-president-ei-muunud-riigi-pollumaid-ameeriklastele |
12/08/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | No evidence of anti-Ukrainian graffiti near refugee centre | https://verifica.efe.com/banderas-ucranianas-pintada/ |
17/08/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The photo of the uniformed men is taken from a military attraction park in Russia | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32GE7QN |
18/08/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The photo is taken from a military-themed park in Russia | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32GE7QN |
18/08/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | No, this photo of Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun was not published in Vogue magazine in 1939 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FV4GT |
12/07/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: yes, Ukrainians in Vienna were involved in aggression against taxi drivers | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-ja-oekrainers-in-wenen-betrokken-bij-agressie-tegen-taxichauffeurs/ |
14/07/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: yes, photo shows Serbian minister next to gendarme with Russian “Z” on helmet | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-ja-foto-toont-servische-minister-naast-gendarme-met-russische-z-op-de-helm/ |
21/07/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this video does not show a Congolese demonstration in support for the war in Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-toont-geen-congolese-steunmanifestatie-voor-oorlog-in-oekraine/ |
27/07/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, Ukrainian girl singing the national anthem was not injured by Russian bombs | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-oekraiens-meisje-dat-volkslied-zingt-werd-niet-verwond-door-russische-bommen/ |
29/07/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, fast food chain KFC did not advertise that "chicks from Ukraine" are welcome | https://www.knack.be/nieuws/factcheck-nee-fastfoodketen-kfc-maakt-geen-reclame-die-kippetjes-uit-oekraine-verwelkomt/ |
19/08/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Ukrainian refugees falsely accused of setting Zamora fire | https://verifica.efe.com/?p=22678&preview=true&_thumbnail_id=23008 |
22/08/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Photo shows tourists at Russian amusement park, not 'Chinese soldiers going to Ukraine' | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32GR3WV |
11/08/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Olaf Scholz did not visit an aircraft engine, but the turbine for Nord Stream 1 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/08/11/nein-olaf-scholz-hat-kein-flugzeugtriebwerk-besichtigt-sondern-die-turbine-fuer-nord-stream-1/ |
15/08/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Allegation of "massive misappropriation of Western aid funds" in Ukraine is misleading | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/08/15/behauptung-ueber-massive-veruntreuung-westlicher-hilfsgelder-in-der-ukraine-fuehrt-in-die-irre/ |
16/08/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Gas from Russia: Delivery volumes to Germany have fallen sharply as of June 2022 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/08/16/gas-aus-russland-liefermengen-nach-deutschland-sind-ab-juni-2022-stark-gesunken/ |
22/08/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | No, Ukraine didn't sell most of its land to American companies | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220822-99-474657/ |
23/08/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | These Ukrainian children do not spend their holidays on a Polish beach by the Baltic Sea, but in Portugal by the Atlantic Ocean | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32GX42M |
22/08/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Hitler and Eva Braun did not pose for Vogue like Zelenski and his wife | https://verifica.efe.com/hitler-braun-zelenski-vogue/ |
05/08/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Transparency International nevyhlásila ukrajinského prezidenta Zelenského „nejzkorumpovanějším evropským politikem“ roku 2021 | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32G29CF |
27/07/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | Na tomto videu nejsou ukrajinští demonstranti blokující dopravu v Itálii, ale ekologičtí aktivisté | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32FJ9ET |
25/08/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | There is no new military alliance between Russia and eleven other countries | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32H349G |
24/08/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no evidence that Ukraine set fire to grain depots in the Donbas | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-geen-bewijs-dat-oekraine-graandepots-in-de-donbas-in-brand-heeft-gestoken/ |
03/08/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Vaccines, masks and war are elements of "plandemic"? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/szczepienia-maski-i-wojna-elementem-plandemii-fake-news/ |
05/08/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian attack in city center? Fiction which using by internet scmammers! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/atak-ukrainca-w-centrum-zmyslona-historia-na-potrzeby-oszustwa/ |
10/08/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Rush polish people to war? It's not a real quote of Brzeziński | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/popedzic-polakow-na-wojne-z-rosja-to-nie-slowa-brzezinskiego/ |
18/08/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Canteen wan't to help polish people? Missing context! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/stolowka-nie-chce-pomagac-polakom-brakujacy-kontekst/ |
19/08/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Government can clear polish people account in bank? Movie full of disinformation! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rzad-moze-wyczyscic-polakom-konta-film-pelen-dezinformacji/ |
19/08/2022 | Poland, Demagog | “Displaced” instead of “refugees”? Manipulation around PAP message | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/przesiedlency-zamiast-uchodzcow-manipulacja-depesza-pap/ |
19/08/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Polish ministry of foreign affairs want to change name one of street in Warsaw on Bandera? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/msz-chce-w-warszawie-ulicy-stepana-bandery-to-fake-news/ |
26/08/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This video shows recording of Ukrainian documentary | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32H4973 |
25/08/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No evidence of alleged "Putin tax" | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/08/25/keine-belege-fuer-angebliche-putin-steuer/ |
31/08/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The photo of the road sign on the Crimean Bridge"hacked" by Ukrainians is a photomontage | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HC3JC |
31/08/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This video shows filming of the documentary "Region of Heroes" | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HD83F |
31/08/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | A majority of countries would have voted against a UN resolution asking Russia to withdraw from Ukraine? It's wrong | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HA8KD |
01/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | An energy bill multiplied by five for the French in the coming months? It's misleading | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HA8GJ |
02/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Inflation at 12%, twice the figures from INSEE? Beware of these statements | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HG26Q |
29/08/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Video shows shooting of Ukrainian feature film "Region of Heroes" | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/08/29/video-zeigt-dreharbeiten-zum-ukrainischen-spielfilm-region-of-heroes/ |
06/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Nazi salutes at a "Ukrainian" wedding? The photo, taken in Russia, was manipulated | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HR4QR |
08/09/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Facebook publications spread misleading information about Ukrainian refugees arriving in Russia | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HR98C |
09/09/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | No, the differences in fuel prices in Poland and Ukraine are not related to the Druzhba pipeline | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HX2VG |
12/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Can blue helmets be sent into the field without the approval of the UN Security Council? | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HX28Y |
13/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Social media posts share false claim about 'NATO-supplied fighter jets arriving in Ukraine' | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32HZ9FH |
13/09/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This photo does not show the Kiev police chief, but a Russian neo-Nazi | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JB2LV |
13/09/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Facebook pages are spreading misleading claims about Ukrainian refugees who have gone to Russia | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JA9YD |
15/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video of the concert of a Bosnian group has no connection with the war in Ukraine, it dates from 2021 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JC9DE |
07/09/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking | Photo allegedly shows dead killer of Darya Dugina in hotel in Vienna | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220906-99-653444/ |
02/08/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, Lego did not create "figurines" dedicated to the Azov battalion | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/08/02/lego-figurine-azov/ |
05/08/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, three American multinationals have not bought 17 million hectares of Ukrainian agricultural land | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/08/05/ucraina-17-milioni-ettari-societa-americane/ |
05/08/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not the dismantling of Lithuanian railways "to Kaliningrad" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/08/05/lituania-kaliningrad-ferrovia/ |
05/08/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not Russian soldiers fleeing after an attack by the Ukrainian armed forces | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/08/05/esercito-russo-fuga-ucraina/ |
10/08/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not "Ukrainian farmers" at work in a burning field | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/08/10/agricoltori-ucraina-campo-di-grano-fuoco/ |
26/07/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This video is not a hoax to accuse the Russian army of bombing civilians in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/08/26/russi-civili-ucraina-messinscena/ |
30/08/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo is not from 2022 and was not taken in Kherson | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/08/30/soldato-russo-kherson-2022/ |
06/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | In the original version of this photo there is no Ukrainian flag | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/09/06/matrimonio-saluto-nazista-bandiera-ucraina/ |
12/09/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking | Gazprom allegedly has issued a video on the coming winter in Europa | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220909-99-695812/ |
01/09/2022 | Poland, Demagog | 3/4 of the territory of Ukraine without war and there is peace there? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/3-4-terenow-ukrainy-bez-wojny-i-panuje-tam-spokoj-fake-news/ |
01/09/2022 | Poland, Demagog | A sign with the name of the town in Ukrainian? No, it's a Lemko language! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/znak-z-nazwa-miejscowosci-po-ukrainsku-nie-to-jezyk-lemkowski/ |
15/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Altered photo of Zelensky participating in Gay Pride | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/15/photo-volodymyr-zelensky-gay-pride-boston-altered-image/ |
15/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Photo doesn't show nazi salute in a weding in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/09/wedding-photo-ukraine-flag-and-nazi-salute-misinformation/ |
15/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video doesn't show a staged Russian attack in Ukraine by TV crew | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/09/wedding-photo-ukraine-flag-and-nazi-salute-misinformation/ |
15/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video falsely claims Azovstal soldiers being tortured | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/08/05/video-shows-violence-against-azovstal-prisoners-by-russians-odessa-2022-misinformation/ |
15/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fake claim about organ trafficking by Azov members | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/07/30/video-proves-azov-and-red-cross-children-organ-trafficking-manual-for-explosives-misinf |
15/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Men with nazi tattoos are not Ukrainian refugees | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/07/29/men-with-nazi-tatoos-ukraine-tourists-misinformation/ |
15/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video presented by Russian MoD showing a helicopter attack against a Ukrainian barge carrying troops is fake | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/15/russian-helicopters-attack-barge-misinformation/ |
16/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Video shows Putin's face superimposed on exiled tycoon's body for anti-Kremlin film promo | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JA7P8 |
22/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Video of Finnish border traffic predates Russian mobilization order | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JW4ZX-1 |
23/09/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This traffic jam at the Finnish border was created before the Russian "partial mobilization" | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JY2MM-1 |
23/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Image doctored to show Volodymyr Zelensky at LGBTQ Pride event | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JY8PP-1 |
24/09/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The recording of the "giant traffic jam" on the Finnish-Russian border was made before Putin's decision to mobilize | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JX8YG-1 |
26/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Old car crash photos falsely shared as 'Putin assassination attempt in 2022' | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JQ7XT-1 |
19/09/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | The photo allegedly shows a caricature of Zelensky at protests against LGBT and for Russia in Belgrade. | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220919-99-814775/ |
22/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video doesn't show a 35 km car queue at the russo-finnish border after mobilization announcement | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/22/video-no-proof-of-35km-queue-russo-finnish-border-after-mobilization-announcement/ |
22/09/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | It is said that Russians have to sit in the back of buses in Latvia. | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220921-99-851938/ |
22/09/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | The police in Bremen allegedly arrested Ukrainians who sold stolen stingers | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220922-99-856858/ |
09/09/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | This photo shows not the former Kiev police chief Vadim Troyan, but a Russian neo-Nazi | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/09/08/dieses-foto-zeigt-nicht-den-ehemaligen-kiewer-polizeichef-wadim-trojan-sondern-einen-russischen-neonazi/ |
09/09/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No evidence of alleged Hartz IV fraud by Ukrainians arriving by Flixbus | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/09/15/kein-belege-fuer-angeblichen-hartz-iv-betrug-durch-ukrainer-die-per-flixbus-einreisen/ |
23/09/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Russian disinformation: No, no smuggled Stinger missiles from Ukraine were found in Bremen | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/09/23/desinformation-in-bremen-wurden-keine-geschmuggelten-stinger-raketen-aus-der-ukraine-gefunden/ |
23/09/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Graves in Isjum: date of death on crosses does not prove the innocence of the Russian army | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/09/23/graeber-in-isjum-todesdatum-auf-kreuzen-beweist-nicht-die-unschuld-der-russischen-armee/ |
23/09/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows 35 kilometers of traffic jam at Finnish border after Russian mobilization order | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/220923-99-874381/ |
27/09/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Beware of pro-Russian propaganda on fake news sites | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32K89J3-1 |
28/09/2022 | Czech Republic, AFP Na pravou míru | A manipulated photo of Volodymyr Zelensky at an LGBTQ parade is circulating on social networks | https://napravoumiru.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32K84WK-1 |
28/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Volodymyr Zelensky parading at a Pride March in the United States? It's an editing | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32K72FB-1 |
28/09/2022 | Slovakia, AFP Fakty | Tens of thousands of people shared falsehoods that Zelensky was accused of corruption in Germany | https://fakty.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32KA3Z3-1 |
28/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video of a demonstration in Moldova against NATO dates from 2016 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JV8XQ |
22/09/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: Video shows footage from Polish city of Wroclaw and not a party in 'war-torn Kiev' | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-video-toont-beelden-uit-poolse-stad-wroclav-en-geen-feest-in-door-oorlog-verscheurd-kiev/ |
23/09/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: No, Russians are not forced to sit in the back of Latvian buses | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-russen-worden-niet-verplicht-achteraan-te-zitten-in-letse-bussen/ |
26/09/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: No, this is not a video of Ukrainian children singing 'the Luftwaffe's hymn' | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-dit-is-geen-video-van-oekraiense-kinderen-die-de-hymne-van-de-luftwaffe-zingen/ |
27/09/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | This family allegedly cannot have been killed by the Russians | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/220926-99-904203/ |
23/09/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Vladimir Putin's mobilization did not lead to a 35 kilometer queue at the border with Finland | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/vladimir-putins-mobilisering-foerte-ikke-til-35-kilometer-lang-koe-ved-graensen-til |
31/08/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Alex Vanoplasgh sees no connection between inflation and the war in Ukraine. But it's "nonsense" | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/alex-vanopslagh-ser-ingen-sammenhaeng-mellem-inflationen-og-krigen-i-ukraine-men-det-er |
26/08/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Volodymyr Zelenskyy has not sold 17 million hectares of agricultural land to three American companies | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/volodymyr-zelenskyj-har-ikke-solgt-17-millioner-hektar-landbrugsjord-til-tre-amerikanske |
22/08/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Network of Western journalists reaches millions with pro-Russian narrative about the war in Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/netvaerk-af-vestlige-journalister-naar-ud-til-millioner-med-pro-russisk-fortaelling-om |
19/07/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Russia exposed by own "evidence video" | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/rusland-afsloeret-af-egen-bevis-video |
08/04/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | What did the Russians, Ukrainians and Danes google during the war? | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/hvad-har-russerne-ukrainerne-og-danskerne-googlet-under-krigen |
07/04/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Accused of being a crisis actor, she now gives a pro-Russia interpretation of the attack to Russian propagandists | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/beskyldt-vaere-kriseskuespiller-nu-giver-hun-rusland-venlig-udlaegning-af-angrebet-til |
28/03/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Now corona skeptics are spinning conspiracy theories about the war in Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/nu-spinner-coronaskeptikere-konspirationsteorier-paa-krigen-i-ukraine |
24/03/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Disinformation has taken on a new central role in wars | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/desinformation-har-faaet-en-ny-central-rolle-i-krige |
24/03/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Here are some of the most fact-checked claims about the war in Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/her-er-nogle-af-de-mest-faktatjekkede-paastande-om-krigen-i-ukraine |
22/03/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Ukrainian refugees have not killed a Russian-speaking boy in Germany | https://www.tjekdet.dk/redaktionen-anbefaler/ukrainske-flygtninge-har-ikke-slaaet-russisktalende-dreng-ihjel-i-tyskland |
22/03/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | No, here Vladimir Putin is not speaking in front of a green screen | https://www.tjekdet.dk/redaktionen-anbefaler/nej-her-taler-vladimir-putin-ikke-foran-en-greenscreen |
29/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video does not show a Russian officer surrendering to Ukrainian soldiers | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32KB74M |
29/09/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | A photo of Duda shaking hands with Lavrov during the UN General Assembly was taken before Russia's invasion of Ukraine | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32KA9HX |
26/09/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This traffic jam at the Finnish border was created before the Russian "partial mobilization" | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JY2MM-1 |
15/09/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Depopulation plan to destroy Slavs? False conspiracy theories! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/plany-eksterminacji-slowian-falszywa-teoria-spiskowa/ |
22/09/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Klaus Schwab cause crisis around the world? Conspiracy theories! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/klaus-schwab-wywoluje-kryzysy-na-swiecie-teoria-spiskowa/ |
23/09/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians have cheaper oil than in Poland because he buying it from Russia? Manipulation! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-maja-tansze-paliwo-bo-kupuja-rope-z-rosji-manipulacja/ |
26/09/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Traffic jam on Finland borders? Movie was filmed before mobilization! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/korek-na-granicy-z-finlandia-film-powstal-przed-mobilizacja/ |
29/09/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Lviv join to Poland? Warning about fabricated documents! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/lwow-przylaczany-do-polski-uwaga-na-sfabrykowany-dokument/ |
26/09/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Putin's partial mobilization: video proves no traffic jam of 35 kilometers at the border crossing with Finland | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/09/26/putins-teilmobilisierung-video-beweist-keinen-stau-von-35-kilometern-am-grenzuebergang-zu-finnland/ |
26/09/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Manipulated: Berliner Zeitung article about Selenskyj's statement does not exist | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/09/26/manipuliert-artikel-der-berliner-zeitung-ueber-aussage-von-selenskyj-existiert-nicht/ |
30/09/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, in this photo a Ukrainian soldier wears a skull patch with SS motifs | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/09/30/ja-auf-diesem-foto-traegt-ein-ukrainischer-soldat-einen-totenkopf-aufnaeher-mit-ss-motiven/ |
30/09/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show a Chinese military convoy entering Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/09/30/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-keinen-chinesischen-militaerkonvoi-der-in-die-ukraine-einfaehrt/ |
25/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Mariupol entrance new sign in Greek missing context | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/25/mariupol-entrance-new-sign-in-greek-missing-context/ |
24/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fake claim that NYT said that Ukrainians are responsible for the attack against Zaporizhia nuclear power plant | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/24/nytimes-zaporizhzhia-ukraine/ |
19/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Dresden library didn't ask for the burning of Russian books | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/19/dresden-library-calling-to-burn-russian-books-fake/ |
22/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video does not prove a 35km car queue at the Russo-finnish border after mobilization announcement | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/22/video-no-proof-of-35km-queue-russo-finnish-border-after-mobilization-announcement/ |
30/09/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video doesn't show Ukranian children singing the anthem of Luftwaffe | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/09/30/german-song-children-ukraine-not-a-luftwaffe-hymn/ |
01/10/2022 | Luxembourg, dpa-facthcecking.com | Photo shows allegedly burning headquarters in Odessa. | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/220929-99-945802/ |
26/09/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This traffic jam at the Finnish border was created before the Russian "partial mobilization" | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JY2MM |
04/10/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This video does not prove that weapons destined for Ukraine were found in Bremen, Germany | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32KD3UF |
27/09/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this is not the Azov battalion burning a Dutch flag | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-dit-is-niet-het-azov-bataljon-dat-een-nederlandse-vlag-verbrandt/ |
28/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Volodymyr Zelensky parading at a Pride March in the United States? It's an editing | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32K72FB |
06/10/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Zelensky isn't wearing a nazi symbol | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/221004-99-07100/ |
06/10/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The video does not show the entry of a Chinese convoy to Ukraine. The vehicles are going to the "Vostok 2022" exercise in Far East Russia | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32KU2UM |
07/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Map allegedly shows the new borders of Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221006-99-28765/ |
10/10/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | The woman in the background does not prove that the journalist is staging a report from Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/kvinden-i-baggrunden-beviser-ikke-journalist-iscenesaetter-reportage-fra-ukraine |
10/10/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | The woman in the background is not proof that a journalist is staging a report from Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/kvinden-i-baggrunden-er-ikke-et-bevis-paa-journalist-iscenesaetter-reportage-fra-ukraine |
10/10/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Zełeński did not sell 17 million hectares of land to foreign corporations | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32L39UJ |
08/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Liz Truss did not say that it does not matter if "millions of citizens will die" in the case of the use of nuclear weapons | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/09/08/liz-truss-nucleare-morte-cittadini/ |
14/06/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This bear is not climbing over a fence between Belarus and Lithuania | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/09/14/orso-bruno-recinzione-bielorussia-lituania/ |
14/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | The story of the Ukrainian biologist who denounced links between Covid and the war industry is made up | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/09/14/panasenko-biologo-ucraino-covid-industria-bellica/ |
16/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This photo does not show a Ukrainian explosives expert, but an American criminal | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/09/16/fedor-kaczynskiev-esperto-ucraino/ |
21/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | No, this is not Ukrainian President Zelensky | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/09/21/zelensky-pride-new-york/ |
22/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This queue on the border with Finland has nothing to do with the Russian partial mobilization | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/09/22/finlandia-russia-coda-confine-mobilitazione-parziale/ |
27/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These Ukrainian children are not singing the anthem of the "Nazi Luftwaffe" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/09/27/bambini-ucraini-inno-luftwaffe/ |
28/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not Chinese military vehicles in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/09/28/esercito-cinese-ucraina/ |
28/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | In this video, Russian journalist Solovyov does not complain about being called to arms | https://facta.news/notizia-satirica/2022/09/28/solovyov-mobilitazione-russa/ |
29/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | NATO did not admit planning its expansion "several years ago" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/09/29/bauer-espansione-nato/ |
30/09/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not the cover of a special issue of Charlie Hebdo | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/09/30/zelensky-cane-charlie-hebdo/ |
04/10/2022 | Italy, Facta News | NATO instructors are not at the top of Ukrainian units | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/10/04/istruttori-nato-ucraina/ |
05/10/2022 | Italy, Facta News | These are not "recently mobilized men" in Russia, it is a video from 2021 | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/05/russia-mobilitazione/ |
05/10/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a demonstration in Moldova against the shipment of arms to Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/05/moldavia-armi-ucraina/ |
06/10/2022 | Italy, Facta News | This is not a BBC envoy to Ukraine who "pretends to be under attack" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/06/jeremy-bowen-bbc-ucraina/ |
07/10/2022 | Italy, Facta News | Zelensky did not tell NATO to consider a "preemptive nuclear strike" against Russia | https://facta.news/notizia-imprecisa/2022/10/07/zelensky-nato-nucleare/ |
11/10/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The photo of a BBC reporter was used to undermine the reports of the Russian shelling in Irpien | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32L68AC |
11/10/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Note, this video shows an anti-NATO demonstration in Moldova, but from 2016 | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32KV3FJ |
11/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Gazprom didn't announce a sabotage attempt against Nord Stream 1 in 2015. SeaFox UUV in question, is a naval mine disposal system, not an explosive mine, nor it belonged to a NATO country | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/11/gazprom-didnt-announce-a-sabotage-attempt-against-nord-stream-1-in-2015/ |
11/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | No proof that trained Russian Navy dolphins neutralized Ukrainian divers in Sevastopol | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/12/russian-navy-trained-dolphins-neutralize-ukrainian-divers-misinformation/ |
12/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | BBC-reporter allegedly faked reporting from war situation in Irpin | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221011-99-90884/ |
12/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukrainian commander-in-chief allegdly wears a bracelet with swastika | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221011-99-89046/ |
12/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | BBC-reporter didn't fake reporting from war situation in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/12/jeremy-bowen-bbc-not-fake-dangerous-report/ |
14/10/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Photo of BBC journalist seeking cover in Ukraine used to downplay report on Russian shelling in Irpin | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32L664V |
14/10/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The infertility treatment clinic in Kiev warns against the "fake poster". | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32LB88M |
14/10/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukraine allegedly is not a state and is not recognized by the United Nations | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/221013-99-119194/ |
14/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | US ambassador to Ukraine allegedly arrested in California | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221014-99-128140/ |
14/10/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The video shows the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visiting Russia in 2019, not - in 2022 | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32LE8BY |
17/10/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | Ukrainian president has not sold 17 million hectares of farmland to foreign companies | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32LB6W8 |
18/10/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | Nord Stream gas pipeline: Swedish investigator found dead? Watch out for these rumors | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32LN26G |
17/10/2022 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Injured victims of Kiev rocket attack are allegedly crisis actors | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/221013-99-116910/ |
18/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Residents of a nursing home in Luhansk were allegedly buried in a mass grave after an attack in 2014. | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221018-99-166903/ |
19/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukrainian president Zelensky allegedly wears SS-sign | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221018-99-171375/ |
20/10/2022 | Italy, PagellaPolitica | Berlusconi's claims about Ukraine and Zelensky - fact-checked | https://pagellapolitica.it/articoli/fact-checking-berlusconi-guerra-ucraina |
20/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows a crisis actor playing a Ukrainian soldier | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221019-99-181772/ |
20/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | NATO allegedly blames Russia for bombing a train that NATO bombed itself in 1999 | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221020-99-195173/ |
18/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Ex-minister Ségolène Royal did not deny the attacks on Butcha and Mariupol | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/18/ex-ministerin-segolene-royal-hat-die-angriffe-auf-butscha-und-mariupol-nicht-geleugnet/ |
19/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Washing machine chips in Russian tanks? What lies behind Hofreiter's statement | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/19/waschmaschinen-chips-in-russischen-panzern-was-hinter-hofreiters-aussage-steckt/ |
19/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Explosion on Crimean Bridge: Russia publishes contradictory evidence on truck involved | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/19/explosion-auf-der-krimbruecke-russland-veroeffentlicht-widerspruechliche-beweise-zu-beteiligtem-lkw/ |
19/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Fake poster: No, fertility clinic in Kiev is not looking for "biomaterial from purebred Ukrainians" | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/19/gefaelschtes-plakat-nein-kinderwunschklinik-in-kiew-sucht-kein-biomaterial-von-reinrassigen-ukrainern/ |
20/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | There is no evidence of an alleged attack on Vladimir Putin | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/20/wladimir-putin-fuer-einen-angeblichen-anschlag-gibt-es-keine-belege/ |
20/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Misleading claims about alleged 70 percent salary increase of Ukrainian deputies | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/20/irrefuehrende-behauptungen-ueber-angebliche-gehaltserhoehung-ukrainischer-abgeordneter-um-70-prozent/ |
21/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No staging: BBC reporter reported during shelling on Ukrainian town of Irpin | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/21/keine-inszenierung-bbc-reporter-berichtete-waehrend-beschuss-auf-ukrainische-stadt-irpin/ |
21/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Photo does not prove that Selenskyj basically records his speeches in front of a green screen | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/21/foto-belegt-nicht-dass-selenskyj-seine-reden-grundsaetzlich-vor-einem-greenscreen-aufnimmt/ |
21/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Photo of Klitschko is not current, but was taken during protests in Kiev in 2014 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/21/foto-von-klitschko-ist-nicht-aktuell-sondern-entstand-bei-protesten-in-kiew-2014/ |
06/08/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Propaganda turns to science fiction: mutants created by Ukraine are allegedly preventing them from winning | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/propaganda-imasi-mokslines-fantastikos-laimeti-esa-trukdo-ukrainos-kuriami-mutantai-57-1912244 |
09/08/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | They also cut burning fields, but this harvester did not thresh crops during the current war | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/pjauna-ir-degancius-laukus-bet-sis-kombainas-javus-kule-ne-dabartinio-karo-metu-57-1913528 |
09/08/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | When one doesn't know languages: "understood" that the swastika was carved by Ukrainians | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/kai-nemoki-kalbu-suprato-kad-svastika-vokietijos-pievoje-ispjove-ukrainieciai-57-1912552 |
11/08/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Poor acting exposed the lie: the Ukrainians did not hang the pregnant woman from Luhansk | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/prasta-vaidyba-atskleide-melagiena-ukrainieciai-nesciosios-is-luhansko-nepakore-57-1914128 |
16/08/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The boy who impressed netizens peed in a film, not on a Russian tank in Ukraine | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/lietuva/internautus-suzavejes-berniukas-slapinosi-filme-ne-ant-rusijos-tanko-ukrainoje-56-1916208 |
31/08/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | A legend to shock the credulous: Ukrainian soldiers abroad become organ donors | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/legenda-lengvatikiams-pasiurpinti-ukrainos-kariai-uzsienyje-tampa-organu-donorais-57-1925382 |
06/09/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Trophies are most actively collected by propaganda: why does Ukraine keep "losing" its weapons? | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/trofejus-aktyviausiai-renka-propaganda-kodel-ukraina-vis-netenka-ginkluotes-57-1927944 |
21/09/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Mathematics in Russian: less than 6 thousand were killed, and the mobilization numbered hundreds of thousands | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/matematika-rusiskai-zuvo-maziau-nei-6-tukst-o-mobilizacija-simtatukstantine-57-1934892 |
23/09/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Ex-president Petro Poroshenko is fighting at the front, not planning a military coup | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/eksprezidentas-petro-porosenka-fronte-kariauja-ne-planuoja-karini-perversma-57-1935068 |
24/09/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Bucha's scenario repeats itself: propaganda explains that the mass grave in Izyum is faked | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/bucos-scenarijus-kartojasi-propaganda-aiskina-kad-kapaviete-iziume-vaidyba-57-1935582 |
26/09/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Russians are escaping, but in the other direction: the 35 km queue to Finland was not caused by mobilization | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/lietuva/rusai-bega-bet-i-kita-puse-35-km-eile-i-suomija-susidare-ne-del-mobilizacijos-56-1936952 |
28/09/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Internet propagandists surpassed the Kremlin: they "found" 76,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/interneto-propagandininkai-pranoko-kremliu-zuvusiu-ukrainos-kariu-rado-76-tukst-57-1937600 |
03/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Intercessors of Russian citizens not allowed to radio in Lithuania: worried about their rights | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/lietuva/lietuvoje-radosi-neileidziamu-rusijos-pilieciu-uztareju-susirupino-del-ju-teisiu-56-1940334 |
06/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Propaganda exaggerated again: Mayor Vitali Klytchko did not say that Kyiv would not be heated | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/propaganda-vel-perspaude-meras-vitalijus-klycko-nesake-kad-kyjivas-nebus-sildomas-57-1942028 |
07/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The mystery of the teeth found in Ukraine: why were they found in a torture chamber and how did they get there? | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/ukrainoje-rastu-auksiniu-dantu-paslaptis-kodel-rasti-kankinimu-kameroje-ir-kaip-ten-pateko-57-1942636 |
22/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Not true that 2,234 gas stations in France closed because of EU sanctions against Russia | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/22/france-gas-stations-closed-due-to-russian-presure-in-gas-exports-misinformation/ |
18/10/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: yes, Putin received birthday wishes from Belgium from people with fake guns | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-ja-poetin-kreeg-verjaardagswensen-uit-belgie-van-mensen-met-nepgeweren/ |
20/10/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, these are not 'Ukrainian actors dressed as wounded victims' | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-dit-zijn-geen-oekraiense-acteurs-verkleed-als-gewonden/ |
24/10/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: footage shows an explosion in a Lebanese port, not a NATO bombing | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-deze-beelden-tonen-gevolgen-van-ontploffing-in-libanese-haven/ |
26/10/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The video shows the landing of an American B-2 bomber in Great Britain, not in Poland | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32M42CN |
25/10/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Not a protest in Germany over prices but football supporters in a match | https://verifica.efe.com/policia-alemana-no-reprime-manifestantes-subida-precios-son-hinchas-futbol/ |
21/10/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Not an Ukranian montage, they are real victims of a Russian missile in Kiev | https://verifica.efe.com/ancianos-heridos-no-montaje-ucraniano-para-medios-occidentales/ |
14/10/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Ukraine’s military chief does not wear a nazi symbol on his bracelet | https://verifica.efe.com/el-jefe-militar-de-ucrania-no-lleva-un-simbolo-nazi-en-su-pulsera/ |
04/10/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Germany did not arrest Ukrainians for arms trafficking, it’s a manipulated video | https://verifica.efe.com/alemania-no-detuvo-ucranianos-trafico-armas-destinadas-guerra-contra-rusia/ |
27/10/2022 | Netherlands, AFP Fact Check Nederland | This woman was injured in shooting in Kiev and is not an actor | https://factchecknederland.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32M72AV |
26/10/2022 | Germany, dpa-facthcecking.com | German magazine title allegedly shows insatiable Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/germany/221026-99-272146/ |
25/10/2022 | Germany, dpa-facthcecking.com | Every month, allegedly some 180 000 people travel from Germany to Ukraine by Flixbus | https://dpa-factchecking.com/germany/221018-99-170641/ |
24/10/2022 | Germany, dpa-facthcecking.com | A photo purports to show how journalists "stage" the Kiev mayor in the Ukraine war. | https://dpa-factchecking.com/germany/221024-99-244033/ |
26/10/2022 | Austria, dpa-facthcecking.com | Radar detection is said to track down the perpetrators of pipeline explosions | https://dpa-factchecking.com/austria/221024-99-246499/ |
26/10/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-facthcecking.com | Sweden's government reportedly advises citizens on how to hibernate in the face of the energy crisis | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221026-99-268341/ |
26/10/2022 | Belgium, dpa-facthcecking.com | German company boss, whose company allegedly serviced the exploded pipelines, killed in accident over the Baltic Sea | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/221026-99-268286/ |
21/10/2022 | Germany, correctiv | No, Baerbock did not say she wanted to take in eight to ten million refugees in Germany | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/21/nein-baerbock-sagte-nicht-sie-wolle-acht-bis-zehn-millionen-gefluechtete-in-deutschland-aufnehmen/ |
25/10/2022 | Germany, correctiv | No evidence that Russian female soldiers allegedly raped a colleague | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/25/keine-hinweise-dass-russische-soldatinnen-einen-kollegen-vergewaltigt-haben-sollen/ |
25/10/2022 | Germany, correctiv | Ukraine: No, this video does not prove a war staging - it shows a music video shooting | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/26/ukraine-nein-dieses-video-belegt-keine-kriegsinszenierung-es-zeigt-einen-musikvideodreh/ |
27/10/2022 | Germany, correctiv | This anti-Ukrainian animation video is not from an Israeli TV station | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/27/dieses-anti-ukrainische-animationsvideo-stammt-nicht-von-einem-israelischen-fernsehsender/ |
28/10/2022 | Germany, correctiv | No, Ukrainian refugees are not given blanket preference in motor vehicle insurance | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/28/nein-ukrainische-gefluechtete-werden-bei-der-kfz-versicherung-nicht-pauschal-bevorzugt/ |
28/10/2022 | Germany, correctiv | This military convoy through Austria was not on its way to Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/28/dieser-militaerkonvoi-durch-oesterreich-war-nicht-auf-dem-weg-in-die-ukraine/ |
08/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Russia boasts of hosting the most refugees: satellite photos show otherwise | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/rusija-giriasi-priemusi-daugiausiai-pabegeliu-palydovu-nuotraukos-rodo-ka-kita-57-1942242 |
11/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The Russians are escaping mobilization, but the endless line stretched not at the border | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/rusai-gelbstisi-nuo-mobilizacijos-taciau-begaline-eile-nusidrieke-ne-pasienyje-57-1944264 |
11/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Russian speakers are not obliged to sit in the end of buses: such warning was just a provocations | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/rusiskai-kalbantiems-neprivaloma-sesti-autobuso-gale-ispejimas-tebuvo-provokacija-57-1943740 |
15/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Winter will be long': Who sent this warning to cold-fearing Europe from Gazprom? | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/ziema-bus-ilga-kas-salciu-bijanciai-europai-pasiunte-si-ispejima-nuo-gazprom-57-1945642 |
15/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Imagination has run out: propaganda has again "evacuated" Volodymyr Zelensky to the bunker | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/fantazija-isseko-propaganda-vel-evakavo-volodymyra-zelenski-i-bunkeri-57-1945902 |
18/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Ukrainian flag, newlyweds and a Nazi gesture: how did it end up in one picture? | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/ukrainos-veliava-jaunieji-ir-naciu-gestas-kaip-tai-atsidure-viename-kadre-57-1947194 |
21/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Propaganda rejoices too soon: there is still toilet paper in Europe | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/propaganda-dziaugiasi-per-anksti-europoje-tualetinio-popieriaus-dar-yra-57-1948690 |
22/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Volodymyr Zelenskiy's unpublished book has already been linked to Adolf Hitler's work | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/dar-neisleista-volodymyro-zelenskio-knyga-jau-susieta-su-adolfo-hitlerio-kuryba-57-1949172 |
23/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Propaganda works: residents of Sovetsk searched for light in Lithuania in the middle of the night | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/lietuva/propaganda-veikia-tilzes-gyventojos-vidury-nakties-ieskojo-sviesos-lietuvoje-56-1949368 |
24/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Russian provocations regarding the "dirty bomb" were expected a long time ago: propaganda - according to the script | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/rusijos-provokacijos-del-nesvarios-bombos-tiketasi-seniai-propaganda-pagal-scenariju-57-1950154 |
01/11/2022 | Belgium, dpa-facthcecking.com | These photo's don't prove that Ukraine is planting dirty bombs | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/221028-99-297079/ |
05/10/2022 | Russia, Demagog | Will Ukraine be trained by the incompetent Belgian army? They are cadets! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainu-budut-obuchat-nekompetentnyye-belgiyskiye-voyennyye-eto-kadety/ |
07/10/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Are the provisions of the civic budget a manifestation of Ukrainization? Falsehood! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/przepisy-budzetu-obywatelskiego-to-przejaw-ukrainizacji-falsz/ |
10/10/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Volodymyr Zelensky dead? No, it's a scam! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wolodymyr-zelenski-nie-zyje-nie-to-tylko-internetowe-oszustwo/ |
11/10/2022 | Poland, Demagog | PAP informs about 66 million doses of potassium iodide? This is a fake tweet! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/pap-informuje-o-66-mln-dawkach-jodku-potasu-to-falszywy-tweet/ |
12/10/2022 | Poland, Demagog | War in Ukraine was started to resettlement Ukrainian people? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-wybuchla-by-przesiedlic-ukraincow-falsz/ |
21/10/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Destroying Bucha was mystification? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zniszczenie-buczy-bylo-mistyfikacja-falsz/ |
03/11/2022 | Poland, AFP Sprawdzam | The United Nations Charter does not entitle Russia to invade Ukraine | https://sprawdzam.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32MM8KC |
28/10/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, head of the Ukrainian army did not wear a bracelet with a swastika | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-hoofd-van-het-oekraiense-leger-draagt-geen-armband-met-hakenkruis/ |
31/10/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this video does not show footage of a staged Ukrainian video directed by Sean Penn | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-toont-geen-opnames-van-een-oekraiense-nepvidoe-geregisseerd-door-sean-penn/ |
31/10/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this is not a Ukrainian wedding where the Nazi salute is being done | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-dit-is-geen-oekraiens-trouwfeest-waar-de-nazigroet-wordt-gedaan/ |
31/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Poland is not preparing to invade Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/31/poland-to-invade-ukraine-misinformation/ |
29/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video doesn't show Ukrainian actor pretending to be a victim of a chemical attack | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/29/video-shows-staged-planes-of-attack-misinformation/ |
28/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Digitaly manipulated tweet with statements of Russia's head of army in Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/28/tweet-by-the-guardian-with-quote-from-russian-military-commander-fake/ |
25/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Zelensky didn't ask a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/25/volodymyr-zelenskyy-asked-for-preemptive-nuclear-strike-against-rusia- |
22/10/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Zelensky is not staging his speeches | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/10/22/zelenskyy-is-not-in-ukraine-and-uses-green-screen-to-misdirect-the-pub |
07/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video doesn't show a US B-2 Spirit bomber landing in Poland - JASSM-ER missiles are not nuclear tipped | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/07/video-shows-a-us-b2-bomber-landing-in-poland-misinformation/#:~:text=Spirit%20στην%20αεροπορική-,βάση%20Fairord,-της%20RAF%2C%20στο |
09/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | No proof that destroyed Ukrainian BMP-1 AFV came from Greece | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/08/no-proof-that-destroyed-ukrainian-bmp1-came-from-greece/ |
08/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | No proof that this is a CGI staged viral video from Ukraine | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/08/video-proves-staged-scenes-from-ukraine-war-missing-context/ |
15/11/2022 | Luxmbourg, dpa-factchecking.com | Photo allegedly shows a pink tank from German Bundeswehr in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/221114-99-517323/ |
16/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Zelensky didn't ban the Greek language and minority | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/16/zelensky-greek-minority-and-language-ban-misinformation/ |
16/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Viral photo doesn't depict Ukrainian nazi victims, during WWII | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/16/kherson-viral-poster-photo-depicts-children-victims-of-nazi-ukrainians-misinformation/ |
17/11/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-facthcecking.com | French magazine Charlie Hebdo allegedly issued a special édition on the Przewodów incident with a Ukrainian bomb | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221117-99-556289/ |
17/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Fake claims about Ukrainian officials buying property in Switzeralnd, using US aid money | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/17/ukrainian-officials-buy-property-in-switzerland-with-money-from-us-aid-misinformation/ |
18/11/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-facthcecking.com | TikTok video allegedly shows Ukrainian soldiers suppressing local citizens in Cherson | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221116-99-543653/ |
21/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video metadata don't prove mass grave in Kupiansk perpetrated by Ukrainians | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/21/metadata-video-corpses-kupyansk-disinfo/ |
10/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This is not the Bremen police arresting Ukrainians for arms dealing | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/10/brema-ucraini-armi/ |
11/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This video showing a missile hitting the bridge in Crimea is fake | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/10/11/ponte-crimea-missile/ |
11/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Kupyansk mass graves were not filmed and claimed by a "Ukrainian Nazi" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/11/fosse-comuni-kupyansk-ucraina/ |
12/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | It is not true that a Ukrainian supermarket has forbidden entry to "Jews" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/12/ucraina-vieta-ingresso-ebrei/ |
12/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This person erasing a swastika has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/12/rifugiato-ucraino-svastica-londra/ |
14/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This Zelensky hologram isn't going to hide where he is | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/14/zelensky-ologramma/ |
13/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | No, President Zelensky's office was not destroyed in a bombing | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/10/13/ufficio-zelensky-bombardamento/ |
14/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | German broadcaster ZDF has not broadcast a map of Ukraine without some eastern regions | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/10/14/zdf-ucraina/ |
17/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | No, the US ambassador to Ukraine has not been arrested | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/10/17/ambasciatrice-statunitense-ucraina-arresto/ |
18/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This man shooting from a window has nothing to do with the drone strike in Kiev | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/18/kiev-droni-fucile-finestra/ |
19/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | The injured woman with the cell phone in her hand does not prove that the attack in Kiev was staged | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/19/donna-ferita-cellulare-attacco-russo/ |
20/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This is not a Ukrainian soldier acting | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/10/20/soldato-ucraino-recita/ |
20/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | The French ambassador in Kiev has not resigned | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/10/20/ambasciatore-francese-ucraina-dimesso/ |
24/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | The Daily Mirror did not run an article on "rape kits" given to Russian soldiers | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/10/24/mirror-kit-stupratori-soldati-russi/ |
24/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Zelensky does not mean "the evil one owns the world" | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/10/24/zelensky-maligno-possiede-il-mondo/ |
26/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | The German satirical magazine Titanic never published this cover featuring Zelensky | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/10/26/titanic-copertina-zelensky/ |
28/10/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Zelensky has not written a book that recalls Mein Kampf | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/10/28/zelensky-libro-mein-kampf/ |
02/11/2022 | Italy, Facta news | No, this video does not show a US B-2 bomber landing in Poland | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/11/02/polonia-bombardiere-b2/ |
09/11/2022 | Italy, Facta news | The articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter do not justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/11/09/carta-nazioni-unite-russia/ |
16/11/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This is not a Kherson civilian captured by Ukrainian soldiers, but a Russian soldier | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/11/16/kherson-soldato-russo/ |
22/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | No evidence that billions of US dollars, donated to Ukraine, were laundered by FTX and then returned to American Democrats | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/22/fact-check-i-oikonomiki-voitheia-ton-ipa-stin-oukrania-kai-i-platforma-kryptonomismaton-ftx/ |
24/11/2022 | Germany, dpa-facthcecking.com | Ukrainian officials allegedly bought real estate in Switzerland with money from the USA | https://dpa-factchecking.com/germany/221117-99-556090/ |
24/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | J. Borrell didn't state that those that set their temperature above 17 degrees celcius (because of sanctions against Russia) is commiting a crime against EU values | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/24/josep-borrell-temperature-fake-news/ |
26/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | V. Zelensky didn't author a book called "My Strangle" | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/26/zelenski-wrote-a-book-entitled-my-struggle-fake/ |
22/11/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | This video does not show a US bomber landing in Poland because of the war in Ukraine | https://verifica.efe.com/este-video-no-muestra-un-bombardero-de-ee-uu-aterrizando-en-polonia-por-la-guerra-de-ucrania/ |
18/11/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Nothing proves that Ukraine attacked Poland to involve NATO in the war | https://verifica.efe.com/ucrania-no-ataca-polonia-involucrar-otan-guerra/ |
03/11/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The Nazi flags that hang in the streets of Warsaw are from the shooting of a movie | https://verifica.efe.com/banderas-nazis-varsovia-calles-rodaje/ |
24/11/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: fake news about Ukrainian football fans in Qatar exposed | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nepnieuws-over-oekraiense-voetbalfans-in-qatar-ontmaskerd/ |
26/11/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no proof that Ukrainian armored vehicle is painted with swastika | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-niet-bewezen-dat-oekraiens-pantservoertuig-beschilderd-is-met-hakenkruis/ |
30/10/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Articles 106 and 107 of the UN Charter do not entitle Russia to attack Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/10/31/nein-artikel-106-und-107-der-un-charta-berechtigen-russland-nicht-zum-angriff-auf-die-ukraine/ |
02/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Police in Finland: no evidence that weapons for Ukraine appeared there | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/02/polizei-finnland-dementiert-berichte-ueber-waffenschmuggel-aus-ukraine/ |
04/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Foreign Minister Baerbock did not "give away" 200 billion to Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/04/nein-aussenministerin-baerbock-hat-keine-200-milliarden-an-die-ukraine-verschenkt/ |
09/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, these people in Kiev are not actors, but really hurt | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/09/nein-diese-menschen-in-kiew-sind-keine-schauspieler-sondern-wirklich-verletzt/ |
15/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Photos of Russia do not prove that Ukraine is making a "dirty bomb" | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/15/fotos-von-russland-belegen-nicht-dass-die-ukraine-eine-schmutzige-bombe-herstellt/ |
21/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Germans do not have to give five percent of their salary to Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/21/nein-die-deutschen-muessen-nicht-fuenf-prozent-ihres-gehalts-an-die-ukraine-abgeben/ |
21/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukraine: No, Lyudmila Denisova did not offer to invent Russian war crimes to comedians | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/21/ukraine-nein-lyudmila-denisova-bot-gegenueber-russischen-komikern-nicht-an-russische-kriegsverbrechen-zu-erfinden/ |
22/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Music video with Selenskyj? No, these shots do not show the Ukrainian president | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/22/musikvideo-mit-selenskyj-nein-auf-diesen-aufnahmen-ist-nicht-der-ukrainische-praesident-zu-sehen/ |
23/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukraine: Alleged corruption report on misappropriation of EU aid funds does not exist | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/23/ukraine-angeblicher-korruptionsbericht-ueber-veruntreuung-von-eu-hilfsgeldern-existiert-nicht/ |
25/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Al Jazeera video about Ukrainian fans and Nazi graffiti in Qatar is fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/25/al-jazeera-video-ueber-ukrainische-fans-und-nazi-schmierereien-in-katar-ist-gefaelscht/ |
28/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Russian influencer Julia P. was not deported from Germany | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/28/nein-die-russische-influencerin-julia-p-wurde-nicht-aus-deutschland-abgeschoben/ |
08/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Poland and Ukraine merge to one country? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-i-ukraina-scalone-w-jedno-panstwo-fake-news/ |
16/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Rocket explosion in Przewodów? No, It's a old photo. | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-to-wybuch-rakiety-w-przewodowie-nie-to-stara-fotografia/ |
16/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | "Charlie Hebdo" joking about explosion in Poland? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/charlie-hebdo-kpi-z-eksplozji-w-polsce-to-fake-news/ |
16/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Explosion in Przewodów is a part of conspiracy? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wybuch-w-przewodowie-to-element-spisku-falszywe-informacje/ |
16/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | USA caused explosion in Poland? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/eksplozje-w-polsce-to-robota-amerykanow-fake-news/ |
16/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | More rockets fallen in Poland? False infromation from scammers! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/kolejne-rakiety-spadly-w-polsce-falszywe-informacje-oszustow/ |
21/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Zelensky insulted in Kherson? Reworked video! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-obrzucony-wyzwiskami-w-chersoniu-przerobione-wideo/ |
21/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Vaccines and war are using to depopulation and control? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/szczepionki-oraz-wojna-sluza-depopulacji-i-zniewoleniu-falsz/ |
22/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Polish soldiers died in war in Ukraine? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polscy-zolnierze-zmarli-na-wojnie-w-ukrainie-falsz/ |
30/11/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians get free flat in Poland? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-za-darmo-dostali-mieszkania-fake-news/ |
29/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Video doesn't prove that sent a bloody sledgehammer to the EU Parliament | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/29/to-vinteo-den-tekmirionei-oti-paralifthike-apo-tin-evrovouli-mia-matomeni-variopoula-tis-wagner/ |
31/10/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The sacrifice of the propagandist: she doesn't want sanctions so much that even at +18 degrees put on a jacket | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/propagandininkes-auka-taip-nenori-sankciju-kad-net-prie-18-ilindo-i-striuke-57-1952652 |
04/11/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The math according to the Duma's speaker: calculated that Ukraine lost half its population | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/matematika-pagal-dumos-vadova-suskaiciavo-kad-ukraina-neteko-puses-gyventoju-57-1954748 |
07/11/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The netizens mock the mobilized Russians, but the clumsy soldier was filmed elsewhere | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/internete-saiposi-is-mobilizuotu-rusu-bet-nemoksa-karys-buvo-nufilmuotas-kitur-57-1955560 |
08/11/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Propaganda continues to add salt to the wound: Europe is allegedly running out of food | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/propaganda-toliau-beria-druska-ant-zaizdos-europoje-esa-baigiasi-maistas-57-1956506 |
12/11/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | 8 months after the attacks on Irpin: netizens think that the journalist faked them | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/8-menesiai-po-ataku-pries-irpine-internautai-sugalvojo-kad-zurnalistas-jas-suvaidino-57-1958142 |
23/11/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Already a hero of fake news: journalists did not quote Sergei Surovikin's insults | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/jau-melagienu-herojus-zurnalistai-necitavo-sergejaus-surovikino-uzgauliojimu-57-1963376 |
24/11/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | The song's video is about the horrors of war, but netizens think they're acting again | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/dainos-klipas-apie-karo-siauba-bet-internautams-pasirode-kad-jis-vel-vaidinamas-57-1970124 |
24/11/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Continuing to drive a wedge between Poles and Ukrainians: Lviv has no intention of joining Poland | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/toliau-kala-pleista-tarp-lenku-ir-ukrainieciu-lvivas-neketina-jungtis-prie-lenkijos-57-1963856 |
30/11/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | They talk about Ukraine's aggression against NATO, but it is the actions of Russian troops that spell doom | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/kalba-apie-ukrainos-agresija-pries-nato-nors-prazuti-nesa-rusijos-kariu-veiksmai-57-1973042 |
29/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Przemyśl in Poland: Reports of social fraud by Ukrainian refugees lack context | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/29/przemysl-in-polen-berichten-ueber-sozialbetrug-durch-ukrainische-gefluechtete-fehlt-kontext/ |
29/11/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Berlin: No evidence that a group of Ukrainians attacked two people because they spoke Russian | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/11/29/berlin-keine-belege-dass-eine-gruppe-ukrainer-zwei-personen-angriff-weil-sie-russisch-sprachen/ |
02/12/2022 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Al Jazeera has not reported the arrest in Qatar of Ukrainian Nazi fans | https://verifica.efe.com/al-jazeera-no-video-ucranianos-catar/ |
05/02/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Articles 106 and 107 of UN Charter, don't justify the invasion of Ukraine by Russia | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/12/05/un-charter-106-107-russia-invasion/ |
28/11/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | What are dirty bombs and why Ukraine is not close to building one, despite the claims of the Russian MFA | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/11/28/rusian-foreign-ministry-claim-ukraine-plans-to-build-dirty-bomb-misinformation/ |
25/11/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This “completely dark” satellite image of Ukraine is fake | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/11/25/mappa-ucraina-buio/ |
28/11/2022 | Italy, Facta news | These photos have nothing to do with the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/11/28/ucraina-foto-telefonino/ |
29/11/2022 | Italy, Facta news | There is no Charlie Hebdo special «on the adventures of Ukrainian Nazis in Qatar» | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2022/11/29/charlie-hebdo-ucraini-nazisti/ |
29/11/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Messi didn't tell Zelensky "take your men and stop it" | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/11/29/messi-zelensky-qatar/ |
01/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This is not a «Ukrainian refugee camp» in Germany | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/12/01/campo-rifugiati-ucraini-germania/ |
02/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Biden and Macron did not organize a "peace conference" | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/12/02/biden-macron-conferenza-pace/ |
05/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Euronews did not give the (false) news of a German auction to destroy Russian works of art | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/12/05/euronews-asta-germania-opere-arte-russe/ |
06/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | The case of fake graffiti with Zelensky's face | https://facta.news/articoli/2022/12/06/zelensky-graffiti-europa/ |
06/12/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows fully lit Christmas tree in Kiev 2022 | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221205-99-787318/ |
01/12/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukrainian justice minister allegedly drives a car stolen in Germany | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221201-99-740299/ |
09/12/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Frontpage of "Charlie Hebdo" magazine allegedly shows Zelenskyi as a puppet | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221208-99-829986/ |
07/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukraine: Does the current Minister of Justice drive a stolen Mercedes? No, report is from 2011 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/07/faehrt-der-aktuelle-ukrainische-minister-einen-gestohlenen-mercedes-nein-es-handelt-sich-um-einen-bericht-von-2011/ |
09/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukraine: photos show medical training, not staged war wounds | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/09/ukraine-fotos-zeigen-eine-medizinische-schulung-keine-inszenierten-kriegswunden/ |
12/12/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Ukrainian soldiers are accused of taking the organs of dead children. But this is classic Russian disinformation | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/ukrainske-soldater-beskyldes-tage-doede-boerns-organer-men-det-er-klassisk-russisk |
12/12/2022 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died, the EU Commission president said in a video. But then it was edited out | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/100000-ukrainske-soldater-er-doede-sagde-eu-kommissionens-formand-i-en-video-men-saa-blev |
12/12/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | German minister would allegedly let 100 000 Germans starve for the sanctions | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221212-99-869261/ |
12/12/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows christmas tree with swastikas in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221212-99-869490/ |
01/12/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | News report about alleged Ukrainian Nazis at the World Cup is fake | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32WJ2RP |
30/11/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | This German auction house did not announce that it would destroy Russian art | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32WF7R6 |
06/12/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | A Christmas tree decorated with a "swastika" in Latvia? This is a pre-Nazism folk symbol | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32YW4AQ |
14/12/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Rebecca Maciorowski is not an American mercenary killed in Ukraine. She's a medic, and she's safe and sound | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/12/14/rebecca-maciorowski-is-not-an-american-mercenary-killed-in-ukraine/ |
15/12/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This American is a rescuer, not a mercenary, and was not killed in Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.333N4BC |
09/12/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | No, this smeared tank is not currently in Berlin, the photo is from the GDR | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32ZW6EX |
09/12/2022 | Germany, AFP Faktencheck | Yes, these photos show bomb victims in Kyiv | https://faktencheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32ZU4GN |
17/12/2022 | Greece, Ellinika Hoaxes | Photoshopped image of Mateusz Morawiecki paying respects at the grave of Stepan Bandera | https://www.ellinikahoaxes.gr/2022/12/17/mateusz-morawiecki-paying-respects-to-grave-of-stepan-bandera-misinformation/ |
21/12/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This video was filmed years before the 2022 Ukraine-Russia crisis | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.9XQ2LG |
08/12/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: yes, about 80 percent of Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands are working | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-ja-zowat-80-procent-van-de-oekraiense-vluchtelingen-in-nederland-werkt/ |
22/12/2022 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Olena Zelenska allegedly came in a privat jet to Paris and spent 40 000 Euro | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221221-99-983584/ |
09/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | This Charlie Hebdo cover featuring the Pope is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/12/09/charlie-hebdo-papa-guerra/ |
09/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Zelensky and Hitler's assignment as Time's "person of the year" have opposite motivations | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2022/12/09/time-zelensky-hitler/ |
19/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Rebecca Maciorowski was not killed in Ukraine and she is not a mercenary | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/12/19/maciorowski-mercenaria-uccisa-ucraina/ |
20/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | The photo of Olena Zelenska wearing Gucci on a private jet is fake | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2022/12/20/zelenska-gucci-jet/ |
13/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Photo montage: Polish Prime Minister did not visit Bandera monument in Kiev | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/13/fotomontage-polnischer-ministerpraesident-besuchte-kein-bandera-denkmal-in-kiew/ |
13/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, ZDF has not shown a map of Ukraine, which lacks territories annexed by Russia | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/14/nein-das-zdf-hat-keine-karte-der-ukraine-gezeigt-in-der-von-russland-annektierte-gebiete-fehlen/ |
14/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, hotels in Mallorca are not being converted for Ukrainian refugees with German taxpayers' money | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/14/nein-auf-mallorca-werden-keine-hotels-mit-deutschem-steuergeld-fuer-ukrainische-gefluechtete-umgebaut/ |
20/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, the EU did not support Ukraine with 90 billion euros since 2014 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/20/nein-die-eu-unterstuetzte-die-ukraine-seit-2014-nicht-mit-90-milliarden-euro/ |
20/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukrainian Nazis at the World Cup? Charlie Hebdo cover forged | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/20/ukrainische-nazis-bei-der-fussball-wm-charlie-hebdo-cover-gefaelscht/ |
21/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Transparency International did not say that Ukrainians resold more than 70 percent of humanitarian aid | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/21/nein-transparency-international-sagte-nicht-dass-ukrainer-mehr-als-70-prozent-der-humanitaeren-hilfe-weiterverkauften/ |
21/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No evidence that Ukraine speculated aid money on crypto exchange FTX | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/21/keine-belege-dass-die-ukraine-hilfsgelder-an-der-kryptoboerse-ftx-verspekulierte/ |
22/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | No, the hostage-taker in Dresden was not a Ukrainian who wanted to force NATO membership. | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/22/nein-der-geiselnehmer-von-dresden-war-kein-ukrainer-der-einen-nato-beitritt-erzwingen-wollte/ |
22/12/2022 | Germany, Correctiv | This video does not show actual thermite attack on Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2022/12/22/dieses-video-zeigt-keinen-aktuellen-thermit-angriff-auf-die-ukraine/ |
23/12/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Manipulated photo of Joe Biden, Volodymyr Zelensky spreads online | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.334Z8HU |
26/12/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | A photo showing an inappropriate gesture by Joe Biden on Volodymyr Zelensky? It's an editing | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33647HQ |
27/12/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | Attention, this video showing Joe Biden leaving in full speech of Volodymyr Zelensky is modified | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33649RX |
01/12/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | Propaganda is uninventive: it scares with the already denied Polish "plan" to join part of Ukraine | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/propaganda-neisradinga-gasdina-jau-paneigtu-lenku-planu-prisijungti-dali-ukrainos-57-1973426 |
11/12/2022 | Lithuania, 15min | No one judges the winners? They explain that the victory of 1945 made it possible to attack Ukraine | https://www.15min.lt/naujiena/aktualu/pasaulis/nugaletoju-niekas-neteisia-aiskina-esa-1945-uju-pergale-leido-uzpulti-ukraina-57-1978108 |
01/12/2022 | Poland, Demagog | War in Ukraine is "circus" with Angelina Jolie? Fake! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-to-cyrk-z-udzialem-angeliny-jolie-falsz/ |
01/12/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Polish soldiers fight with ukrainian uniform? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polscy-zolnierze-walcza-w-ukrainskich-mundurach-fake-news/ |
07/12/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Russia help Jews to conquest ukrainian land? It's a conspiracy theory! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-pomaga-zydom-przejac-ukraine-to-teoria-spiskowa/ |
09/12/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian people suddenly mass cross polish border? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-nagle-masowo-przekraczaja-granice-falsz/ |
12/12/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Reactor explosion at Zaporozhian power plant? Imaginary news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wybuch-reaktora-atomowego-w-elektrowni-zaporoskiej-zmyslony-news/ |
16/12/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians robbed grandma's apartment? The video isn't connected with them! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-okradli-mieszkanie-babci-wideo-nie-ma-z-nimi-zwiazku/ |
16/12/2022 | Poland, Demagog | Can every Pole earn thanks to the new gas pipeline? It's a scam! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/kazdy-polak-moze-zarobic-dzieki-nowemu-gazociagowi-to-scam/ |
06/01/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, Ukraine Human Rights Officer Didn't Admit Lying About Russian Child Rape | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.336H3RD |
09/01/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, the flag offered by Zelensky to the American Congress does not bear the emblem of the SS | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33679PM |
03/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Manipulated picture: Joe Biden did not grab Volodymyr Selenskyj's butt | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/03/manipuliertes-bild-joe-biden-fasste-wolodymyr-selenskyj-nicht-an-den-hintern/ |
04/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, in this photo a Ukrainian general is standing in front of a Stepan Bandera painting | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/04/ja-auf-diesem-foto-steht-ein-ukrainischer-general-vor-einem-stepan-bandera-gemaelde/ |
06/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Rolex for 18,000 euros? Photo of Olena Selenska in private jet with luxury items is manipulated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/06/rolex-fuer-18-000-euro-foto-von-olena-selenska-im-privatjet-mit-luxusartikeln-ist-manipuliert/ |
06/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this photo does not show a child who survived a Russian attack | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/06/nein-dieses-foto-zeigt-kein-kind-das-einen-russischen-angriff-ueberlebte/ |
02/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | No, this graffiti criticizing Zelensky was not made in Madrid | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2023/01/02/madrid-graffiti-zelensky/ |
23/12/2022 | Italy, Facta news | Angela Merkel did not tell Der Spiegel that the US and NATO "planned the war in Ukraine" | https://facta.news/antibufale/2022/12/23/angela-merkel-der-spiegel-usa-nato/ |
23/12/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: This photo of Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky has been manipulated | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-deze-foto-van-het-echtpaar-biden-en-volodymyr-zelensky-is-gemanipuleerd/ |
24/12/2022 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this video is not proof that Zelensky staged a visit to Bakhmut | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-is-geen-bewijs-dat-zelensky-een-bezoek-aan-bachmoet-in-scene-zou-hebben-gezet/ |
11/01/2023 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Russian media distort the prime minister's speech about nuclear weapons on Swedish soil | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/russiske-medier-fordrejer-statsministers-tale-om-atomvaaben-paa-svensk-grund |
11/01/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | A BBC infographic that shows Zelensky's wartime enrichment? It's an editing | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.336Q8Y6 |
12/01/2023 | Spain, EFE Verifica | Merkel did not disclose in an interview a war plan against Russia in Ukraine | https://verifica.efe.com/merkel-no-revelo-plan-belico-rusia-ucrania/ |
12/01/2023 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Dutch employees allegedly have to work until the age of 69 to finance the war in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/230111-99-178410/ |
11/01/2023 | Germany, dpa-facthcecking.com | A German tv host allegedly said there are no fascists in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/germany/230110-99-169905/ |
13/01/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware of this implausible report of a Russian strike in Druzhkivka, eastern Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.336Q63Z |
19/01/2023 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukrainian militants allegedly burn down church as abbot refuses to join Kiev patriarchate | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/230117-99-254969/ |
19/01/2023 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Hugo Boss allegedly manufactueres uniforms for Ukrainian troops | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/230119-99-275180/ |
20/01/2023 | Luxemburg, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukraine was allegedly founded in 1989 and a map shows that it belongs to Russia | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/230120-99-293205/ |
09/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Photos of alleged Selenskyj graffiti in European cities are manipulated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/09/fotos-von-angeblichen-selenskyj-graffitis-in-europaeischen-staedten-sind-manipuliert/ |
11/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, refugees from Ukraine do not receive 500 euros welcome money | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/11/nein-gefluechtete-aus-der-ukraine-erhalten-keine-500-euro-begruessungsgeld/ |
24/01/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Photo of fire in Russia hijacked to fuel adrenochrome conspiracy theory | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.337L3V7 |
11/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | Forbes did not write that financial aid to Ukraine made Ukrainian politicians rich | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2023/01/11/forbes-tabella-politici-ucraini/ |
12/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | This graffiti against Zelensky did not appeared in Berlin | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/01/12/berlino-graffito-zelensky/ |
23/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | These people are not fleeing Poland to Germany to avoid conscription | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2023/01/23/fuga-polonia-germania-arruolamento/ |
25/01/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, France has not stopped supporting Ukraine against Russia | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.337T7DE |
20/01/2023 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The video of a young soldier does not prove that Ukraine sends minors to war | https://verifica.efe.com/ucrania-recluta-menores-guerra-video-militar/ |
26/01/2023 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Leopard 2 tanks can allegedly travel only 5 kilometres on a tankful of fuel | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/230126-99-364110/ |
26/01/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | This image does not show the soldier who tried to shoot down a Congolese fighter jet | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.337W6GA |
26/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this Selenskyj picture is not from Der Spiegel | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/26/nein-dieses-selenskyj-bild-stammt-nicht-vom-spiegel/ |
27/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, refugees from Ukraine do not receive social benefits without an ID card | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/27/nein-gefluechtete-aus-der-ukraine-erhalten-sozialleistungen-nicht-ohne-ausweis/ |
27/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this photo does not show a delivery of Leopard tanks to Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/27/nein-dieses-foto-zeigt-keine-lieferung-von-leopard-panzern-an-die-ukraine/ |
25/01/2023 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: No, fashion company Hugo Boss is not donating 100,000 military uniforms to Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-modebedrijf-hugo-boss-schenkt-geen-100-000-militaire-uniformen-aan-oekraine/ |
29/01/2023 | Belgium, Knack | Fact check: No proof that these US tanks are headed for Ukraine | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-geen-bewijs-dat-deze-amerikaanse-tanks-op-weg-zijn-naar-oekraine/ |
03/01/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Nazi symbol in Zelensky's flag? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/symbol-ss-na-fladze-od-zelenskiego-fake-news/ |
09/01/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Russian bodies in shape of Bandera? It's a not real photo! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ciala-rosjan-ulozone-w-twarz-bandery-to-nieprawdziwe-zdjecie/ |
09/01/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian government plan to kill Polish people? It's fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainskie-wladze-planuja-wyrznac-polakow-to-fake-news/ |
11/01/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Sculpture of Shukhevych built by polish money? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/pomnik-szuchewycza-za-pieniadze-polakow-fake-news/ |
13/01/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Pandemic, war and fight with warming are part of conspiracy? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/pandemia-wojna-i-walka-z-ociepleniem-czescia-spisku-falsz/ |
13/01/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians have embargo for polish meat for seven years? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-od-7-lat-utrzymuja-embargo-na-polskie-mieso-falsz/ |
17/01/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Doctor from Wagner Group was captured? There is no evidence! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/lekarka-grupy-wagnera-schwytana-nie-ma-na-to-dowodow/ |
18/01/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian nationalists set fire to church in Owadno? It's old video! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainscy-nacjonalisci-podpalili-cerkiew-w-owadnie-to-stary-film/ |
01/02/2023 | Luxemburg, dpa-factchecking.com | China allegedly controls the production of Leopard tanks | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/230201-99-437101/ |
01/02/2023 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Ukraine allegedly asks Baltic sities to send all Ukrainian men back | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/230201-99-435146/ |
02/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Posts falsely link Texas video to Ukraine conflict | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.337X9Q8 |
03/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Conservative commentators, politicians distort Biden's remarks on tanks for Ukraine | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.338F2HY |
06/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No trace of anti-Zelensky street-art works allegedly appearing in several cities around the world | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.338B2DL |
31/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | This billboard in Berlin did not show a video with tanks | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/01/31/auf-dieser-werbetafel-in-berlin-wurde-kein-video-mit-panzern-gezeigt/ |
03/02/2023 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Doll allegedly used to make situation in Ukraine look worse | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/230203-99-463541/ |
02/02/2023 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video footage allegedly shows protests against the war an Zelensky in Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/221122-99-615490/ |
03/02/2023 | Belgium, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows black birds flying over Kiev | https://dpa-factchecking.com/belgium/230203-99-464667/ |
07/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Fabricated quote about defeating Russia to 'avenge Napoleon, Hitler' attributed to EU diplomat | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.338D8UL |
07/02/2023 | Netherlands, dpa-factchecking.com | Video allegedly shows recent fights in Ukrainian parliament | https://dpa-factchecking.com/netherlands/230206-99-494492/ |
04/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | TV channel Tvp1 did not show a map of Poland that includes Ukrainian cities | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/01/24/tvp1-mappa-polonia-ucraina/ |
25/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | No graffiti of Zelensky like a locust was made in New York | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/01/25/new-york-graffito-zelensky-locusta/ |
27/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | These are not US tanks on a train in Poland | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2023/01/27/polonia-treno-carri-armati-abrams/ |
30/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | No, Putin didn't say that "an adrenochrome extraction laboratory" was found in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/01/30/putin-ucraina-laboratorio-adrenocromo/ |
30/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | These German tanks are not headed for Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2023/01/30/germania-treno-carri-armati-leopard/ |
31/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | This is not a Ukrainian shop that removes tattooed swastikas | https://facta.news/immagine-modificata/2023/01/31/ucraina-negozio-tatuaggi-svastiche/ |
31/01/2023 | Italy, Facta news | These are not "crows" flying over Kiev | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2023/01/31/corvi-kiev-ucraina/ |
08/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Elon Musk tweet amplifies false Ukraine casualty numbers | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.338N82L |
09/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware of this bogus letter calling for 'reporting' Ukrainian refugees in the UK to the Ukrainian Embassy | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.338P93D |
31/01/2023 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The video of the transfer of tanks in a German train station is not current | https://verifica.efe.com/video-tanques-leopard-estacion-alemania-no-actual/ |
14/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No proof of existence of this tweet from Zelensky about continuing aid to Ukraine in his condolences to Turkish victims | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.338Y27B |
15/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, these American paratroopers are not deployed in Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339A9TD |
17/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Chinese social media users share edited Putin speech video with false subtitles about Ukraine | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339B3CE |
14/02/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | ARD interview: Strack-Zimmermann has not indicated that she wants to send German soldiers to Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/02/14/ard-interview-strack-zimmermann-hat-nicht-angedeutet-sie-wolle-deutsche-soldaten-in-die-ukraine-schicken/ |
17/02/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, in the UK male refugees from Ukraine do not have to be registered | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/02/17/nein-in-grossbritannien-muessen-maennliche-gefluechtete-aus-der-ukraine-nicht-gemeldet-werden/ |
09/02/2023 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this advertisement was not shown in the center of Berlin | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-reclameboodschap-werd-niet-vertoond-in-hartje-berlijn/ |
14/02/2023 | Belgium, Knack | Factcheck: no, this video does not show a protest to demand Zelensky's resignation, but a demonstration after the murder of a Slovak journalist | https://www.knack.be/factcheck/factcheck-nee-deze-video-toont-geen-protest-om-ontslag-zelenski-te-eisen-maar-manifestatie-na-moord-op-slovaakse-journalist/ |
22/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | A year of disinformation around the war in Ukraine | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339R4ZG |
22/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Atrocities, refugees, energy...: a year of misinformation around the war in Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339T3KQ |
22/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Photo of Biden, Zelensky manipulated to show leaders holding hands | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339Q9TF |
23/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, NATO did not modify its "collective defense clause" on February 15 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339Q36F |
23/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Photo from Biden Warsaw speech altered to add vulgar gesture | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339V9XG |
20/02/2023 | Spain, EFE Verifica | It is false that Borrell has said that the EU is the "Ukraine Army" | https://verifica.efe.com/es-falso-que-borrell-haya-dicho-que-la-ue-es-el-ejercito-de-ucrania/ |
20/02/2023 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The British government has not sent a letter to recruit Ukrainian refugees | https://verifica.efe.com/gobierno-britanico-no-ha-enviado-carta-refugiados-ucranianos/ |
01/02/2023 | Italy, Facta news | No, these tanks are not going to Ukraine | https://facta.news/fuori-contesto/2023/02/01/carri-armati-germania-ucraina/ |
15/02/2023 | Italy, Facta news | This article on the racism of Ukrainian refugees does not exist | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/02/15/rifugiati-ucraina-razzismo/ |
17/02/2023 | Italy, Facta news | This parade float against Zelensky does not exist | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/02/17/questo-carro-di-carnevale-contro-zelensky-non-esiste/ |
20/02/2023 | Italy, Facta news | Bill Gates did not say that the current Ukrainian government is "one of the worst in the world" | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/02/20/bill-gates-governo-ucraino-corruzione/ |
22/02/2023 | Italy, Facta news | No, this is not a warning from the German government to German-trained Ukrainian soldiers | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/02/22/avviso-governo-germania-soldati-ucraini/ |
24/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Images of Biden eating ice cream in Ukraine are doctored | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339Y7MN |
20/02/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Photo does not show Ukrainian tattoo studio removing swastikas for half price | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/02/20/foto-zeigt-kein-ukrainisches-tattoo-studio-das-hakenkreuze-zum-halben-preis-entfernt/ |
21/02/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, the Ministry of Defence did not inform Ukrainian soldiers of the ban on swastikas via posters. | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/02/21/nein-das-verteidigungsministerium-wies-ukrainische-soldaten-nicht-via-plakat-auf-das-verbot-von-hakenkreuzen-hin/ |
22/02/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | This photo of an alleged Selenskyj graffiti was not taken in Brussels | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/02/22/dieses-foto-eines-angeblichen-selenskyj-graffitis-entstand-nicht-in-bruessel/ |
28/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | This video of a knife attack was not shot in Bratislava in 2023 but in Moscow in 2019 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.339X3Y7 |
27/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Twitter is not restricting Ukrainian flag emoji | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33A82WT |
01/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Sinking Ukraine on the cover of "Polityka"? Falsehood! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/tonaca-ukraina-na-okladce-polityki-to-falszerstwo/ |
02/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Great Reset is a plan of total control? Conspiracy theory! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wielki-reset-to-plan-totalnej-kontroli-teoria-spiskowa/ |
02/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Polish government want to send tanks with soldiers to Ukraine? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polski-rzad-chcial-wyslac-ukrainie-czolgi-z-zolnierzami-falsz/ |
06/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | To get a scholarship only need is be Ukrainian? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/aby-dostac-stypendium-wystarczy-byc-ukraincem-falsz/ |
20/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ad in polish metro encourage to fight in Ukraine? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/reklama-w-polskim-metrze-zacheca-do-walki-w-ukrainie-falsz/ |
20/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Aliens cause III world war in Ukraine? It's a conspiracy theory! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/kosmici-wywolali-iii-wojne-swiatowa-w-ukrainie-to-teoria-spiskowa/ |
21/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Isreali TV made video about Ukraine? It's a russian propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/izraelska-telewizja-zrobila-film-o-ukrainie-to-rosyjska-propaganda/ |
21/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Poland transfer all resources to Ukraine for free? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-bezplatnie-przekazuje-ukrainie-wszystkie-zasoby-falsz/ |
28/02/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Is it Zelensky body double? No, he is his bodygourd! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/to-sobowtor-prezydenta-zelenskiego-nie-to-jego-ochroniarz/ |
01/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, this video does not show Ukrainian President Zelensky's "hidden look-alike", but his bodyguard | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33AA99T |
28/02/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Footage shows Volodymyr Zelensky's bodyguard, not body double | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33A98PR |
02/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, This Photo Of A Renovated Building In Ukraine Doesn't Prove The War Is Staged | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33AD29Z |
02/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Posts misrepresent Zelensky's comments on US support | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33AB726 |
01/03/2023 | Italy, Facta news | This video of a capsized tank has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/03/01/carro-armato-leopard-si-capovolge/ |
01/03/2023 | Italy, Facta news | No, this person is not Zelensky's secret stunt double | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/03/01/zelensky-controfigura-doppio/ |
01/03/2023 | Italy, Facta news | Something is not right in the photo of the "neo-Nazi mercenaries" in Ukraine with the flag of the Republic of Salò | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/03/01/bandiera-repubblica-sociale-ucraina/ |
02/03/2023 | Italy, Facta news | No, Zelensky did not ask the United States for soldiers for the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/03/02/zelensky-soldati-stati-uniti/ |
23/09/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | This image does not show Volodymyr Zelensky at the 1999 Boston Pride Parade - Photo has been edited | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32JY3VQ |
24/05/2022 | France, AFP Factuel | These US tanks were in western Finland for a military exercise, not on the Polish-Ukraine border | https://factcheckgreek.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32AX4FY |
03/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, Zelensky did not call on the United States to send its army to Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33AF44Q |
27/02/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Same IBAN, different purpose: donations for Turkey and Syria do not end up in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/02/27/dieselbe-iban-anderer-zweck-gelder-fuer-die-tuerkei-und-syrien-landen-nicht-in-der-ukraine/ |
06/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Posts omitted some of Microsoft co-founder's comments | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33AG8AV |
07/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | This old photo does not show the first Leopard tank destroyed in Ukraine in March 2023 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33AP2ZR |
08/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Kyiv rebuild residential tower damaged by missile | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33AP82J |
09/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Unproven claims about Volodymyr Zelensky's wealth resurface online | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33A99GQ |
15/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | These claims about alleged diversion of US aid to Ukraine by Volodymyr Zelensky are unfounded | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33B99QJ |
09/03/2023 | Switzerland, dpa-factchecking.com | Alleged nazi-symbols on German tanks that go to Ukraine | https://dpa-factchecking.com/switzerland/230309-99-885626/ |
06/03/2023 | Luxembourg, dpa-factchecking.com | Media allegedly manipulated a video where Russian minister Lavrov is publicly laughed at | https://dpa-factchecking.com/luxembourg/230306-99-850649/ |
16/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | This video showing bogged down tanks was filmed in 2022 during training in Sweden | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33BF3HZ |
07/03/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Bill Maher did not speak of "Friedensschwurbler" and Sascha Lobo | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/03/07/deepfake-bill-maher-sprach-nicht-von-sascha-lobo-und-friedensschwurblern/ |
07/03/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Lack of context: Selenskyj did not ask the USA to send soldiers to Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/03/07/fehlender-kontext-selenskyj-forderte-die-usa-nicht-auf-soldaten-in-die-ukraine-zu-schicken/ |
15/03/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | There was no Nazi code on this tank convoy in Mannheim | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/03/15/auf-diesem-panzerkonvoi-in-mannheim-war-kein-nazi-code-zu-sehen/ |
02/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian soldiers buried near Bogdanka? fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainscy-zolnierze-pochowani-kolo-bogdanki-fake-news/ |
03/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Are Ukrainian soldiers buried near Bogdanka? The mine denies it! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainskiye-soldaty-pokhoroneny-pod-bogdankoy-shakhta-eto-oprovergayet/ |
03/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Zelensky called the US to war? Words out of context! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-wezwal-usa-do-wojny-slowa-wyrwane-z-kontekstu/ |
07/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Theft of barbed wire at the border with Russia? This is a satirical post! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/kradziez-zasiekow-przy-granicy-z-rosja-to-satyryczny-wpis/ |
08/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Are these Polish tanks given to Ukraine? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-to-polskie-czolgi-przekazane-ukrainie-falsz/ |
09/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | No damages in Mariupol? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-mariupolu-nie-ma-zniszczen-fake-news/ |
09/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | NATO is responsible for war? False information! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nato-odpowiedzialne-za-wojne-falszywe-informacje/ |
10/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Russia is rebuilding the Donbass? Her troops are destroying it! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-odbudowuje-donbas-jej-wojska-go-niszcza/ |
10/03/2023 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Are you supporting Putin-friendly oligarchs by buying summer holidays with TUI? | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/stoetter-du-putin-venlig-oligark-ved-koebe-sommerferie-hos-tui |
24/03/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | The International Criminal Court "admitted" that it could not try Vladimir Putin? It's misleading | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33BV9TZ |
07/03/2023 | Italy, Facta news | Putin did not destroy "another laboratory" of adrenochrome in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/03/07/putin-laboratorio-adrenocromo-ucraina/ |
08/03/2023 | Italy, Facta news | It is not true that in Ukraine "foreign citizens" cannot donate blood | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/03/08/ucraina-donazione-sangue-stranieri/ |
09/03/2023 | Italy, Facta news | This is not a German tank "captured" by the Russians in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/03/09/carro-armato-leopard-ucraina/ |
10/03/2023 | Italy, Facta news | These are not military vehicles «leaving from America to Europe for the war in Ukraine» | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/03/10/armi-nato-ucraina/ |
20/03/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this picture does not show a Leopard tank captured by Russia in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/03/20/nein-dieses-bild-zeigt-keinen-von-russland-eroberten-leopard-panzer-in-der-ukraine/ |
22/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | You can't hang the Ukrainian flag in Israel? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-izraelu-nie-mozna-wieszac-flag-ukrainy-falsz/ |
22/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Russia sends books to "new regions"? These are occupied territories! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-wysyla-ksiazki-do-nowych-regionow-to-okupowane-tereny/ |
24/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | "New territory" of Russia and hospitals? It's a propaganda! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nowe-tereny-rosyjskie-i-szpitale-rosyjska-propaganda/ |
27/03/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Is this the Rolls Royce of the head of the National Bank of Ukraine? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/to-rolls-royce-szefa-narodowego-banku-ukrainy-fake-news/ |
29/03/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Kiev instead of Belgrade: Medium assigns photo incorrectly | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/03/29/kiew-statt-belgrad-medium-ordnet-foto-falsch-zu/ |
29/03/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | John Kirby did not say the US would forbid Ukraine peace plans | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/03/29/john-kirby-sagte-nicht-die-usa-wuerden-der-ukraine-friedensplaene-verbieten/ |
31/03/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | These military vehicles were not destined for Ukraine - they are being transferred back to the USA | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/03/31/diese-militaerfahrzeuge-waren-nicht-fuer-die-ukraine-bestimmt-sie-werden-in-die-usa-zurueckverlegt/ |
04/04/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | This video of Putin's arrival in South Africa dates from 2018 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33CK9EL |
06/04/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Posts use old video to falsely claim Russian president visited South Africa in March 2023 | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33CR2KD |
21/03/2023 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | 177 civilian deaths recorded in Russian rebel states in last 5 years, not "thousands". | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/177-burger-doden-geregistreerd-opstandige-russische-rebellenstaten-geen-duizenden-oekra%C3%AFne |
20/03/2023 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | 97.5% of refugees who come from Ukraine to France have Ukrainian nationality | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/vluchtelingen-oekraine-frankrijk-oekraiense-nationaliteit-geen-1-op-3 |
22/03/2023 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | NATO sometimes has military trainings in Ukraine | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/navo-traint-soms-oekraine-yavoriv-militaire-basis |
24/03/2023 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Family in Irpin was really killed by a mortar strike | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/het-gezin-in-irpin-werd-echt-gedood-door-mortierinslag |
31/03/2023 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | So-called 'leaked government document' contains false information about the war in Ukraine | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/zogenaamd-regeringsdocument-bevat-verkeerde-info-over-oorlog-in-oekrane |
02/04/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | No proof that a Ukrainian 'baby Mia' was born in metro station in Kiev | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/geen-bewijs-oekraiense-baby-mia-geboren-in-metro-kiev |
07/04/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Word on sheet of paper to tied Ukrainians means "looter", not "collaborator" | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/opschrift-vastgebonden-oekrainers-betekent-plunderaar-niet-collaborateur |
06/05/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Metal arrows from shells found in Bucha before Russian troop withdrawal | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/flchettes-granaten-boetsja-teruggevonden-voor-terugtrekking-russische-troepen |
09/05/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Yes, there is a Ukrainian 'enemies list' with Viktor Orbán on it | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/er-bestaat-oekraiense-vijandenlijst-met-viktor-orban |
31/05/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Not 33%, but 15% of global wheat production comes from Russia and Ukraine | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/niet-33-maar-15-van-geproduceerde-tarwe-komt-uit-rusland-of-oekrane |
08/08/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | No evidence of 'stem cell murders' of babies in Ukraine. Clues of illegal adoption | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/illegale-adoptie-in-oekraine-geen-babymoorden-stamcelhandel |
20/10/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | No evidence that luxury cars with Ukrainian number plates belong to refugees | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/geen-bewijs-dat-luxewagens-toebehoren-aan-oekraiense-vluchtelingen |
22/12/2022 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Before/after video shows repairs of Ukrainian buildings | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/filmpje-toont-herstellingen-van-oekraiense-infrastructuur |
24/03/2023 | Belgium, Factcheck Vlaanderen | Fake video in which Putin calls European leaders satanic Nazis circulates on Twitter | https://factcheck.vlaanderen/factcheck/fake-filmpje-poetin-satanische-nazis |
07/04/2023 | Italy, Facta news | The advertising banner to recrute poor to join the Ukranian "foreign legion" is unlikely real | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/07/senzatetto-usa-legione-internazionale-difesa-ucraina/ |
11/04/2023 | Italy, Facta news | This is not a church "of the Moscow Patriarchate" burned down in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/11/novopoltavka-chiesa-patriarcato-di-mosca-incendio/ |
12/04/2023 | Italy, Facta news | This video is not a staged deception about the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/12/hollywood-ucraina-guerra/ |
05/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Ukrainians do not receive citizen's allowance without some kind of examination | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/05/nein-ukrainerinnen-und-ukrainer-erhalten-nicht-ohne-irgendeine-pruefung-buergergeld/ |
12/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Polish TV station did not report on actual division plans of Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/12/nein-polnischer-tv-sender-berichtete-nicht-ueber-tatsaechliche-teilungsplaene-der-ukraine/ |
14/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Ukrainian refugees do not receive a 250-euro bonus from the Job Centre | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/14/nein-ukrainische-gefluechtete-erhalten-keinen-250-euro-bonus-vom-jobcenter/ |
01/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Poland helps Ukrainians, not Polish homeless? Fake! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-pomaga-ukraincom-a-polskim-bezdomnym-nie-falsz/ |
01/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Anniversary of the "unification of Crimea" in propaganda materials | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rocznica-zjednoczenia-krymu-w-propagandowych-materialach/ |
01/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | There is no Ukraine and never has been? Fake news! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nie-ma-zadnej-ukrainy-i-nigdy-nie-bylo-fake-news/ |
03/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Anniversary of the "unification of Crimea" in propaganda materials | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rocznica-zjednoczenia-krymu-w-propagandowych-materialach/ |
03/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Are we facing war? Anti-Ukrainian conference in Kielce | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-grozi-nam-wojna-antyukrainska-konferencja-w-kielcach/ |
04/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | A Ukrainian soldier abuses a woman? This video is propaganda | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainski-zolnierz-zneca-sie-nad-kobieta-to-wideo-to-propaganda/ |
11/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Russia is building schools in Donbass? Russia destroyed them first! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-buduje-szkoly-w-donbasie-najpierw-je-zniszczyla/ |
12/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian shop steals products from humanitarian aid? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainski-sklep-kradnie-produkty-z-pomocy-humanitarnej-falsz/ |
14/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | The US started a war in Ukraine, and the EU will ban barbecues? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/usa-wywolalo-wojne-w-ukrainie-a-ue-zakaze-grillowania-falsz/ |
14/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | US holds Ukrainian gold? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/usa-przechowuje-ukrainskie-zloto-falsz/ |
19/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Will giving Ukrainians a PESEL number affect the elections? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nadanie-ukraincom-numeru-pesel-wplynie-na-wybory-falsz/ |
19/04/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Stamp of approval': Twitter's Musk amplifies misinformation | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33DG9P3 |
21/04/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Video edited to show 'white substance' on Zelensky's desk | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33DL2X2 |
17/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show how Ukraine stages war footage | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/17/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-nicht-wie-die-ukraine-kriegsaufnahmen-inszeniert/ |
19/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show an arson attack on a church in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/19/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-keinen-brandanschlag-auf-eine-kirche-in-der-ukraine/ |
06/04/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | From the European Union to the "Ukrainian national guards": the unfounded rumor of a "foreign" presence among the French police | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33CM4CL |
01/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Fake CNN tweet on Zelensky, immigration spreads online | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33E889Z |
02/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware of this video presented as a "staging" of the Ukrainian authorities | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33EA3JT |
02/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Forged poster shared to claim 'homeless people recruited in US to fight in Ukraine' | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33E836H |
02/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Old port fire video falsely shared as 'Israeli attack on Iran's military aid to Russia' | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33E86GT |
20/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Benefits for refugees who invaded Poland? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zasilki-dla-uchodzcow-ktorzy-najechali-polske-falsz/ |
20/04/2023 | Poland, Demagog | NATO provokes Russia and vaccinations cause strokes? False! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nato-prowokuje-rosje-a-szczepienia-powoduja-udary-falsz/ |
24/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Germany is not generally liable for war damage in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/24/nein-deutschland-haftet-nicht-generell-fuer-kriegsschaeden-in-der-ukraine/ |
25/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Ukraine does not advertise its Foreign Legion on the New York underground | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/25/nein-die-ukraine-wirbt-in-der-new-yorker-u-bahn-nicht-fuer-ihre-fremdenlegion/ |
25/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Ukrainian refugees do not receive 688 euros in child benefit per child. | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/25/nein-ukrainische-gefluechtete-erhalten-nicht-688-euro-kindergeld-pro-kind/ |
26/04/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Milan: This video of a billboard with Selenskyj is manipulated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/04/26/mailand-dieses-video-einer-plakatwand-mit-selenskyj-ist-manipuliert/ |
12/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Pro-Russian propaganda articles published by Le Parisien? No, they come from a pirate site | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33EW7Z6 |
17/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | This video does not show a church fire in Ukraine in 2023: it was filmed in 2013 in Russia | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33FA3RC |
17/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Dated photo at Moscow refinery is misrepresented as wartime image | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33FB2HG |
16/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Old video falsely shared as anti-Putin protest in Russia in May 2023 | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33F89GA |
18/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Old video of Russian tank toppling over at military parade resurfaces in Ukraine war posts | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33FC6TQ |
25/05/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Beware of this fake job offer to fight in Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33FY7CT |
08/05/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Was it a Ukrainian who attacked the police with an axe? No, he was Polish | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainiec-zaatakowal-policje-siekiera-to-byl-polak/ |
08/05/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukraine murdered the people of Donbass? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-mordowala-ludnosc-donbasu-i-luganska-falsz/ |
19/05/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Will Ukropol be built? The former presidential adviser did not talk about it | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/powstanie-ukropol-byly-doradca-prezydenta-o-tym-nie-mowil/ |
22/05/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians can withdraw cash without limits at an ATM? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-moga-wyplacac-gotowke-bez-limitu-w-bankomacie-falsz/ |
24/05/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Bioweapons labs - a way to blame the victim | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/laboratoria-broni-biologicznej-sposob-na-obwinienie-ofiary/ |
24/05/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Depopulation using "contraceptive" grain? Fake news | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/depopulacja-przy-uzyciu-antykoncepcyjnego-zboza-fake-news/ |
25/05/2023 | Poland, Demagog | The photo shows a fire at an engine factory in Moscow? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zdjecie-przedstawia-pozar-w-fabryce-silnikow-w-moskwie-falsz/ |
26/05/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Poland is at risk of radiation? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-jest-zagrozona-promieniowaniem-falsz/ |
17/04/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Yes, Italian military vehicles have passed through Udine heading to Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/17/udine-treno-mezzi-militari-ucraina/ |
24/04/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This photo of a "UFO" has nothing to do with the war in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/24/ufo-kiev-ucraina/ |
28/04/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This front page of the German newspaper Handelsblatt about Zelensky is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/28/handelsblatt-prima-pagina-zelensky-grano/ |
28/04/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | The French weekly Courrier international has not published a cover with Zelensky stealing Easter eggs | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/28/courrier-international-cover-zelensky-pasqua/ |
28/04/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This cover of the Turkish satirical magazine LeMan featuring Zelensky and the Pope is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/28/leman-zelensky-papa/ |
28/04/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This cover of The New European featuring Zelensky and the Dalai Lama is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/28/the-new-european-copertina-zelensky-dalai-lama/ |
28/04/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This video was not shot from a Ukrainian drone in Moscow | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/28/drone-ucraino-mosca/ |
28/04/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | The US Department of Defense did not sign a contract to do Covid-19 research in Ukraine before the pandemic | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/04/28/usa-ricerca-covid-ucraina/ |
02/05/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Ukraine did not replace May Day with a "Nazi holiday" | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/05/02/ucraina-primo-maggio-festa-nazista/ |
02/05/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This video does not show «traffic jams after explosions» in Sevastopol | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/05/02/traffico-ponte-crimea/ |
18/05/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | There is no evidence that this video shows Ukrainian soldiers | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/05/18/soldati-ucraini-auto-madre-figli/ |
26/05/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, the UK and the EU do not give citizenship to those who join the Ukrainian army | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/05/26/regno-unito-e-ue-cittadinanza-esercito-ucraina/ |
30/05/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | It is not true that a Rai journalist pretended to be connected from Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/05/30/giornalista-rai-ucraina-brescia/ |
01/06/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | An explosion in Ukraine that would have caused an increase in radioactivity in Europe? It's wrong | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33GM2AC |
02/06/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, this truncated video clip from LCI does not prove that Zelensky embezzled $400 million in aid from Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33GQ4WA |
19/05/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | After drone attack in Sevastopol: Video shows traffic jam on Crimean bridge - but it dates from 2022 | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/05/19/nach-drohnenangriff-in-sewastopol-video-zeigt-stau-auf-der-krim-bruecke-doch-es-stammt-von-2022/ |
25/05/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show Nato soldiers in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/05/25/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-keine-nato-soldaten-in-der-ukraine/ |
30/05/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Tiktok video: No sign of "uranium cloud" over Berlin after explosions in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/05/30/tiktok-video-keine-anzeichen-fuer-uran-wolke-ueber-berlin-nach-explosionen-in-der-ukraine/ |
31/05/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Yes, the Ahr valley receives money for reconstruction from the federal government | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/05/31/doch-das-ahrtal-bekommt-geld-fuer-den-wiederaufbau-von-der-bundesregierung/ |
31/05/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | What lies behind rumours of the alleged death of Ukrainian Commander-in-Chief Salushnyj | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/05/31/was-hinter-geruechten-um-den-angeblichen-tod-des-ukrainischen-oberbefehlshabers-saluschnyj-steckt/ |
05/06/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Video misrepresents US senator's comments on Russia-Ukraine war | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33GU2BT |
06/06/2023 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Ukrainian Twitter profiles share video of violent explosion on dam, but something is wrong | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/ukrainske-twitter-profiler-deler-video-af-voldsom-eksplosion-paa-daemning-men-der-er |
06/06/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No evidence Mexican cartel obtained US weapons destined for Ukraine | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33GZ8H2 |
08/06/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Old video of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine circulates again | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/06/08/nach-explosion-altes-video-vom-kachowka-staudamm-in-der-ukraine-kursiert-erneut/ |
09/06/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show Russia shooting down a Leopard 2 tank | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/06/09/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-nicht-wie-russland-einen-leopard-2-panzer-abschiesst/ |
09/06/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Kachowka dam: No, Scholz is not sitting "grinning" on a boat while people flee the flood in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/06/09/kachowka-staudamm-nein-scholz-sitzt-nicht-grinsend-auf-einem-boot-waehrend-in-der-ukraine-menschen-vor-der-flut-fliehen/ |
12/06/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Pirate media sites: when the pro-Russian narrative "invites itself" into the Western press | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33J829J |
23/06/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | This edited video distorts a US senator's comments on Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33KP2UE |
15/06/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Boy with puppy: Photo was not taken after the dam burst in Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/06/15/junge-mit-welpe-foto-entstand-nicht-nach-dem-dammbruch-in-der-ukraine/ |
21/06/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | This Titanic cover about the Ukrainian counter-offensive is fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/06/21/dieses-titanic-cover-ueber-die-ukrainische-gegenoffensive-ist-gefaelscht/ |
01/06/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukraine responsible for the stan of Mariupol? It's a propaganda movie | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-odpowiedzialna-za-stan-mariupola-to-film-propagandowy/ |
01/06/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Takeover of Polish assets? Theories of "President" Potocki | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/przejecie-majatkow-polakow-teorie-prezydenta-potockiego/ |
12/06/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Polish right wing with a Russian flag? It's a photomontage | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-prawica-z-rosyjska-flaga-to-fotomontaz/ |
12/06/2023 | Poland, Demagog | A student from Ukraine beat a Pole at school? Fake video description | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/uczen-z-ukrainy-pobil-polaka-w-szkole-falszywy-opis-wideo/ |
14/06/2023 | Poland, Demagog | "Invasion" of Ukrainians on Poland? False narrative about refugees | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/najazd-ukraincow-na-polske-falszywa-narracja-o-uchodzcach/ |
22/06/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Appeal of Ukrainians to Morawiecki? This is pro-Russian propaganda | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/apel-ukraincow-do-morawieckiego-to-prorosyjska-propaganda/ |
26/06/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Olena Zelenskaya's Israeli passport? It's a fake | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/izraelski-paszport-oleny-zelenskiej-to-podrobka/ |
27/06/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Concert video predates Russian mercenary uprising | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33L27PQ |
06/06/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, this crowd in Poland didn't protest against "government policies in favor of Ukraine" | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/06/06/polonia-manifestazione-ucraina/ |
08/06/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, this palace does not belong to Zelensky's wife | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/06/08/residenza-proprieta-zelensky-crimea/ |
08/06/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, this video does not show the Nova Kakhovka dam explosion in June 2023 | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/06/08/video-diga-nova-kakhovka/ |
20/06/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | There is no evidence that this weapon in Mexico comes from Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/06/20/arma-messico-ucraina/ |
22/06/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, the German magazine Titanic did not publish this cover against the Ukrainian offensive | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/06/22/rivista-tedesca-titanic-copertina-offensiva-ucraina/ |
26/06/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Al Jazeera video of Ukrainians criticizing Titan passengers is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/06/26/al-jazeera-titan-ucraini/ |
28/06/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | This Handelsblatt cover on the Ukrainian counter-offensive is fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/06/28/dieses-handelsblatt-cover-ueber-die-ukrainische-gegenoffensive-ist-gefaelscht/ |
28/06/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukrainian weapons in Mexico? No, TV report on drug cartel is misrepresented | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/06/28/ukrainische-waffen-in-mexiko-nein-tv-bericht-wird-falsch-wiedergegeben/ |
30/06/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Another fake: This picture of an alleged Selenskyj graffiti does not show The Hague | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/06/30/weitere-faelschung-dieses-bild-eines-angeblichen-selenskyj-graffitis-zeigt-nicht-den-haag/ |
10/07/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Fake translation added to French president’s UN speech about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33NE7UZ |
12/07/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Fake article: Alleged quote from Ethics Council Chair Buyx on cluster bombs is fabricated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/07/12/artikel-ueber-alena-buyx-vom-deutschen-ethikrat-und-streubomben-ist-gefaelscht/ |
14/07/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | This Handelsblatt cover on Selenskyj and Nato is fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/07/14/dieses-handelsblatt-cover-ueber-selenskyj-und-die-nato-ist-gefaelscht/ |
14/07/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show accommodation for refugees in Gdansk paid for by Germany | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/07/14/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-keine-unterkunft-fuer-gefluechtete-in-danzig-die-deutschland-bezahlt/ |
17/07/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, the delivery of weapons to Ukraine does not constitute a "violation of Article 35 of the Constitution" | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33NW26C |
20/07/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Famous football chant misrepresented as Ukrainians celebrating Crimea bridge blast | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33PG4GZ |
17/07/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Bar cross on Ukrainian tanks? This is known about it | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/07/17/balkenkreuz-auf-ukrainischen-panzern-warum-das-von-historischer-unwissenheit-zeugt/ |
27/07/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | 'Zelensky has just usurped power': beware of these allegations about the holding of elections in Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33L36WL |
27/07/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | This video showing fighting at the gates of the Ukrainian capital dates from February 2022 | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33PZ2LZ |
19/07/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Old video of explosion at Ukrainian dam falsely linked to latest blast in June 2023 | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33KP3H9 |
03/07/2023 | Poland, Demagog | NATO provokes Russia and USA caused the war? Conspiracy theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nato-prowokuje-rosje-a-za-wojna-stoi-usa-teorie-spiskowe/ |
11/07/2023 | Poland, Demagog | President Zelensky was booed in Czech Republic? Fake news | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/prezydent-zelenski-wygwizdany-w-czechach-fake-news/ |
11/07/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Grandfather of Andrzej Duda was ukrainian nationalist? Fake news come back | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/dziadek-andrzeja-dudy-ukrainskim-nacjonalista-fake-news-wraca/ |
14/07/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Gosiewska in a T-shirt supporting Bandera? It's a photomontage! | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/gosiewska-w-koszulce-wspierajacej-bandere-to-fotomontaz/ |
18/07/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Russia discovered "factories of babies"? There is no evidences | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosjanie-odkryli-fabryki-niemowlat-nie-ma-na-to-dowodow/ |
18/07/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Poland deports Ukrainians? A repeat of fake news from a year ago | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-deportuje-ukraincow-powtorka-fake-newsa-sprzed-roku/ |
18/07/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Election fraud involving Ukrainians? Conspiration theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/falszowanie-wyborow-z-udzialem-ukraincow-teoria-spiskowa/ |
20/07/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a NATO proxy war? False | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/inwazja-rosji-na-ukraine-jest-wojna-zastepcza-nato-falsz/ |
26/07/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Orthodox priest? Pro-Russian activist staged anti-Ukraine protest in Bulgaria | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/07/26/orthodoxer-priester-pro-russischer-aktivist-inszenierte-anti-ukraine-protest-in-bulgarien/ |
31/07/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Video shows Ukraine prisoner swap, contrary to pro-Russia claims | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33Q92UQ |
01/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Tokyo video doctored to add anti-Zelensky billboard | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33QE3H2 |
01/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Posts falsely claim Ukraine cathedral destruction was staged | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33PY44E |
30/06/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, this video doesn't show Zelensky having fun "while people die" | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/06/30/zelensky-video-ubriaco/ |
04/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, French police are not being attacked with US weapons from Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/04/polizia-francese-armi-statunitensi-ucraina/ |
05/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, the French weekly Courrier International did not publish a cover against the Ukrainian offensive | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/05/courrier-international-offensiva-ucraina-stige/ |
12/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, the satirical magazine El Jueves did not feature Greta Thunberg criticizing the Ukrainian offensive on its cover | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/12/el-jueves-copertina-zelensky-greta-thunberg/ |
18/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This front page of the German newspaper Handelsblatt about Zelensky and NATO is false | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/18/handelsblatt-zelensky-nato/ |
19/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | The German newspaper Handelsblatt did not publish an illustration against the Ukrainian offensive | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/19/handelsblatt-prima-pagina-offensiva-ucraina/ |
20/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, the daughter of the Ukrainian defense minister didn't buy a villa in Cannes | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/20/figlia-ministro-difesa-ucraina-villa-cannes/ |
25/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Actor Elijah Wood did not advise Zelensky to detox | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/25/elijah-wood-droghe-zelensky/ |
28/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, this video does not show a Ukrainian military staging | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/28/messinscena-esercito-ucraina/ |
28/07/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, these are not Ukrainian servicemen surrendering to the Russian army | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/07/28/militari-ucraini-resa-esercito-russo/ |
03/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | No, this video does not show Russian strikes on British boats in Ukraine | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33QK4LY |
03/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | An anti-Zelensky billboard in Japan? It's an editing | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33QF7W9 |
02/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Old photos resurface with false claim that they show British ships 'bombed in Ukraine' | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33QF7MG |
26/07/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Edited video falsely shared with claim Ukraine's Zelensky welcomed 'robot warrior' | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33PX4DL |
09/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | The Ukrainian Minister of Defense bought this villa in Cannes in 2023? It's unfounded | https://factuel.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33QQ4BT |
09/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Photos of French villa falsely tied to Ukrainian defense minister | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33QR2J3 |
10/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Ukraine not recruiting Canadians to fight in war against Russia | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33QU4MP |
11/08/2023 | France, AFP Factuel | Ukraine water sprinklers predate Russian invasion, US wartime assistance | https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.33QV7DN |
03/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Fake media report about weapons from Ukraine landing in France | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/03/gefaelschter-nachrichtenartikel-keine-belege-dass-westliche-waffen-aus-der-ukraine-bei-franzoesischen-demonstrierenden-landeten/ |
04/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | After explosion on Crimean bridge: Video shows a traffic jam in the direction of Kiev, no fleeing people | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/04/nach-explosion-auf-krim-bruecke-video-zeigt-einen-stau-in-richtung-kiew-keine-fliehenden-menschen/ |
04/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Video in Poland shows no preparation for war, but Bundeswehr vehicles for defensive Nato mission | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/04/video-in-polen-zeigt-keine-kriegsvorbereitung-sondern-fahrzeuge-der-bundeswehr-fuer-defensive-nato-mission/ |
07/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, a video does not show anti-Selenskyj billboard in Tokyo | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/07/nein-ein-video-zeigt-keine-anti-selenskyj-werbetafel-in-tokio/ |
09/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Criticism of Ukraine aid: actors in propaganda video are Russian | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/09/kritik-an-ukraine-hilfe-schauspieler-im-propaganda-video-sind-russisch/ |
18/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show an anti-Selenskyj poster in New York City | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/18/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-kein-anti-selenskyj-plakat-in-new-york-city/ |
02/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Agressor in Ukraine is not Russia but USA? Fake news | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/agresorem-w-ukrainie-nie-jest-rosja-tylko-usa-fake-news/ |
03/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | "Charlie Hebdo" mocks the Ukrainian saber on the cover? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/charlie-hebdo-na-okladce-wysmiewa-ukrainska-szablistke-falsz/ |
08/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | The West broken its promises to Russia? Fake news in the movie | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zachod-zlamal-obietnice-zlozone-rosji-fake-newsy-w-filmie/ |
09/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | The war in Ukraine is a conflict between Russia and the United States? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-to-konflikt-rosji-i-stanow-zjednoczonych-falsz/ |
10/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | The liquidation of Poland? False theses of "President Potocki" | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/likwidacja-polski-falszywe-tezy-prezydenta-potockiego/ |
16/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Poles will be drafted into military in 2024? It's a conspiracy theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polacy-zostana-powolani-pod-bron-w-2024-to-teoria-spiskowa/ |
18/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Poles will die in the war for Ukraine, USA and Jews? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polacy-beda-ginac-na-wojnie-za-ukraine-usa-i-zydow-falsz/ |
21/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | "It is not Russia that threatens us" but Jewish Bolsheviks? Conspiration theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/to-nie-rosja-nam-zagraza-a-zydobolszewia-teoria-spiskowa/ |
22/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians lie? The hotel in Zaporizhia is really dilapidated | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-klamia-hotel-w-zaporozu-naprawde-jest-zniszczony/ |
22/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | There is no war because the Ukrainians are having fun? Wrong recording context | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojny-nie-ma-bo-ukraincy-sie-bawia-bledny-kontekst-nagrania/ |
01/08/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This video of a billboard against Zelensky in Tokyo is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/08/01/giappone-video-guerra-ucraina-zelensky/ |
02/08/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | No, the CIA didn't fund the Wagner group with $6.2 billion | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/08/02/cia-finanziamento-wagner/ |
03/08/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | The destruction of the Odessa Cathedral was not staged | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/08/03/cattedrale-odessa-messinscena/ |
04/08/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Ukraine has not asked its citizens allocate in Canada to fight | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/08/04/oleksiy-reznikov-ucraina-canada-30000-uomini/ |
04/08/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This Charlie Hebdo cover about Ukrainian fencer Olga Kharlan is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/08/04/charlie-hebdo-copertina-olga-kharlan/ |
27/07/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The USSR was behind the 1968 invasion, not the Ukrainians | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/za-invazi-roku-1968-stoji-sssr-ne-ukrajinci |
02/08/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Video shows prisoner exchange, not surrender of Ukrainian soldiers | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/video-zachytava-vymenu-vojnovych-zajatcov-nie-kapitulaciu-ukrajinskych-vojakov |
02/08/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The video is promotional footage for the training centre, not footage of the fighting in Ukraine | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/video-predstavuje-propagacne-zabery-vycvikoveho-centra-a-nie-zabery-z-bojov-na-ukrajine |
07/08/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Cannes villa still for sale, Ukrainian defence minister did not buy it for his daughter | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/vila-v-cannes-je-stale-na-prodej-ukrajinsky-ministr-obrany-ji-dceri-nekoupil |
14/08/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The document overturns the history of Soviet aggression | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/prispevek-prevraci-dejiny-sovetske-agrese |
18/08/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The Russians are missing. The post confuses the names of the Politburo members who approved the August invasion | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/chybi-rusove-prispevek-plete-jmena-clenu-politbyra-ktere-schvalilo-srpnovou-invazi |
28/08/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Resettlement action proven thanks to the "map of war"? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/akcja-przesiedlencza-udowodniona-dzieki-mapie-wojny-falsz/ |
23/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Fake NRZ article about alleged partition plans: network of Twitter bots makes mood against Ukraine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/23/gefaelschter-nrz-artikel-ueber-angebliche-teilungsplaene-netzwerk-von-twitter-bots-macht-stimmung-gegen-die-ukraine/ |
24/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Alleged bioweapons labs in Ukraine: pro-Kremlin network spreads fake Welt article | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/24/angebliche-biowaffenlabore-in-der-ukraine-pro-kreml-netzwerk-verbreitet-gefaelschten-welt-artikel/ |
24/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Alleged Spiegel article about economic downfall of Germany and the EU is a fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/24/angeblicher-spiegel-artikel-ueber-wirtschaftlichen-untergang-von-deutschland-und-der-eu-ist-ein-fake/ |
24/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show the crash of the jet of Wagner CEO Yevgeny Prigozhin | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/24/jewgeni-prigoschin-wagner-chef-dieses-video-zeigt-nicht-den-absturz-seines-jets/ |
25/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | In this video, ships do not explode in the port of Odessa, but a warehouse in Beirut, Lebanon | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/25/video-aus-odessa-ukraine-zeigt-keine-explodierenden-schiffe-im-hafen-sondern-ein-lagerhaus-in-beirut-im-libanon/ |
29/08/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, this video does not show Ukrainians beating up Polish men | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/08/29/nein-dieses-video-zeigt-nicht-wie-ukrainer-polnische-maenner-verpruegeln/ |
08/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Dead Wagner figures as saints? Manipulated images of Prigozhin and Utkin are believed to be genuine | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/08/tote-wagner-figuren-als-heilige-manipulierte-bilder-von-prigoschin-und-utkin-werden-fuer-echt-gehalten/ |
11/09/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Unsubstantiated report about Zelensky's mother-in-law's Egyptian villa | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/hlavny-dennik-siri-nepodlozenu-spravu-o-egyptskej-vile-zelenskeho-svokry |
25/08/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The anatomy of a hoax: The Ukrainian footprint in the August invasion | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/anatomie-hoaxu-ukrajinska-stopa-v-srpnove-invazi |
13/09/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The picture shows a Russian celebration. It is not a human swastika formed by Ukrainians. | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/podvrh-vydava-ruskou-oslavu-55-vyroci-gagarinova-letu-za-svastiku-zformovanou-ukrajinci |
21/08/2023 | Spain, EFE Verifica | It is false that an OSCE observer has reported a child organ trafficking network in Ukraine. | https://verifica.efe.com/trafico-organos-ucrania-exobservadora-osce/ |
31/08/2023 | Spain, EFE Verifica | This video does not show a Russian helicopter pursuing Prigozhin's plane. | https://verifica.efe.com/avion-prigozhin-wagner-guatemala/ |
18/08/2023 | Spain, EFE Verifica | The video of a plane on fire is not related to the death of the Wagner Group leader. | https://verifica.efe.com/avion-prigozhin-grupo-wagner-llamas/ |
18/09/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Boris Johnson's raised right hand is a photomontage | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/zdvizena-pravice-borise-johnsona-je-fotomontaz |
13/09/2023 | Poland, Demagog | War in Ukraine was started by US and CIA? Compilation of conspiracy theories | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojne-w-ukrainie-wywolalo-usa-i-cia-zbior-teorii-spiskowych/ |
13/09/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Concert in Odessa it's a proof that there is no war in Ukraine? False | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/koncert-w-odessie-to-dowod-ze-wojny-w-ukrainie-nie-ma-falsz/ |
14/09/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Volodymyr Zelensky is genocider? Antiukraine disinformation | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wolodymyr-zelenski-to-ludobojca-antyukrainska-dezinformacja/ |
20/09/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Attack for Fakro factory in Lviv? Photo don't show this situation | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/atak-na-fabryke-fakro-we-lwowie-zdjecie-go-nie-przedstawia/ |
20/09/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Should Poland transfer resources to Ukraine? The contract does not indicate this | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-ma-przekazac-zasoby-ukrainie-umowa-tego-nie-wskazuje/ |
04/09/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Non ci sono prove che una compagnia telefonica ucraina abbia rivelato la morte di 400mila soldati | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/09/04/kyivstar-soldati-morti-ucraina/ |
04/09/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Il video di formiche che in Ucraina trasportano un’immagine di Cristo è falso | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/09/04/ucraina-formiche-immagine-cristo/ |
12/09/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Questa foto di Boris Johnson che fa il saluto nazista è falsa | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/09/12/boris-johnson-saluto-nazista/ |
26/09/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | La foto dell’ex ministro della Difesa ucraina su uno yacht non è stata scattata dopo le sue dimissioni | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/09/26/reznikov-ministro-difesa-ucraina-yacht-dimissioni/ |
27/09/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Il video dello schermo pubblicitario a New York con la scritta «Glory to Urine» è falso | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/09/27/glory-to-urine-zelensky-new-york/ |
29/09/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | USA Today non ha parlato di una rissa tra ubriachi che ha coinvolto la delegazione ucraina a New York | https://facta.news/notizia-falsa/2023/09/29/usa-today-rissa-bar-delegazione-ucraina-new-york/ |
12/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Pro-Kremlin network spreads fake and propagandistic Spiegel article on BRICS countries | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/12/pro-kreml-netzwerk-verbreitet-gefaelschten-und-propagandistischen-spiegel-artikel-ueber-brics-staaten/ |
13/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | The false grandfathers of Scholz, Lindner, Lauterbach and Tusk | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/13/scholz-lindner-lauterbach-und-tusk-die-falschen-grossvaeter-und-jewgeni-prigoschin-trollfabrik/ |
19/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Selenskyj as a cannibal? Article by Deutsche Welle and FAZ about alleged graffiti in Berlin faked | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/19/selenskyj-als-kannibale-artikel-von-deutscher-welle-und-faz-ueber-angebliches-graffiti-in-berlin-gefaelscht/ |
20/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | After Blinken's visit to Ukraine: Pro-Kremlin network warns of banking crisis with manipulated Welt article | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/20/anthony-blinken-nach-besuch-in-der-ukraine-pro-kreml-netzwerk-warnt-mit-manipuliertem-welt-artikel-vor-bankenkrise-usa/ |
22/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Alleged Spiegel article on Russia sanctions is a fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/22/angeblicher-spiegel-artikel-ueber-russland-sanktionen-ist-eine-faelschung/ |
25/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | New York: This video with "Glory to Urine" greeting for Selenskyj is manipulated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/25/new-york-dieses-video-mit-glory-to-urine-begruessung-fuer-selenskyj-ist-manipuliert/ |
26/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Anti-Ukrainian commercial by Burgermeister is a fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/26/anti-ukrainischer-werbespot-von-burgermeister-ist-eine-faelschung/ |
28/09/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Tanks with Bundeswehr crews destroyed in Ukraine? There is no evidence for this | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/09/28/panzer-mit-bundeswehr-besatzung-in-der-ukraine-zerstoert-dafuer-gibt-es-keine-belege/ |
05/10/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Post falsely accuses Víto Rakušan of having conflicting interests | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/prispevek-krive-obvinuje-vita-rakusana-ze-stretu-zajmu |
10/10/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Fake incident: Selenskyj's bodyguard did not instigate a brawl in a New York bar | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/10/10/erfundener-vorfall-selenskyjs-bodyguard-hat-keine-schlaegerei-in-einer-new-yorker-bar-angezettelt/ |
13/10/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, German motor vehicle insurance of the accident victim does not pay the damages of the Ukrainian accident perpetrator | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/10/13/nein-deutsche-kfz-versicherungen-zahlen-nicht-die-schaeden-am-auto-eines-ukrainischen-unfallverursachers/ |
17/10/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Zelensky's wife did not spend more than a million dollars on jewelry in New York | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/olena-zelenska-bola-v-kanade-jej-milionovy-nakup-v-newyorskom-zlatnictve-je-vymysleny |
03/10/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | It is not true that Sweden has confirmed the destruction of all the tanks donated to Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/10/03/svezia-carri-armati-ucraina/ |
10/10/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Is the war in Israel a plan to realize Heavenly Jerusalem? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-izraelu-to-plan-realizacji-niebianskiej-jerozolimy-falsz/ |
11/10/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukraine sells weapons to Hamas? There is no evidence for this | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-sprzedaje-bron-hamasowi-nie-ma-na-to-dowodow/ |
20/10/2023 | Poland, Demagog | The EU is taking over Ukrainian grain for the poorest? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ue-przejmuje-ukrainskie-zboze-dla-najbiedniejszych-falsz/ |
24/11/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Videos of Ukrainian commander calling for revolt are Russian deepfakes | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/ukrajinsky-velitel-opakovane-zneuzit-v-ruskych-deepfake-videich |
25/10/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | A stamp was not issued in Ukraine to honor a veteran who fought with the SS | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/10/25/yaroslav-hunka-francobollo-ucraina/ |
30/10/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This is not a protest against Canada's aid to Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/10/30/protesta-canada-aiuti-ucraina/ |
31/10/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | The October cover of the satirical magazine Titanic is not about aid to Israel and Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/10/31/titanic-copertina-israele-ucraina/ |
17/11/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This video of an advertising screen in New York about Israel and Ukraine is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/11/17/schermo-pubblicitario-new-york-israele-ucraina/ |
29/11/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | The Washington Post did not publish an article about Hamas receiving weapons from Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/11/29/washington-post-hamas-armi-ucraina/ |
02/11/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Zelensky said that Ukraine will be "great Israel"? No context | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-mowil-ze-ukraina-to-bedzie-wielki-izrael-brak-kontekstu/ |
16/11/2023 | Poland, Demagog | UPA's songs sung on the Polish Independence Day? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/piesni-upa-spiewane-na-polskim-swiecie-niepodleglosci-falsz/ |
20/11/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Olena Zelenskaya involved in human trafficking? Conspiration theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/olena-zelenska-zamieszana-w-handel-ludzmi-teoria-spiskowa |
23/11/2023 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian attack on a Polish truck? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainski-atak-na-polska-ciezarowke-falsz/ |
30/11/2023 | Poland, Demagog | A Ukrainian threatened passers-by in Wrocław with a gun? We explain | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainiec-grozil-bronia-przechodniom-we-wroclawiu-wyjasniamy/ |
22/11/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | New York: Ad showing Israel ousting Ukraine is fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/11/22/new-york-anzeige-auf-der-israel-die-ukraine-verdraengt-ist-gefaelscht/ |
28/11/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Austrian military vehicles not travelling to Israel or Ukraine - but to Hesse | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/11/28/oesterreichische-militaerfahrzeuge-weder-nach-israel-noch-in-die-ukraine-unterwegs-sondern-nach-hessen/ |
29/11/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Manipulated video: No raunchy Selenskyj tattoo stung in Netflix show | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/11/29/manipuliertes-video-kein-schluepfriges-selenskyj-tattoo-in-netflix-show-gestochen/ |
07/12/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | False journalist spreads forged Ukrainian documents about an alleged deal with Soros to store toxic waste | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/falesny-novinar-siri-zfalsovane-ukrajinske-dokumenty-o-dohode-se-sorosem |
13/12/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Volodymyr Selensky did not buy luxury yachts for 75 million US dollars | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/12/13/nein-wolodymyr-selensky-kaufte-keine-luxusyachten-fuer-75-millionen-us-dollar/ |
14/12/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Elijah Wood doesn't talk about Selenskyj's alleged drug addiction in this video | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/12/14/nein-elijah-wood-spricht-in-diesem-video-nicht-ueber-selenskyjs-vermeintliche-drogensucht/ |
15/12/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Olena Selenska did not shop at Cartier in New York during Selenskyj's visit to Canada | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/12/15/olena-selenska-kaufte-waehrend-selenskyj-besuch-in-kanada-nicht-bei-cartier-in-new-york-ein/ |
16/12/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The alleged phone call between Zelensky and his wife is a deepfake | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/dumyslny-deepfake-telefonat-manzelu-zelenskych |
20/12/2023 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Thousands of fake Tik Tok accounts used for Russian propaganda | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/tusindvis-af-falske-tik-tok-konti-brugt-til-russisk-propaganda |
12/12/2023 | Poland, Demagog | A Pole waits for the medical treatment for 2 years, and a Ukrainian doesn't need to wait? It's not true | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polak-czeka-na-zabieg-2-lata-a-ukrainiec-ma-od-reki-to-falsz/ |
21/12/2023 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The purported document that would be proof of Zelensky's US citizenship is false | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/zelenskyj-zustava-ukrajincem-osvedceni-o-americkem-obcanstvi-je-podvrh |
18/12/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukraine: Video in which General Salushnyj says he wants to stop President Selenskyj is AI-generated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2023/12/18/ukraine-video-in-dem-general-saluschnyj-sagt-er-wolle-praesident-selenskyj-aufhalten-ist-ki-generiert/ |
05/01/2023 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Volodymyr Selensky is not dancing in this video | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/01/05/nein-in-diesem-video-tanzt-nicht-wolodymyr-selenskyj/ |
04/12/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This video does not show US soldiers in action in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/12/04/video-soldati-usa-in-azione-in-ucraina/ |
05/12/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Netflix did not broadcast an offensive tattoo against Zelensky | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/12/05/netflix-tatuaggio-zelensky/ |
11/12/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | MSNBC did not report the (false) news of Danny Trejo refusing a visit to Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/12/11/msnbc-danny-trejo-ucraina-tangente/ |
15/12/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | Zelensky did not buy two yachts with the aid he received after the Russian invasion | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/12/15/zelensky-yacht-75-milioni-dollari/ |
19/12/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | The fake video of Ukrainian General Zaluzhny launching a coup | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/12/19/video-generale-zaluzhny-colpo-di-stato/ |
20/12/2023 | Italy, Facta.news | This US naturalization certificate of Zelensky is fake | https://facta.news/antibufale/2023/12/20/zelensky-certificato-di-naturalizzazione-stati-uniti/ |
10/01/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | This video does not show Zelensky dancing "when he was a comedian" | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/01/10/zelensky-ballo-comico/ |
12/01/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | Zelensky did not buy Goebbels' villa | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/01/12/zelensky-villa-goebbels/ |
05/01/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukraine blocked border with Poland? We explain | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraina-zablokowala-granice-z-polska-wyjasniamy/ |
10/01/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Gdansk transferred a million zlotys for Szuchewycz Museum? False | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/gdansk-przekazal-milion-zlotych-na-muzeum-szuchewycza-falsz/ |
15/01/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Polish mercenary saved by Russians? It's a propaganda movie | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polski-najemnik-uratowany-przez-rosjan-to-propagandowy-film/ |
23/01/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Poland sends troops to fight in Ukraine? Fake informations | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-wysyla-zolnierzy-do-walki-w-ukrainie-falszywe-informacje/ |
29/01/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Transferring helicopter to Ukraine weaken health service? False | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/przekazanie-helikoptera-ukrainie-oslabia-ochrone-zdrowia-falsz/ |
19/01/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | The head of the Pentagon was not killed in Ukraine | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/01/19/lloyd-austin-pentagono-ucciso-ucraina/ |
31/01/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | The satirical magazine Titanic did not publish a cover about Ukraine and Christmas | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/01/31/titanic-non-ha-pubblicato-copertina-ucraina/ |
05/02/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Ukrainian prime minister did not say he would exclude Slovakia and Hungary from NATO | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/ukrajinsky-premier-ocenil-pomoc-slovenska-jeho-vylucenie-z-nato-nepozadoval |
09/02/2024 | Germany, Correctiv | No, Poland did not close its border with Ukraine shortly after Christmas | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/02/09/nein-polen-hat-die-grenze-zur-ukraine-nicht-kurz-nach-weihnachten-geschlossen/ |
15/02/2024 | Germany, Correctiv | Pro-Russian disinformation campaign: quote from Meryem Uzerli is fabricated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/02/15/pro-russische-desinformations-kampagne-zitat-von-meryem-uzerli-ist-erfunden/ |
15/02/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | No, it is not true that the Crimea has never been a part of Ukraine from a legal point of view | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/jak-je-to-s-krymem-ve-skutecnosti |
15/02/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Donald Trump did not speak about the denazification of Ukraine | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/ani-donald-trump-nemluvi-o-denacifikaci-ukrajiny |
19/02/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | A war is still ongoing in Kiev, even as residents try to live normal lives. | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/v-kyjeve-stale-prebieha-vojna-napriek-tomu-ze-sa-obyvatelia-snazia-zit-normalny-zivot |
04/10/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | 2021 video from Russia shared as recent explosion in Azerbaijan | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-2021-video-from-russia-shared-as-recent-explosion-in-azerbaijan |
06/10/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Mass surrender of Ukrainian soldiers is unlikely to be true | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-mass-surrender-of-ukrainian-soldiers-is-unlikely-to-be-true |
09/11/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Footage of explosion near Ukrainian drone operator falsely linked to Israel-Hamas conflict | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-footage-of-explosion-near-ukrainian-drone-operator-falsely-linked-to-israel-hamas-conflict |
09/11/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Fake Washington Post screenshot shared to claim Ukraine supplying weapons to Hamas | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/fake-doctored-screenshot-of-washington-post-article-shared-to-claim-ukraine-supplying-weapons-to-hamas |
17/11/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | New York billboard displaying ‘Stand with Israel’ replacing pro-Ukraine messaging is digitally altered | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/fake-new-york-billboard-displaying-stand-with-israel-replacing-pro-ukraine-messaging-is-digitally-altered |
01/12/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | No, Ukraine President Zelenskyy did not buy two mega-yachts worth $75 million | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-no-ukraine-president-zelenskyy-did-not-buy-two-mega-yachts-worth-75-million |
04/12/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Miscaptioned video shared to falsely claim Putin announced Russian support for Palestine | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-miscaptioned-video-used-to-falsely-claim-putin-announced-russian-support-for-palestine |
07/12/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Old, unrelated video falsely linked to recent train explosion in Russian tunnel | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-old-unrelated-video-falsely-linked-to-recent-train-explosion-in-russian-tunnel |
13/12/2023 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | No, BBC didn't report that Ukraine politician David Arakhamia supplied weapons to Hamas | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/fake-no-bbc-didn-t-report-that-ukraine-politician-david-arakhamia-supplied-weapons-to-hamas |
05/01/2024 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Russia did not invade Ukraine to stop a NATO genocide in eastern regions | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-russia-did-not-invade-ukraine-to-stop-a-nato-genocide-in-eastern-regions |
09/01/2024 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Videos showing Zelenskyy dancing Eastern dances are fake | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/fake-videos-showing-zelenskyy-dancing-eastern-dances-are-fake |
02/02/2024 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | No, Polish farmers did not shout 'you sold us out for Ukraine' during protest | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/misleading-no-polish-farmers-did-not-shout-you-sold-us-out-for-ukraine-during-protest |
13/02/2024 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Tucker Carlson was not added to Ukrainian government ‘kill list’ over Putin interview | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-tucker-carlson-was-not-added-to-ukrainian-government-kill-list-over-putin-interview |
13/02/2024 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | No, President Putin did not call WEF founder Klaus Schwab a ‘globalist terrorist’ | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-no-president-putin-did-not-call-wef-founder-klaus-schwab-a-globalist-terrorist |
15/02/2024 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | Video does not show French farmers spraying Ukraine embassy with manure | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-video-does-not-show-french-farmers-spraying-ukraine-embassy-with-manure |
22/02/2024 | United Kingdom, Logically Facts | List linking media personalities to pro-Russian disinformation published by VoxUkraine, not by Zelenskyy | https://www.logicallyfacts.com/en/fact-check/false-list-linking-media-personalities-to-pro-russian-disinformation-published-by-voxukraine-not-by-zelenskyy |
07/02/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Information about Andrzej Duda's Ukrainian family roots – we explain | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/informacja-o-ukrainskich-korzeniach-andrzeja-dudy-wyjasniamy/ |
12/02/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Putin and Carlson – we verify lies about Poland | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/putin-i-carlson-falszywie-informacje-o-polsce-w-trakcie-wywiadu/ |
15/02/2024 | Poland, Demagog | The truth about the "military operation"? This is false information about Ukraine | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/prawda-o-operacji-militarnej-to-falszywe-informacje-o-ukrainie/ |
19/02/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Is Poland under "kosher partition"? False information | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-jest-pod-koszernym-zaborem-falszywe-informacje/ |
19/02/2024 | Poland, Demagog | A refugee from Ukraine defecates in Biedronka? It's a movie from Russia | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/uchodzczyni-z-ukrainy-wyproznia-sie-w-biedronce-to-film-z-rosji/ |
20/02/2024 | Poland, Demagog | The French threw manure at the Ukrainian embassy? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/francuzi-obrzucili-ambasade-ukrainy-obornikiem-falsz/ |
26/02/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian grain kills birds and will it also kill Poles? We explain | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainskie-zboze-zabija-ptaki-i-zabije-tez-polakow-wyjasniamy/ |
14/02/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | Euronews did not publish the false news of the French farmers' protest against the Ukrainian embassy | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/02/14/euronews-agricoltori-ambasciata-ucraina/ |
15/02/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | France 24 did not spread the unfounded news of an attack against Macron organized by Zelensky | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/02/15/france24-emmanuel-macron-volodymyr-zelensky-attentato/ |
21/02/2024 | Germany, Correctiv | 500 euros for people from Ukraine? Alleged bonus is fictitious | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/02/21/500-euro-fuer-menschen-aus-der-ukraine-angeblicher-bonus-ist-frei-erfunden/ |
28/02/2024 | Germany, Correctiv | Alexei Navalny shows Hitler salute? No, this photo is manipulated | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/02/28/alexej-nawalny-zeigt-hitlergruss-nein-dieses-foto-ist-manipuliert/ |
01/03/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Video does not show the killing of disarmed Russians by Ukrainian soldiers | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/video-s-nemilosrdnymi-ukrajinskymi-vojaky-je-zinscenovane |
01/03/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The scene does not show fighting in Ukraine, it is taken from a TV series | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/sehrana-scena-o-bojich-na-ukrajine-je-soucasti-noveho-televizniho-serialu |
01/03/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Video does not show Ukrainian citizens celebrating the arrival of Russian soldiers | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/tak-to-vypada-kdyz-okupanti-vyrazi-na-frontu |
07/03/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The killer of Klánovice is not a Ukrainian soldier | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/pribuzna-obeti-z-klanovic-nebyla-ukrajinka-prispevek-vypravi-smysleny-pribeh |
12/03/2024 | Germany, Correctiv | Manipulated: This photo of Yulia Navalnaya in the arms of a man is fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/03/12/manipuliert-dieses-foto-von-julija-nawalnaja-in-den-armen-von-einem-mann-ist-gefaelscht/ |
15/03/2024 | Germany, Correctiv | Macron sends green frog army for Ukraine: This Titanic cover is a fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/03/15/macron-schickt-gruene-frosch-armee-fuer-die-ukraine-dieses-titanic-cover-ist-eine-faelschung/ |
22/03/2024 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Mette Frederiksen used the wrong figure for Russia's defense spending | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/mette-frederiksen-brugte-forkert-tal-om-ruslands-forsvarsudgifter |
01/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians will voting in Poland? We explain | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-beda-glosowac-w-polsce-wyjasniamy/ |
07/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Poland has "territory interest" in Ukraine? False content | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-ma-interesy-terytorialne-w-ukrainie-falszywe-tresci/ |
12/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Różal about war, vaccines and climate - wrong informations | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rozal-o-wojnie-szczepieniach-i-klimacie-bledne-informacje/ |
12/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian police formed in Poland? It's not possible | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-polsce-powstala-ukrainska-policja-nie-ma-takiej-mozliwosci/ |
14/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | West attack by sanctions? Speech to Putin contain false information | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zachod-atakuje-sankcjami-apel-do-putina-zawiera-falszywe-tresci/ |
15/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Candidate to City Council Częstochowa is Ukrainian? False | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/kandydatka-do-rady-miasta-czestochowa-jest-ukrainka-falsz/ |
15/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Most students of police schools are Ukrainians? False | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wiekszosc-studentow-szkol-policyjnych-to-ukraincy-falsz/ |
21/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Poland goes to war? This plan not exist | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/polska-idzie-na-wojne-nie-ma-takich-planow/ |
22/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Peace and quiet in Ukraine? Old fake news from 2022 is back | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-ukrainie-cisza-i-spokoj-wraca-stary-fake-news-z-2022-roku/ |
05/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Putin, humanitarian aid and grain – anti-Ukrainian disinformation | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/putin-pomoc-humanitarna-i-zboze-antyukrainska-dezinformacja/ |
21/03/2024 | Germany, Correctiv | Ukraine: BBC video about severance pay for former army chief Salushnyj is fake | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/03/21/ukraine-bbc-video-ueber-abfindung-fuer-ehemaligen-armeechef-saluschnyj-ist-gefaelscht/ |
21/03/2024 | Germany, Correctiv | Picture shows fire behind Putin poster - but it was created with AI and Photoshop | https://correctiv.org/faktencheck/2024/03/21/bild-zeigt-brand-hinter-putin-plakat-doch-es-wurde-mit-ki-und-photoshop-erstellt/ |
21/03/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Ukraine's independence was recognized by the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/nezavislost-ukrajiny-uznala-ruska-federace-po-rozpadu-sssr-smlouva-z-roku-1686-uz-neplati |
13/03/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | International Court of Justice decision on Russia is being distorted | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/prekrouceny-popis-rozsudku-mezinarodniho-soudniho-dvora |
27/03/2024 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Russian state TV broadcasts doctored video of Ukrainian leader | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/russisk-stats-tv-bringer-manipuleret-video-af-ukrainsk-topchef |
25/03/2024 | Poland, Demagog | War in Ukraine "planned" by Jews? It's conspiracy theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojna-w-ukrainie-ustawiona-przez-zydow-teorie-spiskowe/ |
02/04/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Petr Pavel didn't allow Czech soldiers to fight in Ukraine | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/petr-pavel-povolil-bojovat-na-ukrajine-jen-dvacitce-dobrovolniku-vojaky-armady-cr-do-boju-nevyslal |
04/04/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Will there be parking lots for Ukrainians only in Wrocław? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/we-wroclawiu-powstana-parkingi-tylko-dla-ukraincow-falsz/ |
01/04/2024 | Poland, Demagog | The government wants to get rid of educated people? False theories | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rzadzacy-chca-pozbyc-sie-wyksztalconych-ludzi-falszywe-teorie/ |
11/04/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Zelensky did not buy a residence of the English royal family | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/rezidence-zustava-britske-kralovske-rodine-zprava-o-prodeji-zelenskemu-je-produkt-dezinformacniho-webu |
04/04/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The self-proclaimed republics of Donbass are officially recognized by only three U.N. states | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/rusko-syrie-kldr-samozvane-republiky-na-donbase-oficialne-uznaly-jen-tri-staty-osn |
09/04/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Israelis resettled to Poland or Ukraine? It's a conspiracy theory | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/izraelczycy-przesiedleni-do-polski-lub-ukrainy-to-teoria-spiskowa/ |
17/04/2024 | Poland, Demagog | False information about vaccinations and agriculture in Różal's movie | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/falszywe-informacje-o-szczepieniach-i-rolnictwie-w-filmie-rozala/ |
18/04/2024 | Poland, Demagog | A quiet day in Lviv? This is not proof that there is no war | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/spokojny-dzien-we-lwowie-to-nie-dowod-ze-wojny-nie-ma/ |
18/04/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Czech-Ukrainian agreement at the preparation stage, speculations about its content contradict official statements and the Constitution | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/ceskoukrajinska-dohoda-je-ve-fazi-priprav-spekulace-o-jejim-obsahu-odporuji-oficialnim-vyjadrenim-i-ustave-dec3e337-63e5-4854-b38c-ab7b8dddb756 |
24/04/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Trump defends Putin, but his words about Russia being an invincible Russia are made up | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/trump-obhajuje-putina-jeho-slova-o-neporazitelnem-rusku-jsou-ale-smyslena |
30/04/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | It is not true that the Czech Republic buys banned white phosphorus ammunition from Greece and then delivers it to Ukraine | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/radek-koten-o-udajne-zakazane-munici-z-recka |
04/05/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | A false quote of a filmmaker accusing the West of causing the war in Ukraine has resurfaced on social media | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/falesny-citat-rezisera-stracha-se-opet-siri-po-socialnich-sitich |
07/05/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Inspections of Ukrainians of military age? The ministry denies this | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/kontrole-ukraincow-w-wieku-poborowym-ministerstwo-zaprzecza/ |
09/05/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Elon Musk's video is dubbed | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/lzivy-rusky-dabing-prekryva-puvodni-slova-elona-muska |
09/05/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Bodies in black bags are dummies, not Polish soldiers killed in Ukraine | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/tela-v-cernych-pytlich-jsou-atrapy-zabery-pochazi-z-protivalecne-demontrace |
13/05/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | France did not send troops to Ukraine | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/francouzsti-vojaci-zustavaji-v-zamori-zpravy-o-jejich-presunu-na-ukrajinu-siri-ruska-propaganda |
13/05/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Tomasz Szmydt about relations between Poland, Belarus and Russia. What is it really like? | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/tomasz-szmydt-o-relacjach-polski-bialorusi-i-rosji-jak-jest-naprawde/ |
14/05/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | According to the Ukrainian constitution, Zelensky remains president until the next election | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/podle-ukrajinske-ustavy-zelenskyj-zustava-prezidentem-az-do-dalsich-voleb |
21/05/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Fico assassination attempt: Russian propaganda spreads fake news on Ukrainian track | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/atentat-na-fica-ruska-propaganda-siri-smyslene-zpravy-o-ukrajinske-stope |
20/05/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Is the wife of the Slovak attacker a Ukrainian activist? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zona-zamachowca-ze-slowacji-to-ukrainska-aktywistka-falsz/ |
06/05/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | These Ukrainian women were not rewarded for having their husbands recruited | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/05/06/ucraina-donne-mariti-reclutamento-militare/ |
14/05/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | The White House spokeswoman did not mention Nazi demonstrations in Ukrain | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/05/14/karine-jean-pierre-casa-bianca-ucraina-nazismo-hitler-stalin/ |
28/05/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | The German newspaper Handelsblatt did not mock the new Ukrainian mobilization law | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/05/28/handelsblatt-legge-mobilitazione-ucraina/ |
28/05/2024 | Poland, Demagog | There is no war because Ukraine trades and performs at Eurovision? It's false | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/wojny-nie-ma-bo-ukraina-handluje-i-wystepuje-na-eurowizji-falsz/ |
17/06/2024 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Has Zelenskyj bought a fashionable hotel-casino in Cyprus? | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/har-zelenskyj-koebt-et-mondaent-hotelkasino-i-cypern |
03/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Free volleyball match for Ukrainian fans? It's not true | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/mecz-siatkowki-za-darmo-dla-ukrainskich-kibicow-to-nieprawda/ |
04/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Will we be mobilized into army in July? False PAP's cablegram | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-lipcu-czeka-nas-mobilizacja-falszywa-depesza-pap/ |
07/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Zelensky bought a casino? False information about the president of Ukraine | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-kupil-kasyno-falszywe-informacje-o-prezydencie-ukrainy/ |
03/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | False PAP message about mobilization - we are analyzing the Russian trace | https://demagog.org.pl/analizy_i_raporty/falszywa-depesza-pap-o-mobilizacji-analizujemy-rosyjski-slad/ |
03/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Andrzej Duda sends troops to Ukraine? That's not true | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/andrzej-duda-wysyla-wojska-do-ukrainy-to-nie-jest-prawda/ |
12/06/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | All victims of the train crash, not just Ukrainian women, receive media coverage | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/media-informuji-o-vsech-obetech-vlakove-nehody-nejen-o-ukrajinkach |
14/06/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Zelenksy did not purchase a casino in Cyprus | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/kasino-na-kypru-zustava-puvodnim-vlastnikum-informace-o-prodeji-zelenskemu-pochazi-z-falesneho-webu |
14/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian women receive higher benefits than Polish mothers? We're checking it out | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainki-dostaja-wyzsze-zasilki-niz-polskie-matki-sprawdzamy-to/ |
21/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Zelensky allowed organ transplants without the donor's consent? Falsehood | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-zezwolil-na-przeszczepy-organow-bez-zgody-dawcy-falsz/ |
25/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Duda proposed dividing Russia into 200 states? This is a misquote | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/duda-zaproponowal-podzial-rosji-na-200-panstw-to-bledny-cytat/ |
25/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Does Ukraine belong to Russia? Beware of pro-Russian disinformation | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-ukraina-nalezy-sie-rosji-uwaga-na-prorosyjska-dezinformacje/ |
28/06/2024 | Poland, Demagog | A Ukrainian attacked with a knife in Krakow? The police deny it | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainiec-zaatakowal-nozem-w-krakowie-policja-dementuje/ |
07/03/2024 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Has Zelenskyj's wife bought a new Bugatti sports car for 30 million kroner? | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/har-zelenskyjs-kone-koebt-en-ny-bugatti-sportsvogn-til-30-millioner-kroner |
02/07/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Zelensky's wife bought a Bugatti? It's a russian fake with AI use | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zona-zelenskiego-kupila-bugatti-rosyjski-fejk-z-uzyciem-ai/ |
03/07/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Russia attacked NATO base in Ukraine? It's a fake information | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-zaatakowala-centrum-nato-w-ukrainie-to-falszywa-informacja/ |
04/07/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Does migrant in Warsaw destroyed a tram? It's an old video from France | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/migrant-w-warszawie-zniszczyl-tramwaj-to-stare-wideo-z-francji/ |
25/06/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | These are not underage girls recruited into the Ukrainian army | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/06/25/ragazze-reclute-esercito-ucraino/ |
28/06/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | The Solferino publishing house has not published a book linking Volodymyr Zelensky to heroin | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/06/28/solferino-libro-zelensky-eroina/ |
02/07/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | This video does not show the Russian attack on the Ukrainian military base in Yavoriv in 2022 | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/07/02/yavoriv-2022-attack/ |
03/07/2024 | Italy, Facta.news | Olena Zelenska did not buy an expensive Bugatti supercar | https://facta.news/antibufale/2024/07/03/olena-zelenska-bugatti/ |
09/07/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians - perpetrators of the crime in Bucha? Filip Siman did not confirm this | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-sprawcami-zbrodni-w-buczy-filip-siman-tego-nie-potwierdzil/ |
11/07/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Russian attack to children hospital in Kyiv - examples of disinformation | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosyjski-atak-na-szpital-dzieciecy-w-kijowie-przyklady-dezinformacji/ |
18/07/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian restaurant "Pan Kotowski" is a victim of fake news | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainska-restauracja-pan-kotowski-padla-ofiara-fake-newsa/ |
09/08/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | No, the ICJ did not say that the Russian invasion of Ukraine was legitimate | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/spatna-interpretace-rozsudku-mezinarodniho-soudniho-dvora-osn |
10/08/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | The downed F-16 is actually a Russian drone | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/sestrelena-f-16-je-ve-skutecnosti-rusky-dron |
12/08/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Zelensky did not buy a sixteenth-century estate from the American singer Sting | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/smyslena-zprava-o-zelenskeho-majetku-zapada-do-scenare-ruske-propagandy |
13/08/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Zelensky bought a Sting's villa for 75 mln euro? This is fake news | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zelenski-kupil-wille-za-75-mln-euro-od-stinga-to-fake-news/ |
16/08/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian flags at Polish parade? Beware of fake news | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainskie-flagi-na-polskiej-defiladzie-uwaga-na-fake-newsy/ |
16/08/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian coat of arms on Polish Army Day - where did it come from? | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainski-herb-na-swiecie-wojska-polskiego-skad-sie-tam-wzial/ |
19/08/2024 | Poland, Demagog | A secret plan to move Israel to Ukraine? The record does not confirm it | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/tajny-plan-przeniesienia-izraela-do-ukrainy-nagranie-tego-nie-potwierdza/ |
29/08/2024 | Poland, Demagog | In Ukraine ‘New Jerusalem’, in Poland ‘Polin’? Conspiracy theories about the Jews | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-ukrainie-nowa-jerozolima-w-polsce-polin-teorie-spiskowe-o-zydach/ |
29/08/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Does the graffiti show Putin and Zelensky shaking hands? Attention - this is a photomontage | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-graffiti-pokazuje-uscisk-dloni-putina-i-zelenskiego-uwaga-to-fotomontaz/ |
30/08/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Misleading claims about Ukrainian majority in the 1968 Soviet Politburo | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/misto-peti-rusu-pet-ukrajincu-prispevek-manipuluje-se-slozenim-sovetskeho-politbyra |
17/09/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | It's not true that Ukrainians living in the Czech Republic refused to help with the flooding | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/nic-nedam-nic-nemam-pribeh-o-lhostejnych-ukrajincich-je-smysleny |
27/09/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Did Zelenski want to use civilians as ‘human shields’? This is a manipulation of the quote | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/czy-zelenski-chcial-uzyc-cywilow-jako-zywych-tarcz-to-manipulacja-cytatem/ |
27/09/2024 | Poland, Demagog | In 2025 will the Union order Ukrainians to return to their country? There are no such plans | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/w-2025-roku-unia-nakaze-ukraincom-powrot-do-kraju-nie-ma-takich-planow/ |
27/09/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainian teachers to replace Polish ones? We clarify the fake news | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukrainscy-nauczyciele-zastapia-polskich-wyjasniamy-fake-newsa/ |
27/09/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Russia has not pledged to help Poland fight floods | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/rosja-chce-nam-pomoc-walczyc-z-powodzia-analizujemy-rzekoma-wypowiedz-putina/ |
14/10/2024 | Czech Republic, Demagog.cz | Zelensky didn't buy Hitler's parade car | https://demagog.cz/diskuze/fotomontaz-hitlerovy-limuziny-v-kyjeve |
01/10/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Ukrainians stealing from flood victims? Tragedy used for disinformation | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/ukraincy-okradaja-powodzian-tragedia-uzyta-do-dezinformacji/ |
04/10/2024 | Poland, Demagog | The return of the new world order conspiracy theory? Check out | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/powrot-teorii-spiskowej-o-nowym-porzadku-swiata-sprawdzamy/ |
05/10/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Jews hang Israeli flags in Ukraine? The film has a different context | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/zydzi-zawieszaja-izraelskie-flagi-w-ukrainie-film-ma-inny-kontekst/ |
05/10/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Humania footage is proof that Israel is responsible for the war in Ukraine? We analyse | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/nagranie-z-humania-to-dowod-ze-izrael-odpowiada-za-wojne-w-ukrainie-analizujemy/ |
16/10/2024 | Poland, Demagog | Former NATO chief sued and facing life imprisonment? We check | https://demagog.org.pl/fake_news/byly-szef-nato-zostal-pozwany-i-grozi-mu-dozywocie-sprawdzamy/ |
12/05/2024 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | US Secretary of State accuses his Russian counterpart of spreading "a tsunami of misinformation" | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/usas-udenrigsminister-anklager-sin-russiske-modpart-sprede-en-tsunami-af-misinformation |
Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Zelenskyy accuses Trump of living in a Russian disinformation bubble | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/zelenskyj-beskylder-trump-leve-i-en-russisk-desinformation-boble | |
Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Elon Musk wants to “fix” community notes pointing out misinformation about Zelenskyy | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/elon-musk-vil-fikse-community-notes-der-paapeger-misinformation-om-zelenskyj | |
Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Zelenskyy accuses Trump of living in a Russian disinformation bubble | https://www.tjekdet.dk/indsigt/zelenskyj-beskylder-trump-leve-i-en-russisk-desinformation-boble | |
Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Trump repeats incorrect figures about US aid to Ukraine | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/trump-gentager-forkerte-tal-om-den-amerikanske-stoette-til-ukraine | |
03/03/2025 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Has Zelensky bought Hitler's old summer residence? | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/har-zelenskyj-koebt-hitlers-gamle-sommerresidens |
03/05/2025 | Denmark, Tjekdet.dk | Is the US obligated to send soldiers to Europe if Russia attacks? | https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/er-usa-forpligtet-til-sende-soldater-til-europa-hvis-rusland-angriber |
Date | Country | Title |
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