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Fact - Checking Community &
How to join

We Need Cooperation Among Fact-Checkers

Cooperation among fact-checkers is key. First, because disinformation is more and more a global issue, and the topics of disinformation are often common to many different states (e.g. the pandemic or the war in Ukraine). Second, because politicians often exploit the lack of knowledge in their national audiences about what is happening in other countries. Moreover, because only an ecosystem of fact-checking organizations has all the means necessary to act timely to tackle disinformation.

Together we are stronger.

Below are the organizations that decided to join EDMO’s fact-checking community and have agreed for their names to be publicly listed.

Fact-Checking Community

How to join EDMO’s
Fact-checking Community

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In order to evaluate your application, we kindly ask you to provide some additional information about the applicant organization by filling in the admission form below.
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A committee set up by external reviewers as well as the Advisory Council and Executive Board of EDMO will evaluate applications in accordance to the Admission Criteria, as outlined on EDMO’s website.

Apply Now

    General Information

    Main contact point:

    You can add up to 2 users for your team. Use the fields below to add their contact data


    User 1:

    User 2:

    Is your organisation part of a National Hub on Disinformation?(required)


    Please provide a brief description of your organization’s activities, including its full or at least significant focus on the European Union/EU Member State(s) (required)

    Max limit is 600 characters: 600

    Is your organisation a signatory of the Code of Principles of the International Fact-Checking Network? (required)


    Please list at least 15 fact-checking articles published by your organisation in the 3 months before the application (required)

    Max limit is 600 characters: 600

    Governance and conflict of interest

    Is governance and sources of funding public and transparent in your organization’s website or in other publicly accessible sources? (required)


    Please provide a link to the relevant info:

    Does your organization benefit from public funding? (required)


    Please specify a rough percentage on the annual income (%) (required):

    Does your organisation have an editorial board? (required)


    Editorial policy

    Is all material produced by your organization and related to mis- and disinformation published on its website? (required)


    Please specify its other dissemination channels (required):

    Ethical responsibility

    My organization does not willingly contribute to the circulation and spread of false information (required).


    My organization publicly corrects its errors though the publishing of corrections and clarifications. (required)


    My organization protects the identity and dignity of all individuals involved, including that of those who have been misidentified or falsely accused. (required)


    My organization adheres to the rules of ethics in its area of expertise. (required)
