Charter of the EDMO Governance Body
Executive Board
1. Remit of the Executive Board
The Executive Board (hereinafter referred to as EB) of EDMO ensures the effective and impartial implementation of the tasks EDMO is in charge of.
In particular, the EB:
2. Principles and Values of the Executive Board
In implementation of the principle of independence, each member is expected, upon appointment, and then once yearly at the Secretary general’s request, to disclose substantial interests he / she has in sector / sub-sectors of the information ecosystem, plus a statement that this does not at this stage jeopardize his / her independence, except any listed topics that would be off limits. Failure to provide such a statement, after one warning, may lead to a request to resign.
3. Structure of the Executive Board
4. Decision-making process of the Executive Board
5. Financial Transparency
All expenses incurred by the EB will be made transparent in the program accounts.
6. Meetings of the Executive Board
7. Reporting of the Executive Board
Advisory Council
8. Remit of the Advisory Council
The Advisory Council (hereinafter referred to AC) provides guidance on strategy and observes the Executive Board’s compliance with the project guidelines and principles.
In particular, the AC:
9. Principles and Values of the Advisory Council
In implementation of the principle of independence, each member is expected, upon appointment, and then once yearly at the Secretary general’s request, to disclose any interests he / she has in sector / sub-sectors of the information ecosystem, plus a statement that this does not at this stage jeopardize his / her independence, except any listed topics that would be off limits. Failure to provide such a statement, after one warning, may lead to a request to resign.
10. Structure of the Advisory Council
11. Decision-making process of the Advisory Council
12. Financial Transparency
All expenses incurred by the AC will be made transparent in the program accounts.
13. Meetings of the Advisory Council
14. Reporting of the Advisory Council
Minutes will be drafted following each meeting of the AC.